
The Royal Bank of Canada PAGE FOUR THE WORKMAN SATURDAY, MARCH 28, 1920. The Chance Game THE WORKMAN The Chance game has always been expensive to those who buy, alPublished on Saturday by WALROND, at the office No 72 though the majority of buyendo not think so. But now, from what CARLOS MENDOZA Street No. 72, Panama, INCORPORATED 1869 transpired in the District Court at Box 74, Panama Box 1102, Ancon Cristobal on the 18th. Inst, it seems We do not undertake to return rejected correspondence.
Head Office: Montreal, Canada that the game will become very ex.
pensive to those who run it. This is The Liberty of the Press is the Palladium of our rights JUNIUS as it should be because this game plays havoe with the morals of the THE WORKMAN SATURDAY, MARCH 23, 1929.
PANAMA COLON young. It teaches them to desire Santa Ana Plaza Corner 11th and Bolivar Streets what they have not earned, and gets them weded to the gambling habit. In many instances, the Writing for the Community chance game has been known to Total Assets in Excess of 925. 000. 000. 00 break up the peace of the home and Whether one writes a book, a magazine, newspaper place members of the family in editorials or articles, or merely a letter in a newspaper, very awkward positions. Warning he is writing for the public. It was on this account that after warning has been given by on the introduction or printing, and with the prospect of With 900 Branches throughout the world, including well thinking persons of the comthe wide distribution of ideas through its agency, that munity as to the evils attendant governments hastened to impose great restrictions upon the following in the British West Indies etc. this Bank upon this practice; but it seems inpubac writing. In those not very distant days only is in a position to render the best possible service.
effective so far. It is hoped, and it about 300 years ago. the king could do no wrong, and has been desired that the legal it was to his interest that publicity should not be given authorities should take a firm and Antigua Dominica to his doings. And so it was with others in high places, Montserrat determined stand against what is in church or state.
Bahamas Grenada St. Kitts nothing but a canker in the social mechanism of the community.
No one could publish a book, pamphlet, or newsBarbados Jamaica (2)
St. Lucia An indication that the time has paper, without the authority of some specially appointBritish Honduras Trinidad (2)
ed government ornicial. The king charter and proclamMartinique come when such a stand will be takation were necessary. There was the stamp duty rising en is seen in the statement made Guadaloupe (2)
British Guiana (2)
last from a penny per page to four pence per page, and the Monday by his honor judge advertisement duty rising from one shilling per ad. to Lenihan to Joseph Messiah Sobers, three shillings and six pence, in about 200 years. PerseWest Indian chance seller of Silver cution was the lot of the journalist, and hundreds were City. The learned judge said, at imprisoned, some several times during their careers, for THE HIGHEST CURRENT RATES OF INTEREST some time, somebody might be sent up for a long term. You know sowie alleged forms of violations of ine restrictions imposed. It nas even been recorded that one Twyn, a jourPAID ON DEPOSITS that the selling of chance is forbidnalist, was hanged, drawn and quartered, as an example den in the Canal Zone, and if you to other offenuing editors. Such in brief were the confeel like taking a chance, you better General Banking Business Transacted.
ditions surrounding the occupation of writing for the take a fifteen minute walk and public.
get into Colon, where you can do so But men continued to fight for the liberty of the without running foul of the law.
Although the judge was speaking press, until their cause ultimately triumphed. Beginparticularly to Sobers, it is well ning with John Milton in his Areopagitica or speech HOMELY PHILOSOPHY that all those who think that their for me liberty of unlicensed printing, this fight came Boula will be lost if they do not endown througn a long series of Johns John Locke in TWO CENT STAMP Wire for us We ll Wire for You his ietters concerning Toieration. John Stuart Mill in How often does a two cent stamp ter into the chance game, take nohis own Essay on Liberty supported by his friend and tice and remember how much risk NIMBLEY Co.
stand between us and a good act fellow liberal John Morley, forming the literary expresthoy run with their liberty when done. Perhaps it is a word of appresion of the gradual realization of the passion for indiElectricians and Dealers ciation, or sympathy, of praise or they indulge in this nasty practice.
vidual freedom, which is one of the glories of the EngThe judge very plainly told that just a line of encouragement, of Wiring, Supplies and Repairs lish speaking peoples. From this list of illustrious men, thanks or remembrance these notes the law allows five years in Gamcannot be omitted the names of John Wilkes and John Telephone 1059 remain written many times be bon Penitentiary it applied in its full measure. Full measure is realWalter, and that of the unknown but immortal author cause of a two cent stamp.
of The Letters of Junius. The greatest happiness of Box 747 Ancon The future may hold, in the ebbly what is necessary to reduce this the greatest number as the true end of human conduct Panama evil to a minimum, and if any one No. Street and flow of life stream, an opporwas the principle by which they were guided.
