
Thrilling Experiemce of Tourists at Jamaica Chauffeur Discovered unconscion and Car Making for Precipice 100 Feet Training For Leadership AT THE LA MASCOTA fine selection of Black Blue Serges, Black Cheviots Vicunas, and Cream Flannels Also ENGLISH TWEEDS the very latest designs TAILOR TRIMMING to LA MASCOTA MULLER, Prop.
37 Central Avenue.
BEBERRIA The Jamaica Gleaner of the 28th broken car and glass, maimed bo.
ulto. reports the following thrilling dies, blood and bones sorry tale told of the experience of a par sight!
ty of tourists to that island recent Not a sound from the inmates of ly:that fated car, the sudden terror According to a report which has and a realisation of the situation reached the Gleaner, Mr. and Mrs. closed the powers of speech. When, Goodwin of Atelier, 33 West 67th all of a sudden, a terrifie bump, and Street, New York City, who are the half overturned car can to a 2ponding the winter in Jamaica, sudden stop. The car had careened lately had a most thrilling escape the right, and it had run into an from a sudden horrible death, by old coconut tree which was growing what seemed miracle.
at an angle out from the side of They had taken the usual tours the mountain, providentially, and around the town of Kingston, and had caught the auto between the determined to cross the Island, go two left wheels. The tree was so over the Blue Mountains to the trail, it hardly seemed possible that northern town of Port Antonio, 62 it would hold this large car with miles distant, lunch there, and re ile heavy freight, but would be upturn home by the sea route on the rooted, and go plunging down, an east coast, 72 miles.
added menace to those unfortunate This is a trip that almost every five in the imprisoned car. But no, one takes who visits Jamaica. So theit stuck, thank Heaven! and they Goodwins started from Kingston vere saved.
early one morning together with To Continue the Story the Rev. Dr. Wm Caswell and The force of the impact was his wife, from Toronto, who had great, Mr. Goodwin watch and been their fellow travellers on the chain, the latter long enough to go Araguaya.
through his vest button hole were All rent as planned until they inng out, and later the broken chain had gone miles on the return jour and watch were found lying in a coney, and had just passed a celebrat. conut shell far below ed spot called The Blue Hole, to Mr.
Caswell was the first which the chauffeur called their at scramble out, and he then helped tention. It looks like a white spot Mrs. Goodwin, who called attention om a sort of lagoon on the blue to the still unconscious chauffeur acean.
Some coloured men came down from The auto was going up an in the road, and with difficulty dragcline on an earth wall, from which red him out, and laid him on the the road had been cut on the right Jembankment, while others, from side and a deep declivity of rocktheir huts on the mountain top, and rubble, with the sea pounding brought rags, water and bay rum, on the beach below, on the left. and bathed his head. It was fully 20 Mrs. Goodwin, who was seated in minutes ere he returned to consciusfront with the chauffeur, noticed ness.
the car suddenly was cutting across However the men could not move the rond heading for the opposite the car. In the meantime lorry sitle, and into the only opening, in working further down the road, was what should have been, at least, a requisitioned to carry Mr. Caswell bunk of earth protection. She glanc back the seven miles to Port Antoo in apprehension at the driver, no to procure another car, and the and to her horror saw his hands in men on the lorry got a thick rope to rved, and lying idly on his lapicue the already damaged car, and his eyes closed, head hanging down, took their united strength to do and his body limp and hunched so. The ill chauffeur doggedly fol. st the side of the car and relowed in his auto, but kept annoying ised he was unconscious, and informer employers by zigzagging throes of an epileptic fit. The other before or after them. So at any commeneed to careen, no help the first police station (Constamuld be summoned, only to bracelary they are called in Jamaica)
self, and wait for the certain which are scattered over the island, rrible crash. She, to quote, the policeman in charge was asked Could see the bloody wreckage hold him over the night, as he Se could see the mangled slain, as in no fit state to drive, which And the picture was seared forever, proved only too true, for not heedBlood red on her heated brain. ng the warning he was let free, and Bump, bump, they hurried on, and in less than an hour he flew by rent down the side of the precipice, them at a tearing pace, and when three or four lengths of the car, they were within twelve miles of the left wheels digging deep in the Kingston (80 the sign post told thick muck of a tropical mud. the them) they saw his car, all lights car at an angle of 45 degrees. Death. it was p. with the nose and such a death, stared them in the of the auto rammed into a bank of free! No hope nor help from any hu he right side this time, damaged, man, and no one could have ever and he unconscious again. Later his told how it happened. Only a few friends were sent to rescue him.
