
PAQS TWO THE WORKMAN SATURDAY, MARCH 2, 1929 The Price of Prejudice OPINIONS OF BRITISH GENUINA NEWSPAPER On Constitutional Question on Barbados AT THE (By DINGWALL, in La Depeche Africaine)
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BARNES CASINO At the root of our problems relating to racial conflicts lie, like The Demerara Daily Chronicle of have, therefore a control over them.
venomous snakes, the following two a recent date says: If the functions of these Boards be things prejudice, ignorance.
We can imagine the pomp and given over to the Government, the We have been accustomed to think ceremony which marked the opening Governor will be able to appoint that these two words are synonyms of the First West Indies Conference whom he wants without regard to However, they do not always indiin Bridgetown yesterday. The Gov. the wishes of ratepayers cate similar type of characters. In ernor of the Island, the President of the needs of the Colony and to em other words, prejudice is not always the Legislative Council, the Speaker park pon expenditure which will cine to ignorance, and all men uninof the House of Assembly, the Lords bring Barbados to financial ruin.
formed about the men of another and Commons of Barbados were Now all this would be true if Barrace are not always prejudiced.
there, member of the Associated bados were already a Crown Colony, The prejudiced man may be either West Indies Chamber of Commerce But the facts and truth are that the ignorant or a knowing villain. When were there; members of the West Governor, if he wanted a Board at he is ignorant he rightly belongs to Indies Press Conference were there; all, would have to appoint men from the group of uninformed; when he and the presence of the Captain and the self seme class that now prois a knowing villain he presents a Officers of Durban lent vides the local Boards. What is different study to which this discusthe function additional pomp. Con more, the Governor can spend no sion is directed densed as is the cabled summary of money unless the wholly elected What is prejudice. Prejudice is a His Excellency Sir William Robert House of Assembly vote it. So that mental malady which we sha call irreconcilability.
son opening address, the same re Mr. Braithwaite, who is a member Its symptoms strained enthusiasm which charac of the Assembly would have quite as are fenir, hatred, superstition, delu terised Mr. Amery message is quite much power to control expenditure sien.
apparent. It is necessary that all and safeguard the publie purse under Irreconcilability to what? you may ak West Indian publicists maintain the Central Government as he now It is the irreconcilability between similar sense of proportion. Federa. hes as a vestryman under the pa tion is bound to come how soon no rochial administration. Nor can we a set of facts derived from any one can say. To be candid, although make a comparison between British source and the principles by which the opening of the Conference re Guiana and Barbados on the nice knowledge is organized into a syspresents a new landmark, a definite point as to whether centralisation is tem of thoughts. The normal mind stage of the progress made, political a progressive or a retrograde step.
is readily and naturally awakened federation is still a long way off. We The area of British Guiana is 90, 000 by differences that it meets; it likemust hasten slowly and all who are square miles: of Barbados 166, Little wise seeks to explain; it finishes by inclined to be impatient should pon England is no longer than the disassimilating its new experiences into der carefully on Sir William Robert tance between Georgetown and Maits previous contents. Thus the difson remarks and bear in mind that haica. Can people outside the island ferent thing is reconciled to the in movement towards West Indian escape the impression that the en formal queries of thought. The prejudiced man holds this different cooperation in relation to the com ralisation of Government would be tition of the world beyond the Ca beneficial?
thing aloof wilfully.
ribbean, is an aggressive movement If anything were needed to so er 37 Central Avenue.
Among the uninformed the dit only in the sense that to attack is to these who would see the colonies ferent thing presents no problem, defend. Taken collectively, the West politically linked to morrow, a stateand if it does, it is incapable of bethe In linn islands and colonies cannot be ment attributed to Mr. Braithwaite, ing reconciled to system of de cribed as a flourishing com to whom reference is made above thought. In either circumstance an munity. For the sake of self preser would supply that need. At the St.
ideal made concrete by popular vervation, we must get together orgo Michael Vestry nominations two nacular takes the place of the aloof nder weeks ngo Mr. Braithwaite pointed different thing.
The prejudiced man differs but The Constitution question in the awful condition of British little from the insane man whose Farbados, the very meeting place of Guiana as a Crown Colony which, mental activities do not form a cor.
this most important conference, he said, was the worst in its whole related integral. Ask me what a prepoints its own lesson. The other day histoy. We believe Mr. Braithwaite it will be remembered, we summar. Spoke thus through sheer ignorance: judiced man is likely to do. refer you to a lunatic asylum.
