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PAGE EIGHT THE WORKMAN SATURDAY, FEBRUARY 23, 1929 West Indian Solidarity Leaders of Colonial Societies Important Notice (Continued from Page 1)
ingt. in the Panama Capital Hall at Guachapali, the leaders of the various colonial organizations on the Isthmus will meet in conference decided step towards unity and also a better move towards an understanding among West Indians on the Isthmus.
It is true that many attempts have been made from time to time to bring our people together to a. point where a common understanding of their general welfare is nesessary; many past efforts have failed, but failure should be only considered as stepping stones for success in the future. It is assumed that the conference recently held at Barbados has aroused thinking West Indians on the Isthmus and given them an impetus to do something in the cause of umiting.
At this point, it may be well to make reference to the recent anonymous letters of Labor in the Star and Herald, who seems very much interested in such a movemont, but who insists in concealing his identity. Whether this gentlemon will be present at this meeting or not, nobody will know but since This views have become popular and useful, it would be well for him to be present at the proposed conference and take an active part.
THE WORKMAN PRINTERY (Continued from Page 1)
cut the finger and not the bread.
They seemed not to have been aequainted with the trui Crows de fet peck out the eyes of crow.
We have heard it lamented that whatever was done, was so done with good intensions; but may we notre tort that hell is full of these We hail with delight the an nouncement of the proposed conference of February 28th. It will be the last day of the month. We hope it will mark the last abortite conference for West Indian solidar By here, and become the first prae tical performance to this end. We venture to remind the confrere of the conference fast concluded in Barbados, and we ask them to mark the splendid spirit of smity and good in which wisted there, and the shoende day with oth honey and a heart of all.
We wish this conference abon dent succes. We hope sheerely that it will prove to be the steppingstane towards the removal of the stigma which has been attached to West Indians, and which, to preat extent, West Indians have attached to themselves and we hope it will be exemplified that ar vulne is apo preciated by ourselves that we are men, real men with souls and that we know it. BY ELIJAH HUNTER Is Now Located in more spacious quarters at No. 72 Carlos Mendoza Street tor.
serm n, a CHAPTER 14 EDUCATIONAL INSTITUTE LEAGUE FORMED Woman day will be celebrated tomorrow at the above named Chapter. There will be a special program The Belize Independent of the oth rendered in the Hall at p. when ulto says: prominent speakers and artists will contribute What is really intended to build the Tuskegee of the British West MEDICAL CONGRESS AT RIO Indies and Central America was reDE JANEIRO SENDS IN.
cently organised by a number of VITATION TO PANAMA students now pursuing varibus courses of study in the United Invitations have been sent to PaStates, whose ambition is to return nama to attend the Medical Conto their native land to do pioneering work.
gress at Rio de Janeiro in comme0 moration of the centenary of the As a result of the vision and en Academy of Medicine to be held in thusiasm of Mr. Vaquer of that city during this year.
London Times TINY DEVICE MEASURES British Honduras who has then at CHURH SERVICES Other Latin American countries Comments work on the ideal of an educational have also been invited to take part HEAT IN REMOTE STARS institution established on the main in the celebration; Panama received ST. PETER BY THE SEA. ST. BARTHOLOMEW CHURCH, Tuskegee Institute which has ocits invitation throngh the Brazilian LA BOCA Made under Microscope, It Receives LAS CASCADAS (Continued from Page 1)
cupied his attention from 1926, Minister accredited to the Panama Light Reflector from Mirror of Holy Communion, a. The Recnumber of enterprising young men cases far below a remunerative level Government who resides in Havana.
100 Inch Telescope Matins and address, 11 a. Mr. have organized themselves into what and, by dispersing production inJ. Braithwaite, Lay Reader. is now known as the Belize Institute The Litany, Holy Eucharist and NEW TELESCOPE stead of concentrating it on the Church School and Confirmation in the City of Belize, where ammore efficient units, has vastly insermon, 10. 45 a. The Rector Although all the heat which ra Class, 30 pm Church School. p. The Rebitious nativo and West Indies youth Projected 206 Inch Reflector creased costs. Moreover, the sud diates from all the stars amt planes MULCARE, den collapse of the inflated world in our universe on square foot of ior.
may obtain, academic commercial Priest in Charge. and industrial training at cost, or by (From our New York Correspondent) price level in 1920 left many con the earth during a hundred years Choral Evensong and earning their way through school.
The Institute of Technology of cerns with largely exaggerat:d ca would barely suffice to melt a thim 30 Special Preacher, Chaplain ST. SJMON MISSION, The officers of the league sre; Californin announces the gift from pital charges an evil which in the bleful of ice, scientists have been After the sermon the ladies of GAMBOA Vasquez, presiden; Ben. the International Education Board cotton industry was disastrously ex successfully measuring the heat the Social Workers Committee will edict, vice president; Roy Clarke, of funds for the construction and acerbated by the orgy of reflotations from individual stars since 1914, Dr. present their Special Offerings in Matins and address, 11 am. Mr. secretary, Edmund Tooto, Beistant and unsound system of loan Seth Nicholon of the Mount Wi. aid of the repairs and painting of McCarthy, Lay Reader.
maintenance of a telescope with secretary: Walter Ar ury, tre reflector of 200in. in diameter, finance. During the lean years which sen, California, observatory, told he Church.
