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Go On Strike guration Geremony Own Life Conference aviatin it. centum.
After Discovering Man She Highly Commended By Loved was Married a Contributor Demand 100 Per cent on Present London, Jan, 22. The tragedy of Which Will be Oldfashioned, With a girl who had become infatuated Newspaper controversy is not alWages Received with a married man was disclosed at ways commendable, but it undoubtMore Color Pomp and Splendour elly has its good points, and the ara Paddington inquest yesterday on In The Voice of St. Lucia of the work. If, however, they elected to Eva Wake, nged twenty three, a do Heies appearing in the columns of view of the inauguration of bration with a host of free attracPresident Herbert Hoover which tions for the visitors, among whom 8th Inst. published the following. continue on strike, he warned them mestic servant, whose home was in the Star and Herald from time to It is regrettable that the year that on any signs of violence they Durham. She was found po soned on time by Laborer have awakened takes place next Monday the 4th will be numbered the governors of many other noted writers.
should have commenced with a strike would be dealt with severely by the doorstep in Oxford Street on Satinst. the following article which 35 or 40 different States, accomby the coal carriers. We need not Government; their conduct was most All laborers on the Isthmus must gives a peep into the big doing panied by the crack military orurday night.
Mrs. Bloom, of Wymering have a sense of pride about them in which will take place comment on the decadent condition harmful to the Colony. It is repor.
the capit ganizations of their commonwealths.
of trade in St. Lucia today. It was a ed that unless the strikers return to Mansions, Maida Vale, said that having such representation in an at Washington should be of interest All the inauguration excursion laborer. While hopping to our readers:pleasant sign that in the last three work by Mondey 7th, inst. the mer Wake, whom she had employed for ºther trains are due to arrive in WashingAn army of artisans has taken ton on March or The inaugural months the coal tade had improved. chants will dispose of the cargo the last three months, had said that around in my daily rounds, came We understand that arrangements of coal consigned to them and shut she was keeping company with a in contact with Mr. Alfred Smith charge of the Nation Capital to festivities will begin on the night of had been made to ensure further im down coaling business for six young man employed at Paddington during this week and was disap further beautify it for the Hoov. rs Saturday, March 2, and continue action or wonia station. She found out that he was pointingly informed that the meet. Curtis inauguration ceremonies and until two days after Hoover and provement during this year, but the months. While such unexpected strike which is still on have a very acute effect upon the married, was disappointed, and had ing which is called this week is not celebration on March Curtis are inducted into office as bids fair to ruin any such prospects. strikers it will also do untold harm tried to take her life by drinking the real conference but, only a preOn the Capitol plaza, where Her. President and Vice President.
bert Hoover will deliver his innuspirits of salt on Paddington Station. liminary for the Executive.
The attractions Up to the present, as far as we to the Colony. If the strikers had a will include an know no representations have been real or perhaps a more substantial Wake had calmly discussed modes The Grasshopper is very inter gural address which will be radio serial circus in which more than 200 made to the coal merchants and and crying grievance they would not suicide and said that she thought ested in the scheme, but does not see broadcast all over the world, a huge planes from commercial any reason why laborer should con stand is being erected to accom companies will participate. The giant Inelr knowledge is not deeper than lack sympathetic consideration from 918 better than salts of lemon.
Last Letters the rumour that the coal carriers the Government and other circles of ceal his identity; some futurear modate 8, 000 distinguished guess Navy dirigible Los Angeles will Three letters found in Wake rangement might be made for labor of the new President. These will in hover over wish two pence a basket instead of business than the coaling circles.
Washington for three Senators, one penny for unloading. As the But their attitude is at present so room were read by the Coroner. Two er to attend important meetings at clude Representatives, days, and many death defying aerial merchants hopes for an incrensed harmful to the affairs of the Colony wer to her former employer, and ex this end; the grasshopper might ask foreign diplomats, members of the stunts will be performed by the the question, but since laborer in Republican Committee, jurists and Question Mark, the aeroplane trade this year was based on the re that it is not surprising that they tracts were: duction of prices to a minimum it are alienating sympathy. The Gov. have tried so hard to forget sista on keeping himself in the dark, high Government officials. which remained in the sky over Caliwill be readily seen that it is ex ernment is rightly very watchful for Jack (the man referred to. but he must be satisfied with the amount special glass enclosed stand is fornia for an entire week, thus shattremely difficult is not entirely im the peace of the community, but it is cant. cannot possibly live without of honor he receives. Mr. Laborer in process of construction in front tering all endurance records in the possible for them to increase the the credit of the strikers that sim no matter how try to forget your name is needed. Can you see of the White House, and here Presi refueling test.
