
NEWS FROM THE WEST INDIAN ISLANDS JAMAICA Progressive Movement Jamaica Scouts for England to are said: to that ubmitted BRITISH GUIANA BARBADOS as possible as well as enjoyable, and Important Bill Cricket Team Was Demoralised By we are arranging accordingly for tours in the neighbourhood to the GEORGETOWN, March Constantine Under the caption Watchman What of the Night? the last numdifferent factories of steel and iron, The Bill to provide that seats of The Gleaner states that the Com textile, engineering, railway, ship elected Councillors in the Town ber of the Jamaica Critic says: Young and Inexperienced deed. It was a team composed of the Councils of Georgetown and New Side Was Sent to Oppose young men of the average age of 23; Jamaica, indeed, has a Jot to be inissioner for Scouts in Jamaica building etc. etc. and trips to Trinidad the following letter mountains of North Wales, the Amsterdam shall be vacant on their it should do well. But youth is not thankful for. We experience a great has received disqualified for election their only asset. They are very endrought which has given us a ten trom Sir Robert Baden Powell the Lake District and Cumberland and becoming the Peak District of Derbyshire.
come to the game or the happening of certain other INTERCOLONIAL CONTEST thusiastic and porary set back, but this could easi Chief Scout of the world:with the determination But apart from these local ad events, and to empower the Governwin.
ly have been worse. Think of what Dear Colonel Clark: it would have been if one or all of We are all delighted to hear venture, we attach great impor or in Counci to dissolve either Barbados Captain Thinks the They have been building up a side, Island Greatly in Need the oldest member of which is 29 those hurricans which swept to that you are sending a contingent tance to the Scouts meeting those Town Council under certain condiin Of Spin Bowlers years old. McKenzie in his bowling wards us and then passed by us had of representative Boy Scouts to our of other countries and getting to tions, was read a second time tactics reminds me very much of bit us. It too unpleasant to think Jamboree in August next. am know them personally and to estab the Legislative Council yesterday.
Says the Barbados Advocate ofC. Browne and he is particularly of, so we breathe a sigh of thank certain that it will do them all lish a sympathy which we hope will the president said the bill was not promising DeCaires is a really iuiness and hasten to remembe good to see their brother Scouts conduce to goodwill, interchange of a threat. It merely gave the Gov. Feb. 14th: ofernment a power possessed in The Barbados cricket team re good batsman, They show every that in 1928 the Jamaica Producers who are coming from almost every correspondence and eventually Trinidad by the promise of winning the Cup next Association, the greatest coonomic country under the sun in very con trade and all that counts towards thoroughly democratic country like turned from morning and September and if we (Barbados)
England. Most emphatically it was Dominica yesterday machinery and the most progressiderable numbers. The camp which peace between nations.
must start at sive movement in the history of the we have prepared for thirty thou Therefore feel that the money not a step toward emasculation of later in the day a representative of would regain it we your boys over, representative institutions. Munithe Advocate was kindly granted once to build up a side.
island reached the final stage of its sand, already threatens to be too spent in sending And what about Trinidad. was creation when it was put in a posi small for the numbers coming, so though naturally it amounts to alcipal councils and other local self an interview by Mr. Kidney, the next query tica by the assistance of the Gov it will be the biggest thing of its good deal, will not be money thrown Roverning bodies were most useful Captain of the side.
Government patriotic supporters of institutions and the Mr. Kidney deemed pleased not The future of Trinidad seems to unment of Jamaica to take definito kind that has ever yet come about away and only over the actual tour and the be almost the same as that of Barsteps in providing for the handling We want to make it a educative the Movement will no doubt see the was strong y in favour of them.
value of what doing and morale of his team, but spoke in bados, There are a few youngsters, of the products of the producers of heartily assist the that there are none pilgrimage to most laudatory terms of the hearty but am tol the country in a manner which it the fullest extent possible.
