
PAGE FIYE Relief for Miner Canal Zone Notes IN DISTRESSED AREA LA BOCA 200A NEURALGINA tee IS MAN FUNDAMENT. EMPLOYEES COMMITALLY DISHONEST? TEE TO REPORT ON SICKNESS BENEFIT The question as to whether man PLAN fundamentally dishonest will be debated by the members of the La This month meeting of the local District of the AssoBoca Athenaeum on April 2nd, according to a decision arrived at the ciation promises to be very interestsveiety meeting on Tuesday lasting. It is understood that a commitrecently appointed to make Resolved: That Man is Fundamentplans, and report at this meeting, ally Dishonest. is the subject for with a view to give sickness and debate. Messrs William Jump and John Stewart will champion the death benefits to members of the affirmative and Association, met sometime last week negative, respectively. Mr. Neely and Miss and should be ready with their reUndine Smith will assist the af port for this meeting. If the plan is firmative while Mr. Aloysius Stew worked out satisfactorily, the Association will have organized the most art and one will support the nega.
powerful attraction to employees tive. The question was originally set for becoming members. Those who for debate but the president had have been following the work of the heen experiencing some difficult in Association, whether they are memgetting members to take the sides.
bers or not, must admit that this He then gave it out for round table organization has been a splendid mediscussion last Tuesday when it created so much interest and con. ployees in general. Seeking to prodium of representation. the emflict of opinions that it became afteet the workers on their jobs, help terwards almost necessary for the them when they are sick and conpresident to limit the number of tribute to their burial is a combinavolunteers who were willing to prestion of protection which every emit it in debate.
ployee should seriously look into.
Should be in every office to immediately soothe any neuralgic pain caused by excessive mental work.
NEURALGINA Should be in every school to soothe bad headaches and reduce the fever of children.
NEURILGINA LONDON, Wednesday. Rugby Wireless) The Lord Mayor Fund for the relief of distress caused by unemployment now approaches total of 700, 000 wihch will be drought up to 1, 400, 000 by the Gov.
ernment pound for pound contribution.
The amount already distributed exceeds 432, 000. All requisitions for boots and clothing for women and children in the distressed areas have been met, and local committees are assisting by special grants in case of illness or accidents and are also making grants to enable recipiente to accept fresh employment. Assistance is also being given in school feeding and where necessary in provision of nourishment to families.
Other uses to which the money supplied by the central fund is being put, include granting of assistance towards transfer of young persons, special assistance in certain matter in connection with emigration and assistance in cultivation of market garden allotments.
Unemployment Figures LONDON, Wednesday (Rugby Wireless) further decrease of twenty seven thousand is officially recorded in the registered unemploy.
ed as compared with the preceding week. For several weeks the figures have shown progressive improvement napproximately on the same scale.
Is complete Inoffensive and nourishes the heart, For sale both Wholesale and Retail AT THE Red Tank TENNIS AMERICAN PHARMACY JAVIER MORAN, Proprietor SEEING THINGS Panama. Scotch minister and his set vant, going home from wedding began to consider the state into which their potations at the wed ding feast had left them. The Minister with the well known caution of his race, began to think of home. Sandy, he said, just stop here a minute till go ahead. Maybe COLON don walk very steady and the rood PANAMA wife might remark something not just right.
PHONE 453 He walked ahead of the servant PHONE 260 for a short distance then asked: J STREET How is it? Am walking straight?
PANAMA Oh, aye, answered Sandy thick ly, ye re a recht; but who that who with you?
For the past few weeks every afternoon the Clubhouse tennis lawn put That the Workman is really re tennis balls by spry juniors as well on its glad dress. Brisk chasing of organized is so in sentiment and fact; and here are a few compari as old veterans of the racket, and sons which might be drawn to beat benches decorated with pretty girls are special attractions. During this out my statement. The interests reweek a ladies singles tournament cently shown in the Editorials comclaimed the center attraction. The menting on the Associa winner will receive a racket donated tion ti too practical, pointing and by Secretary Neely of the Clubglaring for any member of the Ashouse.
sociation to overlook, and the need for organization in this age is too apparent to be taken lightly.
Paraiso The various aticles by Elijah Hunter of Cristobal and several Club House Notes others appearing from time to time On Monday and Friday of each is worthy of commendation, week, a boy class is conducted at The Dignity of Labor although the Clubhouse from to 45 an old bit of literature, is like the musical works of many of the old masters always new when repro from 50 to p. class for girls is also conducted on the same duced, and who does not feel enthus. days, and also a young men class ed when reading such classics. This from to subject of yesterday fits in so nicely with the present circumstances of today, that it will always be a val.
The boys class is confined to light uable contribution to any periodical. Calisthenies, tag and other games, We need the Workman at Red while the girls class consists of calTank. the Editorial on Saturday isthenics and indoor baseball praclast dealing with the installation of tice.
President Herbert Hoover is put on several libraries in this little sec Another class of girls from La tion: the heartily welcome given him Roca will journey over to this see.
by the West Indians on the Isthmus tion at 30 today to engage is something worth reiterating. in games with the boys.
The contribution on Community Life by another correspondent is just what is needed, and Mr. Editor If you have a Prescription to prosperous future for your paper be made up take it to the of 16 years standing in the commun National Pharmacy, Santa Ana ty is my earnest desire. Plaza, where you will get cour thank you teous and obliging service. PITTY THE BLIND well known beggar was often seen plodding along with a small dog. The dog was held with a plece of chain and had round his neck.
placard on which was printed, in large, red letters, Pitty the Blind. gentleman, passing one day, dropped a sixpence into the beg.
gar out stretched cup. Here, he cried, as he was turning away. was that a half sovereign gave to you. Nae, nae, answered the begrar. only a sixpence.
the gentleman, you are not blind then, after all. Bless ye, nae, the beggar replied. It the dog that blind, no ne. So, said FOR SALE CHEAP Good ssortment of Photo Albums Scrap Albums Writing Pads Soor Hymn Prayer Books Souvenirs, etc. etc.
take, and that effort should be carried forward into actual membership and support of the Association.
Then, we shall see all around an exemplification of correct mental attitude. the thing we stand so much in need of at the present time, if not always.
It would be a great thing, friends and countrymen, if each of us would share in the responsibility of creating better conditions for our selves. The world is getting older so are we the more our inactivity, the greater Jur peril, and as our lives are not interminable, if we do not make up, its a cinch we ll die in sleep. Then shall it be justly said as was said of others before our time. they were born dead they did not live at all and now, let them be buried.
Wire for us We ll Wire for You NIMBLEY Co.
Electricians and Dealers Wiring, Supplies and Repairs Telephone 1059 72 Carlos Mendoza Street and corner Javillo OPPOSITE GUARDIA LUMBER YARD Box 747 No. 8, Street Ancon Panama PANAMA CITY Rent Receipt Books in Spanish and English for sale at the Workman Printery.


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