p. 8


The Wills Obrien Fight Another Sum ForImportant Notice THE WORKMAN PRINTERY Is Now Located in more spacious quarters at No. 72 Carlos Mendoza Street At the Bull Ring Tomorrow (Continued from Page 1)
Afternoon been making personal appeals to his The stage is all set for the Willsnumerous friends for financial help Obrien fistie go at the Ball ring toon behalf of his unfortunate coun morrow afternoon, and judging by crymen, and the amount delivered the interest and enthusiasm being to Mr. Humber is the result manifested over the bout it is antiThe following communications becipated that there will be some tween Rev. Mulcare and the Vice erowd in the spacious arena to see Consul are published for be tnthese two classy boys do their stuff formation of all concerned: over the 15 round journey.
St. Peter Rectory, But there are many fight fans on La Boca, Canal Zone, both sides of the big ditch who are Feb. 26, 1929 of the opinion that the fight will not Mr. Humber, go the limit. Obrien backers are Vice Consul strong in their opinion that Tommy Panama, will bring home the bacon in the Sir: early stage of the game by sending On behalf of the most deserving the Panther to dream land along the among these in the island of MontK route.
serrat who are still suffering from On the other hand the followers the effects of the disastrous hurriand admirers of Wills (and there cane of September last, beg that are legions) place implicit faith in you kindly transmit at the earliest the prowess of the Black Panther date possible the amount. 80. 00)
who they claim will show the white herewith enclosed to the Commishope so much gloves he will be so sioner of said island.
bewildered and confused after he The enclosure, it may be well to is revived by his seconders that he will want to know what happened state, is the result of appeale made personally by me to several indi to him.
viduals and Secret Societies during At any rate whatever may be the the past four months, on the Canal results of the encounter there is ono Zone and in the cities of Panama thing all are agreed on and that is that it is going to be one of the best and Colon.
Thanking you in advance for your fights witnessed here in a long time, good offices for promoter Sol has spared no efRespectfully, fort nor expense to open the afterJ. TALBOT MULCARE.
noon session with some fast going preliminaries and ripping semiBritish Vice Consulato, finals.
Panama, Feb. 28th, 1029.
So that that boys.
Bir: All aboard for the Bull Ring tomorrow afternoon.
This will acknowledge the receipt of your letter of the 26th inst. with which you remit the sum of thirty NUDE DEAD MAN dollars for transmission to FOUND FOUL Montserrat on behalf of the suffer PLAY SUSPECTED ers from the effects of the recent hurricane. note that this contribution is The nude, lifeless body of a white the result of efforts you have made man, said to have revealed several marks of foul play, was seen floatamongst individuals and secret Societies, and wish to assure you that ing on the sea shore near the Exposition Grounds early Tuesday the information will be conveyed to the authorities at Montserrat when morning of this week. The Panamn Police being notified took immediate remitting the amount.
charge of the body, to be joined lat I am, sir, your obedient servant, by members of the Canal Zone PoE. HUMBER, lice.
Vice Consul During the course of the following NOTICE AMERICAN EPISCOPAL CHURCH Colon 11. Supplied.
Rev. Talbot Mulcare, day the body was partly identifia FOURTH SUNDAY IN LENT. 80 Rev. Cousins.
La Boca, Canal Zone.
as that of a first class marine of the (Rev. Nightenga e, La Boca, 11. Rev. West Virginia, one of he DO YOU WANT NEW STUDEBAKER OR FORD?
ade. Communnion.
units of the United States fleet 30 am. Holy Communion. The 30 Mr. Chas. Moulon.
SMOKE LUCKY STRIKE NUE MAY REACH 5, 000, 00, 00 which was lying in Panama Bay alRector.
New Provindence 11. Rev.
FOR CURRENT FINANCIAL ter the fleets annual manoeuver in SEK MR. NASH JAVILLO FILL NO. PABLO AROSEMENA 20. 15 a. Matins. Mr. At. Cousins.
YEAR Paelfie waters. The partial identifiil. Lay Reader.
Paraiso 11. Mr. Headley.
cation of the body was made by shipAVENUE FOR FULL PARTICULARS 10. 30 am. Holy Eucharist and 30 Mr. Theo. Fuller.
According to a recent issue of the mates of the dead man as well as terentrenezereeeeeeee menteers rernion.
Jamaica Gleaner, the customs imby the sergeant of the detachment Hyuns 476, 565, 294.
ST. PETER BY THE SEA, of marines with which the deceased UNDESIRABLE STATUS AUTO ACCIDENT ON THE ports collections of the island of JaDetroit Psalm 46.
LA BOCA maica are continuing to enlisted. The come in deceased name was CHITRE ROAD BARS YOUNG CRAWFORD per Communion Service in Holy Communion, a. The Red well, and the financial year which is riven as William Meister. pm. Church School. Mr. ctor.
advancing swiftly to a close should Thousands of men of the visiting Young Crawford, British very serious accident occurred ragwell. Superintendent.
Matins, 10. 45 a. Holy Eucharist fleet were given anily shore leave West Incan, whose father resides on Sunday afternoon last when Choral Evenson and sermon, 11. 30 a. The Rector. see the total items under this head somewhat over million pounds but it not definitely known on the Isthmus for over twenty years a tomobile (driven by Aurelio Soto) non. Preacher, Bishop Morri.
