p. 8


PAGE EIGHT THE WORKMAN SATURDAY, MARCH 2, 1929 He and There Girl takes Her Own Life strong drink Important Notice THE WORKMAN PRINTERY Is Now Located in more spacious quarters at No. 72 Carlos Mendoza Street. Continued from Page the West Indian) is suffering(Continued from Page 1)
and gambling; and for doing this action, but think it is which are calling out loudly for a u well.
remedy. am not a total abstainer Will you please not tell my dad in either case, but have been able of thie. God knows he has as much to observe respectable moderation at worry as he can do with. Give my all times. There is too much waste love to and tell him not to worbeing caused by them, and they seem to lead to endless complicaPlease forgive me for doing this tion with other vicious forms. cowardly action again, but find have visited some of the churches cannot possibly live without Jack.
and listened sometimes to some very How have lived through the last well reasoned sermons, but can not two months don know. only hope recall to have heard any on these succeed this time, as don want evils or either of them. The serto live. Life is so empty.
mons are generally too general in Police constable Spicer was detheir applileations. Instead of being scribing how he found Wake in a coldriven they are applied with some Lapeed state on a doorstep in Oxford amount of soothing and apology. It Street, when Mrs. Wake, the girl might help considerably if the Men mother, who was in court, fainted.
of the Cloth were to get up a little She was carried out.
campaign. There are too many well The Coroner, Mr. Oswald, record trained West Indian men going or ed a verdict that Wake died from gune over to hard drinking lately, oxalic acid poisoning, and that she And as for the petty gambling the committed suicide while of unsound chance and the bills every day mind.
finds some decent family losing hold of their sense of decency: they can JUDGE MARTIN SUCCESS.
bear the sight of some smaller felOR ARRIVES low (chance dealer) running around in a car and brandishing a loť of Judge James Leniham, succesbills. If this community is to be reaor to Canal Zone District Judge spected and well treated, we will Guy Martin, arrived at Cristobal have to get rid of these evils.
last Wednesday morning aboard the Panama Railroad steamship Ancon.
ENDORSING SATURDAY Later in the afternoon the new EDITORIAL Judge took the oath of office before (Continued from page 1)
Clerk of the Court Shiebley in the District courtroom at Ancon the populace, leadership has been Judge Leniham will take up active somewhat ridiculed If not demoralised.
duty on Monday next when he will We are not unmindful of the fact preside over his first case in the An.
con District court.
that there have been instances The new Judge comes from Washwhere some who stood out for leadership had turned out to be a sort ington, where he has been of blood sucking parasite; but in Lauogiyay 09 junspssy weds General of the United States, poour memory, those instances are few sition which will now be filled by in comparison with the many others Judge Martin.
who were fit to lead, and would The salary of Distriet Tridge of haye accomplished many things of practical utility to the community, the Canal Zone is 10, 000 year, but for the adoption of an incorrect and that of Special Assistant to the mental attitude on the part of those Attorney General is to be abort 8, 000 a year with traveling ex.
who were to be lead.
This same attitude existed in the penses days when Socrates lived. They con.
CHURH SERVICES demned him to death for corrupting AMERICAN EPISCOPAL CHURCH NAMENT TO PRIZES WON NOTICE the youth; that was because he was ST. MATTHIAS MISSION, LAS SABANAS teaching them to think. Now, as in THIRD IN LENT The women singles tennis tour.
those days, to think is always dannament which has been drawing gerous. In this connection, the really DO YOU WANT NEW STUDEBAKER OR FORD?
ST. PAUL CHURCH, PANAMA (Rector of St. Paul in charge)
dozens of fans to the La Boca safe man is the man who does as 00. Church School (Rev. Nightengale, Clubhouse tennis court each after other people around him, irrespecSMOKE LUCKY STRIKE Rector) 30pm. Evensong and address. noon during the early part of this tive of what those doings are. He is SBE MR. NASH JAVILLO FILL NO. PABLO AROSEMENA 30 a. Holy Communion. Th Richards, Lay Reader.
week, ended on Thursday afternoon harmless and inoffensive who keeps Rector.
when Mrs. Olga King met defeat at step with the crowd, even if those AVENUE FOR FULL PARTICULARS 10. 15 a, The Litany. Mr. WESLEYAN METHODIST the hands of Mrs. Christina Jump, steps lead into the valley of econoAtwell, Lay Reader.
CHURCH 0, 0, 1. The contest was intermle, industrial, or social death.
10. 30 am. Holy Eucharist esting throughout with everybody, But we see the hand writing on (British Conference)
Sermon. The Rector.
howevert conceding victory to Mrs.
the wall and we are convinced by SMALL POX IN DARIEN HARRY WILLS IN THE Prelude Prayer. Von Weber.
times and we are convinced by these Jump who is considered to be among TOUGHEST FIGHT OF Hymns 245, 181, 558, 197.
the best, if not the best, female playthat it is a duty to share in the Simper Communion Service in Pananıs 11. Rev. Wade. er on the Isthmus responsibility of enlightening the HIS LIFE Recent that reports state the 00 Church School. Mr. Communion.
