
Negro Theatre Grows in Dallas, Texas AT THE Federation Bound to Come, Says Demerara Paper Still, It is a Far Way Off, And we Must Hasten Slowly FUTURE OF COLONIES Mr. Marryshow Motion to Stabilize Constitution of the Conference LA MASCOTA fine selection of Black Blue Serges, Black Cheviots Vicunas, and Cream Flannels. Also ENGLISH TWEEDS!
the very latest design in TAILORS TRIMMINGS sense LA MASCOTA MULLER, Prop.
37 Central Avenue.
TROTT The Cleaner We Dye To Live The Demerara Daily Chronicle of tion of that dream may be remote, January 25th published the follow yet that it is no longer considered ing:Jamong the number of impossible You can imagine the pomp and things is an achievement of which ceremony which marked the opening we may justly feel proud. There are of the first West Indian Conference still, however, a considerable number in Bridgetown yesterday. The Gover of difficulties to be overcome.
nor of the island, the President of One of these difficulties presented the Legislative Council, the Speaker itself when the Hon. Marry of the House of Assembly, the show of Grenada, endeavoured to Lords and Commons of Barbados stabilise the Constitution of the Conwere there: members of the Amo ference itself by a Resolution which ciated West Indian Chamber of Com provided that members of the Conmerce were there; members of the ference should only be appointed West Indian Press Conference were from members of the Legislatures of there, and the presence of the Cap the various colonies. The motion was tain and officers of Durban overwhelmingly defeated. It is unlent the function additional pomp. necessary to say that we agree enCondense as is the cabled summary tirely with Mr. Marryshow upon this of His Excellency Sir William Ro point. If the Conference is to have bertson opening address, the same any soul, it must be a conference of zestrained enthusiasm which char. men who form part of the Governaeterised Mr. Amery message is ments and Legislatures of the colquite apparent. It is necessary that onies. We cannot for the life of us all West Indian publicists maintain understand why there should be any similar of proportion. objetion to this proposal. Mr.
Federation is bound to come how Austin on behalf of the Barbados soon no one can say. To be candid, delegation was strongly opposed to although the opening of the Confer it. He argued that the choice of reence represents a new land mark a presentatives should not be limited definite stage of the progress made, lo members of the Legislature.
political federation is still a long Why? If in any colony any private way offf. We must hasten slowly man possessos special knowledge and all who are inclined to be im which would be of value to the Conpatient should ponder carefully onference, it would be easy to invite Sir William Robertson remarks and him to assist the Conference as Sir bear in mind that the movement to James Currie and Mr. Evans were wards West Indian co operation in invited. But to say that any appointrelation to the competition of the went to the Conosco show world beyond the Caribbean, is an made ouside the Legislature is to aggressive movemeent only in the strike at the very root of the whole sense that to attack is to defend. principle of the Conference.
Taken collectively, the West Indian This is no idle imagining. In Britislands and colonies cannot be de ish Guiana, the Governor did appoint scribed as a tourishing community. member of the Chamber of ComFor the sake of self preservation, womerce to represent that colony, and must get together or rounder. as matter of fact pot one of the Comments by the Barbados Herald elected representatives of the people The Barbados Weekly Herald of was selected. In Trinidad, according February 2nd dealt with the Confer to Mr. Gaston Johnston there was an ence as follows: attempt to bring in an outsider but The West Indian Conference is there was some demonstration of over. The results are not spectacular, hostility and the attempt was abanbut we consider them none the less doned. The position in Barbados was solid. The Conference, wisely, did not not quite as bad, but there was a attempt too much, and it would be a flouting of the wishes of the House mistake for critics to measure the of Assembly the Governor though success of the meeting by the stand in the end it righted itsell. The ards which would be correet for a House of Assembly furnished the Legislature. The greatest achieve Governor with list of members ment has been the demonstration of from whom ho vus to select report a spirit of mutual good will and comentatives! In his melection, the Govermon responsibility. At long last the nor ignored the House of Assembly eream of West Indian thought has and appointed one representative reaihed the conclusion that the who was not on the list. That gentlefuture of these colonies lies in the man happened to be a member of the development of the West Indies as House of Assembly but there was a whole.
nothing to have prevented the GovIt was very encouraging to seernor from selecting rank outboth Sir Edward Davaon and Mr. sider.
Jackson, the Colonial Secretary of The principle underlying Mr. Mar.
