p. 8


Brutal Murder of Marcus Garvey Visit British Honduras (Continued from Page 1)
Trad, mark, and learn for your own sales and that of humanity that the soul that sineth, it shall die.
12. dead, but my voice rings out frym my grave with unmistakab e cinaress, and it cries aloud for vengeance for my blood which has cen spilt!
Mothers and daughters, ATTENTION! Young men, BEHOLD!
Important Notice with per Friend after friend departs; Who hath not lost a friend!
There is no union here of hearts That finds not here an end: Were this frail world our final roast Living or dying, none were blest.
THE (Continued from Page 1)
much could be done by the race itself through organisation and by putting such quality into practice, much of the ills woud be remedied and the race would be in a better position to compel those things which it should possess in common with others. He referred to the grand and noble civilisation which was built up by the Race on he bandes of the Nile which far exceeded all other is its day and severance and determination the position could be regained by the race of today, Mr. Garvey spoke at great length and he elicited no littel applause and laughter from the audience by the open and straightforward manner in which he dealt with the problems of the race and the methods which he suggested for solution.
The Colonial Band under Mr.
Staine, director, was in attendance and added much to the success of the meeting Beyond the flight of time, Beyond this vale of death, There surely is some blessed clime Where life is not a breath, Nor life affection transient fire, Whose sparks fly upward and a WORKMAN PRINTERY pira!
PANAMA WESLEYAN ACTIVITIES Interesting Jottings Is Now Located in more spacious quarters at No 72 Carlos Mendoza. Street Among the Churches. Tomoorow were a (Continued from Page 5)
Literary Evening She spoke to friend of hers who Rosolved That music exercises a was better off than herself as to greater influence over the communclothes, and suggested that her ity than Literature. This is the subfriend lend her a dress to wear. Maject which was debated on Wednesry friend became very serious and day night last under the auspices of asked her. don you know it is the above named Society. With Miss wrong to go to church on Easter Doris Rodney, Mr. Dottin, MesSunday morning with borrowed dames Chandler and Suffrain sponclothes. No, said Mary, don soring the affirmative and the ee anything wrong about it. Why is Misses Ivy Myers, Estelle McMillan, it wrong? Because, said the McKenzie and Mrs. Lillian Swaby friend, lent is over.
the negative. profitable and interThe suggestion is, that the girls esting evening was spent.
and other females make note of This is the first debate under tak.
en by the members of this Society, and enthusiasm was the prevailing The story is told of a wife and festure of the evening. The arguhusband who had an argument over some domestic affairs. There was ments on both sides were strong, each debator trying to show the imne thing strange about this that time, nor would there be at the present portance of his subject, but regardtime. All those who have wives less of whatever other sentiment might have lingered in the minds of know that having an argument is DEATH OF DAVID on item never off the general pre. eritical andience, the facts brought MCCLYMONT nnt in connection with the attirmWifie and (British Conference)
hubby ative proved beyond doubt that the were having On Sunday last at 30 the lunch in a Restaurant As is usual. influence of music which is older funeral services for the late David AMERICAN EPISCOPAL CHURCH SERVICES FIFTH SUNDAY IN LENT wifie observed another woman in than literature exercises a greater McClymont, who died on ThursFIFTH SUNDAY IN LENT. Religious Services by the mem WESLEY CHURCH PANAMA Influence than that of her negative day 7th inst. at the Herrick Hosthe restaurant wearing a beautiful CITY (Rev. Nightengale, bers of the Kingston Didress, whereupon, she remarked to saabjeet.
11 Mr. Henry Harewood.
vision residing in Panama will be rital) was conducted by the Rev.
her husband. Gee! isn that 30 am. Holy Communion. The kept in the hall of the Private Aca 80 Rev. Cousins.
Miss McKenzie, the strongest Wade at the Panama Wesleyan beautiful dress. If you supporter of Miss Ivy Myers produc Church of which deceased was Rector lemy 25th St. Calidonia on Sunday TRINITY CHURCH COLON charitable, you would get me one ed some vary able points in defense member.
10. 15 The Litany. Mr. March 17th 1929 at p.
11 am and 30 Rev.
like that. Yes, darling. said hub.
of her argument, but were it not for Wade.
The occasion was marked with Atwell, Lay Reader.
The public is rdiolly invited.
by, the finest garment woman the impressionable facts which were mach dignity and solemnity, the 10. 30 am. Holy Eucharist and BARTON NEW PROVIDENCE can wear is the mantle of charity.
taken into account in connection Choir of the church taking an active Sermon.
President. 11 a. Mr. Walters. Yes. retorted wifie, and its the with the affirmative, the negative part in the ceremony. GREELY Prelude Andante. Beethoven. LA BOCA, CANAL ZONE only dress some husbands want their might have carried away he debatSecretary Hymns (A and M) 96, 200, 312. am. Mr. James Moulton.