seconds more there would have been Thus ended a very exciting afteran awful crash and the car would noon.
have rolled over, with the force of its own weight, till it reached the Senator Ourtis, commenting on bottom of the precipice, 100 feet be the cruiser legislation, say it hard low, to be found smashed to atoms, to get 40 men to agree on anything.
together with the enclosed five vie It would be even harder if the Sentims, an unrecognisable mass of late was feminine.
Here is a maxim which should be read with interest and well digested by some of the young aspirants in this community who are aspiring to leaders of West Indian thought.
The extract is taken from the Belize Independent and clearly indicates that the movers in the same acheme have come to realise that leaders are not made overnight but in connection with possessing some basic foundation, they must be prepared for the great responsibility. The article for lows: In Belize one of the great difriculties confronting the High School or College graduate, whose aim is anywhere above the standard of the crowd, is, how can he continue to better himself now that he no longer has the aid of his Alma Mater. It is with great dismay that he observes absolutely no way in which he can continue to advance, except by plodding wearily along some road or other of rather hopeless Correspondence Courses.
Lately however, thanks to one energetic priest way has been thrown open to the developing youth.
By him a seleet group of boys have been organised into a body consisting jointly of a literary circle and a Sodality, As the goal of the enterprise Leadership has been suggested. This is hoped to be obtained principally in three ways: firstly, by building up through spiritual agencies a sterling, pure, upright character in its membors; secondly, by deepening and broadening their knowledge and learning by study and discussion; thirdly, by developing in them the power and ability of the spoken and the written word.
And be it understood, the methode of procedure will not be a mere conning of theorists; they will be the prosaic but tried method of the tyro who learns to swim by plunging and swimming, or if it must be, by pounding and struggling along until he has mastered the art. The fact that the Forum offers advice and direction such as only training and experience can supply, is om course a great boon and an earest of solid progress.
There is a saying that the soul of all progress is the progress of the soul. Since no undertaking in the realm of mind and spirit can ever prove genuinely successful without spiritual principles and piritual helps, the members are forming themselves into a religious group called a Sodality and thus are making available for themselves the moans to make the soul pure and strong for God.
The benefits to be derived from his promising little society are therefore numerous and very much thwhile. Each member hast!
chance to advance to the peak of his anbition if he will but give himself tu earnest and persevering endeavuur. The advantages of mutual contacts of example, discussion and emulation are in themselves invaluable. And finally the town at large in ust be greatly benefited by such a group of capable, trained, aggressive young men persuading others to improve themselves. It is the earnest prayer of the members that the good God may bless and prosper the Champion Leadership Forum (such is its name) and make it the source of distinct and signal service to the community Mr. Edgar Gregg has been elected President and Mr. Henry Gabb Secretary of the Forum. Father James Preuss is its Director.
FOR SALE CHEAP Good Assortment of Photo Albums Scop Albums Writing Pads Hymn Prayer Prayer Books Souvenirs, etc. etc.
Apply at WORKMAN PRINTERY THE 72 Carlos Mendoza Street and corner Javillo The Ideal Pharmacy OPPOSITE GUARDIA LUMBER YARD PANAMA CITY No 29 Street East, Calidonia Fort Always on hand a fine selection DRUGS, PATENT MEDICINES And TOILET ARTICLES TAN 22 ooo NOTICE BOWEN TAILOR HOYTE The People Tailor Prescriptions Carefully Compounded By Experienced Druggist radar DO YOU WANT NEW STUDEBAKER OR FORD?
Panama, Wm. de Sousa. Prop.
Panama City


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