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PRICE CENTS Labour in Cuba is still Cuba is still Immigrants BarredNoted West Indian Disastrous Fire Destroys Difficult Pier at Jamaica Says Immigration Agent to Gleaner At night, even pipe.
THE ROYAL BANK OF six weeks. the Governor.
SPARKLETS to From the Bahamas Soprano Completely Captives AudiFor One Year by Proclamaence at Belfast tion of the Governor The Northern Way of Belfast, Jan. 22 said: Damage Estimated at Forty Thousand Reporter Immigrants from Jamaica, Ber Few visitors to Grosvenor Hall, Pounds Sterling muda, Cuba, the Turks Islands and Belfast, have so quickly and so comThe Gleaner of the 2nd ulto, says: been a severe drought in the sugar British Honduras are barred for pletely captured their audience as Recent copies of the Daily Gleaner which will be recoverable from inAmong the passengers who arrive area in Cuba. The labour situation one year from entry into the Badid Miss Alyce Fraser, the West In received here report a destructive surance.
ed here yesterday on the United, was still difficult and the Cuban hamas by a proclamation made by dian soprano, who is paying her first blaze which destroyed the Number Ten or eleven freight can also Fruit Company steamer Juan from Government were making restric the Governor. During the period of visit to Belfast, One Pier of the Jamaica Govern. went up in the blase. The cost on Santiago de Cuba was Mr. u. tions to tighten up emigration.
the proclamation no passenger af There was a very large congrega ment Railway, the loss of which is these is estimated at 600 to 600 Goy Seymour Ewen, Secretary of The reporter had heard that so far lected will be allowed to land in the tion present on Sunday afternoon estimated at about forty thousand pounds sterling ench. There were not Emigration in Cuba as women were concerned the Cuban colony without the special sanction when Miss Fraser gave a service of pounds sterling. The blaze is believineured. The net low to the Rallway Mr. Ewen has applied for leave of Government were averse to their en in each case of the Governor in sacred songs. The programme, which fed to have started from a lighted is therefore estimated at about filabsence and it granted he will leavetering the Republic in search of Council and then only on complying included excerpts from the orat match thrown into some dry banana teen to sixteen thousand pounde for England on Monday next on a work. Mr. Ewen confirmed this in with such terms and conditions as orios, other sacred compositions, and trash by sailor from the steam sterling.
couple of months leave of absence. formation and went on to state that the Governor shall prescribe or al a number of negro spirituals, made ship Carare, after lighting his The fire started at 20 o clock to low.
During his absence Mr. Morris, the he had sent in his half yearly report a deep impression.
the afternoon soon after which the British Minister at Havana, will to the government on the labour with the provision of extra seating, The decree is made under Section The loss of the pier proper is as Kingston fire fighters arrived on situation in Cuba.
it was with overtake the duties of his office.
great difficulty that 31 of The Immigrants Act of 1928.
timated at thirty thousand pounds the scene but was powerlew to evold In a short interview which a It is expected that this report win and it is further declared that any those wishing to be present could be sterling, twenty thousand pounde of a complete ruin of the premises.
presentative of the Gleaner had with be laid on the table of the Legisla rassenger within the meaning of the Rev. Spence preached an seraccommodated. At this service the Mr. Ewen, he stated that there had tive Council during the coming week. Aet travelling to the colony by first nest evanbelistic sermon on the pow.
000 class may be permitted to land without permit on giving an assur Fraser sang a number of spirituals, er of sin. During the service Miss HERE AND THERE ance in writing that he will not stay CANADA longer than four months in the col including the well known one Steal ony without special permission from Away to Jesus.
In the principal editorial in the considering the past Last night Miss Fraser wave Will Open Their Panama and Colon Branches Star and Herald of February 18th Some must be glad and others sorprogramme, including last on the opening of the new stary for this change. Perhaps, it will The restriction takes effect from sims from the masters, old English Monday March 11th Inst: dium on the grounds of the old Isth be difficult for one to say whether the 1st January this year.
songs, and negro spirituals.
mian Park, some very significant he is sorry or glad. For one thing asoonsas comments are to be met. The editor there was extra money in circulaOn Monday morning at nine, lombia, 8; Costa Rica, 1; Perú, 0; is of the opinion that this stadium tion. would fix it at the modest o clock the branches of The Royal Panama, 2; Uruguay, 1; Venesuela is a definite signpost in the march sum of a million dollars. There were Bank of Canada in both the cities of SPAIN Barcelona. By of progress Panama has made in its about an aggregate of some 200, 000 Panama and Colon will be open for GREAT BRITAIN London, DEFENDING MR. KING quarter of a century as an indepen ashore; and an average of five dolbusiness. The Panama branch will local entertainers don seem UNITED STATES New York.