Our Collector General FIRE CHIEF IS IN reception accorded his team by the to replace men like Small. This is is expected, will distribute profita FAVOUR OF FIRE With all good wishes.
general public of Trinidad. It is zad. It would not do to have cricket and prosperity to all. In that respect The Hon. Barton is out FLOAT FOR CITY nice indeed, says he to receive in each colony carried on by just 1928 will always be regarded as a for the post of Controller of Cus. Sgd. ROBERT BADEN POWELL such a hearty welcome. It tends to a few. am glad of this opporunity most important and memorable toms in Trinidad made vacant by Several generous donors in JaThe Gleaner understands that Mr. encourage us, especially the young to state publicly that something year in the history of the island. the death of Mr. Cutler, observes maica, including Mrs. Percy Lindow. Graham, Superintendent of the members of the side, to do our best. should be done to build up a good And now, what of the future. It the Jamaica Critic.
and one of our Supreme Court Kingston Fire Brigade, has sent in Think what it means to youthside in each Colony, not only in the is all darkness, yet, Watchman, Mr. Barton has held the position Judges have already promised each az important report to the Council like Sealy. He at once feels that he interest of each individual island, what of the night? We would seek of Collector General for just on two to defray the expenses of any one of the Kingston and St. Andrew hus someone to thank and will albut for the benefit of West Indian to see into its mysteries, to know years, during which period he has Scout who could not otherwise af Corporation relative to the fire at ways give of his best.
something of the secrets it has lock made several changes and innova. ford to go to the Jamboree at Liver the No. Railway pier on Sunday About the tour itself, Mr. Kidney Everything Worked Smoothly ud away even from pyramids and tions, some of which have caused pool. It is hoped that other leading last.
Asked about the team, Mr. Kidney prophets of pyramids.
trouble while others have met with Jamaicans may follow this generous From what can be gathered, Mr. We left Barbados on Sunday and said. have never played in any We predict that 1929 will restore favour. He is now engaged in pre example, Graham recommends that the land arrived in Trinidad on Monday tournament where there was less to us much of what we lost in varing Customs Consolidation Laws equipment of the Kingston Fire morning. We were met on board the friction than in this one. Everything 1928, that a good deal of the sor which he hopes will be of general Brigade should be further increas steamer by Mr. Grant, Secretary worked as smoothly as possible, rows of yesterday will be forgotten use in the British West Indies; and LEGISLATIVE ACTION ed, and he is also in favour of a of the Queen Park Club, and were and our men kept well together.
in the joys of tomorrow.
this we understand is his chief TO FOLLOW CONfire float being purchased with given a hearty reception. The team Birkett in his last innings played It will also be a memorable year, reason for seeking the post in TrinFERENCE which to fight fire at the sea front, was taken to Hotel de Paris where magnificently for his 75 runs.
for in less that two months from idad as he would there have more Mr. Graham eport has been there was excellent accommodation is not that cautious Birkett we once this, the first of the Jamaica Pro time to attend to such work. The The Gleaner understands to His Worship the we arrived in time to see the final knew. Caution has been thrown Jucers ships will have sarted with duties of Collector General of Jathe first cargo of producers fruits maica are somewhat onerous and within the next week or so the Ja Mayor, and a meeting of the fire stages of the Demerara match and the winds and he goes to the bowl.
arrangements for my ing from the start. To put it in his fr the English market, while about does not leave much time either formaica delegates who attended the committee has been summoned for so made the same time the first vessel in extraneous work or for sport and West Indian Conference at Barba the 15th inst. to deal with matters team to get practice on that same own language You know that you in connection witth the Fire Bri wicket, if the match finished early have only got 20 minutes on a matconnecton with the Canada West In playing, if it is to be honestly perdus will send in their report to the gade.
enough. It did, and we practised, ting wicket and why wait to make dies Treaty will be plying the wa formed.
