
British Planes will be Used on Air routes THE PRINCE OF WALES Is Appalled at Misery Existing Among Workers AT THE LA MASCOTA fine selection of Black Blue Serges; Black Cheviots Vicunas, and Cream Flannels 12 ai. Also ECLISH TWEEDS the very latest designs TAILOR TRIMMING LA MASCOTA MULLER, Prop.
37 Central Avenue.
LONDON, Wednesday (Wireless from Rugby) It is understood that LONDON, Jan. 30 (By Mail) had not enough money to renew the arrangements have been reached whereby flying boats of British deThe Prince of Wales, who had yes license for Shot, a cross bred tersign will be used on the new comuerday trudged through snow on his rier, which was barking fiercely at tour of the Northumberland coal the unaccustomed visitors. The Lord mercial air services to be established fields, today waded through mud. Mayor of Newcastle promptly gave between United States Atlantic seaThe wheels of his car sank eight Mrs. Cook money for the license board and Pacific Coast of South inches deep in slime and when he which will permit Shot to live a.
47 walked it was almost to his boot other year.
An influential group of American tops. But he walked through for The Prince himself had immedi financiers are promoting the scheme, Heirs at a time.
ate relief given to the worst cases and technical representatives after He left the muddy roads to enter the encountered during today tor, five months tour devoted to examcottages so dark that he had to and as royal patron of the London aiion of flying boat types in many po he way through the door lief Fund made copious notes countries, have entered into an agreee and about the rooms. What he others.
ment with the Blackbum Aeroplane there seemed to make the Miners Learn Hair Dressing Company of Leeds, who are pioneers ince heartsick. This is positively NEWCASTLE ON TYINE, Jan.
of British aviation and are partie.
castly! he exclaimed 30. Four hundred young miner ularly noted for their allmetal design Where yesterday he contended busily engaged in learning the hair cf large flying bonts.
Birself with seeing the hardships dressing business were visited today the United States company will be under which thousands of workless at the town of Wallsend by formed, known as Blackburn Air.
miners and their families are liv. Prince of Wales.
ing, he delved today into actual They were receiving the national craft Corporation, and will have the right, under the agreement, to use figures of the coal pits pay rolls. At unemployyment pay and a training Cramlinton he talked to the school allowance of about 2, a day, British Blackburn designs of flying master and a minor mine official. At one point in his tour today the boats and light aeroplanes and seaThey showed him what they said Prince watched 200 children who plane.
were typical pay slips.
were paraded in front of him at his It was in a Blackburn Iris flying Prince is Astounded own request. The day programme hont that the Air Minister, Sir SamOne indicated that a gang of four was marked at all times by complete uel Hoare, last year made the Baltic men working five shifts had receiv. informality.
cruise, and Parliamentary Secretary ed altogether 21.
One woman at whose home the for Air, Sir Philip Sassoon, flew to You mean each not for four? Prince arrived unexpectedly proIndia.
asked the Prince.
tested: The children are not yet No, for four, he was told. dressed, sir. That is astounding, declared Never mind, answered the ASSURING FIXED INCOME the Prince. Then it really doesn Prince, and caught up from the FOR HOWARD UNIVERSITY pay a man to work.
threshold a two year old child in a He was assured that if the men grubby nightdress.
had done no work and instead had Secretary of Interior Holds Conferdrawn the dole they would have ence to Discuss Plans for Carrying done better.
CHIVA RUNS INTO ELECOut Provisions of New Federal The Prince asked why such a conTRIC POST Law.
dition existed and was told manAs a result of a definite law enagement.
On Sunday morning last 24th ult. acted by Congress authorizing Fed Bad management? he asked. at about 80 a. a chiva (driven eral aid to Howard University, the No, hard management, was the by one Lescano, a Panamanian) was leader Negro institution of higher answer.
completely wrecked at 12th October education in the United States, SeeAt the village of Ashington the Street, two of its passengers injurretary West held a conference in his Prince asked coalpit officials sum ed, and also the driver.
office at the Interior Department to moned from Hartford about the From information gathered, the consider plans to carry out provisions poor paysheets. He was informed driver attention was diverted from of the new statute.
tht in many of these cases of poor his regular route to the call of a One of its terms provide that the pay the men had sent up stone from Ichinaman who has beckoned to him university shall be open at all times the pits instead of coal. The Prince to discuss some business matters, to an inspection by the Bureau of however, said this was not satisfac and in his effort to turn the bus, Education and that such an inspectory. He had been told that at some the brakes immediately gave way, tion shall be made at least once pits in Hartford the conditions were the car consequently became unconyear. report is to be presented ansuch that the miners had to stand trolled and finally landed against an nually by the Bureau to Congress np to their waists in mud to work. electric pole wher the two pasTHE ATLAS BEER HAS COME TO STAY making a full exhibit of its affairs.
