
and Novelist Colony Expresses Colonization Scheme Paddyfoot Satisfaction At King Recovery BRIT Mrs. GERTRUDE FORDE RICHARDS on foot Shampooing, Dyeing. Pressing, one. is Georgetown, Feb. Two Native Jamaican Rewarded for DO YOU WANT NEW STUDEBAKER OR FORD?
Government surveyors left for the Skill and Power North West district this morning in SMOKE LUCKY STRIKE The interment of the late Dr.
connection with the Government Ads Paddyfoot, who died suddenPORT OF SPAIN, Feb. 16. Atcolonisation and land settlement SEE MR. NASH JAVILLO FILL NO. PABLO AROSEMENA ly at his office on Tuesday, took Now York, Jan. Twelve colyesterday meeting of the Legisla scheme. reconnaissance survey place yesterday afternoon at sea, in cared men and women were accord tive Council, His Honour Henry Al will be made of roughly 150 square AVENUE FOR FULL PARTICULARS ible presence of large gathering of od recognition on the 3rd instant cazar, senior and official member, miles. The main body of the surTotatives and friends of the deceas. ter creative work in the third year proposed the following resolution, veying party will proceed to the of the series of the Harmon Foun. That His Excellency the Governor district in about six weeks time. It Precisely at o clock, a motor dation Awards for Distinguished be requested to convey to His Mais stated that geological surveyors boare, carrying his last remains, Achievement among Negroes; Judg. jesty the King a nexpression of the may be included in the party.
poreded by a motor car, in which es in each of the fields of Litera Council loyalty and devotion and wine the Rev. Bathurst Hall, ar ture, Fine Arts, Business including an assurance of the profound relief Hved at the Harbour Master Pier, Industry and Education naned re and satisfaction with which the peo Kingdom have been completed, the BEAUTY PARLOUR followed by several motor cars concipients for an award of a golpe of the Colony of Trinidad and other colonies will await with intertaining mourners; and many came medal with four hundred dollars Tobago have learned of His Majes. est the coming into full operation of Madame Walker Method honorarium and a bronze medal with ty progress towards recovery from the Association plans.
There were eight men of the Ja. one hundred dollars honorarium. In his recent illness, together with It was only two years ago that inajes Public Service Co. in uniform, Religious Service two gold medals their earnest hope that this progress the movement was started by the who performed the duties of pall and four hundred dollars honora. may be steadily maintained until Bearers, and the coffin was removed rium Facial Massaging, etc.
and bronze award His Majesty complete restoration planters of Jamaica to free them.
selves from the domination of for.
from the hearse and conveyed on with one hundred dollars honorarium to health.
eign interests whose profits were board the motor launch Arawak. were granted. In Music a bronze The Colonial Secretary seconded made at the producer expense.
About 50 persons went on board award only was given. And no the resolution and His Excelleney Rut with Government encourageConsultation Free House 164 Ave Ancon the Arawak along with the body, to awards were made in Science. the Governor asked the members to ment, the movement witness the last rites, which were The total amount of cash honora signify their approval by standing and co operative groups were formgrew rapidly performed by the Rev. Bathurst ria was 000. The awards are ad which they did.
ed all over the country, with the reby Hall. Many tears were shed at the ministered for the Foundation In a repot on the finances of the sult that the Association thus set pier as the launch moved out to sea, the Commission on Race Relations S DOWN and scene that was most impres of the Federal Council of Churches, Colony, His Excellency said that af up was soon in a position to speak Small sive was on board Her Majesty George Haynes, Secretary 105 ter making provision for a reduc authoritatively for nearly one half DENTIST (By Paul McAllister in the Grenada ship Colombo, which was lying Fast 22nd Street, New York and re tion in the postage rates and stamp of the total number of banann grow.
West Indian)
alongside. As the Arawak moved cognition is given only for achieve duties to one penny, the surplus at ers. The Association decided to run MASONIC TEMPLE s down, but not out, Lawd, slowly past her the warship flag, ment which is of national signifi the end of the year would approx its own ships, and four steamers of 409, 000 in addition to about 400 tons each were bought was brought to half mast, and the cance and which measures fayour imately be Office Hours: 8, am to 12 You de Timer in dis tight.
And Yo pulled de gong down hald, Jast post was sounded, the officers ably with the best that has been special reserve of 250, 000. Thus the from the Nelson Line, while plans. 30 pm to 30 pm and crew standing at attention. done in that particular field by any financial position of the colony as were drawn up with the aid of some Lawd, compared with five years ago was of the big firms handling fruit in When Life had ma feelin tight.
The body was conveyed to Three race or nationality.
Pathoms Farewell Buoy, where the Claude McKay, se, formerly of now satisfactory. Trinidad was now the Mother Country for the accept Sundays, by Special Appointmen Masonic Temple i1th St, s down, but not out, Lawd, last rites were performed by the New York, poet and novelist was placed at the head of the oil pro ance and distribution of coneign.
minister, and the body lowered in granted the gold medal with 400 in ducing countries of the British Em ments of bananas. By purchasing O, Box 787. CRISTOBAL Dis is jis a breathin space.
