
PAGE FOUR THE WORKMAN SATURDAY, FEBRUARY 23, 1929 THE WORKMAN Death of Noted West Indian Editor future in your arms may make name that will ring round the world, and everything de LACTOGEN valent to mother will MILK FAT, the boneling and serve building wbtence. It is equivalent in both quantity and digestibility. baby ledo and make a baby free LACTOGEN have twice them MINERAL SALTS in mother milk which sit to their fullest extent in the autritive pro the body.
emeganeve mothers will therdere Lactogen baby muscular and oper wupply 09 NET ACTOGEN ACTOGEN NESTLE 10 IDOZAN EDITOR OF PORT OF SPAIN Published on Saturday by WALROND, at the office No 72 GAZETTE PASSES ON CARLOS MENDOZA Street No. 72, Panama, Box 74, Panama Box 1102, Ancon Commenting editorially on the We do not undertake to return rejected correspondence.
death of Mr. Patridge, editor of the Port Of Spain Gazette, the JaThe Liberty of the Press is the Palladium of our rights. JUNIUS maican Gleaner animadverts thus:We sincerely regret to learn of THE WORKMAN SATURDAY, FEBRUARY 23, 1929 the death, on Thursday last of Mr. Partridge, for some fifteen SHARE THE RESPONSIBILITY years editor of the Trinidad Guar dian. Not quite four weeks ago we saw him on his bed of illness; he The subject of leadership has been a very much knew that his condition was serious discussed one in this community, and one feels almost Every baby has future of but did not regard it as dangerous, afraid to attempt to say anything more on it. It is howgreat possibilities. The inlant and his friends hoped against hope ever apparent that, notwithstanding its worn out and that he would recover. There was thread bare condition, the approaching movement tendpenda upon the foundation talk of sending him to England for ing to the solidifying of our group is giving it body and Laid in infancy. baby who is not breast fed has the right to be given the food most substance again. Well, if it must come up again, it like mother milk. This is the great value of LACTOGEN which is the purest a change; that would have been cow milk made to agree in every esential substance with baby Natural Food done, but before it could be done the should be dealt with with such fairness and vision that LACTOGEN ele contain the same proportion PROTEIN, in the same digestive form journalist had set out upon voythe discussion will do the cause no hurt; for fair combreast milk. This builde time, repain wat age from which there is no return.
ment on any public question should be always welcomed.
Lactogen he study limba ing. We doubt if he was fifty years LACTOGEN in LACTOSE in the The employment of inuendoes and sarcastic inferof age; certainly he was not older.
ences might cause some persons who were not being conwetence In the very prime of life, therefore, templated and who are capable of rendering the cause Safeguard Your Baby Future with he has passed away, and the symmore than ordinary service to withhold their services.
pathy of thousands of people We do not think it is wise, at this time especially and out to his widow and daughter.
under the peculiar circumstances, that we should conMr. Partridge was an Englishtinue the practice of indiscriminate attacks on a class of man of very definite character and persons who may be trying to serve their communi y.
There are really too few of such persons here, and any.
DAME NATURES DOUBLE views, a man who took journalism and its responsibilities seriously. It one who feels himself capable of doing some leading, was in British Guiana that he bewhy, he should just hop to it and demonstrate, instead Vie NESTLE Milk Food for the weaning time.
gan his work in this part of the of resorting to the method of holding up Dick, Tom, and world; then he went to Trinidad Harry, to ridicule. The top is never over crowded: there where, with the aid of a number of is always plenty of room up there for the fit ones.
local businessmen, he established There is the tendency in some quarters to place all the Trinidad Guardian. In many rethe blame always on those who attempt to direct any spects his work there was harder communal activity, in the event of failure. Sometimes than it would have been in Jamaica there is not even failure, but restricted success. And still First of all, the population of Trinthe directors are blamed for failing to bring about much idad is but about 370, 000 souls, and larger success. This is precisely what the general mass the vast majority of these never likes to hear. They don want to be told that they have think of reading a paper. have their share of the work to do, and that their failure to tried all sorts of stunts to increase do must be contributory to the general failure, and may permanently and largely the circuat times be even the direct cause of it. Of course, one lation of the Guardian, said Par fully acquainted with the psychology of human nature tridge to the present writer only and particularly of our variety of it, knows quite well few weeks ago: but they have not that to tell a man what he would like to hear is to become succeeded. There was something popular with him. But if the community is to be helped.