tunity in which that note of sym happens to suffer the misfortune of The welfare of the community is therefore the backgetting this full measure in future, pathy Or appreciation or reground of the liberty of the press. This fact should almembrance would serve us vitally such one will have only himself or ways be borne in mind. The press embraces one of the perhaps but herself to blame, because enough now the avenue is Fine Artts Literature. Literature is one of the great closed or clouded because of that has been said to convince even the controlling influences of man greatest side the mind.
neglect the failure to use a twomost foolish that the thing is harmful cent stamp Georgia Douglass Johnson condition he lives, who or what are his associates, and so on. As there are good and bad physical foods, those that PHYSICIAN build up to a full and vigorous life, or poison and deOur Debt to Rastroy; there are good and bad mental foods that make HAS REMOVED HIS OFFICE TO dium Workers healthy and useful persons and communities, or that poison and destroy. No. K STREET When confronted with radium There are certain well recognized rules governing PANAMA CITY signs at night, including the dials the production of literature. One of these is simplicity of our clocks, let us not forget that and clarity of diction. This term embraces such matters this conveniente form of sign has as proper grammatical construction, the use of unincaused the death of many persons.
volved sentences, and the use of words that are readily 18.
Ainong these deaths is that of the understood by the average reader in the community, so of diction is honesty of purpose the bearing in mind of Equally as important as simplicity and clearness inventor of the signs, Dr. von that he may not have to resort to the frequent use of a Sochocky, dictionary, except of course words expressing technical the welfare of the community, as we have already After deducting from the total or scientific ideas. To meet these requirements a good shown. The press is the mouider of public opinion. It is Charities of the City of New York unount expended for charities by of subject are always highly necessary. From time to to educate or lead. Unfortunately, some writers do not the City of New York the sum of time we meet in the local press productions that do much benefit no one but themselves. Some editors write apseem to think so; so they write as if they intend to friend said to me the other day, about one and a half million dolviolence to this rule, and one cannot help coming to the lars which is expended in miscelconclusion that the writers are, in some cases clearly parently with an eye to immediate personal financial have an old black automobile. laneous ways, and is apportioned insufficiently educated to write for the public (in which success at the expense of the community; they write bought it in 1927. When get out on among the various institutions for cases their productions should be recast before publica. cleverly and appreciatively of all concerns from which help and expenses, there remains tion, if their subjects be of real public merit. and in they may get support. Such a policy is not fair to the the road in it feel like a crow the sum of 6, 894, 900. 00 which was other cases that the writers are of the required stand said, There is no great book that is not the book of an community, and not fair to journalism itself. It has been among a lot of bright colored birds. Actually and directly apportioned to ard of education, but that their subjects have not been honest mana book of good faith The ultimate test pany could sell me a black auto of the city. The nine Protestant inDo you think an automobile com the various charitable institutions conscientiously prepared. If it is intended to benefit the of literature is the quality of its flowers and fruits. The mobile today? They could not!
community by what is writtten, it ought to be regarded liberty of the press that we now enjoy has been purstitutions received a total of 107, as desirable that the community should be enabled to chased at too great a price, to be indifferently used.
Right there is one reason that 100, or about 12, 000 each.
understand what is written. The writing should not be twenty three Jewish institutions reabove their heads, to the ex. tent that it might be impos mouthpiece of an unhappily positioned people, at this big. The world has moved. People about 47, 000 each. The thirty seven The local West Indian press is on trial as the color alarm clocks are going over sceived a total of 1, 074, 000, or very critical time. It is its duty to educate these people want, demand and get color.
There is another aspect to this question. It bears re and to defend them, in order that they may advance.
city institutions received a total of ference to the value that others set upon the community. There are faults in the people to be corrected, and there 1, 872, 300, or about 50, 000 each, concerned, according to the literature that it produces are wrongs against them to be fought. It must help to alarm clock try one of ours, they re tions received a total of 3, 841 Literature is regarded by someone as an imaginative find a way of betterment. When our press has accom new, different; superior.
reconstruction of life in its interesting aspects. We do plished this task, it will have stood the test and qualifi500, or about 87, 000 each. Each of not think this picture over drawn, and we think it ed. It is therefore our wish that each one of us engaged eleven of the Catholic institutions might well be so regarded by everyone engaged in the in this work will so acquit himself, that he may thereby FULLER art.
prove himself worthy to write for the community.
122 Central Ave. together.
what he eats and drinks, where he lives and under what Dr. Fairweather standarde tof education, and a conscientious preparation at once master and servant of the pubüc. It is supposed The If you need a really dependable and the forty four Catholic institureceived over 120, 000, or more than all the Protestant institutions put


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