p. 8


PAGE EIGHT THE WORKMAN SATURDAY, MARCH 19. The Glory and Dignity Panama Canal of Teaching Association The Open Forum FOR SALE CHEAP Good Assortment of Photo Albums Scrap Albums Writing Pads Hymn Prayer Books Souvenirs, etc. etc.
Apply at THE WORKMAN PRINTERY 72 Carlos Mendoza Street and corner Javillo OPPOSITE GUARDIA LUMBER YARD Among the Churches Tomoorow (Continued from Page 1)
dering the limited opportunities for (Continued from Page Continued from Page 1)
our children to lean trades, ou Not there the schoolmases, in first thought should be; well the ha peaceful vocation. He meditativer further details of the subject, Workman Printery is a place where sad prepares in recret the plans the Committee decided, unanimously.
our boys, and giris too, can learn which are to bless mankind; be to recommend to the Distriet. follows: the art of printing, very respect slowly gather around him those Slekaness Benefit able and lucrative occupation, SO who are to further their execution; a) 00 per week for the lat eight therefore it is our duty to help it to he quietly, though firmly, ad live and grow larger and larger, vances in his humble path, labouring consecutive weeks of illness. 50 per week for 16 consethat it may be able to teach our steadily, but has calmly, till be children and ultimately find them opened to the light all the recenserative weeks of fines thereafter.
e) If the member continues to be avenue of employment, and of ignorance, and torn up by the sick after the 24 confecutive weeks thereby doing our duty to ourselves roots the weeds of vice. His is a and our children, and incidentally progress not to be compared with mentioned above his che shall be referred to the Board for considassist in establishing a respectable anything like a march; but it leads eration as to what further help printing plant, owned and operated to a far more brilliant triumph, and to laurels more imperishable than may be given him.
by West Indians d) Niness from the same cause Attached Mr. Editor you will find the destroyer of his species, the scourge of the world, ever won.
within months of the second pe duplicate of letter which was riod shall be considered as conSuch written and sent to one of ou.
men men deserving the tinuous.
dailies for publication, but which did glorious title of teachers of man.
kind have found, labouring cone) member suffering from sicknot appear, it is as old as itts date ness brought about by his own in will show, but the ideas expressed scientiously, though perhaps obtemperance (Panama Canal regulatherein are still appropriate at this scurely, in their blessed vocation, tions, govern in this respect) shall wherever have gone. have found Lime. Since there is an evident denot be entitled to sickness benefit.
them, and shared their fellowship, zire iur the Worloman death, in f) Medical certificate from a rewill show what is highly probable: among the daring, the ambitious, cognized physician in private practhe ardent, the indomitably active tice or from physician from a to and which if it occurs will leave us French; have found them among cognized hospital shall be honored dumb.
Panama City, the persevering, resolute, industrious Swiss; have found them among by the Association as evidence of June 1st, 1928.
the laborious, the yarm hearted, the Dear Mr. Editor. member shall be entitled to enthusiastic Germans; have found Please give publicity to the folRickness benefit after six months them among the high minded Italowing fro Bono Publico.
lians; and in our own country, thank Payment of dues.
We, each and every one of us, Heaven, they h) member failing to pay his everywhere abound, have oiten pitied individuals who dies for three consecutive months and their number is every day in we wisaout the power of speech, shall forfeit his sickness and tucreasing.
knowing full well what that imneral benefits.
Their calling is high and holy; of Thes, yet this is the condition their fame is the property of No Funeral Benefit our West Indian Community resiPANAMA CITY tions; their renown will fill the the beneficiary of a) Funeral benefit shall be paid dont on the Isthmus of Panama. deceased Earth in all ages, in proportion as membet after the member has paid community without a press is it sounds not far off in their own his first month contribution.
likened unto a dumb individual. The times. Each one of those great recent impasse between the author teachers of the world, possessink bis sickness Benefit. See paragraph under of the West Indian Section and the soul in patience, perform his apmanagement of the Panama Ameripointed work; awaits in faith the can serves as a lesson to teach us fulfilment of the promises; and, GOES TO NURSING SCHOOL what it is to be dependent on some St. Peter By The Sea, La Boca vice, beginning at 12 Noon. Lay TRINITY WESLEYAN resting from his labours, bequeaths one else for our necessities of life.
