
one NEWS FROM THE WEST INDIAN ISLANDS JAM AICA BARBADOS ST. LUCIA BRITISH GUIANA Death of Rev. Strike Called Off New Fibre to Take Bill to Amend To Rebuild Constant Trade of Jamaica George Taylor Place of Cotton Married Women and Canada Grows The coal carriers strike came to Spring Hotel an end on Thursday morning to the (From Wekly Herald)
Georgetown, Friday. NoProperty Law great relief of the Government and thing definite appears to have been Canada West Indies Hotel The trade between Canada and Ja.
the rest of the public. The strike ascertained locally about the fibre (From the Gleaner)
Co. Decides to Commence maica has increased immensely withWe regret to record the death last lasted seven days but to the credit that has created such a sensation in Building in recent years.
Tuesday night of George Tay of all concerned, there were no at England and as a substitute for cotIntroduced in Legislative Council It is interesting to note that with lor Vicar of St. Barnabas Church attempts at violence. That the strikers ton, though it is said to be indigenA Bill introduced in the Legisla 130, 000 SUBSCRIBED in the twelve months ending the 30th the age of 52, Mr. Taylor death returned to work on the same terms ous to British Guians and to grow tive Council recently to amend the of November 1928, goods valued to was sudden and unexpected. He aplis proof that better counsel pravail wild here.
Married Women Property by the For some time past the public of the extent of 5, 201, 001 dollars were peared to have been well and was ed. There are many who assisted in Interviewed yesterday by repreHon. Evans reads as follows: Jamnica have been wondering why imported into the Dominion. out and about his duties on Tues breaking the strike by putting the sentative of the New Daily Chron.
Whereas it is expedient to amend the work on the construction of the At the same time Canada exported day when he had a sudden seizure at position clearly before the people. Oficle, Professor Dash, Director the Law in this Island relating to new Hotel at Constant Spring has to Jamaica during the same period the house of one of his church mem these special mention must be made of Agriculture said several inquiries the liability of a husband for the not been commenced and in some about 5, 311, 802 dollars of goods. bers in the Ivy Village. He was car of Mr. Bouty, who spared no had been made concerning the newly Lorts of his wife: quarters it was asserted that the Seven or eight years ago halt ried home and received medical at effort in inducing the strikers to re popularized fibre. Nothing was Be it enacted by the Governor and roup who last year secured a guar. that amount of goods were exchang tention but died at twenty minutes turn to work. He is to be congratu known of it from records in his delegislative Council of Jamaica, antee on capital sum of 130, 000 ed between the two countries and it otwelve the same night.
follows: from the Jamaier Government had will be seen by these reports that Mr. Taylor was educated at Harri.
There is no doubt that privation No common local fibre fitted the This Law may be cited as the decided to abandon the proposition. the balance of trade was pretty son College and Codrington College, and publication of facts in connec somewhat scanty and unscientific Married Woman Property Law, The reason for the delay in pro leven.
After taking his degree he essayed tion with the coal trade played no description received so far. ProtesAmendment Law 1928, andceding with the work was due to When the new refrigerating ships to enter the Wesleyan Ministry but mean part in breaking the strike. sor Dash said he was seeking inincorporated and shall be the fact of its being impossible for of the Candian National Railway afterwards was admitted into the These two facts indicate that care formation from Kew. He pointed mind with the Married the Hotel to be completed in time come into the service, it is certain Anglican fold. Most of his time was should be taken to win the confid out that several fibres, including Women Property Law 1886 (Law for the present Tourist season and that there will be an increase in the spent in the island of Carriacon but ence of the coal carriers and to pre sisal, and other crops such as tobac21 of 1886. which is in this law re not to the question of abandonment. trade of perishable articles which two years ago he succeeded Rev. went the likelihood of a recurrence en and bananas grow here readily ferred to as the Principal Law, and The Jamaica Mail is now in a posi could not hitherto have been carried Mallalieu at St. Barnabas. He was of a strike in the near future. In Bet are still far from the export any Law amending that Law or in tion to state that the Company on vessels without cold storage. an eloquent preacher and a man of inte years large manufacturing and singes. Valuable information in concorporated therewith.
which was formed in Canada to On the new ships which start to vigorous and robust temper. As a business concerns have more and metion with the various problems Wife Lawsuit arry though this project. The come in April there will be ampleChurchman he From and after the commence Canada West Indies Hotel Company cold storage for vegetables, fish, as strict to the letter, and his Ministry their was inclined to bmore taken their employees into presented by these crops would be confidence with ment of this Law the husband of has now decided to proceed almost paragus, butter and the like.
results of gathered in the course of the land at St. Barnabas was not free from ex more efficiency and greater output. survey which will be made for the married woman shall not as such beimmediately with the work of coneitement. hard working son of his The time is elper for introducing this land settlement scheme, he added.
linble to be sued or made a party to truction LADY SWETTENHAM Church, he had succeeded in bright spirit of Co operation into St. Lucia.
any action legal proceeding The Company has recently made brought against her in respect of alan issne of 100, 000 of its stock in AND OLD KING ening up things in his district and the congregation at St. Barnabas SCHOLARSHLP EXAMINHOUSE tort committed by her whether be Canada which has been readily subhad increased considerably during ATION Castries Boys Juvenile: Vi.
