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Share the Responsility THE WORKMAN READ THE WORKMAN WEEK LEARN ALL THE IMPORTANT HAPPENINGS IN YOUR WEST INDIAN HOME BY WEEK AND PUBLISHED EVERY SATURDAY VOL 17 No. 32 THE WORKMAN SATURDAY, FEBRUARY 23, 1929 PRICE CENTS New Prospects for West Indian Solidarity Indian Conference The Local West Protestant Conven. London Times Comments on West Indian Conference tion Yesterday HERE AND THERE oh Pante We wish to remind the publie that Thursday night the 28th inThe Ninth Convention of the Prostant in the date set for the holding testant Episcopal Church Missionary Wo so the glimmer of a light on plified by an unbroken front, by of the meeting of the Central Board District of the Panama Canal Zone Commenting on the West Indian like the required degree of joint sethe horizon. We welcome this. It body of persons upon common of the local Colonial Societies, tend opened at 10. 80 yesterday Conference held recently at Barbation has been attained. Today when signals the course to be pursued, understanding. When there is soll ing to the founding of an Au West morning at St. Paul Church, Pana. dos the London Times commenting an outstanding feature of the Cole and the place to which we 30. darity among persons, they become Indian organization through the mn City, with the celebration of the editorially sys inter alia. onial Empire everywhere is the deWhereas, in the past, darkness cov solid in sentiment, unified in sim. medium of a conference. In our last Holy Communion. The Right RevThe conference of the West Indian velopment of scientifie method, the ored the land, and gross darkness Fach individual becomes an actual issue we set out the general lines onerend James Craik Morris, Colonies, British Guiana, and Ber inany small Crown Colony Governthe people, now, the light has come, and constituent particle in the pro which it is proposed to carry on the Bishop of the District, was the muda, which opened yesterday in ments with modest Budgets are fae.
the mists have rolled away, and ob cess, and firmness and coherence is work, and we commended the atoslebrant, assisted by the Ven, Arch. Barbados, may well prove. mem with the increasing disproportion. scurity of vision has given way to assured. Such an assurance crentes tempt to the serious and thoughtful deacon Lundy Sykes. Rev.
orable starting point for far reach between the facilities and career unimpaired sight and clear percep resistence to stress because of com consideration of our group. The mat Mulcare of St. Peter Church, La ing change. It is easy to forget in they can offer and the relentine tion.
pactness which is unyielding and ter has had editorial notice in our Boea, read the epistle. Rev. Father West Indian solidarity occupied opposed to impression. This creat on other local papers. We therefore do Cooper, Rector of Christ what isolation each Colony pursues work that they need. The West Inits own path. Communications are lies already bomat the much space in the local press during is substantial. It is stable and firm, not find it necessary to say more Church By The Sea, Colon, read the improving though it still takes Famous Collapse the past week. There has been a re and it manifests a strength not dest now, except that we would urge gospel eight days to go from Jamaica to o Tropical Agriculture in Trinidad, vival of an old idea, and to all the moralized by any weakness not mar that the matter of individual mem The Bishop then gave his annual Trinidad. But even if intercourse to which men from the most distant kalient things said in the premise, red by any sickly ingredient or de bership is indispensable to the suc address which was very interesting, was easier than it is, common action Colonies are being sent in increasing we say Amen!
vitalizing influence, and its funda cess of the movement, and that this after which the session adjourned would still be hindered by the in numbers to refresh and then an We wish to register our approval mental characteristie is REALITY should be left to the foundationers of until 30 when it again conheritance of hundreds of years with their knowledge and practical skim.
desire to the new organization or the suggest vened in busines session at which sailing ships as the only links, years But the College could not do te wa and promise our support, feeble. This reality inspires a thought this might be. We have so think and act in unison. It admits ed Advisory Committee to deter the reports of the various commit during which strong local individual work if it tried to imitate a Depart.
Lees were read.
ities concluded because of our conviction common cause and permanent af mine.
developed. There has never ment of Agriculture, and some to fectation is impossible.
that this is a condition both necesbeen much intercolonial trade be termediary is needed today between sary and expedient. It has ben found Now, it is well known that previ.
tween Colonies whose products and purely teaching and research body NO by Nations, Governments, and ous efforts at West Indian solidarity SPARKLETS needs have been similar rather than and the local agricultural nervloe.
Peoples. Solidarity has for its pur were made abortive. The responsi complementary; each has had its the resolutions of Lord Lovath pose the bringing together of the bility for this lay at the door of (By own preoccupations, and political Committee and the steps that have people to unify them, and to estab several persons and as many e THE BUNCO GAME Ha, ha! George. Whenever the gul and social differences have accentu been agreed upon to the last year lish a oneness of purpose among cumstances.