ised the speech of the Governor of cannot conceive that he was deHis behavior varies between silliihe Island as the opening of the last liberately using a white lie to bolster Logislative Session, and we express his case. Awful condition is, of ness and gross brutality, depending ed misgivings as to the manner in course an objectionable description upon the causes of irreconcilablity which the Government scheme for of a Colany whose inhabitants, almentioned above, namely, fear, hatPHONE 925 red, superstition and delusion. In centralisation would be received. Ap. ready inspired by their new adminiscases where the first three sympparently a section of public opinion, rator, are looking to the future with toms predominate, behavior tends to how important or how unimportant, hope and confidence. But the word we cannot say is convinced that the might merely mean present depres THE ATLAS BEER HAS CCA. CO SAY ward violence. For example, there is proposal is but the thin end of the sion in which case, it is to be point a black man seeking skilled employment; he is refused and he becomes Crown Colony wedge. Now the Bar ed out that whatever may be the hadian House of Assembly is, next merits or demerits of Crown Colony aware that it is because of prejuto the British House of Commons Government, the present ConstituIf it is rest and comfort you want come on. But if you dice. Behind the prejudice there is and the Bermudian House of Astion of the Colony can have nothing want style there are other places.
fear of competition. The resultcaustic legal measures, brutality.
sembly the most ancient legislative to do with the present situation, for Where the last cause, delusion, body in the Empire, and it is safe it is not quite three months since the THE BARNES CASINO British Guiana Legislative Council to say that a movement for constiplays the chief role, and in certain writer forms of superstition, the reaction tutional reform would only find fasat for the first time. The vour of reformation meant the wid. we quoted in a previous paragraph is silliness. For example, two stuGives inside and outside comfort, is near to nature ening of the scoos of the island dogmatically states the causes of dents, one black and the other white, with heart and the rates are low, very low. You are welcome are assigned to adjacent seats: the representative government. So the the present bad condition. cutside observer of events will share one of his suggestions can we comwhite refuses such a proximity be18Sir William Robertson surprise, on pletely agree. But that is not the cause he feels he is superior. This idea of superiority is as vague as which we have previously comment point at issue. What must give the BARNES CASINO ed, that the representatives of the impatient federationist food for the thinnest air, but it is what is people have so little faith in the in elective of one of the chief West Inthought is the knowledge that an 46 Calidonia Road Panama City required to make fools rush where stitutions of the Colony as to believe angels fear to tread. Behind this Two minutes ride from R, Station on Street car behavior fear is far removed and them to be in danger because the dian islands, who was, probably preCentral delusion takes it place. The resultGovernment sent yesterday at the opening of the administers First West Indies Conference could Most popular site on the run disorder and disconcertedness.
some department instead of a parish Board.
Racial prejudice is costly in whatbe so aby mally ignorant of condiFor to centralise government in tion13 In West Indian colony.
5x5 SONY SS SSWASWS ever sense one may look at it for mental conflict Barbados means that the right which consumes the local parochial boards possess of The question is, who pays? My answer is: Both pay. The prejudiced and sanitation would be traneferred man pays in the warping of his perto Government. To the opposition, House No. 912 La Boca sonality, the arrested development NOTICE of his intellect, the result of mental Mr. Amery is, of course, the master Canal Zone BOWEN maladies upon the physical frame, schemer. We sympathise to a great OPPOSITE RESTAURANT and finally in money. The man who extent, with the Barbadians. year PHONE 1941. BALBOA is the object of prejudice pays in ago we could write nothing bitter DO YOU WANT NEW STUDEBAKER OR FORD?
TAILOR the injuries done to his body, the enough against the Dominions, Sec. Specialises in all Branches of SMOKE LUCKY STRIKE constant turmoil and bitterness of retary But we were fighting a real Dentistry mind that he, at times, shie SEE MR. NASH JAVILLO FILL NO. PABLO AROSEMENA bethreat not the shadow of a threat. ALL WORK GUARANTEED No. M Street San Miguel hind an inferiority complex. FinWe were at no time in doubt as to RESIDENCE 538 AVENUE FOR FULL PARTICULARS ally, he pays for it in the excessive what the effect of the British stimulations of his emotions and inGuiana Bhi would be. But in BarbaPanama City 9995465464599604670570695645CoC.
stinct. Note well that the cause of dos, so far as we can now see, no atthe loss in the case of the opprestempt has been made to abolish the BERNARD ANDERSON sor is a part of the nature of the island, whom no one could accuse of Senator Curtis, commenting on man himself, a part that moves outGramaphone Repairer leaning towards Crown Colony Govwards: in the case of the opressed ernment, makes the position quite HOUSE 980 LA BOCA, the cruiser legislation, say it hard it is an extra mural thing that is clear: Most of the members of these CANAL ZONE to get 40 men to agree on anything.
driven inwards. Note likewise, that boards, writes Mr. Clennell the result that comes to the oppresWickham of the Weekly Herald, Efficient Workmanship Cuaranteed It would be even harder if the Sensor is disintegration of forces; to are elected by the ratepayers, who ste was fominine.
the oppressed a concentraton of forces.
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