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PRICE CENTS Jamaica Government New York Home of Mr. Marcus Garvey Visits British Honduras Brutal Murder of Noted Cabaret Singer Plunges City of Colon Into State of Excitement Last Saturday Morning WAS May Repatriate Indian Culture JAMAICANS FROM CUBA TO MAINTAIN AN INDIAN SAYS REPORTER OF GLEANINFORMATION BUREAU ER NEWSPAPER FOR VISITORS Received by Large Crowd Delivers The Gleaner of the 5th inst. says: Mr. Ewen, Secretary centre in New York, according to an The culture of India is to have Stirring Address at Big of Emigration in Cuba, has been Mass Meeting granted a couple of months leave of announcement by the India Society of America. location is to be chosobsence by the Governor of Jamaica The Belize Independent of the 20th about town of the big meeting at St.
The city of Colon was plunged into pointed a finger to its owner as if to from his duties, and he sailed in the en in the vicinity of Columbia Uniexcitement, an excitement bordering say this is th eman, take him and Elders and Fyffe steamer Carare versity, where information regard. ulto. states that among the passen. Andrew Hall, Regent Street, on the upon panic on Saturday morning require of him the reason for his for England. During Mr. Ewen ab. ing the social, religious and political gers arriving by the Canadian For day of his arrival. 18th inat. Long before the aspects of Indian life will be gather octer from Kingston, Jamaica, on meeting last when a policeman came upon aet! And oh, what a spectacle? The sence from Cuba, Mr. Morris, was Mr. Marcus scheduled to commence large crowds the lifeless body of Mabel Samuels culprit, present with the crowd as British Minister at ed and where the offices of the so Monday morning na, has arIndia Garvey accompanied Miss Hazel assembled side the building on in an alley way. Mabel is said to be any other, paced hither and thither. ranged for the carrying on of Mr. ciety will be situated. The the street and maintained their posinative of San Andres, Colombia, and His acts were as strange as the one Ewen duties.
Centre will be similar in many re Escridge, his private Secretary.
The arrival of Mr. Garvey wastion until a late hour when the meetwas a well set up girl of extraor that made him so brutal. His blood In an interview which a represen spects to the Casa Italiana, the dinarily good features. She had. stained clothes had been discarded tative of the Gleaner had with Mr. Deutsches Haus and other national hooked forward to with great intering terminated.
eet not only by the members of the The Chair was taken by the Ror.
distinctive appearance. Her general and concealed, he thought; but his Ewen a few days ago he mentioned cultural centres in the city.
deportment suggested to the passer hat and shoes bore witness, for both that there was still difficulty exlocal division of the Universal Negro Cleghorn, and Chairman The proposed new home will conImprovement Assoeiation of which of Belize Town Board, who, along by that she was living in reasonable contained some spots of blood which perienced by many Jamaicans in tain a lecture hall for discussion and he is the President General, but also with Mr. Garvey and the officers comfort, for she was always decent he claimed was the blood of a chickby a large section of the community and nurses of the Association and ly, if not gorgeously clad. She seem en he had killed the day before. Yes finding employment in Cuba. The the showing of Hindu films, an art labour market was positively glutgallery for exhibitions of Hindu and this was openly demonstrated on others, occupied the stage.
cd full of happiness, and a surpress Mabel was a chicken!
ted and although warings had been printings and a library on Asia and Monday when large gathering asA special programme was arrang ed smile, as of satisfaction was the The hand that had slain now issued to labourers in this colony as India. The centre will maintain an sembled at the Customs Wharf ated for the occasion which comprised general expression of her face, clasped the weeping mother of the to the difficulty of obtaining work India information bureau for visitors Fort George to accord fitting wel. vocal and instrumental items besides But the scene was changed. Cruel murdered girl, and the mouth that nevertheless they continued to flock and business organizations. As come to the great race leader. an address by Mr. Garvey, which fate was determined to rob Mabel of had not spoken before that morning, there.
centre of Hindu culture it will keep Mr. Garvey was met on board the was the great attraction.