Where there are more minessengers and the chauffeur were inOn account of the fact that Howard thnn there is work for them work jured as stated above.
University is a privately controlled ing places are allotted y ballott The police immediately arrived on and supported institution the adopmonths and a man the spot, when the victims were sent If it is rest and comfort you want come on. But if you tion of a definite policy regarding luck may often run for long in bad to the Santo Tomas Hospital afer earning places. This was the com Police investigation later in the day, want style there are other places.
the division of the support to be derived from Federal and private plaint of Mrs. Foster, whom the the driver was released after given sources is necessary.
Prince visited in Hartford. a legal hearing THE BARNES CASINO While the Federal government has Mrs. Foster is the mother of seven been making appropriations of varichildren from 14 years to 18 months. Tiger, Bull and Alligator Fight She told the Prince that her hus Not Favored by Governor Gives inside and outside comfort, is near to nature ous sums annually to the institution since 1879 the status of these approband brought home 9. last week.
Galindo heart and the rates are low, very low. You are welcome priations has been uncertain, due to The Prince asked her what she had to eat and was told.
When interviewed on Thursday 18the fact that they were not actually authorized by a basic law. This has There are many times now when last by members of the Colon Humalso affected to a large extent conswe have nothing to eat. The children ane Society regarding the holding BARNES CASINO tributions for the university supnometimes have to go to school with of a fight between a tiger and a bull half a slice of bread and sometimes and an alligator and a bull, Gover 46 Ca idonia Road Panama City port from private sources. The connst that.
nor Inocencio Galindo Jr. showed terence discussed plans for stabilizTwo minules ride from R, Station on Street car ing future appropriations by Wapping Square, Benton, his disapproval of same by stating the was government under the new law with one of the worst places of all the that he would not give his personal Most popular site on the run a view of assuring a fixed income to Prince saw. The houses around th consent to this exhibition, nad also the institution, Segregation of fedquadrangle are one story hovels added that he would ask for a Pre13. ss. eral funds for maintenance and new with sky lighted garrets.
In one sidential decree to have it prohibitbuildings were also considered. Aneight people slept in one room with ed.
other important subject under disno beds and practically no furnicussion was the promotion of medture.
ical and dental education and 988255 DENTIST HOWELL nable to Buy Clothes for Years the training of teachers for the Negro Another cottage was owned by NOTICE House No. 912 a Boca 1ace at the institution.
Martin McCann, a widower with The outcome of the conference was eight children. Of all the family Cano! Zore BOWEN a general agreement concerning the inly 15 year old Robert McCann was OPPOSITE RESTAURANT at work. The boy shoes were brokDO YCU WANT NEW STUDEBAKER OR TORD?
desirability of establishing a plan HONE 1941. BALBOA TAILOR fer a systematic program of support in and he was practically flounderSMOKE LUCKY STRIKE for the university through a considbarefoot through the mud Specialises in oil erorches of Can you get better erable period of years. Inspections than Destistry 10. M Street San Miguel SEE MR. NASH JAVILLO FILL NO. PABLO AROSEMENA by the Bureau of Education are to those? asked the Prince.
ALL WORK GUARANTED AVENUE FOR FULL PARTICULARS be comprehensive in scope, including We haven been able to buy RESIDENCY 588 every phase of activity of the instiNothing for years, was the answer.
Panama City tution. The reports of the bureau to Every moment of the trip was painCongress may contain ful to the Prince and those who recommend BERNARD ANDERSON utions for a ten or twenty year proscompanied him and the way in which he spared neither his pity nor gram of Federal support and for the Gramaphone Repairer Senator Curtis, commenting on development of the various educaRissnergies was a credit to his HOUSE 980 LI BOCA, the cruiser legislation, say it hard tional services offered by the unihumanity and an explanation of his CANAL ZONE to get 40 men to agree on anything.
versity. building program for the vpularity.
In a cottage in Morpeth, the own.
Improvement of the physical plant Efficient Workmanship fuaranteed It would be even harder if the Senmay also be included in the bureau r. Mrs. Cook, told the Prince they te was feminine.
recommendations. Exchange.
BARNES CASINO 46. Calidonia Road PHONE 925 every three ADVERTISE in the WORKMAN.


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