Members of the Loyal Victor wives to wear, judgging by the fuss ing honors of the evening. 39 Per:y Hinds.
they make over the bills.
Lodge with which de 97 (Second part. The Rev. R. Wade, although ceased was also PARAISO. CANAL ZONE St. Peter By The Sea, Introit Psalm 54.
connected) turned Pretty sharp witted, think. Don a literary scholar, admitted how out in large :i a Rev. Cousins.
Service in La Boca you? don admire women whea Simper Communion numbers and joined much he owes to music, and did not with the members of the Church to. 30 Mr. Theo. Fuller they become over ambitious, and try Holy Communion, a. The to fall to admit his knowledge of its inform the Cortege which wended its unsex themselves; but sure 00 Church School Mr. Retor.
Nnence in any community; he was way to the Herrera Cemetery where Cragwell, Superintendent.
Christian Mission of fall for them when they are bright very ably supported in this respect the last funeral rites were perform The Litany, Holy Eucharist, 10. 45 Panama and witty like this one was. 30 Choral Evensong by teacher Reynolds of the LA and a. The Rector.
Brea colored school who is also one Sermon. Preacher, Chaplain Church School, p.
Panama 11 Taylor of a literary achievements. Mr. A1Deceased hailed fom the Island of Wood.
Choral Evensong and sermon, 30 30 Lloyd.
CARNATION BALL hart Belle was also asked to say Jamaica and was a tailor by trade.
Chorrillo 11. a. Moseley.
Hymns (A and M) 96, 549, 259. The Rector.
a few words (in connection with the He leaves a wife and mother to 28.
Lenten Services, Monday to Fri 30 Herbert. special committee of the La debate)
which he did in his moun their lons.
La Boca 11 McCollia Boca Athenaeum met at the ClubPsalm 119 (Vs. 145 176. snal jocular MULCARE, 30 Springer.
The destre way house on Thursday night to consider an evening on nome similar New Serum Fonnd Nunc Dimittis (Gibbons) 40.
Magnificat. Parke. 46.
Rector, Paraiso 11 a. Eler Burke. plans for the society grand Carnadebating subject has been expressed 80 Elder Burke. tion Ball which is to come off early he members of the Society Postlude March. Page. St. Bartholomew Church, Gatun 11 am. Neblett. in May. As on previous occasions, The news paper was unfortunately (Continued from page Las Cascadas 30 Miller the affair will be carried out with forgotten. but its ST. ALBAN CHURCH, that the serum had usefulness as had observed Colon 11 a. Williams. de regard to the dignity and higb literary medium was noted by the actually multiplied rapidly the numPARAISO, Matins and address, 11 a. Mr 30 yce.
prestige of this venerable literary Wade. Rector of St. Paul in charge)
association. The Ath naum is also ber of corpuscles, he applied it to Swaby, Lay Reader.
11. 00 a. Matins, Litany and adconducting a membership drive The programme was also aug human beings with similar resulte Church School and Confirmation Salvation Army which expires on the fifteenth of dress.
mented by a song by Mrs. Dorin Of 100 dogs treated ninety five sur Class, 30 next month.
Reece (a Christian Endeavour. The vived. All the human beings treated 00 Church School. MULCARE, Tomorrow Knee Drill.
voting for the debate concluding at had survived. 30 Evensong and Address.
Priest in charge.
Company Meeting p.
12 for the affirmative and 28 for Mr. Osborne, Catechist.
Monday pm. Young people LODGE NOTICE the negative Professor Richet coneladed by St Simon Mission, mseting.
Gamboa Holiness Meeting 11 a.
The Society wil have an outing on saying that the serum eould not take All members of the St. John Past Wednesday ST. MATTHIAS MISSION, Salvation Meeting 30 nert 20th Inst, at the place of transfusion with the Masters Grand Christian Encampplace to be mentioned in due time: same success as when the blood of LAS SABANAS Matins and address, 11 a. Mr.
Tuesday Soldiers Consul. ment are hereby reninded of a spemembers are assured with this new bnth patien: and donor wee identical. Rector of St. Paul in charge) Jos. Braithwaite, Lay Reader.
Wednesday Corps Class p. cial meeting to the place at the aprangements to have an enjoyable Bat where there was doubt of this 45 a. Holy Communion. Church School 30 Home League P.
Loyal Progress Hall Caalidonis tovening where they can have a few 00 pm. Church School. MULCARE, Thursday Holiness Meeting. morrow at 30 Early attend hours in peace and quietude, and not identity, or th cases where transfu. 30 Evensong and Address.
Priest in charge.
Friday Band Practice p. ance is also urged so that the tranmolested by any non members of sion could not immediately be re fr. Richards, Lay Reader, Saturday Open Air Meeting. Ansaction of business may be got the organization sorted to, it should certainly be Wesleyan Methodist Church are cordially invited through at an early hour.


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