
PAGE FIVE THE WORKMAN SATURDAY, MARCH 2, 1929 OSOS Canal Zone Notes Interesting Jottings LA BOCA NEURALGINA lenda and Countrymen: During the past week, lots of things happened which could fot duwn here for your amusement mnd the time. You know, am a busy Should be in every office to immediately soothe any neuralgic pain caused by excessive mental work.
NEURALGINA EMPLOYEES ASSOCIATION ashore. Attempting to barter their CONSIDERS SICKNESS goods at Coco Grove, in the restrictBENEFIT ed area, where they found business exceptionally dull in that respect, Acting upon Secretary Treasurer they started out for another section Davis suggestion at a recent meet of the metropolis when hey were ing of the La Boca District of the surpected by a policeman. After a Panama Canal West Indian Em little argument the two men were ployees Association, and in line with arrested and taken to the police staa matter which has been for long in tion, and after claiming that they the minds of the leaders of the As had procured the clocks from somesociation, special committee was where in the Canal one they were appointed to consider and submit turned over to the police. They plans which, if approved by the finally admitted, it is alleged, that Board of Directors, the Association they had removed the timepieces will in course of time pay sickness from the Limerick cargo, and was and death benefit to its members. therefore turned over to the ship The Board approval would also captain who assured the Canal Zone eliminate the present tiresome sys police that he would see that the tem whereby a collection of 25 cents three men be given a lesson which per member is made in each case of should hold them for a considerable death of a deceased member. This length of time, at least, to lay off protection in sickness should be ad appropriating other people things ditional inducement for employees to to their own use.
link themselves with the Association.
ARMY DESERTERS CAMP CARNATION BALL AT LA BOCA man whether have anything to do or not. believe in the saying. keep busy, for satan finds work for idle hands to do. Now, am not acquainted with satan, have only heard about him, and from all that have heard. If all they say about him is true) have a feeling that it is better to be unacquainted with him. only hope that satan is properly advertised, and that he is not as unfortunate as some poor folks are in having so many naughty things said about them which are not true.
Should be in every school to soothe bad headaches and reduce the fever of children.
NEURALGINA is complete Inoffensive and nourishes the heart, One of the things heard that Sparklets is getting from bad to worse that what is written under the title neiher has sugar nor salt. that it would be better it.
whoever this might be, was writing under the title Sparklets. It is caid also that this week gone, be wrote about bunkum or some auch thing and even this title (bunkum)
would be suitable for what he writes They asked me who this was, and tell the truth friends, roplied that it was the same with him and me as it was with me and satan. not acquainted, just heard about him. Yes, had to do this because remember horse no got horn, him no busines da cow fight. So, thoro For sale both Wholesale and Retail AT THE AMERICAN PHARMACY JAVIER MORAN, Proprietor you are!
Some time in May next the Club After a six months experience in house here will be the scene of their Army uniforms, to soldiers classic demonstration of the art of from Company 14th Infantry Terpischore, under the auspices of of the Army stationed on the the La Boca Athenaeum. This affair Canal Zone, thought that they had which will take the form of the so been greatly mistaken when they ciuty semi annual Social was ap choose to don the uniform; hence proved at its weekly meeting at the they deserted the army after their Clubhouse on Tuesday. special pay day on January 31st and were drive for members has also been ap seeking to return to the good old proved at this meeting.
United States by securing jobs on merchant ships. In the meantime NEWS NOTES they had taken up temporary rosidence on the waterfront next door Having possessed an insufficiency to the Silver settlement at La of ready cash and desirlous of hav. Boca. When located on Tuesday of ing a good time in the city when the this week the men were found to be Ship the Limerick of the Union well supplied with the common neSteamship Company of Canada cessities of life sleeping facilities coached Balboa on Tuesday last, and commodities for their rations.
three ordinary seamen, James Shar. They had for their temporary housekey and Harry Golden, Sootehmen, hold help two colored men who and Cecil Thomas, Englishman, pro quickly disappeared when the men cured 18 Waterbury alarm clocks in uniform were surprised and arfrom the ship cargo and escaped rested.
