
Panama City IT: TOASTED It will pay you to do so The British Pharmacy COLON 11. 1154 11th STREET to able work in our communities at aference and the darker element of the terminal both ends of the Isthmus; but say cities population with that of what ogress it after deep thought, on the subhas been characterized the Cauca ject, that the greater progress sian element taking into considerafind some of the different colonial tion the fact that in proportion to (By sceieties making, the greater bethe latter the former is numerically (Continued from lieve the need becomes for a united greater, while housing facilities for conference by and between said sothe whites increase and the colored PROGRESS cieties and other local organizations does not, but the latter are being We have coined such word formed by West Indians for advisory pressed and packed closer together tures as Unity, Union, Improvement and other reasons for the general with no or little concern on the part industrial welfare of those and so on in their relation to many cducational and whom it should concern of our social activities here till fear and future of the thousands of Inost, and that there is absolutely no IS NOW LOCATED AT ing suffering the fate of mahy of young men and women we have prooutlet apparent or indicated especialthose organizations so named, some duced in this country without the ly when immigration laws seem to of us have gotten for our newer ability to point them to some profitoffer no hope that the dark skin alien type of social or benevolent societies able future.
in the country will be welcomed in the adjective making fair promise of And am saying it now as earnout of town parts should there arise Corper Building Opposite CHASE NATIONAL BANK profitable achievement in the interestly and honestly as have ever new town sites and villages which is est of different native groups. done in the past, that unless the the greatest of all Deeds in the hisWhere our customers will receive the usual tory of Colon city right now. have been encouraged by actual West Indian contributor the The writer at this juncture is gocontact with one group of our col things making for the enrichment onial workers, the Barbadian Pro of the other fellow can become an courtesies ing to leave the question an open gressive Society to arrive at the honest and regular producer of some ne, reverting back however to the point which endeavored to make in conclusion that should the other col cort for himself by some means and the statement that if we should risk onial societies make the numerical method of colonization, he had betleaving our most vital neede with and monetary strides of the parent ter get up and get to pastures new.
LOOK FOR THE SIGN the other fellow without reminding group of the said society, with the Who is going to come to us and broad lines of operation along the tell us West Indian Nigger do thus him that we have something of a consciousness of their realization, scope of effort and desire to al. and so to make our contribution to the longer will the much needed leviate suffering among its own as the country development realized well as other spheres where there and react for your own benefit and remedy be in coming. But sincereis the possibility to do. And with the respect and be more than ly think that the right and proper a mere ge sort of a general conference by duly progress along the lines named sojourner or despised bird of pastheir can be less of the unprofitable sage a peon in the country, if you authorized representatives of our people can help things some.
type of speech making but instead don start from now and once for at the present time in this world lected in general conference of our as well as teaches (aliens. Why so there could be the intuition inculcat all begin to take your proper inter history some of us little minds in various colonial factions (Might be continued)
ed to help and uplift others lacking est in things more seriously.
what ete. Rocently and honestly believe that we might call it, the sooner we in If education is compulsory in th along lines of deficiencies which do In almost all civilized countries were the to grow faster at vestigate whether educational is or country, then schools are not adenot need the spaculum to determine and which lack those who know bet the laws pertaining to the rights and is present rate it would bend and not compulsory in the country and quate to the demand or the margin Joseph Mason ter should not fun and permit to privileges of naturalization are pro break, its size and lead of wealth therefore the native tongue and the for the many private schools being Mattresses Furnished necesary provisions made to said run without the govenmeni aid blaze into those customary discre mulgated. Take the United States of taken into the count.
and Repaired pancies which waste time and in America for example, it is not even But it is just as phenomenal that ends rather than a system of edu would not be to apparent every association formed in the com necessary to go to that country in both as with the Canal Zone of the cation as one set back for example Colonization in the Country Good Service Guaranteed munity tend to keep out persons order to know what the laws are re as with the Republic of Pana which has been thrusted upon the If not at the specified end of the who could render valuable service garding enabling and entitling one ma for some unpromulgated reason, nates of aliens to obtain a measure, Isthmus to the same extent. to the among their follows were it not for to become a citizen of that great the rights and procedure of natural a more smattering of 21st Street Guachapali a primary most casual observer it is very eviization are too treasured privileges school education for native born dent that the housing problem at the House No 10.
the fear of the contact of the for country.
ever bickering hallewing type, there The fact of the promulgation of in the count of the powers that be children whose tuition even in the Atlantic side has tasymed such pro could be still grouter progress.
those neid laws have made for the for the edification of the Unwashed. language of the country, the powers portiere to be even regarded with There are many lines along which phenomenal growth of the said The sooner these things are delved that be make a burden too heavy to me gure of alarm. If we Advertise in the Workanan the colonial societies might do valu country and ita industries se that into by a proper representation se bøar both by parents and guardians pared the extent of the increase of will bring good results.


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