
Panama City LUCKY STRIKE ITS TOASTED It will pay you to do so The British British Pharmacy COLON long!
11. 1154 11th STREET Where our customers will receive the usual ge TO uute; Dr. Steppunn, yie. deda Restore Life THE FADED VIOLET chemical preparation which, inc. rom To Detached eu into the blood, keeps it Just one title faded violet congealing and does not in a. uy Found in a book tonight Head of Dog way affect its normal health.
But who can say our hearto forget, The preparation known as GerOr love has taken flight?
hanin or Bayer 205 has atACTIVE FOR HOURS few dry, crumpled, seentless tracted wide attention in the medileaves, WHEN BLOOD IS PUMP.
cal world because it simplifies blood That keep their color stin; ED BY ARTIFICIAL transfusion operations and is useru.
HEART But aht my happy basot heaven, in the treatment of a variedy of Mine eyes with bot tears full diseases.
Following is the last of the two Brukhanenko and Chechulin conKept many years, dear heart, how United Press dispatches giving a tests with varying IS NOW LOCATED AT ducted several detailed description of the work of scot degrees of success until they made Soviet scientists who are attempting the one which proved entirely sueAs ever present proof of love eternal simple song to create means of continuing or cessful.
Beneath one humble roof: restoring life in an apparently dead Por though we dweu mld rathring body. This disputeh tells how an Dr. Brukhanenko. was not ready Corner Building Opposite CHASE NATIONAL BANK feare.
tow or 14 Artificial beart was used to keep, to say that the dog head was Love petals bloom agat, the severed head of a dog in an ap alive in the ordinary sense of the And well we know youth golden parent state of life, holding out word during those three and years and promise of a method by which scien half hours. The words life courtesies Were never liy in yaln: tists will be able to carry out inten death, he said, are not so simple as Set Dear beart!
sive study of the brain, people suppose.
Were never liv in vain!
The only thing he knew definitely STUART YOUNG.
was that the head seemed alive, ty Nigeria.
that the functions of the bra. w. re BY EUGENE LYONS LOOK FOR THE SIGN als revived. United Press Staff Correspondent denistanistraate des et sont MOBCOW, Feb. The most suc If one accept those functions as has com tenaful of his experimente, in which meaning life, then the head was mong bastoso detached dog head was appar alive, he said, adding that as soon nob ad basta teise lo sbrodos sofistica Joseph Mason ently restored to life for three and as science can define the words life Mattresses Furnished hall hour, was described to the and death, a solution of the old rid. 260an od Repaired to United Press correspondent in de dle will be nearer.
etalloomi dong tail by Dr. Brukhanenko, who with Dr. Sergel Chechalin has been Immense vistas are opened to The dog, of course, was chloro all signs of life became increasingly If you have a Prescription to Good Service Gear engaged in this work for more than science by the successful experi formed heavily, and every effort clear. ன be made up take it to the ல last snts. For one thing, it will now was made to save the animal from fuur years to be an bra possible to study intensely the unnecessary pain. The dog was one clashed on the dog, and the eyes Plaza, where you will get couir.
strong lighter was suddenly National Pharmacy, Santa Ana Plat Street Genel The bodyTens henderlying on vure of the brain its 19 which had been condemned to be shut instantly into Herre No 10 plate and connected to mechanica!
teous and obliging blood pump com heart. looked and By isolating it from the body, the shot.
When a piece of cotton soaked in ர ம tress behaved exactly like thive dogs activities of the brain can be ob.
When only the four principal. ar acid was put in its mouth, it was s: head, except that itpttered no served more accurately teries remained, the final separation immediately ejected, but when a Shrutos o founde. It showed the usual canine. For examplest it may now be pus was made and the connection with piece of cheese was put in the head NOTICE Teherred signee pain, and pleasure and to rible to find out what substances the artificia. arteries quickly estab swallowed it.
bacted to light, to sound, to touched the brain. Various substances lished, got some otherm Evey test made in the course of otsed ved stel verft binit hinglexona hora and te taste. si, Tesla ARE will be put into the blood and the For twenty or thirty minutes the three hours showed the normal 1600 DO YOU WANT NEW STUDEBAKER OR FORDT The first problem which the Rus effects will be recorded. In the same head seemed lifeless, due to the con responses, line to me ond me Tensis dhe esteder siin recientist shad to solve was to way it may be possible to learn tinuation of the effects of the chloSMOKE LUCKY STRIKE to koep. 180 gupply of blood in a fresh about those toxins which the brain reform. When the eyes were touch metofitated oth SRE ME NASH JAVILLO FILL NO. PABLO AROSERENA and natural condition.
is known to produce as it works, ed. they reacted, howgver, showing Rent Receipt Boolo Spanish Fortunately the repareh of an toxins that are supposed to explain that the head was not dead but and English for sale at the WorteAVENUE POR PULL PARTICULARS other speelalist in the same insti fatigue and need for rest and sleep asleep. At the end of half an hour man Met HO BRITISH PHARMACY ad


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