dent nation. is a sign of the lars each must really be far below realize this and expect the paying be located in the new three story FRANCE Parla.
niodernity of Panama. Then he the mark. So the community was to public to swallow everything thrown building at Santa Ana Plaza corner Through its own widely scattered goes back to the life of Panama of the good, so far as money is con Our estimable friend and contem at it. They are fortunate that they of Central Avenue and Twelth chain of branches, therefore, and two decades ago, and says, Twenty cerned. But much as that it wel. poraneous columnist, Mr. Albert Ed do not live in a community where street, and Colon in the recently re with correspondents throughout the years ago no one would have known come, and present day civilization ward Bell who writes Frank rotten eggs and over ripe tomatoes novated two storey building at the entire world, the bank is in posiwhat to do with a stadium of the forbids that we live without it, that Facetious in the Panama Tribune, are the vogue.
corner of eleventh and Bolivartion to render an unexcelled service.
kind dedicated yesterday: Then the is not all. There was such a spirit apparently did not look with favor We are not sure how much moal streets According to their last annual people were just beginning to be of recklessness in many directions on the action of King who, at ability Albert possesses to enable It is a coincidence that these balance sheet dated November 30, come interested in the antics of the The poor West Indian children, who the mock trial held at the LaBoca him to correctly estimate our com branches are being established in the 1928, their Paid Up Capital was Americans. and refers to the are not favored the influences that Clubhouse reccntly, requested discre munity ability to appreciate its Republic of Panama in the year that 330, 000, 000 and the Reserve and cock fights and bull fights as the make for finer manhood and woman tion on the part of Mr. Jolly Stewart own efforts and to regulate its con the Bank will celebrate its 60th an was also 30, 000, 000. Depoelta more frequent and popular sports. hood, in grabbing at these extra and came nigh directing an enforced duct towards those efforts so as to (niversary or Diamond Jubilee. In the amounted to 788, 202, 003 while thele He goes on to say now athletics dimes these weeks have perhaps descent from the auditorium of Mr. impress others that it does not pos year 1869 they received their charter (total assets were 909, 395, 884.
form a definire part of the life of grabbed some ideas less worthy than Geo. Westerman. Albert says he sess barren background kept from the Parliament of the Domin Since then an additional issue of the people. and congratulates the they had known. It might be better doesn know whether Brother King vereered with verbiage and stumpion of Canada and at that time they stock was made which will increase National Government, the Munici if the lads of the sea could come in a neting in his capacity as clerk speeches. In his opening remarks at had only one office located in the the Paid Up Capital to 35, 000, 000 pality of Panama, and all responsible oftener, as that might help them to let the court or as President of the the mock trial Mr. King tried to city of Halifox, Nova Scotia. Gra and the Reserve Fund to the same officials, and the local press on the modify their recklessness. Lengte. Having been pres make it clear that one of the aims of dually branches were opened through amount, namely 35, 000, 000.
erection of the stadium. And he says, ent at the trial we are the firm the League he repenents is to help out Canada and Newfoundland and The Bank has a strong and reproo This has not been the work of a Speaking of these lads, remem opinion that Mr. King was acting in improve the general atmosphere of in the year 1899 their first foreign entative Board of Directors and few months, but has come as the re ber hearing of a certain French the capacity of President of the the Silver Clubhouse so it will con branch was established in the city their General Manager and ExecuRult of public spirited citizens for a modiste who landed here as a pas cabhouse Literary Musical Lea form nearer, at least, to that of the of Habana, Cuba. Since then the ex tive Officers are well known and number of years. Some of them have senger in transit a few weeks aggue, an uplift organization under Gold Clubhouses. Any one who visitspansion and growth of the bank has highly regarded throughout the heen devoted to this idea and have Well, instead of transiting she just whose auspiets the rock trial was the clubhouse at La Boca for in been very marked, and today it banking world, ziven much of their time and energy settled down, saying she liked the sing conductd, and that his attitude stance, when a good program is be ranks emongst the world largest In both Panams and Colon reteits propagation. So many have place. After about two weeks the was a forced one but was fully con ing presented there will observe bonking institutions with some 900 eral banking business will be conbeen interested and active in th immigration authorities took her arred in by an overwhelming major that, to allow the auditors to enjny branches 790 of these branches are ducted and in view of their strong project that we could not mention into their keeping in order to see ity of those present who could ap the program, the clubhouse secretary in Canada and Newloundland cover financial condition and world wide names without danger of slighting that she went. She was found with preciate the fact that those who must now and then race downstairs ing all the principal cities and experience and connections, their some earnest worker.
