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PRICE CENTS nity Train Panama Canal West Indian West Indian The Glory and Dis West Indian Hops Last Saturday Editorial is Employees Association Highly Endorsed By Atlantic Side Correspondent who Meeting for Adoption CAR to the were memas an exSPARKLETS The following dessertatiton upon Louis, a West Indian laborer of the SCHOOL MASTER is presented 44 years of age unfortunately lost to our readers for the purpose of his life when he jumped from a PanDiscuss New Measures at District reminding them of the dignity and ama Railroad Train of six passenglory attaching to the profession. For ears which was in motion when Classifies It as Wise Saying It is sixty one years old the same the fatal accident occurred.
After, considerable discussion by should take care of the situation. having been produced by Lord Do It Yourself. the caption of as the principal means by which The victim was among a number Districts of the Panama Canal West This would be fifty cents a month Srougham of England in the year of other laborers who came in from workman can very properly be clar We admit also that some of the last Saturday editorial of the the wrong things should be righted.
Indian Employees Association as to for each member and would ac. 1868. This has been treasured and ledro Miguel at 11. 45 on Thursday sified as a wise saying. Obvi things which affect us adversely, we the best scheme to b2 adopted to ex cumulate 500 per month or 6, 000 preserved as one of the classics of night last, and before the train came tend further assistance to members per year.
those days, and its value has im to a stand still, Louis took the risk ously, this is the only way man cannot remedy ounelves they are of the Association, in addition to re The Committtee were of the proved with its age.
should feel when he desires any, without our capacity to undo; but making an unsuccessful hop, slip thing done. But the question is there are many which we presenting the workers in general be opinion that less than per week ped and fell betwteen two cars fore the Canal Zone Government, the sickness benefit would not be sufthe rails below where the wheels there any desire? Most of our ques. remedy now, and could have some La Boca District, at its meeting held ficient attraction, that amount being tions here seem impossible to be ef died long ago, if only we had given in this city on the 15th inst. approv. the minimum paid as initial sickness passed over his left leg above the rectively answered. This is the core thought to the fact that we can TAE SCHOOLMASTER AND nee, completely cutting it off.
ed the following report of a special benefit by local societies of subTHE CONQUEROR clusion to which we are gradually do it ourselves.
committtee appointed by the District santial numerical strength; and, He was immediately rushed to the coming, although we do not always The question of place to rend decided to There is nothing with which the Santo Tomas Hospital where he re express it, to work out and report upon a therefore, recommend and this question of our boys and girls to receive secadversaries of improvement scheme. The report has been forward. per week sickness benefit.
education is one of are spived medical atttention, but despite higher education, the burden of the condary the ed to the Corresponding Secretary The Committee arrived at of roze wont to make themselves mer Jail efforts, he breathed his last at cditorial referred to, does not seem questions we are abundantly able to to us to be an exception.
answer ourselves. Since neither of of the Asociation for transmittal sickness per year or 20 cases to any than with what is termed the 30 yesterday morning.
to the Board for final action. The membership of one thousand. On arch of intellect. and confess Long ago, frequent expressions the Governments here seem willing report will be transmitted to the this basis the Association would pay that think, as far as the phrase GRAND RECEPTION HELD were made as to the necessity for to furnish such places, for what better educational FOR AVIATOR ARIAS facilities for ever reasons they might eſther other District, for comment, before for sickness benefit 100 weekly, or goes, hey are in the right. It is placing it before the Board, it was! 5, 200 annually, leaving a balance very absurs, because a very incorWest Indian youths in this place. have or imagine, it is plainly our made known by the Corresponding of 800 from the year collections. weet expression. It is little calculatFrequently, the press was deluged duty to do it ourselves. The chil.
