
THE WORKMAN SATURDAY, FEBRUARY 23, 1929 PAGE FIVE Canal Zone Notes CHRISTIAN MISSION OF PARAISO CELEBRATES EIGHTH ANNIVERSARY LA BOCA NEURALGINA CONNOR VISITS AS ATTORNEY CANAL BREAKS RECORD IN DAILY AVERAGE TOLLS Should be in every office to immediately soothe any neuralgic pain caused by excessive mental work, NEURALGINA Should be in every school to soothe bad headaches and reduce the fever of children.
NEURALGINA The celebration of the elighth Asniversary of the Christian Mission of Paraiso took place at the Hall on Tuesday night last 19th Inst. when an appreciable program consisting of many beautiful antheme, solo, and recitations was rendered by the Paraiso Branch with a few anthems from the members of the Panama Choir The Chair was taken by Bro.
Brewster General Superintendent of the Christian Mission Sunday Schools of Panama who was also responsible for the training of the Panama Choir The program started with a opening song Stand up for Jesa.
after which Bro. Jarvis leads prayer; the Chairman having made the introductory remarks, the mary classical items were then rendered.
Special mention may be made of the Collowing which were remark bir impressive.
Recitation If we understand By Knights.
Recitation was not bom to die by Campbell.
Recitation The Model Gir! By Campbell.
The Hallelujah Chcrus the Ps.
rama Chotr.
Selo Ivory Palace By TIJE vie.
Recitation The ideal Girl By Miss Olton.
Recitation Humble Negro By Miss Olton.
Recitation The Ideal Boy By Master Campbell The entire arrangement was up to the usual mark and the occasion was an important event in the history of the Mission.
Is complete Inoffensive and nourishes the heart, For sale both Wholesale and Retail Hector Connor, founder and Pre During the first fifteen days of sident of the United Negro Improve the present month the Panama Cament Association of Colon, an asso nal collected 222. 245. 97 in tolla ciation which owns the biggest and from 285 commercial vessels passing most successful Negro bakery on the from ocean to ocean. Seven small isthmus, was a visitor here on launches which used the water way Thursday last, taking part as at during that period also paid a total torney for the plaintiff in a mock of 37. 95 in tolls. The daily average trial held at the Clubhouse. of transits was 19 and the average tolls collection 81. 483. 66.
Rev. Carrol, of St. The total number of commercial Vincent de Paul Church Panama transits for the first 15 days of City, delivered a forceful educative February were fewer than those address at the clubhouse on Sunday passing through during the first 15 afternoon last. His subject was days of January, while the tolls col Heroes of the United States, and lected during the first 15 days of he elaborated on the leadership and the current month were slightly character of Geo. Washington and higher than the tolls paid in the Abraham Lincoln. The occasion was first half of January a song service under the auspices of the Athenaeum, a literary so PANAMA WESLEYAN ciety working as an activity of the ACTIVITIES La Boca Clubhouse. The service was well attended and the program was fine program was rendered una very good one. Among the musical der the auspices of the above named items were two numbers by the Mc Society on Wednesday night last Laine Tots, two small girls and consisting of a variety of interest.
boy, children of Mr and Mrs. Mc ing lantern pictures illustrated by Laine of this city. They handled the Rev. Wade whɔ made their piece orchestra. the Piano, several of the well chosen selecViolin and a combination of other tions for the evening.
musical instruments in a promising These pictures serve as a good manner. Their pieces were well remedium of educating the Christian ceived.
Endeavorers in many things.
Papers on three bible characters will be read by members of the soBOY. SNATCHES 1000. IS ciety next week.
CAUGHT IN CHASE CHRISTIAN MISSION OF Seventeen year old Carlos InstuPANAMA rain, Panamanian youth, thought he conld find some uses for a little easy Panama 11 a. Elder money. Wednesday morning of this Burke.
week he strolled around the city 7. 30 Elder Burke.
pork market and watched the colChorrilo 11 a. Bro. Lloyd.
lector of the day sales make his 30 Bro. E. McCollin.
rounds. When Insturain was satisfi La Boca 11 a. Bro. Jarvis.
ed that a tidy sum was deposited in 30 Bro. Springer.
the collector wallet, and the latter Paraiso 11 a. Bro. Padstopped for a rest and hung his bagcre.
on one of the stalls, the youngster 80 Bro. Taylor.
moved forward, snatched it and Gatun 11 a. Bro. Nicholls.
darted through the market place. He 30 Bro. Nicholls.
was unsuccessful. Arturo Cruz, the Colon 11 a. Bro. Neblett.