Evidently, these pertible appears to display some little ated the spirit of particularism. But for two in London for creating a them. It is concerted effort exem. Continued on Page 8) doubt as to the genuineness of this it has long been clear that a per. Imperial scientific service will have The Bunco Game. The mention of atory, one of the principal consistent particularism has been cardirect application in the West Inthis may not be of great interest to federates who has been keping with ried to excessive lengths.
iles, and the conference has to consou, gentle reader. You may not in hearing distance steps up and de The present conference is not the sider what local grouping will give bave a bank account of five hundred velops a trio and immediately offers first endeavour to promote joint ac the participants the maximum adOn Thursday last a West Indian even restrained and conservative es dollars and more, and your chances to seize the opportunity. Here the tion. In the last thirty years there rentage from a mnernt scheme.
laborer on the Zone, when about to timate of the book. As one of the to acquire any such little fortune expertness of the Bunco Game is have been as many as sixteen conA representative quit work in the afternoon, was maka persons whose portraits and articles anght be too remote to seriously in practiced. The gullible is genera lyferences of specialists from the dit Marketing Board to attending the ing arrangements with some others terest you. Maybe you are not even won over. He produces his wad of aferent Colonies. Many common conference, and his presenen.
to take in some of the sports goin have been favored with inclusion, the possessor of a few five dollar few hundred dollars; the principal agreements have resulted, and other indication of the Innanna that on Friday. He had known that Fri must say am by no means surprises deposits ike post office takes it and, by dextrous manipula striking proof that it is possible for Imperinl polfev te exercisine in the day the 22nd was to be a holiday, ed at such statements as the follow or a twenty dollar gold piece tuck. tions he returns this amount with the Colonies to act as one, has been West Indies. The mormant Porton und it is even probable that he had ing: el sway under yvur ordsprings or the charity fund to the gullible afforded by the long story of their trade representation of the lates Laken advantage of this holiday in buried in a tot underground in your who, on opening it when he reaches bargains with the Dominion of Canin London is enormoriste pamohen Their contributions are very un previous years, and had made up his even in substance and style. But the brek yard. In any event, this little a convenient spot finds a few wodara, from the first trade agreement now that the Breed to in arter mind to take advantage of the com instances of literary affectation, un discussion on the question is likely of worthless news print nice y tuck 1912 to the latest agreement for me to connepanto in the work ing one, but he had not known grammatical construction. and stiltrall heir unexpectedly to somu fam is an interestnig one for all of the vire. The triennial conferences of nature trade names. The print benefit you should you happen to ed away. Up to its climax the game a new and improved sh pping ser orketing and in bntaine an de what holiday it was and what was led diction, are overbalanced by more ay legacy and be inclined to talk participants.
the reason for its observance. So hej numerous examples The climax proves the Associated Chambers of Com contrrence is only advisory, and the of simplicity picked on a passerby that he sup sincerity, clarity and fluency.
charity with Tom, Dick and Har profitable for the principal side and merce founded twelve years ago by anger moint for ww whanele posed should know, and asked: more often than not completely Sir Edward Davson, who is presiding mo after it hana Some of the treatments of these ry on the streets. Wr. what holiday is tomorrow topics are superficial. others are ter fortnight the Banco Game claimed said the female of the species has are a further example of fruitul tone for the official contenentation It is reported that during the past wrecks the gullible financially. It is today ever the official conferene mind hut te mengbla to hone por Thanksgiving! Why, don laugh! 14 ribly trite and few are fantastica 1stwo victims, one of whom was a la now qualified in the art. The nun o operation, But no one, least of all the Colonina Indnion in an inter in fact that he did ask this ques transcendental, mystical, or utotion. The idea that Thanksgiving dy who has devoted herself to a re was fleeced out of 550 by members those who have been the most active me na form of mennnmle commett.
should jump from November to Febilgious lilfe, principallly under the of her own sex. So, be careful, gentle in promoting such common ventrips when thine enumad nainee in mang ruary! Well, Mr. Passerby told the The book will serve, and is serv three vows of poverty, charity and reader, especially if you are a male in the past, pretends that anything (Continued an Para. innocent brother inquirer that it was ing a good purpose in helping to obedience in other words, nun. and a free lover, with whom you not that thanksgiving that he had present to the people in the United The other was a Syrian, whose in talk charity in these days.
in mind about the close of the States the case of the West Indians coming and outcoming, like that of harvest; but that it was another sort in the service of that government in black West Indians, is restricted in WESLEYAN MINISTERS THE WORKER CORNE of thanksgiving, that for the birth the Canal Zone. For this due thank the Republic of Panama.
