
Na PAGE TWO THE WORKMAN SATURDAY, FEBRUARY 23, 1929 Re Interpretation The Naval Race Who Will be Tex Rickard Successor? Mark of Program (From the Pathfinder)
AT THE LA MASCOTA Death of Famous Promoter Has Left Vold in Boxing World do reflective man can pass through we without acquiring a There is no use blinking the fact, pount of view or habit there is a naval race between AmWewe regard to the climaterica and Great Britain. It is not on we wistene. He may arrive atat full speed, and it may yet be CODciously, and even fail to re prevented from going into a dead gaie it his own, but he is nonebeat, but it has been gathering we influenced by it in all he momentum since the post war days and does. It is the most im that led to the Washington conferwant thing about him, and affects ence. The speed increased rapidly. caracter, bis interpretation of since the unfortunate failure of the ENTER HUMBERT FUGAZY fine selection of On Whose Shoulders Mantle Should Fall, was Rickard Greatest Rival. world, and his experience in three party conference at Geneva in Black Blue Serges, Black Cheviots Vicunas, and Cream Flannels. Also some exENGLISH TWEEDS the very latest designs TAILOR TRIMMING LA MASCOTA MULLER Prop 37 Central Avenue. God and thir us in BARNES CASINO 46 Calidonia Road (By THE OLD GUARD)
In the Daily Express of Jan. 25. The death of Tex Rickard has removed the most outstanding person ality in the boxing world. Who is there capable of taking his place?
Rickard death will cause much reshuffling among boxers, for Tex had his favourites, and was not wholly influenced by business instinct. His mantle should fall on the shoulders of Humbert Fugazy, who, for years, was the dead promoter greatest rival, and who, of course, would deal from his own pack. do not say that he will function at the Garden, but what do sug.
gest is that he will seize at once the opportunity presented to him to be come America chief boxing promoter.
When was in New York he shewed me plans for a building on Forty Second Street, Broadway, which would eclipse the one which Rickard built on Madison Avenue.
This was to have been completed within a year. do not know whether it is erected or not, but a man with such powerful backing when Rickard was alive should be able all the more to command it now.
New Board of Control Now that the managers and box ers have been fallen into line and have decided to join the reconstituted and reconstructed Board of Control, the sooner all parties pull together the better for the game.
Promoters who manage boxers, and managers who become bitten by the promoting bug, will probably take exception to regulations in the scheme which forbide them doing so.
Furthermore, managers who possess legal contracts with boxers of year standing are not likely lightly to relinquish them and substitute for them contracts, drawn up by the Board. There are many other anomalies, but no doubt these will be thoroughly threshed out before the various categories bind themselves to the board. At the same time one must congratulate Mr. Charles Donnell, the Secretary, of those who have worked so hard to compile the rules, even if they are imperfect, on the partial success which has crowned their efforts.
Teddy Sandwina, the German American heavyweight, who, by the way. will not be twenty years old till the twenty fifth of this month, will achieve the goal he has been aimning at for the past twelve months when he meets Phil Scott, the British heavy weight champion, at the Royal Albert Hall on Thursday, January 81. Sandwina has knocked out his last thirteen opponents, and his improvement has been greater than his best friends had anticipated.
Sandwink will do all his training in London. He has plenty of spar ring pastners at the Hangway street Gymnasium, while he dors his road work in Regent Park, near to which he lives.
BE and 1927.
wut to be confused. The first if the Senator Borah clearly pointed out mok of a man faith and characthis situation and the causes of it in wr, and expresses his conception of his speech on the cruiser bill. He the unseen. It is the expression of quoted English naval authorities, ws region. The second attempts an and history, to show that the Eng.
o personal account of what is prelish big navy men have always sented to the senses, and is concern built against other nation.
ed to state facta capable of de They need a bogey man to point to monstration. It is the formulation of in order to arouse the English peo science. Confusion arises when this ple to stand for the big navy distinction is not made. The man of pense. First, that fearful rival science gives an account of proces was Spain. Then, in turn, it was ses and describes their results. He France, Holland and Germany. Each denis with phenomena, and shows was crushed in turn by the English, ihe nature of their inter relation, whi feel that they must, of neces.
but has nothing to do with what sity, dominate the sea. Since the lies beyond them or with their final Washington conference the English purposes. He is concerned to pro have completed seven cruisers, are vido true description of what he building six now, and have three observe mor: alti orized. That is more than The religious man glad to ac la two to one lead over the United cept the settled results of scientiic States which has now come to be investigation. He regards the facts the bugaboo pointed at.