bank deposits amounting to a few were presenting the mock trial de to curb the conduct of an undis towns from the Atlantic to the Pa success in the Republic of Panama have read this editorial over and thousand dollars; but what was voted some time to prepare for itciplined, irresponsible gang. cific coast; while the remaining 107 should be assured.
over again, in an effort to discover strange about her possessions was and were presenting it solely for the The proportion of our community branches are obroad. The other counany inference that the West Indians an uncanny stack of bills amount advancement of the common stand intelligence which supports our tries in which the bank is now re EXECUTIVE OF WEST INhave had anything to do with thieling to 752. 00. Nuf sed.
ard of our community. Of course, community earnest, best and legiti presented with number of DIANS CONFERENCE affair, but have read in vain. It Albert penis commonly regarded mate efforts at improvement is ri branches in each, are as follows: MEETS would certainly have been generous ANOTHER SUM FOR as thoroughly educated in the school diculously low as compared with its Cuba, Porto Rico etc.
thing to have stated that that local. MONTSERRAT HURRI. Fun Frolic and therefore, more numerical strength. This is certain Cuba, 46; Porto Rico, 3; DominiAt the last meeting of the Execuity was reclaimed from jungle and CANE SUFFERERS often than not, no serious effort to ly not a very encouraging index to car Republic, 6; Martinique, 1:tive of the proposed West Indian swamp and made into an athletic reason in line with it should be at our general intelligence. In spite of Haiti, 3; Guadeloupe, Conference held in the Panama Capfield by West Indians a combine The hurricane sufferers of Mont tempted. But there are times, gentle all this, Albert, in his off days ital Hall on Wenesday 27th alto.
orgnaized by Dr. Fyfe of this serrat are still receiving practical reader, when Albert is really serious, pratings, would intensify the masses British West Indies Mr. Joseph Innocent of Colon was sity. Their track meets attracting sympathy from their countrymen and, instead of cramping his style, lack of appreciation or make more Antigua, 1; Bahamas, 1; Barba deputed to arrange matters in conthe thousands through the gate and friends on the Isthmus of Pa becomes ostensibly flippant. As for acute their incapacity to appreciate dos, 1; Dominica, 1; Grenada, 1; Ja nection with a branch of said organmade it clear to others. The Isthmian nama.
instance, in his column last Sunday and toleate, by introducing the maica, 2; Montserrat, 1; St. Kitts, 1; ization at that end.
Park will long live in the memory On the 28th ult. the Rev. Tmorning he said, in part: it is my rotten egg pelting on the few who St. Lucia, 1; Trinidad, Another meeting will be called of this community, cricketers, cy. Mulcare, who is a native of that is opinion that when people pay to at try to save the community face at Cenral and South America either on the 4th or 5th Saturday of clists, flat races and dancers too land, turned over to Mr. Hum tend an entertainment, they expect this the crossroads of the world. Argentine, 2; Brazil, 3; British the present month to make final arPalmam qui meruit ferat (let him hor, British Vice Consul for Pans to enjoy themselves. If they are sa Romember, Albert, that you are list Guiana, 2; British Honduras, 1; Co rangements for the conference which who merits the laurel wear it. ma, the sum of Thirty dollars, tisfied with the performance, it is ed as filling the exalted position of will consist of representatives from for transmission to the Commis expected that they will applause; if Associate Editor of a robust infant your weekly copies before the lino all the Colonial Societies operating Well, we may almost say, The tioner of Montserrat for the most dissatisfied, it should also be expect. paper which is seeking to help pro type operators grab them and turn at this end of the Isthmus.
Navy is gone. for there are but a needy among the sufferers. For overed that they will had or show their mote the best interest of an them into material to further mess Invitees are hereby reminded to straggling few of the boys around, four months the Rev. gentleman had displeasure in some other form. Our undesirable people. Study carefully things up.
bear this in mind. Continued on Page 8)
a the


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