Church School and Confirmation surer; and the Rev. Wah, ex which is expected to have from tive followed, war time profits were the Amateur Astronomers AssociaA cordial invitation is extended Class, 30 pain.
to ten times the power of the pre. turned into obstinate and persistenttion last night at the American Muto all our members and friends. MIT CARE sent largest astronomical instru losses, and the weight of bank loans se um of Natural History. Wood.
Priest in Charge.
ment in the world, the 100in. Hooker the interest on which had to be paid Se accurately has the procedure 200ft. ad the chief interest lay in telescope on Mount Wilson. In addi. whether it was earned or not, began been developed that observers utilzthe spectacle of this tiny aircraft, tion, the board is supplying money to to press more and more heavily uponing the 100 inch telescope at Mount mere dot against background of construct an astro physical labora borrowers in many of our industries. Wilson in the day time have menFastest Flight Ever Madde cumulus cloud, hurtling down to tory on the institute campus.
The merit of the Yarn Association cured the heat of stars within ten 319 Miles An Hour wards the sea at a speed of between The work will take several years scheme is that it deals simultaneous degrees of the sun, he said.
340 and 350 miles an hour.
to complete, because of the difficulty ly with both these problems the The instrument making the mea(From Times Weekly Edition)
only way in which they can be solv best time the British pilot was 60 Flight Lieutenant Greig, who was iu Any Supujapue Purista zn An officially timed speed of 319. kilometers better than the Italian given a hearty cheer on coming led Top. The task is a formidable one.
successfully eliminating unne zurements possible is the thermo.
For the first time in making large cessary competition and uneconomie couple consisting of two sets of the 57 miles an hour, equal to 514. 308 speed, and the figures for each of ashore, waited engerly for the result.
attained by Flight the four chosen runs were as fol There is little time, when travelling reflectors an attempt will be made duplication of services by amalga finest wires obtainable encased in kilometers, was at more than 440 feet a second, to to use fused quartz, because it is mation, and removing from the back an airtight glass cell. Light reflect Lieutenant Arcy Greig at Calshot lows:First run, 322. 68 miles, or 519. 20bury one head in a cockpit, and he practically unaffected by changes of of waterlogged concerns the intoler ed from the telecope mirror is ad on Sunday, when flying the Supermarine Napier seaplane over the kilometers.
had flown entirely by feel. Even in temperature such as affect the use ble burden of prior charges. That is mitted to the cell through a rocksalt being the most standard three kilomtre course for Second run, 316. 54 miles, or 509. the dives, he stated, he had not lookfulness of glass and other materials why the insistence upon income de window rocksalt known and air speed records. This is the high 285 kilometers.
ed to see if the engine revo utions of which mirrors are made. block bentures, which for some time prov. transparent material alternately on the est speed at which man has ever Third run, 319. 56 miles, or 514. 285 exceeded the permitted 4, 000 a min of fused quarts large enough for the led objectionable to the more con concentrated flown under official observation, kilometers.
ute, but as it had run perfectly purpose will weigh 30 tons. The servative banks, was, in fact, not a junctions of the two sets of conFourth run, the same figures. whatever revolutions it had reached focal length of the telescope will be detail, but an mportant matter of duetors, one of which is made of but it is not enough to give the fiveprinciple. In the re organisation, bismuth, the other of an alloy of maile margin required to establish The pilot made six runs over the were evidently well within its. com 55in.
new record.
course, mainly because he was not pass. In the dive the over rich mixAstronomers expect the new tel. not only of the cotton trade but of hismuth and tin.
The task set Flight Lieutenant satisfied with hie first flight, and ture sent swirls of sooty smoke into escope to add about 600, 000, 000 more several others which will eventually The difference in the heat of the Greig was to achieve, on an average the regulations require that the the cockpit, and at least once while stars to the 500, 000 which the be forced to take somewhat similar junctions establishes thermo eurot fout runs over the course, a speed average of four consecutive runs, diving at 845 miles an hour the pilt Mount Wilson telescopes have steps, it is essential that the weight rent which is measured by a very of about 324 miles an hour, in order two up and two down the course, had to take his hand off the throttle brought within photographic range, of fixed charges be strictly propor delicate galvanometer from which to beat officially the record made, should be taken.
to wipe his goggles.
and to penetrate hundred of millions. tioned to the eaming power of the the temperature of the star is com by Major Bernhardi for Italy ear. puted.
Dive Towards the Sea It is worth adding that at the last perhaps a thousand million, of light industry.
lier this year of 318. 62 miles an It is generally understood now minute the airperew of the seaplene years into space, opening up a vast The thermocouple is so tiny that hour, and it is a disappointment that that, while the timed distance of was changed, to improve the net and unexplored field. They look for If you have Prescription to it is manufactured under a mieros he has only beaten the Italian fig. three kilometers must be made in thrust at extreme speeds, and it it to solve some of the mysteries of he made up, take it to the cope and when completed weighs ure by. 95 miles an hour, or 532 level flight which starts 500 metr: scems clear that with further rethe nebulae and to entend the theory National Pharmacy, Santa Ana but a tenth of a milligram, or about kilometers.
before entering the course, the research extre efficiency can yet be that many spiral nebulae are really Plaza, where you will get cour one one thousandth the weight of a The speed of the various runs gulations permit the pilot to dive on obtained, and with it possibly that island miverses. Iteous and obliging service. drop of water, Dr. Nicholson said.
over the course show that on the te the course from a height of about elusive five miles an hour.


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