which it discloses as part of diThis situation must be forced coolvine revelation, but he cannot be content with merely an accurately. It is one that might lead to very Cescription of what has been ob serious results if handled exeiſedly, luvee of nature cours. We looke Deaf ears must be turned to our Deyed the phenomena to their puringoes who cry for the biggest in the world; also to the ple, and because he finds in the navy de action of controlling muind with renzied internationalists and padefinite design be in driven to the oficts who have actually gore do that we should aid of interpreting their signar us to suggest sance. To the believer in a Per depend on the British navy to pro.
tect us.
everything that connes the description of nature is We must let common sens oss GC EVESBOSS Sonos SXSXSSSSSSS vulation of His mind, and be alm judgment guide wat is regarded as a disclosure psychological crisis. It is silly to the divine character and will the tell us that we have no right to out man seeks to apprehend and equality on the seas, yet a naval pret ita spiritual significance. race between the two great English. therefore, inevitable that aspeaking countries would be the utLacts of the world ordering be most folly. few grains of commun cume more clearly known, or man sense in friendly conferences will be spiritual apprehension becomes worth more than many tons of batinterpretation of the tleships PHONE 925 meaning of nature and of life must also develop religious man of the 20th century cannot be content with THE ATLAS BEER HAS COME TO STAY the interpretation of the world which THEOLOGIAN ÅT 16 satisfied his predecessors in the first century or even half a century ago Schoolboy Criticism of New The facts before him are seen in a Prayer Book If it is rest and comfort you want come on. But if you clearer light, and the experience he want style there are other places.
brings to them has a far deerer and wider content London, Jan. 10. 16 year old schoolboy, Mr. Dennis Stoll, Sir OsI advance in faith demands reTHE BARNES CASINO wald Stoll youngest son, has wr. tInterpretation so does our advance in the knowledge of nature. It is be. ten a short religious essay. In cause modern science has added. 2s. in which he urges the Church Christ Heaven, Simpkin Marshall, Gives inside and outside comfort, is near to nature greatly to our knowledge that reheart and the rates are low, very low. You are welcome interpretation has become so necesto re think the Christian relig. on.
He describes the Revised Prayer at sary. Devout men will feel much anxiety, and sometimes grave unset Book as a rather upapt book which contradicts, on practically every BARNES CASINO tlement, when confronted with facts which compel them to new concep page, the wonderful Truth of Christ lenity.
46 Calidonia Road Panama City tions of the universe, and this must This young author theology is Two minutes ride from R, Station on Street car be felt in a perculiarly acute degree tai daya like these. It is necessary not, it must be confessed, very pro for us to undertake the task of re round but his tone is fervent and Most popular site on the run interpretation. Men of science are his pen bold. This is his message: Man is naturally religious. Even ISO 90 SS ady to acknowledge that they do at end matters by providing the when he is going to do anything as most faithful description of what wrong he invariably tries to cone have found to be true in na vince himself that he is right. That be When they have come to the why it is so easy for us to be perSe of all their labours they can do Rect, if we will only stop resisting ang more than describe the facts God. We spend the greater part of BOWEN NOTICE relave investigated. They may our lives resisting Him, but we can strain is too o the task of interpretation, as not keep it up. The DO YOU WANT NEW STUDEBAKER OR FORD?
face did, when Napoleon, in dis great for our physical bodies.
TAILOR casing with him the origin of the Dennis Stoll is still at King ColSMOKE LUCKY STRIKE clar system, declared: Newton has lege School, Wimbledon, and has SEE MR. NASH JAVILLO FILL NO. PABLO AROSEMENA roken of God in his book. have al said that though he would be proud No. M Street San Miguel teady gone through yours and to be just as useful as a theatrical AVENUE FOR FULL PARTICULARS bere not found that hame in it even manager.
once. To which Laplace replied: Panama City 20000oom. do0000 Sire, have no need of that hypo2 thesis. religiop man cannot be God. But this is not their business content with that answer. Scientific as men of science. The work of thSenator Curtis, commenting on men today are more ready than their terpretation belongs to religion, and predecesors of generation or two as man progresses in faith and the cruiser legislation, say it hard are to acknowledge that beyond the knowledge he must needs re inter to get 10 men to agree on anything.
world of matter or of It would be even harder if the Sen there are signs of the personal ac his experience of life in it.
tlon im whom Christians call (Times Weekly Edition. ate was feminte.
BURY ILL ADVERTISE in the WORKMAN IT London, Feb. The medical advisers of the Archbishop of Canterbury announced today that his condition necessitates lengthy absence from public duty, especially at this time of the year. The Archtishop underwent a medical examination today which disclosed he is suffering from pleurisy, which, though not acuto, shows a tendency to be recurrent and perhabent.


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