
PAGE SEVEN STUDEBAKER SEE THE UNERIE Studebaker FLORIS Lucky Strike Display at the FREDRICKS GARAGE Colon BEVERHOUDTS Colon 02 dTQ LUCKY STRIKE or os 12 FORD AGENCIES Panama City 1991 ALBERT LINDO Panama City 18 TELEVISIÓN TRACES NEGRO CON machine, said Bolton, which auto FOREMOST AVIATOR OF 1928 TRIBUTIONS TO IN matically held the shoe, arranged the Small VENTIONS leather around the sole and heel and The International League of AviaDINTIST (By BERRY (England)
crove in the nails; upon its advan tors has awarded the title of best!
Bolton, Race Leader. Recounts Partages was developed the United Aviator in the world in 1928 to Col!
MASONIC TEMPLE Played in Industry Shoe Machinery company. The shoe Arturo Ferrarin of Italy for his trip During the last century many the hidden things of darkness can Office Hours: 8, am to 12 pm wonderful scientific inventions have revealed in more ways than one.
Two Negroes have patented more industry in 1925 created a product to Rome, Natal and Bradl.
30 to 30 PM)
been brought forth, particularly, we Not only is the gross darkness of the than fifty electrical devices, some of alued in excess of 1, 150, 000, 000. In 1872 a Negro devised a lubri BRITISH JUSTICE Sundays. by Special Appointmen might say, during the last fifty Devil empire being made manifest which were assigned to the General Mosonic Temple ilth St, wars. If our ane stors could come the light now being shed abroad Electric company, the Westinghouse cating cup which eliminated the neback from the aleep of death and see through the returned Lord, but company, and the American Beli ossity of stopping machinery to oil Transiting the Panama Canal yesTelephone company, according to Po 787. CRISTOBAL us travel by rotor car, bus, or aero iteral darkness can be penetrated, pane, or if they could see us as we too. All this brings us back to the Wendell Bolton, who is in Chicago Professor George Carver, di terday was the British Justice. a new British motorship of HONOFFICE 1664 tisten in, while sitting by our fire great fact that we live in the days to participate in the observance by lector, of the agricultural experi4122 net tonnage. The British Juside, to musie or lectures being of the second pesence of Christ, and Negroes of Negro in history week. Bent station at Tuskegee institute, Bolton, a graduate of Northwestern ranks as one of the great agricultice is commanded by Captain Thobroadcast to us from many mile: hat His lightnings are enlightening aniversity, assisted as field investiral chemists of the world. Chimas Feathers. She carries crew of and was bound for Lands Find to distant, they would exclaim, It is the world.
kator in the recent national indus o Daily forty men, all Britishers but one, orders.
in leed a new world!
Mr. Tiltman, writing on tele trial survey of the National Negr But science promises us still anvision, states that we shall look in Business league directed from other wonder, that of television. One upon our television screen and wit. Tuskegee institute.
my writer describes it thus: Television, ness scenes and events at a distance.
to put it briefly, is a reproduction of Simultaneously we shall be able to :ccords 1, 580 inventions by Negroe. The United States patent offic sight. It enables us to see the image listen in to the radio and see in 12. in many other enses the record at any object on a receiving screen, on our television to the scene we are do not disclose the race of the Negro just as it would appear to the eye hearing of or the speaker we are inventor, Bolton added. The Negro of an actual observer on the spot. listening to.
part, according to this investigator Seeing by wireless is the popular title given to it, but television means Surely, these wonders are being as an adjunct of the nation me seeing by telegraphy, either with or shown to man for his use in the chanical operating forces, did not wihout wires.
which is now being stop with sitting on safety valves so Is not this latest wonder still anashered in When that age of bless Mississippi packets could race fastcome, ing is fully other evidence that we are living in wel ees as pictured in the stirring ballad new world? It is said that for fit imagine the peoples of the earth of Jim Bledsoe. Less known than IS NOW LOCATED AT listening scientists from various and seeing in with his contribution to folksong, or to y years countries have tried to solve the rapt attention, while Abraham, Issac iterature, the Negro contributions problem of television, and according or Jacob or other of those faithful to science, mechanics and industry to an article in a London paper, the man of the old, who will then be an. Bolton contends, are not to be disre.
problem has now been solved by Mr. rointed by the Messiah as princes in Correr Puilding Opposite CHASE NATIONAL BANK One Negro invented a lasting John Baird, an English scientist the earth, expounds the law of of thirty five years of age.
God and instructs them in the way Where our customers will receive the usual that leads to life and happiness in The same newspaper states that within a few months television sets harmony with Jehovah.
courtesies will be on sale for home use at the All those who hear and obey will Mattresses Furnished cost of about 30 each. It further obtain perfect lite on earth, and and Repaired states that every claim made by Mr. very creature in the universe Baird has been proven beyond whether in heaven or in earth. will doubt, and also that it is possible, by under thanks and praise to Jehovah Good Service Guaranteed LOOK FOR THE SIGN: means of the televisor, to see any ob for His loving kindness to the human ject or person in total darkness. race, His earthly creation, when 21st Street Guachapali The above statement brings the that glorious agents complete. Route No 10.
thought to the intelligent mind that (Golden Ago. The British Pharmacy COLON Felden age, we can 11. 1154 11th STRET Joseph Mason BRITISH PHARMACY


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