rate per basket by one hundred per they have made no attempt at viohim cannot. Do please forgive me dent Hoover and the new First Lady Spectacular cavalry and artillery ince. Continued on Page By The Grasshopper. of the Land will view the inaugural drills, mimic warfare, a 5, 000 fire Administrator Meets Deputation It is hoped, however, that botter box parade which will include 20, 000 works display, band concerts, choral Six of the coal carriers Interview counsel will prevail and work re.
marchers representing practically singing, special lectures on WashSPARKLETS ed His Honour the Administrator sumed before irreparable harm is every State in the Union. The White ington and an exhibit telling the yesterday. We are informed that af done to the coaling trade.
House reviewing stand will accom story of Washington, Past, Present (By later issue of the Voice dated modate 800 guests, while the public and Future, will be a few of the ter hearing their grievances His Honour said that the Government the 9th states that the strike had OUR OVER AMBITIOUS spectator stands along historic other free attractions.
ANCE, a type of which is altogether Pennsylvania Avenue from the Cap.
could not force the coal merchants entered on the seventh day and up Washington business men have YOUTHS too dangerous an asset in the back itel to the White House will seat reised a fund of 100, 000 to defray to increase their price nor the coal to that time there were no signs of carriers to work. He, however, ad either the coal carriers or the cont of the heads of these youngsters. It more than 50, 000.
the expenses of the civic celebration vised them strongly to return to merchants giving way to the other.
The other day when the Keen Con is uncommon, if it ever at all existWith practically every railroad in and Congress has appropriated 45, vention of Local Democrats soughted for the younger generation of the country quoting a fare and a 900 for the official exercises at the tooth and nail to uproot West In any progressive community of peo half round trip excursion rate to Capitol.
HERE AND THERE dians from all Panama Canal jobs ple of the same basic origin to cri Washington for the inauguration, it The indications are that this will above the grade of messenger or ticize in vein equal to that in which is expected that close to 500, 000 vis be an old fashioned inauguration.
common laborer, a result of which curs do, and in public, the best ef itors from the various states will with more color, pomp, diversity, Here is an example of how one on a good reputation, or suffering would relegate to the merest menials forts of their paternal and mater flock to the Capital.
color and splendor than any since can be deceived by reputation. few from a bad one.
che very intelligence which helped nal dependents. Our youngsters! Ample housing accommodations at the Wilson Inauguration in 1918.
days ago a down and out Chinaman, the American people to break the should be fired with ambition to de reasonable rates will be available The Court of States, extending a about 76 years od, hailed a jitney natural backbone of the Isthmus of velop themselves into more progres for the visitors, and in addition to Quarter of a mile in front of the The native silver roll employees Panama and open a waterway to fa ive men than did their elders. In this the railroad companies will park White House, will be the most brilwhich one Oscar Herrera was runand the Canale zone as far as Gam Imingto see that it is not to their im tie to Pacific and vice versa; the short of such accomplishment from ings so as to allow them to be used various states, entwined with Amning, and rode in it over this city of the Pan Cand note sous in acilitate maritime traffic from Atlan. fact, the latter are expecting nothing their Pullman cars on spacious aid. liant spectacle at night. Flags of the boo and the Cocor Plantation beyond terest to fight their fellow emvery intelligence which rubbed them. Taking up from where their av sleeping quarters.
crican flags and linked with garSummit and back to Balboa. During ployees the West Indians; that they shoulder with General William elders left, they should serve notice Owing to the fact that inaugur lands of evergreens and variegated this ride the old celestial collected a had better direct their attention to Crawford Gorgas in banishing yel on the world that they intend to im tion day falls on Monday, the com electric lights, will adorn the court.
the landlords and the merchants low fever, malaria and plague from prove upon the efforts of their fa mittee on arrangements, headed by The ensemble will be flooded with Tot of junk old pots, spoons, and what nots, which he took to the Bal through the Chamber of Commerce. Panama to make possible the conthers. then carry out this determi. Lieut. Col u.