Church School, sterling whether the deceased was on shore and is at present employed by and was wending its way toward Choral 12. 533, 91, 550, 993.
sermo Evensong, with On Saturday, the third instant, leave on that day.
West India Oil Company here, was Chitre, when another car coming in sim 119. Vs. 105 144) 30 The Rector.
the opposite direction not allowed to effect a permanent col Man ficani (Park. Lenten Services: Monday to Fi with only half day work, the taking amounted to about with it, and unfortunately 5, 500, 00. The SUEZ CANAL OFFICIALS IN (nding on his arrival at Balboa dur sided Xuns Dimitia. Gibbons. day. a.
main items on which the customs ing the latter part of last week. merturned it with three of its ocSPECTING PANANA CANAL Wednesday, 30 Special Ad duties have excelled were flour and Young Crawford left here, after rempants Alberto Tome telegraph Inrice, motor cars playing not a small idence of a few years, about five spector, Mrs. Amelia Merel and tele ALBAN CHURCH, PARAISO.
Confirmation Class Meetings, CANAL ZONE part. The financial year ends this escaped with Two truly distinguished visitors to svars ago during which time he graph operator who Wednesday, 30 to p.
chauffeur and (Recter of St. Paul in charge)
month and there is every reason to the shores of Pannma this week are worked on ships but was last em slight injuries, the Friday, p.
believe that the total collections will Assistant General Diega Merel being injured.
and 45 a. Holy Communion Director of the pinyod by one of the big oil compaJ. MULCARE.
Suez Canal Geo.
The automobile which knocked scrmon.
be a record.
Edgard Fonnett, kies. During his absence the PanaRector 00 Church School.
and Lucas, Marine Superinten manien immigration law designating the car into the ditch, was quite unLa Boce 11 a. Brewster. 50 Evensong and Addres dent of the same famous internation. undesirables colored West In concerned about the damaged ST. BARTHOLOMEW CHURCH.
and its victims.
al waterway, who have sir. Oxborne, Catechist, 30 Elder Burke.
LAS CASCADAS come heredians, among others, was passed.
Paraiso 11 a. Padmore.
for a tour of inspection of the Pana The restrictions of this law adverseMatins and address, 11 a. Mr 30 Taylor ST. MATTHIAS MISSION, LAS ma Canal. They were the guests of affects young Crawford and so he HUNTER DUE AT GATUN Bentley Swaby, Lay Reader.
SABANAS Gatun 11 a. Dash.
Colonel Harry Burgess, Governor of is a temporary resident of the BalChurch School, 30 80 Miller the Panama Canal, and are being toa Immigration Station from where On Saturday night next the 16th (Rector of St. Paul in charge) MULCARE, Colon 11 Taylor. 00 Church School.
Priest in Charge shown all the prominent phases of, he expects to obtain passage to Ja instant the Gatun District of the Pa7. 80 Nicholls.
the Canal operation including the naica sailing on or about next nama Canal West Indian Employees 30 Evensong and Address.
giant locks at Gatun, Pedro Miguel Thursday.
Association will have installation of Mr. Richards, Lay Reader.
ST. SIMON MISSTON, SALVATION ARMY and Miraflores: the great spillway officers for the current term. The inGAMBOA 10 a. Directory Class WESLEYAN METHODIST as well as the new site at Alhajuela Resolved: That music has more in ed by Mr. Elijah Hunter, Vice stallation ceremony will be performMatins and address, 11 a. Mr.
11 am. Holiness Meeting CHURCH Braithwaite, Lay Reader. British Conference) p. Company Meeting.
conserve water for the Panama CaCommunity than President of the Association, who Church School, 30 30 Salvation Meeting.
nal to take care of increased shipLiterature.
will journey to that place specially FOURTH SUNDAY IN LENT. MULCARE, The affirmative will be champion, for that purpose.
ping Panama City 11. Mr. Har.
Priest in Charge ADJUTANT NORBERG ed by Miss Doris Rodney and the ris.
negative by Miss Ivy Myers. p. Anniversary Service of the GUZMAN F PANAMA WESLEY CHRISTIAN CHAPTER 14 NI This is the first time that the SoIndependent Order of Good Samari CHRISTIAN MISSION OF Rent Receipt Books to Spanish siety will sponsor such an undertak The regular mass meeting will be tans.
PANAMA and English for sale at the WorkENDEAVORERS TO DEBATE Ing.
conducted tomorrow at 80 30 Rev. Wade.
Panama 11 a. Jarvis.
man Printery.
Members of the above named So Friends and well wishers are most when members are urged to turn out Monday. Tickets of Membership 30 Springer.
ciety will engage in a debate on cordially invited as the evening is ex. in large numbers.
renewed to the classes of Mrs. Chorrillo11 a.
Wednesday night next at 80 pected to be brimful of Interest and Special music will be rendered by Wade, Mrs. Jones and Miss Rod Burke.
Advertise in the Workman in Geddes Hall the subject being, enthusiasm.
ney, 80 Brewster.
it will bring good results, CHURH SERVICES an dress.
car for the construction of a dam to help fluence on the Elder the choir.


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