p. 8


PAGE EIGHT THE WORKMAN SATURDAY, FEB. 16, 1929 درد بیمه نادمة منحة کدمطلبة 20 جامعه important Notice THE WORKMAN PRINTERY of Eur Is Now Located in more spacious quarters at No. 72 Carlos Mendoza Street Intercolonial Gricked The Dignity of Labor Match (Continued from Page 1)
laining healthy life in the great 30(Continued from Page 1)
cal system Lavor, using opaque particles of UAB k, produces transparent glalis, Griffith waich. mouids and polishes, and combines so wondrousy, that sight. restored to the blind; while words, veiore invisible from distance, are brought. near as to be weighed Barbados nung and measured with unerring exactWalcott www. ecess; and atoms, which had escaped al detection from their minuteness, Les coutube. Sealy. bakecany Domai.
reveal a world of wonder and beauty Kidney e Hunt (wk) Constanin themselves.
the Labor, possessing a secret far more important than the philosopher Sealy run out Clarke e Hunta (wk. Small stone, transmutes the most worthless Ward e Roach Sealy substances into the most precious, Griffith e Constantine Sealy and placing in the crucible of its Waitbe e Roach Scaly potent chemistry the putrid refuse of the sea Skeete E St Hiu and the land, extracts Rogers not out.
irugrant essences, and healing medicines, and materials priceless importance in the arts.
Tata 10.
Labor, laughing at difficulties, BOWLING ANALYSIS spans majestic rivers, carries viaO NRW ducts over marshy swamps, suspends Constantine 11 418 aerial bridges over deep ravines, Bt Hill. 10. 1 801 pierces the solid mountain with its இவ. 3 18 dark, undeviating tunnel, blasting Bealy 1 14 rocks and filling hollows; and, while Barbado, 2nd Innings linking together with its iron but Innie St. Hil Constanine loving grasp all nations of the Griffith e Fruser E 18 Larth, verifies, in a literal sense, Birkette Small. the ancient prophecy. Every Valley shall be Walcott lbw. St. Hill. exalted, and every Srały e Hunte (wk. ConstanMountain and Hill shall be made tipe. low.
Kidney e Wiles Small Labor draws forth its delicate iron La Clarie Constantine Thread, and, stretching it from city Ward e Fruser Sealy to city, from province to province, Sheete E. St. Hill.
chrough mountains and benea the Rogers not out. sed, realizes more than fancies ever Kaitbe e Bethancourt Constaniabled, while it constructs a charios Extra on which speech may outstrip the wind, compete with the lighting, and Total 109 fly is rapidly as thought itsek.
Labor seizes the thoughts of genius, the discoveries of science, BOWLING ANALYSIS OMRW che admonitions of piety, and with St. Au 10 28 its magic types impressing the va Constant de 3 28: cant page, renders it pregnant with Saly 0 111 life and power, perpetuating truth Small 2 31 to distant ages, and diffusing it to all mankind.
Trinidad has this won th Weet Intian cricket ch mp onship.
Labor sits enthroned in palaces of CHURH SERVICES crystal, whose high arched roots proudly sparkle in the sunshine GOOD INV MENT (Continued on Page 7)
ST. PETER BY THE SEA, 30 Choral Evensong and which delighteth to honor it, and (Continued froza Page 1)
LA BOCA whose ample courts are crowded Sermon. Continue from Page attorney for the defendant. At.
terest to West Indians, eepe: all coverend who, as leader writon Thursday night next, the 21st Voluntary before Service. Alpine torney William De Souza will preist. for Nick reservation over in th Matins and address, 11 a. Mr.
Incse who failed to seize the oppor astoral Flagler.
side as judge. and a jury of ar and Hieraid, wields a wicked pen Due to lack of suficient Palmer, Lay Rcader.
iunity of becoming some of the pre Hymns 86, 92, 491, 96.
twelve good men and true men when he is not out of form, cam financial response, the League wa Church School, p. Mr.
But shareholders of the Psalm 119. vs. 32. comp. will be taken from the audience.
when its stoel was some y aseg ward and harshly rebuked unable to carry out iis plan to pub Palmer.
Magnificant Barrow.
The officers of the League for abourer for hav. ng non nated him tirh a magazine as a frst step toChoral Evensong and sermon, 30 Nunc Dimittis Norris.
offered at a low price to the ne a the current term are: King, West Indian Beer drinker: this is duplicate an eifort which is bewards consolidation and subsequent. The Rector.
Voluntary after Service. March in President; Hector Connor, Vice ug done by someone else; and improvement of the efforts which Lenten Services Monday Whiting.
your opportunity for a good inves President; Wittingham, Securther, nominating him while hid the literary societies of the silver. Friday, ment.
retary: Mrs. Florence Smith, Asst. MULCARE, public og behind a non do plume. Ha! clubhouses have been putting forik Socretary: Neely, Treasurer. that another Rector.
nice little slide for more than twelve years. At th.