COLON PANAMA DRY CLEANING TROTT The Cleaner ETEAM PRESSIN PHONEY 453 PHONE 260 18 STREET PANAMA DYBIN We Dye To Live Another thing happened, not similar to what have just told you in kind, but similar in similarity. Il that is not a correct statement, don blame me. It is not mine, picked it up at a ter meeting. Any.
how, this is what happened. The same fellow who talked about Sparklets was talking to me. Ale ter he had made his observations about him, he said, Now take this fellow Elijah Hunter see he writes Interesting Jottings. and sometimes he writes other things in another part of the paper. This man has two sides, a funny side, and an other side. When say funny side, don mean funny because its not nice, but funny because its full of fun, jokes, and it makes one laugh.
Then, on his oother side, he is so damned serious that if knew him and was near him when read him sometimes, would knock his head ofl. If this is not interesting. should like to see something that is Old people don lie when they say anything. Hear this one ef you mek cow hungry, him bawl, of you full him belly, him buck you. Out of evil cometh good. So the wise man says. am inspired by the fact that someone observes that there is more than one side to me. not so bad after all. would hate like the dickens to discover that am one sided.
FOR SALE SALE CHEAP RED TANK SPORTS AND PASTIME ing betwen the two terminal cities. 358 35335 Naturally, folks are subject to imOn Wednesday and Saturday of proved changes, and these improveeach week, the boys class is held in ments have shown themselves at this the clubhouse from six to 80 section with amazing comparison.
The men class is held on the Despite the fact that most of the same days from 30 to p. working departments are on a smallThe boys games consists of caller scale than at many other places iethenies and indoor baseball, while on the Zone, there are nevertheless the men take gymnastic and boxing marked by the amount of appreciaexercises.
tion they receive from the inhabiBasket ball practice takes place on tants.
Thursday in each week.
The Clubhouse is fairly well peThe girls reserves take marching tronized, and religious life is also exercises and calisthenic games.
observed, there being many denoOn Monday last 25th ult. the girls minational churches in the section.
went over to Paraiso and played Lying as it does, the facility of volley ball and indoor baseball and having small gardens here and succeeded in taking away the honors there gives many an opportunity of in both games amid a crowd of over sowing many useful seeds which are 200 spectators.
in turn harvested with good results, Mr. Terence De Bourg is the Phy while the commissary department eical Director for these two sections supply the greater needs of the peoand exercises much patience and ple with its many departments of energy in the work in which he is merchandise.
much interested While better wages may be earned if the opportunities arise, advantage COMMUNITY LIFE is being taken the facilities which are at present offered in every deThe Hitle section of Red Tank on nartmnt, and improvement among the Canal Zone is fast becoming the inhabitants will naturally follow one of the most popular sections lytheir earnings. Good ssortment of Photo Albums can Scrap Albums Writing Pads Hymn Prayer Books Souvenirs, etc. etc.
Apply at WORKMAN PRINTERY What have written is enough fer you this week, think must nnt exhaust my stock all at once; but if it is not enough, send you herewith a contribution from ANother, evidently a fellow with a funny side like my friend said am.
Here it is. It was midnight on the Ocean, Not a street car was in sight; The sun was shining brightly, And it rained all day that night.
The fishes huddled in their nests, And the birds flew in the sea; barefoot boy with shoes on, Stood sitting in the grass Then the organ peeled potatoes, And the choir rendered lard; And the set on the dish Tag Which caught a church a fire. a chur Wire for us We ll Wire for You NIMBLEY Co.
Electricians and Dealers Wiring, Supplies and Repairs Telephone 1059 THE 90 ITAMO ab 29yol 72 Carlos Mendoza Street and corner Javillo 243. TAS OPPOSITE GUARDIA LUMEER VARD PANAMA CITY Holy smoke! the preacher shouted, In the rain he lost his hair; Now his head resembles heaven, For there no part in there.
PO Box 747 No Street Ancon CZ Panama If you have a Prescription to be made up take it to the National Pharmacy, Santa Ana Plaza, where you will get cour teous and obliging service.


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