
PAGE SEVEN STUDEBAKER SEE THE Studebaker NER Lucky Strike Display con at the WO FREDRICKS GARAGE Colon BEVERHOUDTS Colon ST LUCKY STRIKE ALBERT LINDO FORD AGENCIES Panama City TO TOASTED Panama City The British Pharmacy NEGROES COLON 11. 1154 11th STREET Joseph Mason South Carolina Governor SAILORS CONTINUE AT TACKS ON NEW YORK Small NEGROES VETOES COMPULSORY DENTIST SCHOOL LAW TO HAMPER NEW YORK, Feb. 11. The UnitMASONIC TEMPLE ed States Navy seems to be determGREENVILLE, Governor ined to keep the Negro in his Office Hours: 8, am to 12 Richards vetoed the compulsory place, in the United States as. 30 pm to 30 pm in school attendance law fearing that it Haiti. Yesterday, two doughty menSundays, by Special Appointmen of the would put thousands of colored chil bers of the crew dren in school who are not now re Wyoming, very much under the inMasonic Temple ifth St, ceiving an education.
fluence of liquor, and angered by the Writing his reason for vetoing the sight of a Negro having a seat on a O, Box 787. CRISTOBAL IS NOW LOCATED AT 14th Street Canarsie local, while law, the governor said. South Carolina has a condition that they were forced to stand, attacked PHONE: OFFICE 1664 is peculiarly her own, and while it the Negro as the train pulled into is not necessary to discuss this phase the Grand Street station.
of the question, it should be evident By the time the train had arrived Corner Building Opposite CHASE NATIONAL BANK to every one that this condition of at the Larimer Street station, the itself makes a sate wide compulsory more pugnacious of the two members Where our customers will receive the usual law both impractical and inexpedi of the navy had used a half dozen Mattresses Furnished ent.
handkerchiefs to stem the flow of and Repaired The last report of school attend blood from an extremely sore nose.
courtesies ance in South Carolina shows 228. When the train arrived at its destiGood Service Guaranteed 004 colored children in school and an nation, Bedford Avenue, the comrade tnrollment of 248, 272 white chill of the injured sailor, who up to this dren, point had not 21st Street Guachapali taken part in the There are more colored schools major portion of the battle, atemptHouse No 10 now than white in the state, 2, 379 od to eject the Negro, James Lee, of colored, and 1, 356 white schools, al. St. Albans, Long Island, from the though the great preponderance of train.
colored schools are in the one teach When another Negro intereeded, he was told to shut ya mouth, yer 10 The competition is open to the Whites average 133 pupils to each only a young kid, so shut ya mouth whole Empire, and solutions need school and colored 95 pupils to each before shut it for ya. struggle not be sent in before the first we school.
took place and Lee was finally borne AN IMPERIAL PUZZLE Royal Empire Society lays down cer Britain itself, which might become in Mal. The headquarters of the The Greenville Daily News, white, to the platform of the station, the tain rules to be followed. in physical fact, what she always Royay Empire Society, are, of attacking Governor Richards for ve other Negro following.
Interesting Competition, Open to Take the parts, it says, red has been in sentiment and affairs, course, in the Northumberland Avetring the bill after it had been pass Two policemen approached while Entire British Empire tribute them, bring them together, the heart of this United Empire.
nue, London, Gleaner. ed by the Legislature, said: the struggle was going on and the What would the British Empire and fit them as far as possible into Does the governor object to hav navy beat a hasty retreat into a look like if it were all joined to each other, keeping always in mind ing those Negro children who are not train which had just pulled into the gether? And how could the various their character in climate and soil.
now in the primary or grammar. tation.
parts most suitably be united. The tropical parts must be more or NOTICE grades place there? If so, why?
The Royal Empire Society is of less towards the equator; the tem The justification for publicity These Negro children will some fering a prize for the best outline serate parts towards the Arctic Cirsupported common school must leidny become adult members of the of Empire, made like a jig saw cle.
in value to the state in numerous economic life of the state.
pazzle, of the outlines of the twenty The vorious territories will not ways of a citizenship that is able to Will the state as a whole be bet two units of which the Empire is dovetail exactly. There will be great SMOKE LUCKY STRIKES read and write, as compared with an ter off if they are literate or illiter composed. And the competition is spaces here and there, making in SEE MR. NASH JAVILLO FILL NO. PABLO AROSEMENA illiterate ono ate? Are we serving the interests net confined to children: grown ups land seas line the lakes of Canada.
TANTRA It cannot rest on the basis of a of the state in discouraging literacy too, may enter for it. As if it were Into these the islands of the Empire AVENUE FOR FULL PARTICULARS privilege or special benefit. ba among the colored people? not difficult enough in any case, the might be dropped, including Great sest boy and LOOK FOR THE SIGN BRITISH PHARMACY er clase


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