ST. ALBAN CHURCH, PANAMA WE LEYAN uwn the greese pole, George try November 1928 session a committee PARAISO, 5 to reach the package th the were appointed by the President to ST. BARTHOLOMEW CHURCH, ormula, UNITY. Well tried, La promote a program for raising funds LAS CASCADAS DENTIST HOWELL (Rector of St. Paul in charge. Continued from page 1)
ourer. but it takes a helluva lot to help carry on the work. mock 11. 00 a. Matins, Litanyan House No. 912 La Boca pointed Secretary of the Soc et wire tact, broadminded. ess and trial, to which a small amount will Matins and Holy Communion, Address.
who was chiefly respons ble for th Canal Zone nergy to reach that package. Our Le charged, has been decided upon 10, 15 a. Rev. Mulcare. 00 Church School, evening entertainment, made sui riend the Chinese reached the clos by the committee who have alrcady Church School and Confirmation 30 Evensong and Addres OI TOSITE RESTAURANT able arrangements for the occ 6i. to it, having been at it for succeeded in working out what pro Class, 30 Messrs Braith Mr. Osborne, Catechist. Grant (vce Pras de.
PHONE 1:41. BALBOA mpteen centuries; and when, the mises to be an interesting case of waite and Bentley Swaby.
ST. MATTHIAS MISSION, ocupk the Char and carre iler day, they thought they had breach of promise to marry. Th MULCARE, LAS SABANAS 0tlu ougla admirably. Tha id a oopped the goal th y slid way back plaintiff side of the case is being Priest in Charge.
mumbers brir. ging a friend en het hown miraculously escaping hitting drawn from the Cristobal end, with (Rector of St. Paul in charge)
pecia ises in all Branches of an occasion like th is quite an ircrra firma Hector Connor, of the ST. SIMON MISSION, 45 a. Holy Communion an te tisty novation, and is apprec at by a Technical School as atto. ney. GAMBOA sermon.
ALL ORK GUARANTEED Among the con ributors to the while the members of the Lenga. e ll continue the discussion next 00 Church School.
RESIDENCE 538 program were; The M8998 ri.
Caturday morn rg that breach of on the Pacific end will produce the Matins and address, 11 a. Mr. 30 Evensong and Address Romney, Malv na 1. Bt errom se to marry cace to be tried defendant side. Wil am Jum) o McCarthy, Lay Reader. dir. Richards, Lay Reador.
feld, Hilda rthe, Da ia Sals Church School and Confirmation ərasəs Su8, qo pue snos Lreise Gill, Ivy Myer, Al ce ng jury under Jadg. De3ər za in the La Boca Athenaeum will act a he auditorium of the La Boc Class, 30 Mr. McCarOdle, Ha ewo Ms am Eli Anoa 19 III now Pew Pla WESLEYAN METHODIST thy.
Pine, Marg rette Jones, Esiel Shaw Clubhouse n:xt Thursday night is suv sues Aveyd feuogen CHURCH If you have a Prescription to laiming my ałtention. CARE, und Stephers.
41 07 dn peu aq be made up take it to the Priest in Charge.
y uopdı:891d eaey nok The Rev. Wa e, Prosi.
dent of the soc e y who has ju re Rent Recept Books in Spanish National Pharmacy, Santa Ana (British Conference)
turned from the Synod 11 at Ja and English for sale at the Plaza, where you will get cour1ST IN LENT FIRST SUN. IN LENT CHRISTIAN MISSION OF mnica was a ong the guts, and (Rev. Nightengale, Panama 11. Rev. Wade Workman Printery.
PANAMA took over his office at the introu teous and clliging service. 30 a. Holy Communion. The 30 Rev. Wade.
tion of the Vice Pr sid nt a te the URRRRRRRRRRRRRRRR Rector.
Subject: Pharisees, Ancient and Panama 11 a. Benskin.
serving of rifre hments: he ex res10. 15 a. The Litany. Mr. Modern. 30 Taylor.
sell his pleasure at being alle to be NOTICE Atwell, Lay Reader, Colon 11 and 30. Rev.
Chorrillo 11 a. Taylor.
present once more in the society a 10. 30 am. Holy Eucharist and Cousins. 30 Herbert.
stated that he would out ine the resermon.
La Boca Rev. La Boca 11 a. Lloyd.
sults of his mission to the Synod on DO YOU WANT NEW STUDEBAKER OR FORD?
Voluntary before Service. Adagio Wade. 30 Taylor.
Monday next Cantabile Beethoven. 30 Mr. Walters.
Paraiso 11 a. Brewster.
The evening terminated with the SMOKE LUCKY STRIKE Hymns 88, 89, 558, 92.
Paraiso. 3p. Rev. 30 Brewster.
Gatun 11 a. Elder Burke.
Simper Communion Service in 30 Mr. Walters. 30 Elder Burke.
Advertise in the Workman AVENUE FOR FULL PARTICULARS 00 Church School. Mr. New Providence. 11. Mr. Hilton Colon 11 a. Nicholls, will bring good rondte. Cragwell, Superintendent. 30 Dash.
Sparklets Literary Society HolsO Airall


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