her happiness, and with lightening nervously enquired, where is MaWhile there Mr. Ewen did not say 60, but in touch with similar organizations ship by a deputation from the local were some vacant speed, yea, and with the vengeance bel! have not seen her. But Ma. from other sources a reporter of the all over the world, such as the division of the Association who went sents in the hall, yet the audience of a damocles, her light was put out bel was somewhere. She lay dead in Gleaner learnt that it is more than School of Oriental Studies in Lon off in Mr. John Arold motor bontws large and showed no little sp. her smiling countenance was re a passage way. And too, the beastly to convey himself and Secretary preciation in the execution of the placed by a face all drawn and hag. culprit was there, tormented by his probable that in the near future the don, the India Institute in Paris, and Government will have to repatriate ashore.
programme gered, grim and fearful, and upon conscience, and he darted hither and On arriving at the Custom Whart Mr. Garvey, before delivering hole ner body were placed the marks thither among the anxious, seething many Jamaican labourers in Cubabe shree leading centres in India, who are the beast! Nude, lifeless, and dis crowd!
out of work and who are the Greater India Society, Tagore Mr. Garvey was received by the address, took the opportunity to ta University and the members of the Black Cross Nurses form the audience of what he bed figured, she lay upon her face, Mabel is dead. The lips once warm experiencing the greatest difficulty International Rose Institute.
and other officials of the Associa accomplished on his recent Europede to exist.
sweltering as it were in the warmth with love and affection while she tion. After attending to the Customs tour which terminated with his volt of her own blood in the lonely allay kissed him, have now been made cola auhorities, Mr. Garvey gave the to Geneva, Switzerland where he way, between two walls. There was in death, allegedly, by the very hand SPARKLETS photograpehra chance to get pie presented a petition to the League of no company save the unseen eye and that caressed her while she so kissedtures of him along with the officers Nations on behalf of the Negro peothe lethal weapon which had depriv yea, and her weapon of defence (By and nurses, respectively, He was ple of the wold, praying for better ed her of life. The brutal hand which while she lived had now been transheld the lethal weapon a little while formed into the agency by which JOURNALISTIC VER report for publication verbatim. then escorted to the members of the recognition of their rights and division who had formed up on the privileges in common with all man.
before had now losened its deadly she was sacrificed upon the alter of BOSITY Some editors find it inconvenient to grasp, and was gone. The devilish jealousy a jealousy that had wade through a deluge of words and, street in front of the Customs kind. He stated that the petition consideration instinct that had lured him to that birth of a beastly and sensual dispo Divine Comedy in last Sunday oftentimes meaningles phrases to ex House, where the general public bad receiving favourable lonely apot, there to kill and destroy, sition!
Panama American questioned Isth tricate a fragment of news which also congregated in large number by the people in Europe and that it As he approached the members of would be discussed at the next seto take from one that which himself But Mabel speaks, though dead. mian West Indians inability to might be of value or interest to the Association, they broke forthsion of the League of Nations in desired, had now taken its flight She speaks in accents loud and clear express in less than a couple thou their readers; but this little trouble with the strains of the Ethiopian September when he along with other upon the wings of the morning. to other girls in the community. She sand words what can be convenient clues no really merit remembering Anthem after which three rousing delegates of the Negro Race hoped But from him life had not gone. speaks to mothers also, and points by taken care of by a couple hun after leaving the editorial sanctum, cheers were given in his behall. to be present. The petition was of The body on which it hung could still them to the blood stained wells of the dred. If the thing rings through it to say nothing of giving it prominent This brought the proceedings to an vital importance to the race, he said.
contain it without strain and void of house in that dark and lonely pas reflects a poverty of words a too mntion. Valuable news should be end and Mr. Garvey accompanied by and urged that a copy be secured by poin. So, it swung as before, and be age way, where the cruel penalty of limited vocabulary on the part of extricated from whatever kind of Miss Escridge and the President of all.
cause it had taken human life be a life of error was exacted. And she the West Indians. It doesn ring package it is sent in. If the editorial the local division, left by motor car Starting his address Mr. Garvey cause it had robbed one of that with speaks to our young men saying. true, however, it is only that a few staff is inadequate or indisposed it for his place of abode. The members directted attention to the disadvanwhich Nature had endowed her, it (Continued on Page 8)
are attempting to handle subjects should unhesitatingly transmit all of the division then returned to their tages from which the race was sufnot within the radius of their pre undesirable packages to the perma headquarters in Barrack Road and cering and urged his hearers to the paration. We are fully aware of the went files and close and forget the dispersed.