BEST CURE FOR pathetic in these words, coming as one attempting to serve it will have to run the risk of they did from a man who had so obbecoming unpopular, by giving it what it needs instead viously broken down through sheer of what it wants.
hard work. Yet he did much with Then there is the tendency to disregard the average and for the Guardian, and to the intelligence of the people that are the subject of this very last he gave to it his mind leadership. We take a horse to the stream but can comand heart. Even on his bed of illpel him to drink. It is nice clear, clean water, with pearly ness he went over the business, of sand at the bottom, but the horse sees his shadow there, GENERAL DEBILITY the paper with his secretary; he or the shadow of some tree, or something of the sort, knew what it would contain it imand he stands stockstill on the brink and refuses to go LACK OF APPETITE portance before the public saw it.
in and drink, despite coaxing or whipping. All this time, NEURASTHENIA he is suffering of thirst. But if he is got in eventuallyHe had devoted the most strenuous years of life to it; he died in har perhaps by being cleverly pushed over the bank when he INSOMNIA ness.
was least expecting it he proceeds to drink in such a His brother journalists of these West Indies will pay to his way, as to say a world of thanks for the kindness done memory the respect that it dehim. This is a picture that most country boys and men serves know well. It is unnecessary to ask who was the fool, the The path of the West Indian jourhorse or the person who took him to drink. But we could go further and show that some horses won even be led nalist is not an easy one; it is a harder one to traverse than is the to a stream; and if a person is seen at one end of a rope IDOZAN contains iron path of his English confrere. The pulling for dear life at a horse at the other end of it communities are small and critical without moving him an inch, how in the name of comDoes not constipate and exigent. If you write with stumon sense can it be said that the man is leading the died moderation it is said that you horse? Until that horse follow him, he is not leading.
Does not damage the teeth Now to come back to the point of the average intel are weak. if you are definite and ligence of those to be led: The military genius Napoleon outspoken you create enemies and thought it so important that he said that, given British arouse antagonisms. This is more so in the smaller colonies than it is soldiers with French generals, he would conquer Europe. France was not lacking in men as soldiers, but they in Jamaica; in Jamaica one need not could not give the intelligent cooperation with and robe thinking always of this interest sponse to generalship as could the British. But even this or that; this group or the other illustration is too far afield. Any school teacher will tell Ask your Loctor to give his opinion on and as a rule the Jamaica journalist does not much concern himself with the difference in the tone of his school according to the them. But Jamaica is different. Givaverage intelligence of his pupils. Our people will have en Partridge ability and character, to be trained along the lines of cooperation, because it is here that we are constitutionally defective and de ESCOFFERY we are certain that he did not allow ficient. Our minds must become more enlightened in himself to be unduly influenced by what were really extraneous consicivics, so that we may be able to obtain a higher average standard. We should not expect intelligent conduct from AGENT derations, but the strain of mata community that is not made up of a high percentage taining his policy and views when they conflicted with the views of of intelligent individuals. The people ought to know other what is reruired of them, and should be helped to acpeople must have been quire the ability to render it.
tremendous. There are some jourWe grant that many who have attempted leadership us that we should weigh our word. ith the utmost care nalists who are loved for themselvas here have either not been called, or fit. But it cannot be when we are dealing with a subject like this. We do not BOYS SCOUTS TO MEET as well as admired for their cour.
successfully rebutted that the community has been very require to use language that tends to provoke friction.
age and ability: chief amongst such ctive in the failure of these leaders. Look at the con If the people have the intelligence they will elect the best was the late William Morrison. We duct of the crowd at a cricket or baseball game. For the persons available for their various offices, and having Special meeting of all off cers in do not think that Mr. Partridge com love that is a secret of most nart they do not allow the umpires to decide. There elected them will see that they live up to their respon the Panama District are called by manded are always someones velling instructions to the plavers, sibility and trust. They (the community) will also do Asst. County Comm. Bolt, at 181 personality, which but few of us or contradicting the decisions of the umpires. Very often their fair share in carrying on the work: each member Central Ave.
posses. But he had the respect of the players are affected in one way or another by these of a body, individual or corporate, has its own work to Trinidad, and he had the admirademonstrations. The result is confusion. This little ex do. This is what should be. We know that there is someMeeting is for the purpose of find tion of those who can esteem amole can be pretty generally applied to most of the cor. times a great difference between what should be and ing or reorganizing the troops, and strength of character and honesty norate attempts that we make mhn noint that we wish what is; but this is a simple and practical matter. It is placing same on old footing, The of purpose. And today s West Inand constitutional methods very readily and the suc we say we want WEST INDIAN UNITY each one all ex scouters in the District are have differed from him in point of to make is that we do not use or conform to discinlinary not impossible nor improbable. If we really want what meeting will begin at p. sharp.
dian colleagues sorrow for his loss, however much they may at times cese of any societv very largely denends on these. should be willing to share the responsibility in working Taking these things into consideration, it seems to for it.
invited, as well as interested friends. view.
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