Grant 3rd, has 2, 000, 000 candlepows spotligh bns Police Station, his charity head It is foolish to think that differencestruction of the Panama Canal, and nation by actual accomplishment planned an elaborate three day cele throughout the inaugural period.
quarters. This consumed three and of speech should constitute an estimaely to transform this strip This they can do, but not by trying one half hours. Then John quietly sential difference of treatment. and into one of the healthiest plac 80 barter their wares before making hem.
raid, no hap no money. He was they will help the Panama Cana) on earth; the WORKMAN, in a very Both our young men and women not trying to cheat he really hod West Indian Employees Association timely editorial, scored that demo no money. But the chauffeur could to urge the government for more and cratie action as savored of marble in this community, as well as the (ELIJAH HUNTER)
hetter quarters, as they seem now hearted ingratitude.
Ameican people in general, with not believe that it was possible for a The editorial in last Saturday sion of it is liable to upset, and is inclined to do; and not fool about Not very long ago a few of our especial reference Chinaman, however old and shabbyto those of thissue of this paper was a master attended with the risk of producing looking, to be without money, so he separate commissaries and hospitals over ambitious young men betook latter who have the privilege of piece. It discursed a subject of grert a sensation as it has done before; pressed for payment. To make a long and so forth from the chombos. it themselves from the safe path of de working and residing on the Canal importance, and in a calm, cool, and but we feel like Sir Robert Peel and Zone, owe a debt to the older West dispassionate manner. The illustra that, story short, the police, who had been must result to the benefit of bot corum and rational reasoning Pumiliar with John impecunious sections. The editorial entitled Thetarted feverishly to pelt pebbles Indians who bore the brunt of work tions used were fitting to the subcondition for several months, enter Value of Oppression in this paper a over on the old fogies whom they during the construction of the Paject, and the points made ought to To do one duty is to every man od a charge of failing to pay fare fortnight ago has been very nicely accused of not being able to enhance nama Canal debt which can hard be well taken. Nelson mandate, and he was no took him before borne out in the circumstances con the progress our community. ly be paid off in money.
against him and The general invitation to share straggler.
Judge Blackburn. Of course, the nected with the action of these na These youngsters gave notice that the charge of the young men in the responsibility was almost judbe had been in the known about tive employees against the Panama they would take immediate steps to against the elders is but a stilted pathetic, and it cogent reasoning It stands to reason here, as elseJohn as had the Police; so he dis Chamber of Commerce. little op do the impossible to shove the declamation of the over ambitious can do anything, there was enough wher, that if there is no following, missed the case. It was suprising to Dression is right: it always brings Cogies out of their way, take over young. Since emerging from the of it to arouse a desire to do one leadership does not exist. Many are ther things themselves and carry on. We front where hundreds of their duty, and to perform a service which they who, from time to time, came everyone that the chauffeur should the lazy and indifferent to nnt have suspected John inability senses. The mass of the West In can not term this imprudent atti brothers fell before the wheels ofis obligatory.
forward to lead the people. They so to pay for such a service. The andians may be waiting for a shock of tude of theirs marble hearted in powerful locomotives, the deadly On the question of leadership, we came out of a genuine desire to do some violence, and sufficient dura gratitude. No; that would be show dynamite and the ravages of infecourselves share wwer is reputation. Every China in the statement what they conceived to be their duty man is supposed to have money. tion, to run them together and keeping scant intelligence on our part. tious, and contagious diseases, the that, one is almost afraid to say to themselves and to humanity. Some It is regrettable but we must, uncomoider West Indians have set up in anything more about it. We know of these were illustrious men, some John must have known this. Now, as rhem there.
promisingly, at this time, call a stitutions fit to be immortalized by as a fact that in this community, respoctable men, had as it worked out for the chaufsome honourable feur, it worked well for the old There are two very striking evils spade a spade. by calling their at the men of tomorrow who are really leadership has become a rathor men; but due principally, be it obtrue name IGNOR ut for constructive building and tieklish subject to handle a discus served, to the menta!
Chinaman. Many others are living from which this community of ours titude by its attitude of (Continued on Page Continued on Pabe Continued on Page 8)
Endorsing Saturday Editorial of


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