METHODIST CHURCH his memory to the generation whom Among the passengers sailing Perhaps some are inclined to utter COLON Blessing The Palms, 30 a.
his works have blessed, and sleeps from Balboa for California today, unpleasant things about the manThe Holy Communion, a. MULCARE, HOLY WEEK SERVICES 1929 under the humble but not inglorious Miss Hazel de Carr well known agement on this account, but have Rector.
Priest in Charge. From Monday, March 25 to Thurs epitaph, commemorating one in and respected member of this comno such intentions. My sole object day, March 28: The Litany, Matins and address, whom mankind lost a friend, and munity who leaves Panama to enis to point out to the West Indian a. Lay Reader. 30 a. and 30 Public WESLEYAN METHODIST no man got rid of an enemy.
ter the Loma Linda Sanitarium, to Community its position which can CHURCH Service, daily.
Church School, p. Lay ReadLORD BROUGHAM. 1868)
take up a complete course in Nursonly be compared to a person who er. British Conference) 30 a. Holy Baptism, daily.
ing. Miss de Carr is a member of 30 is dumb, and who has feelings and PALM SUNDAY Absentee Tickets, the Seventh Day Adventist Church Choral sermon, Evensong and WESLEY CHURCH PANAMA daily.
and was for some time connected desire to express them. Perhaps 30 The Rector. Special Solo PRIVATE ACADEMY the management may be able to will be rendered. 30 Preparation Class, with the West Caribbean School at daily.
justify its stand in its refusal to Las Cascadas where she taught in HOLY WEEK 11 a. Rev. Wade.
Good Friday: 11 a. Public Ser Calidonia 25 St. Panama incrase the salary of the Editor in 30 Rev. Wade.
the sewing class. The Workman Monday to Wednesday, a. question. The popular once and 30 Lenten Services.
Holy Week early morning Service.
All those who attended the Re wishes her bon voyage and a pleas7. 30 Annual Love Feast.
said in his humorous column (80. Story of The Cross at night services every morning at 30 a.
ligious Service which was kept at ant time in her college course.
TRINITY CHURCH, COLON EASTER DAY: riously. he had no suggestion to vice. the above mentioned place under 80 Short Service make to and the auspices of the members of the West Indians, but be Maunday 11 a, Mr. Martin.
Thursday, 30.
Holy Communion. 30 Rev. Cousins. Kingston Division residing would watch and MEMORIAL SERVICE see what they Holy Communion. The Rector. 00 a. Holy Baptism.
in Panama, were treated to a very Mrs.
Holy Week early morning Serwould do to get out of their preR. Wilkinson begs 30 Lenten Service. The vices every morning at 30 a.
10. 30 a. Public Service. Re enjoyable evening.
dicament. Fellow West Indians, Rector.
through this medium to invito members cognition of New and LA BOCA, CANAL ZONE s remark needs careful The Principal Sermon udy was friends and Good Friday: Three Hours Seracquaintances to at Communion. a, Rev. Wade.
because of what it implies. First, ivice, 12 Noon. The Rector.
preached by Dr. Barton Presi end a Memorial Service to be held carries the meaning that we are in MULCARE, 30 Mr. Frank Reed. 30 Grand Sacred Concert, dent, after reading the Third chap for the late Wilkinson which 250. predicament, then it is necessary NEW PROVIDENCE ter of St. John, and took his text will take place) at St. Paul Church Rector.
