
IDOZAN. ANEMIA PLEASANT TO TAKE For Sale at Leading Druggists ESCOFFERY The Ideal Pharmacy PAGE FOUR THE WORKMAN SATURDAY, MARCH 2, 1929 Head of Salvation THE WORKMAN Army Deposed General Commissioner Higgte Published on Saturday by WALROND, at the office No 72 Elected Successor CARLOS MENDOZA Street No. 72, Panama, Box 74, Panama Box 1102, Ancon LONDON, Wednesday The DaiWe do not undertake to return rejected correspondence. BEST CURE FOR to ly Express says that following the recent attempt to settle the SalvaThe Liberty of the Press is the Palladium of our rights JUNIUS tion Army disputes, Mr. Lloyd George and Mr. Ramsay MacDonald THE WORKMAN SATURDAY, MARCH 2, 1929 were asked to make an effort to reconcile the differences on behalf of both sides. The former declined, inWELCOME FRIEND!
stimating that he did not think it GENERAL DEBILITY was an opportune moment for his On Monday the 4th of this month Mr. Herbert intervention. The latter was, it is Clark Hoover is to be installed in office as President of LACK OF APPETITE understood, willing to put his serthe United States of America. Long before his election NEURASTHENIA vices at their disposal, both sides speculation was rife as to the kind of president he mutually agreeing.
would make, and interest in this regard has been intenLONDON Thursday. The High INSOMNIA sified since his election. This interest is not confined to Council of the Salvation Army by the United States, but is general throughout the civilforty two votes to seventeen last ized world, and is so because of the importance of the night elected Commissioner Higgins country in world affairs and because also of certain it new General. Seventeen votes special qualifications that Mr. Hoover is known to were cast in favour of Commander possess Evangeline Booth. Earlier in the eveWe do not claim complete familiarity with the his IDOZAN contains iron ning the Council deposed General Bramwell Booth by Pifty two votes tory of the United States, but we think we are safe in stating that Mr. Hoover will be the first engineer and Does not constipate to live on the ground of unfitness because of illhealth. The voting folindustrialist to become president of the country; he will also be the first in his religion The Friends or Does not damage the teeth lowed a meeting at which Mr. Jewett eminent King Counsel made an Quakers. In these two respects he may prove himself appeal on behalf of General Booth.
one of the great and remarkable presidents. As an engineer and industrialist he has had wide and intimate He called medical evidence as to the health of the General and read experience with various classes of persons in large unletter from the latter offering con.
dertakings in many parts of the world China, India, Australia, Eurone, the He knows much of decessions and urging that a way to tail about the difficulties of the toiler especially the Ask your Doctor to give his opinion on cettlement should be found. General Higgins new leader has been Chief humbler class of toiler and of the tendency on the part of the strong to oppress him.
IDOZAN. We are sure he will recommend it. of Staff of the Salvation Army for ten years and is the son of the as.
In this regard the West Indians in the service of sociates of William Booth who the Panama Canal and Railroad should feel peculiarly founded the Army sixty four years hapnv at the coming into office of such a president. The ago. General Higgins during the last conditions which obtain in those countries in which forty six years has worked for the Mr. Hoover has had to deal so largely with labor, are AGENT organisation in many parts of the similarly obtaining here, with the difference that in world including Japan and the Unitthose countries the laborer was usually native, while ed States. It is understood that here he is almost alwavs alien and imported. The laborer Commander Evangeline Booth here, on what is called the Silver Roll of the Canal. has friends let it be known that were he never had a wage scale with a margin from which he WOMAN CHAUFFEUR OF lected to leadership she and the can provide for unfitness for work, from sickness or FOR HIRE CAR REPORTAmerican Salvation Army would coold age: nor even for a reasonable degree of education ED FINED operate loyally for his children. There are from 3000 to 4000 of these Army Bulletin here, who came during the vears 1905 to 1910. some on No 29 Street East, Calid nia Nicely clad in man apparel and An official bulletin issued by the repatriation contract and others on their own hooks. At driving a for hire car, a white wo outhority of the High Council that time they varied in ages from about 20 to 40 years: inan, reported to have given her Wednesday states: so they are now ranging from 40 to 60 years of age. The nume as Catherine Madison, age 20 Always on hand a fine selection of The High Council met at Sunbury latter are falling out from sheer wear and tear. There years and resident of Balboa in the today. Jowitt, on is no retirement protection vet provided by the Panama DRUGS, PATENT MEDICINES Canal Zone, was taken before the half of the General, Gavin Simonds, Canal for them. The Republic of Panama although.
Police Court around ten o clock last C, on behalf of the defendants to thronoh its business community, has been reaning and And TOILET ARTICLES Saturday night and fined ten dol the action commeneed by the Genis still reading a rich harvest out of these people, is inrs for driving without a Panama eral in which he challenges the val incense.
nevertheless unfriendly to them. Great Britain and idity of the 1904 deed were present. France. whose citizens they are, acknowledge them as patrolman Prescriptions Carefully Compounded at on duty At the commencement of the sitting nationals but look with disfavor unon any extensive reweet, it is reported, noticed a car Juwitt trok preliminary objection to patriation of the aced, cripple, and decrepit of them. Ву Experienced Druggist ve 11 and let off some sailor he presence of Simonds and the and really, were wholesale repatriation attempted, the On turning his scrutinizingolieitor instructing him on the West Indian returning home with his earning power upon the efficient chauffeur he cround that they really represented cone, wouldbe in a far worse position than he would be covered that the facial lines were THE IDEAL PHARMACY 15. de Sousa, Pro defendants to the High Cour if he remained here, as his long absence had renred him ully refined for that of a man. Proceeding relating to matters not virtually a stranger.
examination ripened his immediaely concerning High Counminion and so he asked the chaufWhat is to be done with these peonle now, and the In order that General Booth ard ADVERTISE others that are following the wornout and discarded fear to accompany him to the Night supporters might have no pos.