On Tuesday last 19th Secretary In addition to this balance thered to describe the operation in quesinst. with contributions discussing the dren are ours, and we can do it. We The Report would be six months contribution tion. It does not suggest an image cany of the Society folk of Pana question; but how frequenty did any have done it for others. The last to the credit of the Association, the at all resembling the proceedings of ma and the Canal Zone attended a give a single thought to doing the thing of the kind we did was to re The Committee figured on friends of mankind. It grand reception (tendered by Pre thing for ourselves? And because of place the old wooden St. Joseph basis of a membership of one thouCommittee having decided to recom the true mend that a member shall not be much more resembles the progress sident and Mrs. Florencio Aro this omission, the question has not College in Colon by one of solid consand. monthly contribution of 25 entitled to sickness benefit until af of the enemy of all improvement. tone at the Presidencia) in honor yet been settled. and Goodness crete, only to be told immediately cents per member, as suggested by Brother Nathaniel at our last Dis. ler he has paid up his dues for six the conqueror moves in a march. Ramon Ricardo Arias the first knows if it ever will be, though, as afterwards that our children could Kstalks onward with the pride, Panamanian to distinguish himself usual, we hope it will.
not be admitted because of circummontths.
trict meeting, as well as other sugAt one time (and that was the stances they could not control. We gestions from members present, for One percent of death was decided pomp, and circumstance of glorious as an aviator.
Mr. Arias has only recently re last time any reference was made are informed that every penny that the raising and upkeep of adequate on by the Committee, or ten deaths ar. banners flying, shouts rending the air, guns thundering, and turned to Panama, having spent to the matter. the plan referred to went towards the cost of construcfunds to guarantee payment of a de per year among a membership of martial music pealing, to drown the some time in the United States in the editorial as the WEST IN. tion was subscribed by West Incent amount for sickness and tu one thousand; and a payment of 60 shrieks of the wounded, and the where he completed his aviation DIAN FOUNDATION was an dians. Whether this be actually so neral benefits considered.
to the beneficiary of each deceased lamentations for the slain. Bourse at Kelly Field, Texas. nounced. Some few persons express or no, we are certain that West In.
Twenty five member. The total expenses for fucents per ed their approval. We do not know dians, in a single night, subscribed ber neral benefits would, therefore, be per month, if any work is being done along over nine hundred dollars!
ample, would accumulate 600 per year, leaving a net balance 250 the suggested lines; but we do know Now, in face of these facts, is it monthly or 3, 000 per year. After a of 200 per year, plus the first six that nothing has since then been reasonable for us to still say, we close examination of the other figmonths contribution already men(By said by any of our innumerable can do it ourselves. Can it be that ures submitted, the committee were tioned.
HABLA USTED ESPANOL! bers of the countrty elite, enjoyed paragraphers upon the subject. We are prepared to always do it for of the opinion that a monthly conAfter due deliberations of the SPARKLETSof their culture and their artisti: One commences to feel ashamed others, to the absolute and misertribution twice as much as that above conclusions, and having gone Viviendo aqui por tanto tiempo, and musical abilities. Where do you now of the kind of discussions be able exclusion of ourselves? No suggested by Brother Nathaniel (Continued on Page 8) debe usted hablar el español per stand, gentle West Indian reader, ing carried rule by the other people in this community, bo fectamente bien. or words to the on the question of higher social in West Indian here. They savor too it observed, adopt this line of coneffect, said a prominent South Am torcourse with Panamans, assimilat much of moaning and lamenting duct, and it seems high time for the erican to us not very long ago ating their virtues and placing your over what others have done, and West Indian to make up his mind ter we had with reluctance and self in a position not to be stigma have not done to us. We admit that to demonstrate his equality with with considerable difficulty admit tized by them as perpetual stran there is justification for some of other men actual performances, these moanings On questions of socialogy fre education ever hope to get a decent ted to him that after 20 years re gers. and lamentations; and discard the over ridden pracquently find myself in company standard of living. They need high sidence in the Republic of Panama With exception to our learned but we do not admit that they tice of merely prattling about it.
with good thinkers. now have in er wages and higher educational we had no knowledge of the Span friend Dalrymple Leacock and should be perpetually resorted to By ELIJAH HUNTER mind the speech made by Mr. training.
ish language to even enable us to two others whom we generally met Nichols of the Jamaica Public form a grammatical sentence of six at the Conservatory of Music, and words long. On another occasion, Darnley Tait and a respectable Service Co. on Progress. as pubThe workers of the Panlished in another section of this after being introduced to a pretty, few who outscore us with their visCanal would do well to paper He says the standard of livcultured Panamanian damsel and its to the National Theatre, the To the )ditor of the Workman.