fore or after her marriage.
cribed and with the 30, 000 GovernFrom the Gleaner of the 18th ulto. his two years.
tor René Giraudy. Louis Guy The words and wrongs comment guaranteed bonds will have a As is well known, Lady Swetten Mr. Taylor leaves a widow and Fifteen candidates were presented Giraudy, Faustin Ismael, Gregor mitted occurring in the second and working Capital of 130, 000 ham, wife of Sir James Alexander three children two of them boys. The at the annual primary scholarship Jn. Baptiste, Rupert Winthird lines of section 15 of the PrinThis news will be received with student at ertamination held on 19th December, nette.
cipal Law are hereby repealed, and much satisfaction in Jamaica as the Swettenham, a former Governor of eldest is at present a 1928.
Castries West. Juvenile: Ira Sim the words or wrongs in the onening of the Constant Spring Ho Jamaica, takes a keen interest in the Codrington College.
welfare of the inhabitants of The candidates hailed from the mons, Calderon Mason, Benjamin The Clergy was well represented tenth and eleven lines of the same tel will doubtless result in bigger de Catherine parish. She has always at the Funeral at St. Barnabas. S Following schools:Thomas, Winville King.
section; and the word or shall bevelopment of our Tourist Traffic been a regular visitor to the ancient Lordship Bishop Bentley, Dean Micoud Boys Juvenile: Godfrey At this examination two scholarinserted before the word contracts The increased passenger accommod. capital and was always highly im. Shankland and a number of clergyships were awarded; an open scholin the eleventh line of the said see ntion provided for on the new Direct pressed with the beauty of the old men being present. The Corpse was Soufriere Boys Juvenile: Joseph arship to Ira Simmons of Castries tion.
Line Service from England, together King House nome by brother ministers.
Antoine, Joseph James, Martinus Wesleyan Juvenile, and Country Ante Nuptial Contracts with the Canadian Government Ships Saltibus, Lennard Volney.
4A exhibition to Martinus Saltibus of married woman shall be On Saturday afternoon a reporter from Canada will provide valuable Canaries Boys Juvenile: Calderon Soufriere Juv. Only one open scholpersonally Hable on her contracts, teeders for the new Hotel and win the Gleaner came across Mr. AltaLansiquot.
arship was awarded this year.
whether made before or after mar. probably lead to the construction of mont Lopez, a member of the St. Old King House with a view to ringe and in respect of torts com other Hotels in various parts of the Catherine Parochial Board and pre starting some scheme for restoramitted by her whether before or al Island.
sident of the Citizen Association of tion. Lady Swettenham is exceedingter marriage in all respects as if Spanish Town ly interested in the matter and inche were a femme sole and any In the general conversation Mr. tends to form a committee for the fudgment or order which may be satisfy the same in all respects Lopez said that the article publish purpose of raising subscriptions toRiven or made against a married us if she were a femme sole: Pro ed Saturday relative to Lady Swet wards that end. Lady Stubbs did not No 29 Street East, Calidonia woman in any action or proceeding vided that nothing herein contained tenham visit to the old capital was accompany Lady Swettenham on the at Law or in equity in which he may shall affect the Law as at present not quite correct. What really hap visit, as the article stated.
be involved shall be against her as xisting in respect or property of pened was that he received a teleAlways on hand a fine selection of personal judgment and she which a married woman may be en gram from Lady Swettenham asking shall be liable on the saidtitled to any interest subject to re him to meet her in Spanish Town DRUGS, PATENT MEDICINES judgment oder and shall straint against anticipation. so as to go through the ruins of the And TOILET ARTICLES or St.
The Ideal Pharmacy or Prescriptions Carefully Compounded By Experienced Druggist CRICKETERS!
The Season is now on, so get your CRICKET GOODS At the PANAMA HARDWARE (M. CARDOZE Jr. CATHEDRAL PLAZA friend said to me the other day. have an old black automobile. bought it in 1927, When get out on the road in it feel like a crow among a lot of bright colored birds.
Do you think an automobile company could sell me a black automobile today? They could not!
Right there is one reason that color alarm clocks are going over 50 big. The world has moved. People want, demand and get color.
If you need a really dependable alarm clock try one of ours, they re new, different, superior.
Mrs. GERTRUDE FORDE RICHARDS BEAUTY PARLOUR Madame C, Walker Method Shampooing, Dyeing. Pressing, Facial Massaging, etc.
Consultation Free House 164 Ave Ancon OKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKK FULL ASSORTMENTY OF Bats, Balls, Wickets, Gloves Leg Guards Etc. Etc. Etc.
FULLER NOTICE 122 Central Ave.
Come in and Inspect the Stock before Purchasing Elsewhere BRANCH STORE 125 Central Avenue DO YOU WANT NEW STUDEBAKER OR FORD?
SMOKE LUCKY STRIKE SEE MR. NASH JAVILLO FILL NO. PABLO AROSEMENA If you have a Prescription to be made up take it to the National Pharmacy, Santa Ana Plaza, where you will get courteous and obliging Vio AVENUE FOR FULL PARTICULARS


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