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PRICE CENTS Building of a Nicaraguan Automobile. AcciCanal by Uncle Sam Fight And Dog American Federation of Labour to issue Union Charters an INTERESTING JOTTINGS own HERE AND THERE INJURES NINE, SEVERAL WILL COME OVER FROM SEVERELY GOLD COAST Negatived by Congressmen now As a consequence of reckless driv The 7th of next month (April) To Pullman Porters Affiliating Them on Visit to Canal Zone x, two very serious accidents or will be a big day in Panama for the with Organized Labour curred on Sunday last 25th inst. in Gold Coasters who will avail themLas Sabanas Road, in which nine selves the opportunity of journey.
That it was the impression in win (From Labor, Washington, most conspicuous example of the Washington that the Panama INDISCREET CHAUFFEUR Persons were unfortunately wound ing from the windy city to headMarch 9, 1929. large groups of workers in persond.
DAMAGES AUTOS AND Canal had about reached the quarters to enjoy he pastime of Charters will be issued to local al service whose compensation in limits of its capacity in transits, ONE COACH The victims of the first accident their choice.
unions of Pullman porters by the considerable part comes from tips.
was made known here by at Faustino Bristan a 30 year old The variety of entertainments of L, thus bringing this class of Their low wages and poor working least two members of the United Carlos Rodriguez, a Panaman Panamanian who sustained a frac which will be staged on the Pacific railroad employees into direct af conditions developed solidarity and States Congress who are at pre ian of 28 summers brought his sared collarbone and other minor side (Panama) will be mediu o filiation with the organized labor they carried their cabe to the Pulsent visiting the Canal. This im chauffeur career to an end on Sun. wounds when his automobile came in uitraction to which tight fans and movement, Action to this effect was man company and to the Medallision with a pression was one of the greatest day night last when a fine of 50.
lamp post near lovers of dog racing on the Isthunus taken at the Miami meeting of the iation Board without success. They factors which actuated the mem the cancellation to drive for all time ampo Lindbergh. Bristan was tak will care to cater.
Executive Council which adjourned voted to strike in June of last year, Ders of Congress to have voted in Panama, and payment of dam a to the Santo Tomas Hospital in a serious consition by Maduro Arrangements with the Panama last week after a 10 day session. but their walkout was deferred on one hundred and fifty thousand ages was the penalty imposed.
dollars omake a survey of a From information received, Rol. who happened to pass in that Railroad (for an excursion on that delegation of porters presented advice of President Green, who sugdate) have been completed, and plea for recognition and support of gested that more education and agiroute through Nicaragua in the driguez was on a wild speed, ana irection when the accident occurred.
Colonites will vie tation were necessary to acquaint with Panamans the of event the United States was drove without discretion through The driver of the bus made good in witnessing an interesting feathPorters Need Assistance jant matters affecting the welfare compelled to undertake the the streets, damaging two automo ris escape, but the matter is in the statement issued at of wages range from 72. 50 to 104 a erweight bout between Jose Ramos building of another Canal to aug tiles and also a coach, causing in. ands of the police who are making, Caballito) and Dannie Daniels of headquarters says: month. This, with tips must supment the Panama Canal. The im juries to the driver, Antonio Dradiligent search to capture tim. Pullman porters are employed port their families and also pay for The other accident occurred near the Navy at the Bull Ring pression gained here has ap nichel. an Italian.
and also by a single company. They are the subsistence on the road.
exciting baseball parently negatived that gained The official automobile used by Rio Abajo in which eight persons wounded namelygame between the Silver Spray and in Washington and the visiting the Alcalde of Panama was among sere slightly Jissefa de Dosman and her daughthe Ballbon teams.
Congressmen seem to be satisfi ene damaged cars and also that ot ed that with a few other con Bagaat Singh an East Indian chauf ora Carmen and Dora, Morais, The Manager of the Kennelworth venienes added to the Panama feur.
Alejandro Lindo, Clotilde Giralde. Mr. Hart) has already agreed to (By ELIJAH HUNTER)
Canal this waterway will be adeDranichel corch was completely Ignacio Louis and Juan Navarro. arrange a special program for the Another Saturday is here, friends semon. wish he did get into trouquate to take ample care of demolished, and both be and the when a bus driven by Constantino occasion which will be known and countrymen, and so are we. am ble. It would have been his shipping for an indefinite period. horse were bruleed.