By beating Mrs. King, Mrs. Jump has masses, to help them to make resti dreaded Epidemic (small pox. By Straight Jab) Cragwell, Superintendent. p. Sunday School wins a fine tennis racket donated by tution, to inspire them to recover, roken out in Darien province and 30 pm. Choral Evensong a Teachers Committee Meeting at Mr. Neely, Secretary of the even partially, that which was lost is causing much alarm to both the Sermon.
La Boca Clubhouse; and for work to them, and to reform them though inhabitants and the authorities. Since his two last big fights with Prelude Intermezzo Diggle. 30 Rev. Wade. Coming her way throuhg the elimination one be purposely misunderstood by The Government is taking drastie Billy Grime, Young Harry Wills has Hymns 252, 91, 95, 86.
contests thereby eligible to play in one own people.
Measures to prevent the disease been taking it easy; but he has sudPsalm 119 (vs. 73 104. Monday. Minister Classes will be the final game, Mrs. King earns secTo share the responsibility, we af from spreading to other towns by denly awakened to the realization Magnificat (Parke. met for Quarterly Tickets of Memond place and will receive an ab firm, is a duty which must be per curning the matter over to the that he has the toughest fight of his Nunc Dimittis (Gibbons. tray donated by Mr. Sidney Full. formed. Efforts made in this per partment of Hygiene and Publi life when he meets Tommy Brien Potlude in Rockwell ce of the leading jewelers of this formance are Colon 11 and 30 Rev.
never in vain, and Health. the new arrival from California city.
come what may, the mental attitude Cousins. Communion.
The number of cases up to the on the 10 inst. at the Bull Ring for ST. ALBAN CHURCH of the populace must be changed o present has not been ascertained.
the Junior Welterweight ChampionLa Boca, 11. Mr. Frank PARAISO, that, to lead them will not continu hip.
Reed. ETUDE CLUB TO INSTALL to be a problem, and they must be Those who know Harry Wills also 30 Mr. Walters.
OFFICERS TONIGHT taught that is very much their PANAMA WESLEYAN Rector of St. Paul in charge)
know that he can adapt himself to Tuesday. p. Sunday School 11. 00 a. Matins, Litany and duty to share in the responsibility ACTIVITIES any conditions when it comes to Teachers Meeting to establish leadership to the end address. Installation of ofiers of the fisticuffs, and that Tommy Brien New Providence 11 Mr. Peart. above named Club will take place that they may 00 pm. Church School and Con be lend to higher vill have no easy fish when he meets firmation Class.
Paraiso, 11 Mr. Theo, Ful conight at 30 in the usua plains, and to regions in the social Weekly Program the young panther. is a foregone ler.
and economic spheres where the at7. 30 Choral Evensong and meeting place.
The usual weekly meeting of th conclusion.
address. Mr. Osborne, Cate 30 Supplied There will also be a musical pro mosphere is salubrious, and life and above named Society was convened Harry has established his training chist.
Thursday. 45 Leaders Meeting. gram and other forms of recreation himsith more wholesome! Geddes Hall on Wednesday night camp on the gold Coast, and will for consent to this exhibition, and also last when two papers on Bible char a few days preceeding the fight, SPARKLETS cters on the following were read. treat Colon fight fans to come, CAUGHT!
spoils of the Bun:o being made to accommodate (ina some of the ovel way) the many invitees for Samuel, by Mr. Cyril Cumberbatch technique of the game, never seen Game, with a fractured skull, wh she occasion, and an enjoyable eve and Rehoboam by Mr. Clonmell. on that side before. Continued from Page 1)
At least two of the Bunco Game Nievas received more or less serioulaing is anticipated The program was supplemented with not for sowing today and reaping on The backers of vocal duet by the Misses Anits predicts an easy knockou tfor the meshes of the Law. They are two of treated in Santo the following morn Tommy Brien experts are supposed to be in the injuries for which he is now being Tomas Hospital.
The old hors Harewood and Hilda Forthe, also a white flash, in the early stages of the three men Rent Receipt Books in Spanish have won many strateg e points vital sorg by Miss Ivy Wright.
reported to have Soth were arrested as a result of to the success of our community. It the bout, whilst Harry admirerseteged a bloody fight behind closed the fight. Since, it is reported that and Enolish for sale at the WorkThe Rev. Wade presided are confident that if the canvas is doors in a room at house number 8, they have been identified by two te fully up to the youngsters to making favorable comments on th: kissed at all by either of the fight Street, last Sunday. These mnvietims of street robberies who were man Printery.
in and help hold and develop these gains, and be prepared to take over evenings contribution, bringing the ars, it will not be by Harry nre Juan Salazar and Daniel cheated on hundreds of dollars at the proper time and carry on proceedings to a close with the usual Adios boys. More anon on this Nievas. Salazar emerged from th cach, as having took part in reliev. Advertise in the Workman formalities.
until relieved by still younger forces.
classy bout battle which was thought to be over ing them of their money.
it will bring good results.


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