Collector, augmented by not a few 30 Bro. Boyce.
volunteers immediately gave chase and captured their man before he bag contained nearly a thousand could clear the market premises. The dollars.
THE OLD AND THE NEW DRY CLEANING TROTT The Cleaner STEAM FRESSING COLON PANAMA PHONE 453 PHONE 260 16 STRERT PANAMA DYEING We Dye To Live Readers of this weekly perrottal have very enthusiastically received he reproduction of The Dignity of Labor (by Newman Hall) in Mr.
Elijah Hunter Column which sppeared in the last inse of the paper.
There is no doubt that the publcation of this masterpiece of prope brings before one mind very inter esting reminiscences of the facts contained in this ancient plece of Literature FOR SALE CHEAP INTERESTING JOTTINGS Soo9:49 Good ssortment of a These jottings are intended to be tion, and am glad it wasn me.
interesting the head line says 80whether you find them so or not is In the new settlement of silver another question. At any rate, read city, Carpenters are erecting back them and do like the dog. swaller steps to the houses. It is generally some, and left some. This line of admitted that these steps are a ne conduct is good sensible. If we cessary improvement. Before, if anywould keep a little closer to Nature thing went wrong with the sanitary and the things thereof, we could conveniences, Mr. Plumber and his learn a great deal from the lower helper, with their tools and acanimals.
sitting room and bed room in order ta do repair work. This was a miserA. suggested the other day coutrements had to pass through that Spanish should be taught in able condition, and whatever els Canal Zone Colored Schools. Here might be said, it is very true that a And There called it dandy wrong has been made right nestroke an old fellow whose grand cessary convenience has ben sup daughter read it to him said, him plied. After all, people should not be hit de nail right pon de head a silmade to live in houses where they ver city school girl said, is are tortured by insufficient cona pain. agree with Here And veniences, and families huddled to There and the old man, but don gether like soldiers in a barrack agree with the girl. experienced room. Common decency demands forty six days of pain recently, and that families should have some pribelieve me, entertain some hideous vacy in their homes, and it is grarecollections of paiin.
tifying to learn (if rumour is correct) that there is intention to pay There was a skirmish in the press some attention to the separation of Letween an erudite gentleman who each family quarters in signed himself Labourer and that might be constructed in the some others. It was interesting, en future.
tertaining, and amusing. You will admit that any matter which con Frequently we hear someone say, tains interest, entertainment, and such a person has no conscience.
amusement, is a good matter. Everyone knows of the occasions on As it is, the subject of the skir which such a statement is made.
mish is a matter of transcendent Now, this is not so in fact because, importance, and whether a labour all mortals posses the faculty which or. position is tenable or not, am distinguishes between right and bound to admire him for his courage, wrong all are aware of that which style, and logic. Somebody got a exists round and about them, and damn good lacing out of the transac Wall are conscious of the inner workPhoto Albums Scrap Albums Writing Pads Hymn Prayer Books Souvenirs, etc. etc.
Apply at THE WORKMAN PRINTERY ings of the mind, so that it is only w! en one acts out of conformity to the dictates of this faculty, and does something irrational and a reason able that the statement is made and at most, such a statem nt met he taken as figurative.
The old folk definition of ent science is something like this, en chance is a man dat talk, alder you can see him; but his talk right.
An amusing story is told of incident which took place in village in connection with con science. It is said that a woman sant her boy out with a pana to soll. She told him the price, an! Instructed him to take it to the Min inter first, as Min er was fond of napayas, and might buy it. The boy did as he was instructed. On rapning at the door, Minister came ont and the boy showed him the papaya.
The boy said. Mama hos sent me with this papaya to see if you wish to buy it str. Minister asked, Why much does mama want. for it. The boy named the price, whereupon Minister retorted, boy, your mother has no conscience.
The boy, yes sir, mama has big conscience. Yesterday when she rent to the market, opened the me and saw it in there. It has plenty of raisins in it, and she bought it at the Commissary.
Yes, friends and countrymen, did not know that conscience as a commodity carried in the Commigsary: but when we observe the things some people do, it is not ditficult to percieve that some foreign rubstance is in their conscience, whether it be raisins or anything else, and it is not unreasonable to suppose that their conselence was purchased in the Commissary!
houses 72 Carlos Mendoza Street and corner Javillo OPPOSITE GUARDIA! LUMBER YARD PANAMA CITY


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