
H THE WORKMAN SATURDAY, MARCH 2, 1929 NEWS FROM THE WEST INDIAN ISLANDS 108 JAMAICA BARBADOS Barbados Gas NOTICE Bank and Treasure Work Among the Blind by one of the studenta to the mooiCompany Ltd.
Clerks Armed by the Salvation Army It was a source of wonderment to given Mrs. GERTRUDE FORDE RICHARDS ing.
the audience how all those things The Advocate of recent date says: were done by the students, who were SMOKE LUCKY STRIKE Demonstrations Given which As Protection Against Bandite The advertisement of the Barbaunable to see dos Gas Company, Ltd. is one that SEE MR. NASH JAVILLO FILL NO. PABLO AROSEMENA Astonish Spectators Hold Up At the close of the meeting, many will be read with interest by all. We Rathered to examine the appliances are informed that at no other GasAVENUE FOR PULL PARTICULARS The Jamaica Mail of the 16th ulto. used by the students.
RECENT INCIDENT IN WHICH works in the world are to be found Nays: At Morant Bay on Tuesday night such efforts to keep pace with the MAN ENQUIRED OF CASHIER On Monday and Tuesday of this the Theatre was filled to its utmost times as those in Bay Street. While HOW HE STOOD week, Brigadier and Mrs. Barre capacity, when. demonstration was other West Indian Gasworks have Principals of the Salvation Army gone out of existence in the face of The Jamaica Mail of the 12th ulto school for the blind, accompanied by The Hon. Phillipps, Electrical Competition, our own losayo: Mrs. Colonel Cloud, Captain Mor and Custos of the parish presid ca! Company is still alive and supA short time ago it was reported ris, Bandsmen Lywood, Ferdinand ed.
plying the publie with satisfaction.
BEAUTY PARLOUR that one afternoon while the Cashier Blake, and Miss Ruby DaCosta took Mr. Phillipps expressed his inter. We are not ignoring Jamaica, where in the Island Trommury was checking party of the blind students to Portest in the school and promised to the Corporation own the Gasworks Madame C, Walker Method his cash, a man approached the win. Antonio and Morant Bay where they vive his help.
and are their own largest consumers, dow in front of which he was stand ave demonstrations of their work. The same demonstrations were re as they are now about to re organise ing and pointing his finger at the At Port Antonio, a very largepeated by the students and their teir street lighting with new cashier enquired in a semi friendly crowd consisting of prominent mem welpers.
Amps similar to those we have in manner how he stood. The clerk lurs of the community and other At both meetings Mrs. Brigadier our streets, and in answer to the immediately informed the enquirer gathered in the Princess Theatre, Burrell read her annual report on public appeal intend to give their rethat he stood well and simultan Mr. Bonnitto presided and gave the working of the school. sidents Gas for Cooking in a more cously produced a revolver which he encouraging address.
Mrs. Barrell has received a letterl up to date manner than heretofore.
Consultation Free House 164 Ave Ancon hed on the counter beside him. Need The blind students, Estonia Hines from the Secretary General of the We are informed that in America des to say, the man soon beat and Sydney Wong gave demonstra. National Institute for the Blind, where the electricians are boosting Styretreat tions in sewing, reading of a passage congratulating her on the splendideerything Electrical, Cooking by The incident was duly reported to for Seripture, telling the correct time progress of the work in Jamaica. Gas is gaining ground faster than the Island Treasurer and he imme trom a watch specially made for the The following students have left all other methods combined, and is ately made a report to the Govern. purpose, the temperature from the Blind School: Daniel and Mavis actually replacing northet clerks who had to handle Thermometer, also specially made Graham, brother and sister, and ing.
ca dally boh in the Treasury and for that purpose, and the date of Clarence Wong have finished their COMMENTS ON JAMAICA in the Government Savings Bank the month. They read a portion of three months course at the school town have the reputation of being PRESSMEN sucre exposed to the danger of beirg Louis Stephenson Children Gar for the Blind. It is expected that two the best lighted of any in the beid up by bandits, who a few weeks den of Roses. message was writ. them will return to Kingston to 1, and we feel sure our visitors this She bas a lovely face. but The Barbados weekly Herald in 20, were credited with some dar ngon on the Braille Writer and read continue study at the school and do wock will inspect them with inter what a puritan! its issue of Jan 26, commenta edi.
huld up stunts in Kingston and other Denetical work there.
est. Whilst on the street lighting it Hang Her!
torially on some of the Jamaican pirts of the island.
may be of interest to those who have press delegates as follows. The Ja.
The Governor we understand gave was made to the Chief Executive by the idea that Electricity is the maicans were an interesting lot. Mr.
Shampooing, Dyeing. Pressing, Facial Massaging, etc.
Electrical cook How Prim Barbados. Newespaper The gas lighted streets in Bridge and Handsome prompt and earnost consideration to a member of the Savings Bank staffPROPOSAL FOR EXTENSION latest and best to know that the She Wall Clock graceful and Lisser is a dapper well groomed true the matter and has given instruc. in which it was pointed out that a OF THE TELEPHONE fines example of street lighting in man with the air of confidence which SYSTEM the world is Paris where the lighttins to the Island Treasurer to sec. very effective means of protecting Hang Her!
the editorship of the best newspaper ing experts are unanimous regardin the West Indies gives. born ure fire arms as a necessary means such clerks as are mentioned above of safe guard against any attempt would be to detail member of the The Gleaner of the 14th ultimo ing the superiority of the gas lamps diplomat, he has mastered the art of ct the Place de la Concorde.