When a jis was goin strong, Lawd, the 30.
Niterature for his power, skill and pire as the oil industry for 1928 had vessels instead of building new ones shown an increased production of the Association it is said has efLife jis socked ma in de face.
The men of the Arawak attired in originality in both poetry and prose, fected considerable PHONE: OFFICE 1664 economy, even their naval uniforms, performed the especially his Harlem Shadows, although the ships will have to be s down, but not out, Lawd, chaty of lowering the body with due which were considered to voice in thoroughly reconditioned for the solemnity.
Dat blow jis about steadied me.
many of the deeper Great Banana Com banana trade; and another advanttragic force And Ah comin up agin, Lawd, There were many floral tributes. feelings of the modern negro; also his Home to Harlem with its piebine Formed nge is that a large reserve of space How Prim for the millin dat to be. Jamaica Mall)
will be available for cargo other tures of certain phases of Negro than fruit, as well as greater pas. and Handsome s down, but not out, Lawile life.
The following appeared in a resonger accommodation than Life had got ma seein ings.
DENTIST HOWELL cent issue of the Trinidad Guar usually found in fruit carriers. The But you know Ah isn ready, Lawd, dian:first of the liners is now being re She has a lovely face. but for to hear de Angel wings.
Hopne No. 912 La Boca In the record of its Producers fitted at Liverpool and is expected what a puritan!
Canal Zone Association, Jamaica has set the in April to begin what ultimately BERNARD ANDERSON s down, but not out, Lawd, Hang Her!
OPPOSITE RESTAURANT rest of the West Indies an example will be a ten day service between But jis. if dat should be, Gramaphone Repairer of what co operation can accomplish. England and Jamaica.
PHONE 1941. BALBOA Dere ain gwine be no crying, It is a record of which the island HOUSE 980 LA BOCA, With the new service in opera She a Wall Clock graceful and Lawd, Specialises in all Branches of may be proud and, now that ar tion it is hoped that a great part true From dis nigger dat called me.
Dentistry CANAL ZONE rangements for the proposed directo the banana output will be sold in Hang Her!
ALL line of fruit ships and for a mark Britain and the result therefore will WORK GUARANTEED Efficient Workmanship Guaranteed Ah mighn last de limit, Lawd, RESIDENCE 538 eting organisation in the United be not only to the benefit of the But s fightin all de same, producers of Jamaica, but will be She keeps close track of the pas And if Ah gwine be counted out, another step in the direction ef Lawd, escnomic unity in the Empire. That Every tick tock is an honest re None gwine say An wasn game!
is the ideal; we trust that those dicord.
recting the new enterprise have not Hang Her!
underestimated the power of the LOCAL ATHLETES TO COM great combine which has built up Her pendulum will always swing PETE IN OLYMPICS IN the Jamaica banana industry and HAVANA which has smashed every previous There a tiny gauge to center it true. ifort to poach on its preserves.
The Republic of Panama has been hang Her! officially invited to take part in the The Season is now on, so get your Central American Olympic games to be held in Havana next year, and ef.
Full toned and mellow she forts are being made by the Foreign MENT strikes the hour and mentions Minister of the Republic to comply the half in passing with this invitation.
BRUSSELS, Jan. 11. For the The Hang Her!
Governments of Colombia, fifty second anniversary on Aug. Costa Rica, Cuba, Salvador, Guate.
of the arrival in Boma of Sir Henry you can get her from Fuller at mala, Honduras, Haiti, Venezuela Stanley, after crossing Africa, and Jamaica have also been informthe African Club has decided to 122 Central Ave.
ed by the Cuban Olympic Commiterect a monument to the explorer, Hang Her!
tee that the contest will be during and a subscription list has been CARDOZE Jr. the month of April and information opened for this purpose.
as to the possibilities of participaThe CATHEDRAL PLAZA monument will be fifteen tion has been requested from the inyards long, and will be made of pink vited countries.
marble. Stanley will be shown in high relief, while bas reliefs on each PANAMA BRANCH OF THE side will show the various episodes BARBADOS SOCIETY GRAof his journey from Stanley Falls to DUALLY INCREASING IN Boma. Boats being dragged along MEMBERSHIP Etc. Etc. Etc.
the cataracts, a fight with cannibals and other episodes will be depicted At the last meeting of the BarALL BEING OFFERED AT SACRIFICE PRICES. in the bas relief pictures.
bados Society held in the Elles Hall (Calidonia) on Monday night last 16th inst. twenty four new memCome in and Inspect the Stock before Purchasing Elsewhere bers were added to the roll. The of If you have a Prescription to 116 fieers are loud in their praise of the al BRANCH STORE be made up take it to the sincerity shown in the organization National Pharmacy, Santa Ana during the past six months, and 125 Central Avenue Plaza, where you will get cour Prices 10. 00, 12. 50, 15. 00, make the organization worthy of its members are urged to strive to teous and obliging service. 25. 00 and 30. 00 existence.
sing time. CRICKETERS!
CRICKET GOODS At the PANAMA HARDWARE Vio OF Bats. Balls, Wickets, Gloves Leg Guards B:


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