
THE WORKMAN SATURDAY, MARCH 2, 1929 PAGE THREE Election of Negro Congressman Watch for Announcement KEEPING CAPITAL SOCIE TY AGOG WITH STRIFE OVER BARRING OF WIFE Starting Date of GAS STOVE CLUB FOR Making Good Clothes and Cleaning Clothes Good We Have Some Nombers celt Which we are Selling Rapidly Get Your Number Today Pay Only 150 per Week See REID ROPER Gas Stove Three Burners, Oven, Broiler, High Back, No. 6, 19th Street and Central Ave.
PANAMA, Wm. MCKINNON All over STILL ON SALE West Indies Cricket History. AND Cricket Tours 1900, 1906 1923 WASHINGTON, Feb. Congressional social circles here are quaking with the impact of the elec tion to the House of Representatives of Oscar de Priest, from Chicago Black Belt in the First Illinois DiWill Soon be Announced atrict. Representative elect De Priest will be the first Negro member of Congress in twenty eight years, and the first since the creation of the Congressional Women Club, around which most of the current disturb ance centres.
The reason for the ladies per iurbation is that membership in the club is at present open to all daugh.
ters, wives or official chatelaines of members of Congress, and the wife and daughter of Mr. de Priest will be eligible to membership upon application. Whether they will apply or not is still unknown. Mrs. de FOR WONDERFUL Priest refuses to discuss the matter, and Mr. de Priest says that it will keep until he takes his seat in Congress.
Southern members of the club de clared that they will resign If th PORCECLAIN Finish.
color line is not drawn. Other members argue that if the club begins pick and choose it means an end to Tho Gas Electric Showrooms the original character of the club. FUERZA LUY)
that if applicants are barred be COLON At Your Sorvico PANAMA cause of color, the next thing will be blackballing an applicant because she plays bridge badly or because che isn a college woman, or beNOTICE cause her husband polities dont please the officers of the club; for WHOLESALE DISTRIBUTOR any reason or none.
FOR Washington there are DO YOU WANT NEW STUDEBAKER OR FORD? MC. DONALO ALMANAGS curtain lectures going on.
SMOKE LUCKY STRIKE St. 71 Street and ceroer 22rud You can start blackballing my CHORRLLOI colleagues wives! the CongressSEE MR. NASH JAVILLO FILL NO. PABLO AROSEMENA Inen are saying to their wives.
AVENUE FOR FULL PARTICULARS Why, am going to need his vote in committee or on the floor when my special bill comes up.
Oh, in the case of Congressmen WORRELL whose constituencies include colored Wonderful Work of 240 odd Pages Dr. JOHN THOMPSON If you have a Prescription to voters, there is the effect of the De Priest phase to be congidered.
THE TAILOR Mechano. Therapist be made up take it to the Summary of Contents: Corner 16th. Street To be sure, it is not admitted by No. 36. ANCON AVE.
National Pharmacy, Santa Ana West History of West Indies Cricket for 60 years club members that the De Priest UPSTAIRS Plaza, where you will get courcase has anything to do with the Paramo, Full Particulars of 1900 Tour, Panama City teous and obliging service.
Interesting Report of the 1906 Tour, As the constitution of the club Magnificent Recor is of the 1923 Toui, now stands, Article I, reads thus: Photographs of the Teams and 16 Indivirua The active membership shall be Players composed of the wives of Senators, Representatives, Delegates and ComVáluable, Instructive, Historical, ccurate. Complete and inissioners in Congress. It then goos Interesting on to specify that certain female relatives of such members of ConPrice 50cts.
gress, presiding over their official households, together with women Secure yours now there will be a great rush members of Congress, wives of Jusfor them, tices of the Supreme Court and cortain other official women shall be Copies may be had from the office of the WORKMAN eligible Panama The constitution provides for Membership Committee, and the by AT THE laws state. It shall be the duty of the Membership Committee to receive applications for admission to the club, FRANK WILLIAMS and with the approval of the Executive Committee, determine the BUILDER DESIGNER eligibility of each applicant and no tify the Treasurer of all persons ad22 Straot, Guaohapali, Houso No. 18 mitted to membership.
Furniture of Varied Quality and Up to date Members of the Membership Committee have constructed their power Designs of determining the eligibility to be Under the above caption the fol. cause frankly admit that was, Press of the magnificent Colory PRICES DEFY COMPETITION limited to determining whether or lowing appeared in the Jamaica more than sceptical of a satisfactory must have found with all its weath not an applicant husband has the Mail of the 14th uto.:Issue, scoot S9, 6CCConossosses requisite official position. They do of Wallaba that the excess could be used with advantage for newspaper. must say that am more than net construe it to extend to any pleased with West Indian Pressmen.
And, now come to think of it, thing else, in the way of character ourteen It is the general opiniou on all there are certain advantages. The editors assembled this color, religion or polities.
sides that journalists in the West Editor of the New Daily Chroni lo week in Barbados and, under Chair In lies have to work under very puld liberally throw his news shet manship of one of the ablest editor creat advantages, but it was not at the Editor of the Argosy with the WI STRAIGHTEN ANY HAIR the West Indies have ever seen, set until received the Agenda of the hope of doing some material dam ISTHMIAN LEAGUE an example in more than one respect Conference that realised how hard age.
INDIANS TO HOLD OUTING to West Indian politicians. It is said the lot of some journalists must be.
that a West Indian loves to hear his road with surprise in my agenda The members of the Isthmia voice and, unfortunately, this is too that representation be made to exIt was really a revelation to find No hot irons or special combs required League of British West Indians arviten true; but at any rate, this can tend the domestic rates on shingles chat some of the bitterest opponents contemplatinga not be said of West Indian editors of words to that effect. Now it is grand outing to ou paper could sink all differenes SOLD IN DRUG STORES take place sometime during the Although refraining from excessive true that Barbadian Newspapers are and discuss matters before the Co.
month of May in the Savannah speaking they none the less examinreduced sometimes to borrowing District.
ed the problems before the Confer newsprint in fact it is not an inference for two days in a calm ad 6ne manner.
It is quite a while since this or ence from every angle and, in frequent state with some of them.
Now that the Conference is over ganization has not sponsored such businesslike manner, decided on And could even have understood unique Rent Receipt Books in Spanish and English for sale at the activity, consequently, all their future policy. newspaper being reduced to using »nd the Chairman has left the my are urged to rally to the cause and And my pleasure at the success of brown or blotting paper. But never Shores, don mind letting Workman Printery.
make this effort an enjoyable suc the Conference is all the greater be shingles. No doubt, however. Continued from Page 7)


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