Governor of Jamaica.
but the wicket was so fiery that 20 runs in the 20 minutes when 40 ters of the Western Caribbean and The Trinidad post carries a salary Following certain decisions reachGriffith could not extend himself. can be made in the same time.
pointing more than ever the way to of 1, 100, the Jamaien post 1, 000; ed at the Conference, it will be neEmancipation Pen Of we arranged to practise again at What about the usual dropping the big sister dominion. These are the latter is, however, the senior cessary for the various Colonies to fered For Sale nine o clock on Tuesday morning so of slip catches. asked our repretwo events with which are wrapped position and we have no doubt that take legislative action, but this will that we might have time to rest be sentative: Not a single catch up the future prosperity of the if the Legislative Council of Ja not be done until after the official NEW YORK, Feb. 26. The gold fore beginning our match next day. dropped in the slips. The wicket be country and which we for one, romaica is satisfied as to the ability report of the Conference has reachsoice to know have been made pos and diligence of the Collector Gened the Secretary of State for the pen with which President Lincoln Rain fell and we had to wait until ing dead, the bowlers were given no sible. If nothing more than these eral there would be little difficulty Colonies.
signed the proclamation emancipat afternoon. However, we had a good assistance. There was no fire in the practice between two and four wickets. It we had been lucky occur we shall still have one of the in getting the salary increased. Ja The next Conference will be held ing the slaves Jan. 1, 1868, is among enough to bat on that wicket, we the offerings in a sale of Americana o clock.
most momentous years in our his maica has up to the present treated in London about the in the Anderson Galleries Wednes Owing to the rain on Tuesday might have done much better but we tory, in 1929.
Mr. Barton handsomely, 1982 day afternoon. It comes from the morning, the wicket was dead and were beaten by a stronger combifamily of Louis Burgdorf, a White on Wednesday when we began the nation. The better side won!
House messenger who was a favor match our bowlers could get nothing ite with the President. Burgdorf held out of it, not excepting Griffith.
Trinidad won the toss and decided Small the proclamation smoothly on a table while the President signed it, and to bat. They made their runs on DENTIST the gift was made immediately afthat wicket, which was fiery and MASONIC TEMPLE Constantine erward. Affidavits by Burgdorf and with his exceedingly his daughter authenticate the item, fast pace demoralised a young and Office Hours: 8, am to 12 which is offered in its original inexperienced side.
The sensible man saves consistently. Though. 30 pm to 30 pm handle black wood.
Need of Spin Bowlers Sundays, by Special Appointmen his deposits may be small, his is the satisfacAbout one week after the signing but should like to recommend that Our bowling was good, he said, Masonic Temple ilth St, tion of knowing that he has a constantly growBurgdorf obtained the table, which be gave to Daniel Nash Morgan, include at least one medium paced in future every Barbados side should O, Box 787. CRISTOBAL who passed it, with authenticating PHONE: OFFICE 1664 documents, spin bowler. must say here that the Connecticut Account in this Bank works for you. Interest at State Library, its owner since then. and at all times kept the batsman Walcott bowled exceedingly well per annum is paid twice a year and added Other Lincoln souvenirs are includquiet.
BERNARD ANDERSON ed in the sale.
to the money you already have on deposit, Having seen the last of the DemGramaphone Repairer erara match what do you think of LICORISH MEDAL IN their team? queried our represenHOUSE 980 LA BOCA, DOUBT tative CANAL ZONE WASHINGTON, Feb. 91. Kidney, shows great promise in The Demerara team, said Mr.
Start saving now. Open an account with this Efficient Workmanship Guaranteed Passed up to date, with closing Bank which, together with its predecessor, The time near, is the status of the International Banking Corporation, has faithWeller bill which provides for 500 for a hero medal for Lionel Licorfully served its West Indian friends on the NOTICE ish, Negro, who saved twenty whites in the sinking of the All fatAIsthmus for a quarter of a Century.
ed Vestris. It is believed that the DO YOU WANT NEW STUDEBAKER ÖR FORD?
measure will die in the House SMOKE LUCKY STRIKE SER MR. NASH JAVILLO FILL NO. PABLO AROSEMENA Rent Receipt Boolo in Spanish PANAMA COLON and English for sale at the Work AVENUE FOR FULL PARTICULARS man Printer summer of START ON THE ROAD TO INDEPENDENCE ing fund to rely on in days to come. Savings to THE NATIONAL CITY BANK OF NEW YORK


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