RETURN FROM of one George Washington, an Eng must be given to the compiler. But, The Bunco Game is more conveSYNOD lishman, who led a revolution and it has been our opinion from the be u ently played on the street by be. WHYTE, PRESIDENT nothing to do with him, but justo won the independence of the United ginning of the attempt that the col tween two and four persons; more The Revs. Wade and not like the name. They have to States.
lection in book form of articles writ than this number complicate mat. Cousins of the Panama Colon Cir.
count to all of those from whom the The little tale though funny is also ten for a newspaper most of them ters. The prime motive in the game cuit returned to the Isthmus on we collected money in a hurry and not revised by the is the extraction of money, prefer. Vednesday 16th inst, having left We are glad to see the intelligent pathetic. It shows what the West Now, we think that during this Indjan Negro is up against as a anthors themselves nor anyone else, ably a sum of 500 or more, from here a few weeks ago to attend the interest being shown by a few men rive years we have written artele: could necessarily not be what such the gullible. The principal on the annual Synod held in connection in the cause of organizing the workclass in this community; that the. e is a preponderance (ovor load or primarily the best methhod in suc. are whom he or she, is sure hasjen.
a work ought to be. Revision is extracting side moves first towards with the Wesleyan Synod at Jamui ers on the Zone. There are a few rovgh in the newspapers, published such men who allow no oppor unity argued enough to this crowd, for circulars enough at our expense, and over balance) of ignorance by which cossful literary exereises. This also money either on his person or in a he is surrounded. Little wonder it is The Rev. Wade had the oppor to go by unemployed, in preaching Sthat so many go on from day to day takes in criticism by persons admit bank. The principal tells the gullible tunity of on his way to the Synod the gospel of UNITY to the toilers hem still to have any reasonable celebrating. Like Jesus did for the tedly capable. If the latter had ben a plausible story of a large sum of to visit the Island of Haiti where From meeting to meeting these few excuse for not getting together and working. Let every man ask himself Jows, we ought to pray for them. done, there would have been a differ: money, generally more than a thou he was once assigned, and also had men are to be seen at the several these questions: Is it right and wine Father, forgive them for they ent estimater to ungramatical sand dollars, which he has give to the pleasure of meeting many old meeting places of the Panama Ca that people should unite for the know not what they do. When we reflect the true standard of our lite mus at an early date and would like port in connection with the Synod is ciation throughout the Zone and in construction. These articles do not charity; that he is leaving the Isth friends and acquaintances; his re nal West Indian Employees Assoown protection and progre?
say father here we mean the GovShould workers unite like others?
emor and other officials, who ar. evidently being so regarded. It is ution to a reputable person who very interesting account of the work money and application cards, acmite like the other workers. Am rary ability, although they are to turn the amount over, for distrib rather encouraging, and gives one a the City of Panama, handing Chenld the West Indian workers gauging the whole lump according to well known that the 48 contributors must produce a few hundred dollars in which many educational schemes counting for annual dues collected. West Indian worker? Am mitine the innocent ones.
do not comprise even an ordinary of his own money as a proof that ho, and other developments have been and death levies, engaging in dis. ith the others. If not, why? If he According to the last issue of our percentage of our fellows here. who she is solvent to the extent that planned.
cusions tending to the betterment of younger brother The Tribune, the have had higher training in the he could be reasonably trusted with their condition. a member of the Agenslation, he shente esk: Am indebted to the book (we can find no other name fr English language. It will he wise he distribution without supervision LEADERS OF COLONIAL SOBut these workers are too few. Association for any money? If so, it) Isthmian Echoes has been reir future attempts of this kind to of over 1000. The amount to be CIETIES TO MEET They have to tell everybody what at once. Is this announcement viewed by Wettereau, Pret, of ehun hurry and produce something roduced by the gullible is only to the Association is doing. They have for a meeting! Then he must be properly purposed, that History, New York University. In nord the gentle hand of sympathur this money to him, generally in On Thursday of next week, 28thsident out of the minds of hundreds vay, will make it easy of developwill not satisfy the principal who will re. By Grasshopper) to argue prejudice against the Pre there. it in his district. Working this my opinion the review is a candid, if with the pen of any reviewer. a small box, with that for charity. Continued on Page 8) who may not know him, or have had ment mend the pian.
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