Trinidad take their stand as Westryshows motion was a good one, Indians. The idea that there is some and we are glad to know he is going thing to be proud about in West In to fight the issue in his newspaper, dian nationality is the most happy He can be sure of good support all effect of the Conference. From this over the West Indies and wherever step, to an earnest endeavour to reasonable men foregather. It is bring these colonies together as most essential that the Conference dictinct unit is not very farbe started right, that its foundations distance. And although the realise be sure. We are surprised that any member of the Conference should consider the walls of the Legislature too narrow to include all the delegates needed to the Conference.
House No. 912 La Boca Apart from this most disappointCanal Zone ing decision of the Conference, the OPPOSITE RESTAURANT results were very encouraging, and we hope before the next Conference PHONE 1941. BALBOA assembles in London, publie opinion Specialises in all Branches of all over the West Indies will assert 2) Dentistry itself and demand emphatically, that ALL WORK. GUARANTEED none but members of the Legislature RESIDENCE588 be at any time appointed to fost on the Conference.
Negro Players Score Great Success ja Pint Community Theatre Below Mason Dixon Line DALLAS, Tex. Feb. 20 In this former stronghold of hooder Klan terron there has sprung into existence the Dallas Negro Players, the first community theatre for Negroes ever organized below the Mason and Dixon line.
With only 186 for costumes and scenery, the company struggled through six weeks of rehearsals and presented to a selected audienez of blacks and whites three one ate plays last Dec. 18. One of these plays, Paul Green The No Count Boy, was adjddged by local crities to be on a par with a current of fering of the Dallas Little Theatre, three times winner of the David Belasco Cup in the national tournament.
Since then the growth of the NeBro theatre has been phenomenal and its general acceptance by whites of the community as a needed medium for Negro self expression has been even more remarkable.
Under the direction of Louis Hexter, a white financier, it has enlisted 160 amateurs, including Negro teachers and cooks, college graduates and chauffeurs, financiers and reporters. It will present three other one act plays on March 11 and 12 Rackey, by Ernest Cuthberson, The Man Who Died at 12 Clock, by Paul Green, and The Valiant, by Middlemans and Hall, Later in the spring its director hopes to offer a full three or fouract play, possibly Porgy, or All God Children Got Wings, if it is COLON felt that the latter will not revive PANAMA DRY CLEANING tne hostiliy of the Klan.
PHONE 453 STEAM PRESSING Five years ago such an organPHONE 260 ization would not have been toleratDYBING 16 STREET ed in Dallas, Mr. texter says, but PANAMA now the players have received noKKKKKKKK33033 thing but praise. The City Police Commissioner, Clarence Parker, former Cyclops of the Klan, for instance, has given his indorsement to the theatre, which, he says, will give the Negro a chance to overcome hia inferiority complex.
The movement only opposition has come from Negroes themselves.
Since admission tothe first per formance was gained by invitation (M. CARDOZE Jr. only, many Negroes have condemnCATHEDRAL PLAZA ed the actors as snobs. Grounds for this objection will be removed, however, as the next performance will be open to all on a small admission fee, and all save 400 of the 1, 050 seats in the small theatre will be sold to Negroes.
White and blacks sit in segregatJUST RECEIVED FINE SUPPLY ed seats, there being a city or dinance preventing any intermingling in the audience. But this is OFwell, Mr. Hexter explains, as the discomfort of non segregation would be more distinctly felt by the Negroes than by the whites.
Interesting enough, the Negroes prefer the plays of whites to those of their own race. Since they are partial to, and contend that they can enact perfectly, the white man play, Mr. Hexter, who prefers Negro drama, selected The Valiant for the final test. It is not at all unusual that they should prefer the white man)
plays, but hope to instill in them a keener interest for their own, he 125 Central Avenue declared. The theatre has no permanent organization and will have none for some time, he said. Organization has ruined too many community NOTICE BOWEN theatres. trust that it will not be financial success. only want it to pay expenses. It will have praetieally no DO YOU WANT NEW STUDEBAKER OR FORD?
scenery. The play and the actors make a theatre, not the SMOKE LUCKY STRIKE inechanics SEB MR. NASH JAVILLO FILL NO. PABLO AROSEMENA No. M Street San Miguel Rent Receipt Bools in Spanish AVENUB FOR FULL PARTICULARS and English for sale at the WorkPanama City man Press PANAMA HARDWARE Paint Headquarters Paints, Oils, Varnishes)
Etc. Etc. Etc.
Come in and Inspect the Stock before Purchasing Elsewhere.


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