
PAGE THREE Development of the Negro Gas for Cooking IS CHEAP CLEAN QUICK Why Not Get ROPER Gas Stove Now You Pay Only FOR Making Good Clothes and 75 DOWN Cleaning Clothes Good With Monthly Payments of 75 for a Two Burner Stove See REID Payable in Three Installments Get The Details Now presenting itself. It COMPAÑIA PANAMEÑA DE FUERZA LUZ No. 6, 19th Street and Central Ave.
PANAMA, R: CHARLES TROTTMAN Benjamin Barnett Son TAILORS (Editorial in Philadelphia Catholie Standard Times, Feb. 23, 1929. Catholic clergy and laymen have been admitting to themselves for sume time that while the American rotestant Negro has been losing confidence in his present spiritual rulers, they have been remiss in their duty of presenting adequately the claims of Catholicity. Of course, some progress has been made. Under the leadership of the Archbishops of Philadelphia, the Church has made progress with her Negro and Indian missions. The majority of Negroes in the Church are located in other large centres of population.
a the country districts, Negro Catholics are insignificant in number, and are treated with the same bigotInstallation at Low Cost ed intolerance as their white co religionists.
The Church in America is fully alive to the opportunity that is now does not look upon the Negro Question as something hazy and far away; indeed, it does not look upon it as a question COLON At Your Service PANAMA at all. In her wise mind, the Negro besc0000000ooel is a human being who is open to reason, warm hearted and deeply religious. The same missionary endeavor, the same peraching of the Gospel of love, the same devoted service which won over the Latin, the Teuton and the Celt will be RELIABLE BARBER Negro Teuton and the Celt will be employed for the conversion of the SUGAR OUTLOOK IN Negro and nothing more or less.
THE WEST INDIES House 66 25th Street Devoted priests and nuns are going into the southland. Here they will Chorrillo Panama City The League of Nations Economic attempt to readjust or rather im Organisation is inquiring into the POPULAR CIVILIAN AND UNIFORM prove the economical and social con sugar supply of the world. In view dition of the Colored people. They of this, Mr. Perey Hurd (C. Devizes)
will be treated there as other men was down to ask the Prime Minister have been treated, and they will be in the House of Commons if he has House 77 Room expected to respond as others have been informed of the resolution, responded.
17ht Street Chorrillo passed at the conference at BarbaAn important activity in this field dos, representative of the British is the Cardinal Gibbons institute, es West Indies as a whole, expressing tablished to make possible the de concern as to the present outlook If you have a Prescription to be made up take it to the velopment of Negro Catholic lead of sugar industry in these colonies, National Pharmacy, Santa Ana Plaza, where you will get courAND ers. In spite of difficulties, the work and urging that steps be taken to teous and obliging service has progressed with satisfactory re increase the preference on Empire sults. The method employed at the sugars entering Great Britain as Wonderful Work of 240 odd Pages institute is founded on that of the the only immediately DOORRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRR available ancient Spanish missionary educa means of reducing the heavy losses Summary of Contents: tors. The union of mental and man of producers and assisting them to History of West Indies Cricket for 60 years ual training, closely interwoven tide over the present crisis; and with the daily life of the commun whether the BEAUTY PARLOUR matter is under the Full Particulars of 1900 Tour, ity has been found, after centuries, consideration of the Government.
Interesting Report of the 1906 Tour, to be most effecive.
Madame C, Walker Method Magnificent Records of the 1923 Tou, Philadelphia Catholies have ever SEVERAL KILLED IN Photographs of the Teams and 16 Individua been in the forefront in the missionDYNAMITE BLAST Players ary movement among the Negroes.
ON BRITISH SHIP Valuable, Instructive, Historical, ccurate, Complete and This interest has manifested itself Interesting in every degree from the labors of BUENAVENTURA, Friday the supreme shepherds of the diocese severe explosion occurred yesterday Price 50cts.
and the self sacrifice of Mother Ka on board the British steamer TroHouse 164 Ave Ancon tharine Drexel and her noble band tonia when two hundreds boxes of the few coins offered by the dynamite which she was carrying 303 Secure yours now there will be a great rush smallest child.
for them.
exploded. The majority of the crew were ashore at the time making it Copies may be had from the office of the WORKMAN difficult to ascertain the number of Panama DEMPSEY OFFERED casualties but several are believed NOTICE to have been killed. The force of the 50, 000 GUARANTEE explosion which took place outside the Harbour disrupted communicaDO YOU WANT NEW STUDEBAKER OR FORD?
Boston, Feb. 18. telegram of tion and did other damage.
ferring Jack Dempsey a 250, 000 SMOKE LUCKY STRIKE WILL STRAIGHTEN ANY HAIR thirty days before fight, and will SEE MR. NASH JAVILLO FILL NO. PABLO AROSEMENA post the remaining 100, 000 dollars Rent Receipt Books in Spanish guorantee for boxing Jimmy Ma and English for sale at the AVENUE FOR FULL PARTICULARS loney, Boston heavyweight, st Workman Printery.
Braves Field next July or August, was sent to the former champion at Miami, Fla. today by Eddie Mack, the Boston Garden boxing promoter.
SOLD IN DRUG STORES Will give you, Mack telegram read, guarantee of 25, 000 dollars with privilege of 40 per cent of gross gate less per cent. State tax AM ON THE GARMENT LINE OF BUSINESS, to box Jimmy Maloney at Braves COLLECT YOUR WORK Field in Boston in July or Augusts AND RETURN IT SPEEDILY TO YOUR TIME Will post 75, 000 dollars sixty days OUR QUALIFICATION AND WORKMANSBIP before fight, another 75, 000 dollars ARE GUARANTEED TRY US forty eight hours before contest.
CLEAN You must open training camp in PRESS REPAIR Buston one month prior to contest.
AT THE MAKB You Sulte ote.
Mack declared that while he THE STAR PRESSER DYERS named Maloney as the opponent in 101 ANCON AVB PANAMA his telegram to Dempsey, Heeney ALCIDE Proprietor would be substituted if he defeated the Boston heavyweight.
STILL ON SALE West Indies Cricket History Cricket Tours 1900, 1906 1923 Mrs. GERTRUDE FORDE RICHARDS Shampooing, Dyeing. Pressing. Facial Massaging, etc.
Consultation Free to Contra Crespo No hot irons or special combs required JOB PRINTING Of every description DONE WITH NEATNSS DESPATCH AND WE DARN WORKMAN PRINTERY


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