
PAGE FIVE Canal Zone Notes NEURALGINA NEURILGINA Should be in every school to soothe bad headaches and NEURALGINA INTERESTING JOTTINGS 0 Interesting Meeting of the Association LA BOCA (CRISTOBAL BRANCH)
PACIFIC TENNIS CLUBS ented by Waller and Prescott. In WIN CHESTERFIELD the final play, last Saturday, Neely (By SMITH)
TROPHY and Clunes again led the Pacific Should be in every office to immediately soothe any side to victory, scoring 1, 2, very interesting meeting of the Clunes and Neely represent Pacific. Sagainst Moore and Brown, reCristobal Branch of the Panama presenting the Atlantic side. Acneuralgic pain caused by excessive mental work, Side and Win from Moore and Canal West Indian Silver Em cording to the conditions which Brown of Atlan le ployees Association was held at governed the playing for the trothe Court Atlantic Lodge Hall, Silphy, the latter becomes the perThe coveted Chesterfield trophy, manent property of the side winver City, on March 18, 1929.
There was not a very large atdonated by Liggett Myers Tobac Ring two out of three consecutive tendance of members, but what was co Company, manufacturers of the games, representatives of each side lacking in numbers was made up fumous Chesterfield Cigarettes, fell having to be qualified by winning permanently into the hands of the in the finals of a series of eliminafor in the general tone, interest and reduce the fever of children.
procedure of the meeting.
Pacific side tennis clubs at the con tion contests previous to each cup Chairman Hunter called the elusion of a most brilliant game gume, meeeting to order at 00 and played on the La Boca Tennis lawn Women Play in Preliminary after he had briefly outlined the on Saturday evening last between As a preliminary to Saturday purpose of the meeting, business bethe winners, represented by game, Mesdames Jump and King of gan in earnest.
sely and Fred Clunes of the Lathe La Boca Tennis Club met and Is complete Inotfensive and nourishes the heart, Boca Tennis Club, and the Atlantic defeated Misses Harper and Lynch Secretary Hall read several very interesting communications, side tennis clubs, represented by of the Gatun Club by a score of Moore and Brown of the Gatun 2, 3.
all of which indicated, without a doubt, the usefulness and activity Tennis Club. Saturday game conHow Things Wound Up of the Panama Canal West Indian cluded what is generally conceded The tournament culminated on Silver Employees Association.
to be the most interesting of all the same night in an elaborate afFor sale both Wholesale and Retail Under Good and Welfare, the previous Silver Clubhouse Doubles fair which took the form of a SoChairman dealt at length with an Tournaments. The game was with cial and dance in the La Boca AT THE azticle of the Federal Employees nessed by a record crowd which in Clubhouse. Surrounded by tropical Union, published in the Star and cluded persons from every section palms under multi colored lights in Herald of Sunday, March 17.
of the Canal Zone.
a spacious and well ventilated hali AMERICAN PHARMACY How could one help being imHow the Cup was Won bedecked with United States flags, pressed with Mr. Hunter masterly At the conclusion of the first se and looking up to a platform which JAVIER MORAN, Proprietor method of presenting facts. He ries of games during 1927, the At bore an illuminated banner of the pointed out, frankly, lucidly and lantic side clubs emerged victorious La Boca Tennis Club, above which Panama.
forcefully, the need for unity among and were therefore given temporary rested the Chesterfield trphy and all people that would make procustody of the Cup. Waller and behind which sat the members of Kress, and hope to achieve any meaPrescott of the Cristobal Tennis the Isthmian Syncopators, the foresure of success. This, as we know, Club represented the Atlantic side most dispensers of dance music in is an axiom.
on that occasion, beating Agard and Panama, a bevy of ladies, well He then commended the leaders of Robertson of the La Booca Tennis groomed men and friends of both the Federal Union for their masterClub, that year representatives of tripped the light fantastic, partook the Pacific side. In 1928 the Pacific of refreshments and listened to exly appeal, and expressed the belief that such an article cannot fail to side, represented by Neely and temporaneous speeches on behalf of Clunes, wrung the Cup from their tennis and the donors of the tro.
Now a day, spontaneous response friends and counry. bobs everything. The statement is self. 18 skirts become more modern meet with opponents who were again repres phy.
men, one hears a great deal said ridiculous. Those who make it arised, that is to say, go up higher, it anong intelligent people.
Continuing, he said that we can about the modern girl. They make like brother Bedward people would suit me nicely. It would cost CRISTOBAL numerous comparisons between the they don know good sumting. me less to purchase those have to well learn a lesson from that ar modern girl and those they call an for one do not agreemI am for provide, and my vision would be less ticle. think we all heartily agree with him.
circumscribed than now.
ATHLETIC SPORTS Dr. Ford, Mr. Cambridge, cient. This particular comparison is the modern girl. They provide me Among the speakers were: Messrs Mr. Copeland, and teachers odious because, in the first place, with the necessary variety to spice Ellis, Morgan, SILVER CITY SCHOOL Brown and Smith of the there are none of them living who up my life. They demonstrate the But do not despise everything Cherry, and Vice President SkinThe annual Athletic Sports of the Gatun Colored School. The prizes has seen an ancient girl. None of truth in the saying, variety is the that is ancient. While cast my ner.