Trege for further investigation. Atbleeduse for complaint Simonds servants of the United States of America? Some provithe night court the chauffeur is read the solicitor withdrew. format sion will have to be made, and this can only be done by ted to have confessed to be Congress. These neople have spent their best years of al resolution adjudicating the General man, as described above, and that as unfit for office and removing life in this service, in building and maintaining the Canal: the profits of the Canal are in a great measure de she has been driving a for hir liberefrom was proposed and secondPAYS IT rived from their service: and it is therefore a matter of car since the arrival of the Flexi and the Council had placed elementary justice that they should be provided for, as the world a declaration of his principles. Jamaica, and more. She was not asked to explain it wvidence in support there the American citizens are. bv retirement, if even not of the United States. This is the religion that Mr. Hoover. nduct in Panama. It was too ar meritven by the comer and report, farther any reason for her unusual consisting of medical raports, the same grade. They should also receive a higher professes a religion that brooks any suffering for short of exnloitation of them when the government re path, where highways never ran. His is a religion of expended by the sailor lads. But torneral tendered oral evidence from standard of wages while working, for it is nothing right principles, with the pioneer souls that blaze their brent that she was out to get some deputation to the General on Joy.
of the good money which was being ry 11. Jowitt on behalf of the frees to nav even 100 a month to a college trained mar determination and courage. Weet Indian) serving in a clerical capacity for un He has set some healthy examples already in the vithout Panamanian license, ever order, Doctor John Weir. Doctodriving an automobile in Panama witnesses including Sir Thomas mards of 20 vears. hut readily navs that and more to an Department of Commerce of which he was head for the when sbe could not have been other wardlaw Milne. Jowitt also address.
American voun mater of 17 to 19 vears of age and with past seven years, by abolishing unjust discrimination than a very efficient person at the the meeting in conrideradle het a foru months asrvice. Then there is the mestion of against the Negro employees. As Lincoln was their per; wheel, the Judge tined her ten dol length. The adjudication vote tak citizenshin. Tf the West Indians are being naid such low sonal emancipator, so Hoover might be their social and lars which she paid.
wames, and heing kent under in every other nhage of economic emancipator. The advent of the colored man 6. 80 routed for resolution their service. henause they are not citizens; and if it is De Priest into Congress may not cause him the social Against 5, abstained from vot.
not contemnlated to do away with their service; it will worry, that many journalists have been forecasting.
ng Council proceded to eleet he a monstroue niece of injustice to keep them nernet He knows that fleecy locks and dark complexion do BARBADOS SOCIETY TO ew General. Commissioner Higgins wally an aliens. These are matters that we are hoping not alter nature claim. For years he has been enRALLY inr ten years chief of staff, was duly the incoming president will settle satisfactorily, or gaged in humanitarian work, and has been a friend to lected and accepted office as Genrather heln Congress to settle.
the friendless and helpless, without distinction as to The officers of the Barbados 90 cral.
And it is here that we believe his religious persua race, color or creed. He has travelled the road of friend ciety will hold a grand rally on sion will stand him in good stead. disciple of George ship, and has built himself a house by the side of the Monday 18th inst. in the Elku Hall Fox la to he the first President of the United States to road to be a friend.
CHAPTER 14 Guachapali.
gay affirm at his induction into office. This was GARVEY DAY Lifted to a higher sphere of usefulness, entrusted. The eleven Parishes of the Island one of the principles for which Fox and his immediate it would appear somewhat by divine will, with the will be represented, each represen followere fought and suffered, bearing much persecu guidance of the destiny of this great nation, his whole native wearing a different color rib Tomorrow being Garvey Day, a Hon and imprisonment for many vears, but which Fox career gives reason for the belief that during the com bon to represent his parish. Professpocial program has been arranged hon the satisfaction to have lived to see accented by the ing four years the conduct of the Collosus of the wors Dan Munroe and Shine will br for the evening at 30 when British judiciary and clergy. Mention may also be made North will be, toward all mankind, one of saneness and there, and in addition, a reputable noted speakers, the Choir, and sexnf their sufferings under the Conventicle Acts of 1670 goodwill, making for friendship and a better under Orchestra to amuse you.
cral artists will contribute to the that made it a crime for more than four persons to as standing, the dealing eye to eye. Mr. Hoover, the West In order to form any opinion of evening entertainment.
camble in any house not their own for worshin; that Indians on the Isthmus of Panama bid you a thousand this combination of entertainers, full attendance of members is drove Fox to Barbados (from which place he issued to welcome.
You must be there.
also requested.
at 03 on in the WORKMAN


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