11 a. Mr. James Daly. 16 Evening Service to get out of it and also there must and from the third verse, That except on Monday 26 inst. at a.
be something done. It is about time PARAISO, CANAL ZONE Man be born again he cannot see for howling for unity of action to St. Bartholomew Church, a. Rev. Cousins. ComEaster Monday, April 1st: Chil the Kingdom of God. The Speaker Las Cascadas munion.
dren Service at 30 kept his hearers cease and begin to act, and am spell bound for St. Simon Mission, Gambon Songs, 30 Mr. Payne, Recitations, suggesting here and now that we Exercises, half an hour. It was very interestThe Litany, Matins and sermon, etc. Silver Collection.
make an effort to strengthen the ing, after Hymn 891 was sung On11 a. The Rector.
ward Christian Soldiers, Mr.
only coloured paper on the Isthmus (Continued from page 1)
Church School, 80 Lay CHRISTIAN MISSION OF Myers, was and he talent and we are numerically comwhich, contrary to what has been Reader.
PANAMA THE SALVATION ARMY gave a very encouraging address petent.
expressed, is the only one capable The Litany, Matins and address, Panama 11 a. Elder which was well received, after Rev. Thorbourne should spare no of expressing our sentiment, bel Burke.
11 Panama City Corpo Hymn 477 was sun, The day Thou pains in soliciting the sympathy and cause it is our tongue and not bor7. 30 Elder Burke.
rowed, expressing our views through Church School, 30 Sunday Knee Drill at a. gavest Lord is ended, the meeting! wholehearted support of the entire Chorrillo 11 a. Benskin.
Directory Class 10 a. was brought to a close with the West Indian community on an ocour own mouth and not some one 80. Taylor.
Holiness Meeting 11 a.
else When the Panama American than to start a new one. Most of casion like this. The proceeds of La Boca 11 m. Moseley.
announced its intention to quit, the the objections Company Meeting p. a. These Services will be conducted the entertainment are to go towards have heard are 30 Brewster.
Memorial Service 30 again on Sunday first su Egestion for its present ex based on the personel of the Workevening the the renovation of the church under Paraiso 11. Herbert.
istence came from a coloured man, man, but if it is syndicated, all that Monday Young Peoples Meeting 24 inst. at p. cordial invi bis direction, hence the cause is a 30 Herbert, with the result that today it is on is now complained of can be re6. 30 tation is extended to the public. worthy, one. But we would rather Gatun 11 a. Williams.
a fair way to success, and what we reedied. Fellow West Indians, apTuesday Band Practice GREELY Reporter.
see the proceeds fall considerably 30 Williams.
have done to assist in establishing peal to you in the interest of the Tuesday Soldiers Counsels 80 short of a respectable sum than to Colon u1 a. Sis, Nicholls.
know that the program, which will the Panama American we can do to dumb who are stifling with senti 30 Supplied.
Wednesday Corps Cadet Class at Advertise in the Workmanbe a history making one, did not hit strengthen the Workman. know ment and rights to express and who it will bring good results. p.
a high enough mark so as to leave from interviews with several people will explode if vent is not given. CHAPTER the desired favorable impression in the community, that this is an Syndicate the Workman, and have a Tomorrow will be Women Day Wednesday Home Lengue at Our success at the National Theaunpopular suggestion, but cannot respectable West Indian paper to and a special program will be renu.
tre would be the means of foosterrefrain from making it because of express the feelings and rights of dered in the evening commencing Thursday Holiness Meeting 30 WHOLESALE DISTRIBUTOR ing a better understanding between the gravity of the situation. u all on the Isthmus without which at p. us and our hosts; this would also FOR (Dumb; think of it. and, too, am we will always remain dumb. As usual many interested visitors Good Friday One hour at the MC. DONALD ALMANAGS mean that we could no longer connot catering for popularity. It is Thanking you in advance, Sir, am are expected to be present and will cross at 80 sistently neglect getting better aceasier to put the Workman on yours for co operation probably assist in carrying out the NORBERG, St. 71 Strast and commer 22rad quainted with the language of the proper basis and make it influential OBSERVER evenings! entertainment.
CHORRLLOI Panamanian CITY Sparklets called upon Wm McKINNON


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