Silver City School will be held at will be distributed by Mrs. Walthem can tell us how they looked spice of life. When go any place vote with my whole heart in favor have never attended a more inthe Mount Hope Baseball Park on ler of the Cristobal Silver Club what clothes they wore or anything and see the modern girl with of the modern girl, there are some teresting meeting of the AssociaMonday, March 25, 1929, at 30 house.
of that sort, so, when we come to everything bobbed, feel happy. things ancient admire and enjoy. Lion, and can say, with a fair dep.
the end of the whole matter, they The bobbed skirts give me the op. For instance, enjoy the ancient gree of accuracy, that every memAppended is the program:All the pupils have become keen 50 Yards Dash Boys are talking about something they portunity to improve my knowledge sayings. am greatly amused with ber left that Lodge Hall with deep ly interested, as can be seen from 50 Yards Dash Girls know nothing about, of anatomy. The modern girl inter thologie and philosophy of these zaeditation. There is no doubt that the interest and effort they mani 100 Yards Dash Boys Recently, one among them made ests me profoundly for she increases sayings, and am tickled when Mr. Hunter appeal will bear fruit.
fest during the practice evenings. 100 Yards Dash Girls the statement that the modern girl! my knowledge and knowledge is come in contact with some old folk It was announced that Mr.
The eleminations have already been Needle Race Girls is like the Isthmian rose in that it power. Any man who says he pre and they entertain me with them. Whyte will be present at our next made, and visitors are assured that Sack Race Boys fades as soon as it blooms. Well, fers to see the old time shrouds They gave me this one In the meeting. We know Mr. Whyte, and they will witness some keen con 220 Yards Sprint Boys well! what think you of this? that swept the ground, and always ancient days, an ancient pair were we will look forward to his pretests among the finalists. Parents, 50 Yards Dash Boys think it a piece of impertinence. The prevented him from seeing even an anciently married. They had assence with much pleasure and antirelatives, friends, and the publir 50 Yards Dash Girls ides of making such a statement unkle in preference to the bobbed their guests all ancient people, with cipation, in general are cordially invited.
10. 100 Yards Dash Boys about the modern girl! Look, for ekirts of the modern girl is ancient ideas, customs, and proproud of our worthy, The Sports Commi made up 11. Potatoe Race Girls instance, how peechy the modern square head he is a hypocrite cedures. They were drinking wine brave, self sacrificing leaders, and of teachers: 12. Potatoe Race Girls girl looks. She bobs her hair, and he is not telling the truth, and he and eating cake in real ancient the least we can do is to support Smith, Ellia, 13. 100 Yards Hurdles Boys she bobsher skirt. She bobs her couldn expect the modern girl to style. An ancient man rose to his them by swelling the ranks of the Batchelor, Rodriguez, 14. 100 Yards Hurdles Boys stockings, she bobs her brains. She believe him. don believe him my. reet and toasted the couple like Association, and so put them in a 15. Needle Race Girls this, mister and mrs. bridegroom, position to make proper representaA. Bennett, Morgan and rise from my Principal Johnston is leay. 16. Sack Race Boys easy degree and Lion for us. Let us all, to a man, ing no stone unturned to make the 17. 440 Yards Race Boys efficasy. don help them in their arduous thank18. 100 Yards Dash Girls have anything afternoon proceeding delightful as much to say but less job; let us support them, and 19. High Jump Boys.
well as attractive.
only these few words, longus life thus help ourselves.
Officers for the afternoon will be: 20. Distribution of Prizes.
tur, healthus prosperitus. Mercy! don know what he said. don understand ancient language. Per. MEDICAL SCHOOL FOR HOYTE haps, some of the latin scholars to be conducted might enlighten me as to interpre NEGROES WILL BUILD The People THE ARTISTIC tation, it latin has anything to do 2, 000, 000 PLANT 13 with it. Help me out if you can. TAILOR Tailor am oat for knowledge.
NASHVILLE, Tenn. Feb. 17. Under the Auspices of the new 2, 000, 000 model medical Building 32 Some boys were giving the vari school for the training of Negro House M Street 12th October St.
Insecticide Disinfectant Mfrs. Assn.
ous definitions of a fool. You know, physicians, to be built here with Panama, Panama, this fellow the fool is capable of be gifts from the General Education ing defined in many ways, 60 vari Board of New York and the Julius ous is he in type. One boy said that Rosenwald Fund of Chicago, was a fool is a man who does not know announced tonight by Dr. MulNOTICE anything. Another said, there is no loney, president of the Meharry ruch man, therefore that definition Medical College.
is wrong. Each of the company gave part of the project, to which his own definition until it came to alumni will contribute 200, 000 will DO YOU WANT NEW STUDEBAKER OR FORD?
Laboratory 46 15 Street West the last one. This one said a fool be a 120 bed hospital. There will be SMOKE LUCKY STRIKE is a man who stands behind a mule facilities for 200 stúdents and deGeneral Agency: 55 16 Street West aud tickles his tail. One of them purtments of dentistry and pharSEE MR. NASH JAVILLO FILL NO. PABLO AROSEMENA asked, does he ever realize that macy.
Panama City he is a fool. No. said the other, AVENUB FOR FULL PARTICULARS The college was established in not in this world.
роорооооооооооооооооооооо Nashville in 1876.
We are stand upon my AnnouncingNATIONAL INSECT KILLING WEEK BAPTISTE JULY to Insects Spread Disease Re Goliah Co. Member D Mfrs. Assn


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