
The Royal Bank of Canada PAGE PONT THE WORKMAN SATURDAY, MARCH 16, 1929.
What is Right in THE WORK VAN Business As follow up to our editorial to Published on Saturday by WALROND, at the office No 72 the last issue of this paper, we pubCARLOS MENDOZA Street No. 72, Panama, lih the following lines from the INCORPORATED 1869 American Review of Reviews for the Box 74, Panama Box 1102, Ancon current month, of an address We do not undertake to return rejected correspondence.
Head Office: Montreal, Canada titled What is Right in Business and delivered by Owen Young, The Liberty of the Press is the Palladium of our rights JUNIUS Chairman of the board of the General Electric Company and the Rs.
PANAMA COLON dio Corporation of America, on JanSanta Ana Plana Corner 11th and Bolilvar Streets uary 20, 1929.
THE GOLDEN RULE IN DO IT YOURSELF BUSINESS When you discuss what is right to Total Assets in Excess of 925. 000. 000. 00 Lusiness the difficulty lies not in de The disposition to depend on self more than on termining what is right in principle.
others is the outcome of the spirit of independence. This It is rather in the application of the spirit is the foundation of liberty, growth, elevation, principle to the vast, complex probconfidence: it is the sure winner of respect and admiraWith 900 Branches throughout the world, including lems of our modern business. If you tion. The school boy who finds himself glancing over sek me with reference to business his shoulder into the work of a fellow pupil, bent upon the following in the British West Indies etc. this Bank what is right in principle, answer copying or comparing result, is at once starting out is in a position to render the best possible service.
that the golden rule supplies all that as a weakling and a parasite. Instead of building up man in business needs.
confidence in himself as well as the confidence and re What is right in business requires, spect of others, he is likely to become a problem of unAntigua Dominica Montserrat in highly complicated situations, eertainty and unreliableness to his tutor and a source that the golden rule be applied by Bahamas Grenada St. Kitts of annoyance to his fellow pupils, ultimately finding men of great understanding and himself shunned, ridiculed and disliked.
Barbados Jamaica (2)
St. Lucia knowledge, as well as conscience.
On the other hand, the boy who is too proud to They must be technicians in the British Honduras Trinidad (2)
Martinique copy from the work of a fellow pupil, who delights in sense of making the connecting Ink solving his problems unaided, and hesitates to take Guadaloupe (2)
British Guiana (2)
between the golden rule on the one them even to his tutor, is he who always enjoys a feelside and the most complicated busiing of satisfaction in himself and the respect and ad ness transaction on the other.
miration of his school staff and pupils, if even causI purposely omit from this dlacuesion the immortal things which may ing a little jealousy here and there.
THE HIGHEST CURRENT RATES OF INTEREST Le done in business by weak and disAs it is with a school boy so is it in later life and honorable men. True it is that there we go from the individual to the group. The man who PAID ON DEPOSITS are occasional defalcations. There is always whining about his problems and looking to are here and there plain breaches of others to get them solved, instead of getting the help trust. There is the usual wreckage of that he desires is creating disrespect for and depreciaA Gerera! Barking Business Transacted.
dishonesty in different forms appeartion of himself. The more he depends on himself the ing now and then in business. When stronger does he become, and the less is he urged to seek the help of others. Sometimes his difficulty might ever it occurs It is exploited in the headlines of the newspapers, not beat first appear to be beyond his capacity, but by sheer canse it is common but because it is force of habit in pegging away at it, he eventually finds a solution, much to his own surprise. community or The Open Forum unusual. The percentage of plainly dishonest things in business is very group stands in the same position. There are things GEO.
that it must do for itself, or begin to do, if it is to be BISHOP small compared with the vast total The Editor, THE WORKMAN.
of the operations going on. There is helped, or if it is to be respected.
Sir: want to take the liberty to no more need for me to discuss these The West Indian community here is faced with MODERN TAI UR make a few remarks on your edito cases under the title of What is many problems, the solving of some of which is urgent.
rial Play the game fairly. publish right or wrong in business than The matter of higher and technical education in an House 40 ed in your last week issue. there would be for me to review the English speaking institution is one of such problems.
