
PAGE SEVEN STUDEBAKER SEE THE Studebaker NERIE XOR Lucky Strike Display at the Cu FREDRICKS GARAGE BEVERHOUDTS Colon Colon LUCKY STRIKE FORD AGENCIES Panama City ALBERT LINDO Panama City IT TOASTEN course States appointed to IN THE SUBJECT OF UNIVERSITY FOR THE BRITISH WEST INDIAN COLONIES. But the sacrifices which a colonist the scene. If Seotchmen had to gº the Extracts From a Commissioner Re uuin u University degree for his chil more port; Views That Were Expressed In 1869 BY MR. PATRICK KEENAN Whose Investigation Were Confined to Trinidad; Quoted at West Indian Conference The British Pharmacy flourishing merchants, wardens, home to the doors of those who can people who had passed through the wisdom of their appointments, to magistrates, etc. etc.
rot afford to go to England, change University Addressing the career, in a local College or UniChancellor of the Lon versity, of the persons nominated or. especially one in moderate circum 000 miles for their University edu don University, and situations of imporstances has to make in order to ob cation, even to a country infinitely man of vast official experience, tance, would not the public service salubrious than their own, need not undertake such a task. be strengthened, and rendered more dren are of a most serious character. would a tithe of those who now ob cannot, however, avoid referring to efficient and respected. of this have had ample evidence, tain degrees ever dream of entering? a passage in a despatch of Governor But Trinidad alone, no matter how of the anguish suffered by parents would 19 per cent, of Scotch Uni Walker s, which met with in the would fail to endow with due proporimproving its condition may be, who have to send their children 4000 versity students as is the case at Blue Book og 1865. Mr. Walker, miles away, and who can see little present be the sons of labourers. mentioning the occurrence of an ap for a University. joined, however, tion, or furnish adequate materials or nothing of them during the years do not propose to argue the ad pointment to a police magistracy, re by its sister colonies, there would be of their collegiate career, have vantages that would accrue to local ers to the fact that the gentleman ample resources for the foundation also met with impressive instances, government, to the professions, and appointed has distinguished himselt of an important University. The ag.
One of the main objects have in to society at large, from the pre at Codrington College. If governors gregate population of the colonies view is to bring collegiate trainingsence in the colony of a number of generally could refer, in evidence of that propose to combinne for the purpose is 1, 120, 000, of whom 70, During the discussion on the sub. from Melbourne; yet each colony 000 are whites. These colonies are: ject of a University, which maintains its own University. Other Trinidad, British Guiana, Barbados, took place at the recent meeting of colonies, also, have their UniverTobago, Grenada, St. Vincent, St.
the Standing Conference of the Westsities. Why have the West Indies no Lucia, Antigua, Montserrat, DomiIndies at Barbados, the Hon. Gaston University. nica, St. Kitts, Nevis, the Virgin IsJohnston, of Trinidad, quoted Barbados has its Codrington Collands, Turks Islands, Bahamas, Jafrom a report which was prepared by lege; Jamaica, St. Christopher s, St.
maica and British Honduras.
Mr. Patrick Joseph Keenan, was sent Vincent and Grenada, have their shall now describe the proposal te that colony in 1869 to enquire into grammar schools. Trinidad has its COLON venture to make upon this subject.
the state of education in the island two collegiate establishments. But Fer brevity sake, shall only touch Referring to the need of University West Indies are, notwithstanding, upon its essential outlines: education, Mr. Keenan stated inter without a University. would have the University to 88alia, European boys upon quitting In Trinidad alone there are 179 IS NOW LOCATED AT Lublish its headquarters at Jamaica the seminary became students in a pupils in the collegiate establishwhere there are 14, 000 whites or at University. In Trinidad boys, on the ments. If such a number, subject to Barbados where there are nearly contrary, have at the same stage to the same scholastic training and en11. 000 whites; or at British Guiana inrn to their homes, and bid a good dowed with the same general cawhere there nearly 12, 000 bse to their books: They have no pacity, were met with in two cor Correr Building Opposite CHASE NATIONAL BANK whites; or at Trinidad where the university to go to unless at enorresponding schools at home, one white population is nearly 000.
mous expense and serious risk, their would conclude, and with much Where our customer will receive the usual (To be continued)
travel 4, 000 miles from their athers reason, that from them would homes, emanate a considerable procourtesies The people of the colony of Vic portion of University students. But toria were formerly in a like pre very few of those 179. pupils are dicament; but in 1853 they passed destined to join a University.
Mattresses Furnished ah Act to incorporate and endow a Trinidad possesses the elements and Repaired LOOK FOR THE SIGN University in their capital town; and that constitute a society in which in 1859 Her Majesty granted Royal learning might be expected to flourGood Service Guaranteed Letters Patent recognising through ish. It has a large civil establishout the British Empire the degrees ment, a superior bar, a considerable 21st Street Gunchapall conferred at Melbourne.
ecclesiastical establishment, distinHouse No 10.
Sydney is only a few day sail guished medical men, rich planters, 11. 1154 11th STREET are Joseph Mason BRITISH PHARMACY


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