terest themselves to the matter and HERE Prior to the arrival of Mr. Garvey work for solution. He showed that AND THERE fact that a few of our journalistic incident.
tytos are guity; and for the column We would have fully concurred announcement was made by placards Set (Continued on Page 8)
ist whose prime motive is to attack with Divine Comedy had it confin swanamama wasos few mornings ago a colored blamed thing was that it occurred in whenever or wherever he catches od its criticism to the few who have his New Serum Found To Replace to work in Balboa. He had a little where the patrons, who are fellow cracies come in very handy. But the constitutionally incapable of confinmesh bag tied to the rear of the workers of this man s, are always who are really guilty of such ing what they want to say in fairly Lost Blood bike. Just as he reached in front of having no decent reasonable language of the proverbial. Square journalistic verbosity are by, the Balboa Restaurant the bag broke meals.
means representative of Isthmian length. Words are like leaves. lose from the bike and fell to the West Indians ability.
Alexander Pope wrote, and where At a recent meeting of the French tore completo assimilation took place Sciences, Professor. to the constant loss of the patient ground, and one half of an egg and Ordinariy, laymen reporters of so they most abound much fruit of Academy two little baked dumplings rolled The Balboa Union Church is the cial functions Richet announced the discovery of a power of resistance.
are not expected to sense beneath is rarely found.
new serum which, he said, had re Professor Richet out. That was all of the contents of most ornate looking church building announced the the bag. The ridor stopped and ga in the Canal Zone, Panama City and cessary) of the colored man con should make good of an opportun of Paris to replace the loss of blood. Leon Normet of the Colonial Army.
cently been used in certain hospitals discoverer of the new serum De.
thered his bag and cats and re ad Colon judging it from the outside. tribution to local advancement; and ity when he gets it.
It was rare, he continued, that in director of the Hue Laboratory. Dr.
justed them, then mounted again and With the exception of two white is further evidence of the uneven such cases, the usual method adopted Normet, he explained, had given his rode on. There were a few curious men, it was built by colored men. deal that he gets in spite of that. have not been hearing much about of blood transfusion had proved en experiments, which had led to the and amused on lookers, who were Now the worshippers are all white, cur conference these last few hours. tirely successful; for such success discovery, with the idea of counterspeculating about his bothering to and many of them are members of Something funny happened last hope it is a case of no news the corpuscles of the blood of the acting hemorrhage; he had thus pre gather the piece of egg and the lit labor unions that are keenly against woek. The writer of the column good news. do not know what is patient and those of the blood of the duced a serum the basis of which tle dumplings; but except for show the handling of edged tools, by col Sparklets. my next door neighbor, going on behind the door, but sus donor had to be of identical char. was certain salts of citric acid.
ing in his countenance that he was cred men in the Panama Canal and ultimately succeeded in making it pect that more material is acter, which could not previously al With this serum Dr. Normet had considerably upset over this expos Railroad services; but when it came sparkle. and particularly at a friend needed to do the surveying, staking, ways be ascertained oven by the aid experimented on dogs which had ure of his private affairs, he paid to the question of their own funds in who had told him a couple of years excavating, and laying down the of the microscope; where there was lost from fifty to sixty contimeter no attention to these strangers. In the building of their church, they ago that his column did not spark foundation, and my humble sugges a difference there was inevitably a of blood per kilogram, or a little little while it dawned on them that it found it to their interest to sideln. Well, it did more than spark tion is get the necessary mateial: fight for dominance in which the over two pounds, and these experiwas the man lunch and he could not track the restriction. This is a good ling this time should say it nomo dat quod non habet (no one blood of the patient was usually do ments had been successful. When he afford to leave it. The irony of this piece of evidence (if such were ne blazed. And that is how a fellow gives what he does not possess. feated by the blood of the donor be. Continued on Page 8)
its Are of is the poin some


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