3rd Novernber Street If the complaint you make is true cases in our state prisons or in our Neither in the Republic of Panama proper nor in the Canal Zone is there such an institution. Color prejudice that there is propoganda against lunatic asylumns in order to deterity uachapall. Parmi th sale of your paper which mine what was right or wrong in bars our children from the only such place in the City eft announts to nothing short of putting society. By and large, business visof Colon St. Joseph Roman Catholic School (which in the paper out of business it seems its very quickly its own penalties its few years of existence had admitted them up to two to me that it is the plain duty of on the dishonest man. It is not the veare am) and from the Canal Zone high schools the West Indian public to defeat crook in modern business whom we (which had never admitted them at all. As a consesuch a propaganda. This is not the fear, but the honest man who does this. parents with time for us to practise such things not know.
a trickery in our dealings with one standard of training than is provided hv the grade a to her: whatever PHYSICIAN nrimary school system must either find the means to may have been CHAPTER 14 ur conduct in the past. consider send them away to the United States or to the West Into editorial as well written plaindies for such purpose. or failing to find the means, The regular mass meeting under HAS REMOVED HIS OFF!
roken but moderate and inoffensive the auspices of the above named make in their minds to keep their ambition as a tornd should have much weight with Chapter will be held tomorrow eve.
tura. It is alright to talk about the discrimination No. K STREET wse of us who are able to see ning commencing at p. when a against the neople in the Canal Zone: it is alright to PANANA CITY Songs in the clear light of reason, special programme of musical and that the Investigation Commission of 1921, as well as with those who may be un. Literary items will be rendered by header hv Coneral Connor of the Army. had reErtunately connected commended that the children of the colored alien emin any way members of the Society.
whatsoever with the practice comnlovers should receive higher and technical training: Friends are also cordially invited. ained of.
hut thosn facts do not get the neonle what they need. BISHOP, can not however go the whole We think the hest thing to do is for the West Indian Secretary length with you in the statement neonle tn raise money amongst themselves and start that with the standard of matter bean institution in however humble a way. There was a irge carried the paper can sell itself ETUDE CLUB TO MEET nlan nuhlished here a couple of years ago on the estaheasily, if left unobstructed. That palighinn of what should he known as THE WEST IN.
per has improved considerably with the Etude Club will take place to The regular monthly meeting of DIAN FOTINDATION It was a simple and easily Why throw away your old, but no it recent months, in the tone and night at heir hall 30 understood nlan. Tt did not call for more than 50 cents month for one year from each able hodied worker.
doubt interesting books, when 10 quality of the matters it presents, nin ready to admit. It is reflecting and assist in the transaction of busiMembers are asked to turn out That is not a larme amount to be donated to such a cause.
The need for ench an institution is very great and can have them neatly bound at commendable depth and earnestnessness for the evening.
of thought, and a more than orour community is suffering considerably without it.
We need the nlace to make our men and women, we dinary capacity in expression. But, believe that you too will admit readi e1 with the work of newspaper procan make them on the streets, nor under uneducated ly that, notwithstanding these good duction and can not gauge the cost teachers.
CARLOS MENDOZA STREET points, the paper is lacking some of such improvements as suggested, Then the condition of the colored alien worker on what in mechanical attractiveness. but according to the view of the the Panama Canal is another pressing problem. Low AND CORNER JAVILLO FILL By this do not mean that you knowing ones, they won entail wages in a foreign country: long hours from day to XXXXXXXXXXKKOKKKKKKKKKKA al. ould make it a pictorial and no many dollars. And if that is so, Mr.
dav. week to week, month to month, and vear to year: thing more; for much of pictures Editor, should urge you to help an openly hostile attitude by the favored class of and less of real worthwhile matter, yourself so that others might feel amplovers, who are alwave the supervisors: are condi to organize for their protection. Some sit and cry at surely not infants at this period has some West Indian history and is what is served to infants, and we justified in helping you. The paper tions that are crushing the spirit of an industrious against the white people as unkind and oppressive; of our life. What mean is that you it should be a great pity to see it and law ahiding people. Just victure a colored em. others are trusting to God to change the hearts of rat metting one dav leave with nav during that time boss to look out for them; others are relying on the nlove with 25 vears service (starting in with c) the people in authority; others are trusting to the might have a couple of illustrations divers in picture in each issue; and not entitled to it for the remainder of his service. Governor as a good and just man to do the right thing might change the type of your front PLAIN SPEAKER.
and not entitled to any other relief, excent 15 days towards them; and others are just without any idea page heading for the name of the Panama, March 14, 1929.
plovee metting not less than times the colored man For 25 years they have been treated as aliens and strang and better balanced settings. With nav a vear when sick only: as, against a white om whatsoever of what they are and what they should be paper; and do the same with other and waces, with 54 dave a vear leava with nav (54796 1960 favel and free railroad transnortation, and so it is intended to continue this treatment of them? It is WORKMAN would have consider. National Pharmacy, Santa Ana ers, can the West Indians ask how many years more such improvements, am sure THE be made up take it to the If you have a Prescription to dunod steamshin transportation, and retirement non.
tortion, and on nn and so forth. ad infinitum. And then the plain duty of everyone to seek his own interest, ably more than a good fighting Plaza, where you will get courit will be seen that the West Indian employees ought but in doing so not to trespass on the rights of others. chance. Of course, am not acquaint teous and obliging service.
ambition to see their children receiving a Whicher Dr. Fairweather מיוי Book Binding THE WORKMAN No, 72 Yours truly,


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