She keeps close track of the par speaking for half an hour without that might be made by bare faced Argyll and Sutherland Highlanders states that: Our local rasworks is the only sing time.
robbers, who might hold up clerksdressed in mufti to do duty during The proposals recently put forsaying anything; and it was an eduemployed in that important depart business hours each day in the ord by British concern for the one in the world where crude oil in Every tick tock is an honest recention to see him as Chairman nodreasury building, posting himself extension of the present telephone refined, and their tar dehydrating cord ment of the government service. The ding his head approvingly at senti Cashier and one or two other clerks a: such position as would enable him area to an Island wide system are plant enables expert chemical knowHang Her!
ments with which he was in total in the Government Savings Bank take count of everybody who en not likely to be put by the Govern ledge to be used in the manufacture disagreement. No chance of a speakcomo under this category, and seven ters and to be ready for action, the ment before the coming session of of various by products such as adclerks between the two offices who moment he has reason to believe anythe Legislative Council; as the pro vertised in our columns, for which Her pendulum will always swing Chair. He generally got the conceito true.
vions of the Conference modified in daily have to handle large sums of robbery or act of violence was about posals themselves in many ways are understand there is a steady inThere a tiny gauge to conter it the direction he wanted. But whe: money havo each been provided with to be perpetrated. This suggestion not satisfactory to the Government rensing demand.
an Iver Johnson 82 caliber revolver was however not entertained, the The chief difficulty in the way it is hang Hor!
The saw that there was a settled dewith instructions to tiro at anyon. Governor thinking it more practic raid is the fact that the chief vo termination then he came out strong ume of business for such service DEATH OF MR. SAMUEL who attempts to rob, or anyone able for the clerks to use revolvers himself. am not sorry he will preCUMBERBATCH whose actions are much u would as a safety first measure would be fruit business, and this is Full tined and mellow she side again at the next Conference.
The seven revolvers were supplied already transacted by the large truit strikes the hour and mentions lend one to reagonably conclude that Mr. Parker is a big man, big boha intention le to commit such by the firm of Messrs Leonard de companies on their own private line.
The Barbados Herald of the 2nd the half in passing. died and big hearted. strong solid crime Cordova and Co. Ltd. Hardware instant gives the following seco (Continued on Page 7)
towering personality with a pleasant Hang Hor!
of Mr. Samuel Cumberbatch diedt voice and a deliberate choice of It is also learnt that sucreation Merchants of this city.
his residence, Howell Cross Road at 10 o clock last night. Mr. Cumou can get her from Fuller at words. He is a strong believer in West Indian unity, and loves his berbatch who was well over eighty 122 Central Ave.
own country fanatically. Mr. Wint is years old was one of the leading Hang Her!
the busiest and hardiest worked shoemakers of his day, and enjoyed politician in Jamaica, he represents a wide circle of friends. One of his parish which is more than twice children was the late Mr. Cumas big as Barbados and is a memberbatch, Assistant to the Inter of no fewer than twenty five spector of Schools. He leaves two publie Boards. He had a terrible daughters and one son, Mr. Julian struggle to make his way into the Cumberbatch, Clerk at the General Legislature. But once in, his cour3 Hospital. The funeral will take place age and devotion and real marked at St. Barnabas this afternoon.
him out. No member of the Legislature in Jamaica speaks with great.
er weight either inside the Council TRIBUTE TO AN OLD or outside.
SCHOOLMASTER CRICKETERSI The Season is now on, so get your CRICKET GOODS At the PANAMA HARDWARE (M. CARDOZE Jr. CATHEDRAL PLAZA FULL ASSORTMENTI OF Bats, Balls, Wickets, Gloves Leg Guards Etc. Etc. Etc.
Writing in his parish notes the Rev. Farrar pays the followJ. Small ing tribute to the memory of the DENTIST late Mr. Brathwaita:Mr. Brathwaite, who died on MASONIC TEMPLE 28th December at the age of sev. Prices 10. 00, 12. 50, 15. 00, enty six years, was a man of dignift 25. 00 and 30. 00.
Office Hours: 8, am to 12 ed manners strict integrity, deeply 30 pm to 30 pm respected by the many who know him.
If you have a Prescription to be Sundays. by Special Appointmen For fifty years he had been the Mosonic Temple ifth Sł, made up take it to the National Head Teacher of Kings and Boys School, his influence being of dis Pharmacy, Santa Ana Plaza, where Pos 787. CRISTOBAL tinct benefit to the district. Mr. you will get courteous and obliging Brathwaite as a staunch member of BNE Oric. 1664 servies the Anglican Church and a regular Communicant at the Parish Church took a keen interest in all ecclesiasRent Receipt Books in Spanish tical affairs, especially those con chols, and Canon Reece, the present and English for sale at the Workcerned this Parish. For the past four and the former Inspector of Schools, man Printery.
years he received a pension from the the Committal prayer being said by Government. At the funeral service the last named Clergyman, who had the Clergy of the Paris Church known Mr. Brathwaite from early Advertise in the Workman were assisted by the Rev. Mr. Ni days. Diocesan Magazine. bring good results.
Come in and Inspect the Stock before Purchasing Elsewhere BRANCH STORE 125 Central Avenue


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