read these ean but pays too from extracts much attention ing is not to be based on the should have replied: Tengo mucho absence of West Indians from those Labor of Washington, Gov. gusto en conocer a usted, señorita, two public Sir: As usual, rend with a so character. It will not publish the amount of wealth or goods seats of Panamanian great deal of interest your editorial kind of bunk the people love, but is one Franklin Roosevelt plea for possesses, but rather on his cul old age pensions; which will appearly misrepresented or words to that effect, we so bad culture has been conspicuous. of the 9th inst. and am not at all bent on exhibiting he best philosoture, taste, and manners. The PaSpanish words We are inspired to ramble along surprised at the complaint made phy we possess, so that the outside in the next issue of this nama Canal authorities have been paper that it caused a few seconds of this line after having learned with therein. What surprises me is to world may judge the standard of the holding to the fallacious theory for action the embarrasment in our little pleasure that the Rev. Thor see how little constructive thinking our intelligence, by it.
Federation of Labor in re social circle and were it not quite bourne of the Baptist Church, is our people many years that, because a large cognizing the ples of the Pulls apparent that our ignorance of the planning tồ present in the National states that persons who have been mass of our people require, they recan do. The Article That is not the kind of news the majority of the West Indians in their employ are man Porters and issuing them local Spanish language was solely re Theatre a program exclusively bly accustomed to earning more charters of admission into the or sponsible. the young lady father West Indians; by which the handle the paper, quire to see their own pictures and than when they were in the West West will stow it away, and say the their friends forgetting all the time Indies, or than others of their class snnization; and Secretary of Labor might have scalped us and would Indian community, will be given an Workman is dead, Now Sir since that it is by those things the highstill living in the West Indies, they James Davis pronouncement of be perfectly right in so doing. opportunity to demonstrate their you have come to the public, as a inelleet judge us; those are enjoying a higher standard of the present day American policy in Twenty years residence in a Span talent in the playhouse set apart by member of it will be as frank as zmong the many things why people living. Unfortunately, the West In industry to grant liberal wages. At ish countrty and unable to speak the Govebnment of Panama to help your editorial has been. The Season are acting in that manner towards dians themselves are laboring underter they have read these, n be the Spanish langauge! Ye gods and foster higher education of Pana for this attitude seems to be found the Workman. write this with the this erroneous impression. My con whipped if they do not come across little fishes! Isn that the limit: manians.
ed upon petty jealousy and dislike hope that we may see our folly in tention hhs always been against and swell the ranks of the Panama. And we haven even a plausible ex We are much concerned over the for the management, and 80 people frying to kill the paper for the ex.
this theory. The people are not get Canal West Indian Employees As cuse for such delinquency. matter. If the required seriousness think that by killing the paper they pression that The Workman is ting anything near the standard of sociation. If anything better is goBut we are not delinquent in and intelligence is given to the pre will have accomplished much. It is dend is a deep seated desire to see purely academic education that is ing to be done for the Silver Em everything in respect to our hosts paration of such a program, and if peculiar how rapidly we think de it die prompted by the saying that provided in the West Indies, to say ployees, it will only be through the activities. We made infrequent West Indians fully realize the im structively. Another reason too is the hardest blow struclo is in the nothing of the oppoortunities for agency of a well conducted organ. visits to the Panama National Con portance of their debut on an oc the Workman is too conscientious, pocket book. that what our attisocial and economie advancement. Eestion. By the way, the school servatory of Music and National casion of the kind the affair should it has not learnt, that it is a prac tude is. Now what should really be How on earth can a people having teachers were told so by someone in Theatre where we have been pri prove an overwhelming success tice among business people to make our thought, and attitude. Conalonly smattering of grade school authority not long ago.
vileged to rub shoulders with mem from all angles for we have the a reputation and that however one (Continued on Page 8)
on as a HERE AND THERE THE OPEN FORUM ama American acute are


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