Lonzalez collided with chiva (com Colons Night.
junxious to find out how you are and ault. Some of our friends would Ng in the opposite direction. The presentation of return ticket how things are working with you. say. dah dea is lack of discreteAll the passengers in the bus to Colon will entitle the fans to en. In case you feel the same way to ment (whatever that is. Mr.
fvere given first aid at the Santo ter Kennelworth Park. Some fun wards me, will say like Rosy Red Sparklets is in his salts. He is Romas Hospital.
said to her admirers in the days leading you into temptation. Yield Some days ago there was ples would appear that the staff of the gone by. am in my salts. Rosy not. He knows very well that there SPARKLETS in another paper for toleration on Silver City School is doing much to Red you know, was a country girl. a law in this country which Her name was Rosa, but on account warns foreigners to keep out of polthe part of our local leaders. It em bring about a new order of things. By phasized that if the leaders would Possibly, other schools are doing of her ruddy complexion she was stics. Learning Spanish is interfershow mutual consideration for the likewise. If so, it would be well to noticed with some amount of Speaking about congressmen and called Rosy Red, and to distinguishing in politics. Moreover, Sparklets views of one another, they would be publish it. Interschool sports is eriousness but not without a little other things: Congressman Frank her from other girls of the same own knowledge of Spanish is imperable to step out in harmony and ac very good idea musement that a few of our Amer. Murphy, member of the highest name. She was poor like some of us fect because he has left out the proverbial carahu. and have never complish much that they have plancan fellow workers who suffered legislative body of the United States, are, and she made her living by atned. With such a view no one with On the subject of graduation exer common with us during the bit who, with other honorable men are tending at the market place and of heard those who know the language leave it out any ordinary degree of intelligence cises. should be glad to see the der daya of Canal construction have at present visiting in our village, is sering her services to those who But this is only how feel about will disagree. believe that is one pupils taking active part, entertain been experiencing some disquieting reported to have said that were the made large purchases of provisions, it myself. You can have your own of the things primarily aimed at ining the public and showing some prements. We are referring to some true facts about the capacity of the to carry it home for them at the agitation for a local conference, what they are able to do from cul let those who, since the advent of Panama Canal known to himself and charge of one penny per lond. Rosy eelings. believe have done well Spanish, know that bread is and at the meeing it would be a very tural standpoint, and not merely Letter days in the Canal Zone, have his colleagues of the Appropriations was happy in her calling. She was pang. know that milk is leche.
good idea to be specific, rather marching up to get thei certificates Reen consistently fighting, if not to Committee, 150, 000 would not have always jubilant singing the curknow that a nice girl is señorita being general and vague, about this and bowing on receiving them.
svring morseal out of our mouth, been approved by them for survey. rent songs, using her own words to ne corazon. can greet my Spanish fault of ours. Our past has been keep us where we will be able to ink another Canal route through most of them. Rosy was not mo friends saying, como esta usted, thick with them, and, although Well, how about the big cricket eceive just a mean loaf and nothing Nicaragua. Quite so, gentle reader oern girl. She had no hair to bob. carahu. What more does Sparklets there has evidence of some chango season that was holding the Interest nore. Opinion is divided among them and the Honorable Murphy, quite so. The baskets and trays she carried on want? You can take his advice it recently, there is room for much of Jamaica and all around the globe as to whether they ought to have And here another important mat her head from day to day had saved you wish. won take it. know improvement. Without desiring to where there are red spots. That Ja hidden away heir expensive motor ter: Not only Congressmen lack of her the trouble, so she was happy enough Spanish to carry dwell upon the past, might men maica has won is more than pleas. cars from the visiting salons. The knowledge of the truth but an ap end every now and then, she would. hrough, and am not going into tion that have known of a case ant news. It gies to show what daily Panama American is said to parent bit of monstruous injustice give vent to her feelings by shout volitics in which one leader in a new move people can do when they set them Jave rebuked them, editorially, for misrepresentaion of facts has been mg. am in my salts. daresay, ment, finding another in another selves to the task of doing. The Eng having so conspicuously displayed continuously serving to negative the same conditions govern our ex am in my salts so, proceed to favorably ad. istence now, more movement lish cricketers say it requires the their cars during the visit of the reasoable efforts less, save that obstructing the progress to make you laugh, that is, if you of the new, requested an interview very best to win in Jesica now: the irst batch of Congressmen, as well just working and living conditions Rosy Red had the advantage of Jave a sense of humor. Some peowith the latter for the purpose of ar West Indian crack bowlers sy dit. as for having so sumptuously enter as they affect the colored West In charging price for her services ple don have it, but that is not riving at an understanding; and that The outcome of this will be the tained them. One of the employees can federal employees of the Pan. While we are paid whatever price my fault. have it, and it is not although he promised on two occa bringing to the West Indies at the publicly admitted that it was an er. ama Canal and Panama Railroad those who use our services chose to so bad if one has one more sense vions to have the interview, he was end of this year, men who used to For on their part to have allowed Company. Congress, you wen pay us. Be that as de may, am than some others have. Once upon never there. This the only to show consider themselves above the stand, he Congressmen to see the magnifi. know, is not very much unlike the happy like Rosy, and say like she time, there was a notorious bum.
did, am in my salts.
that at least one leader had pones ard of West Indian cricket; and it wont rows of expensive cars owned, judicial bench and the fury who deiou know who a. bum is one of ed the right spirit.
will not be surprising to see such for xample, by employees of the Ad eide on cases almost strictly in acthose fellows that always dressed stalwarts as Hobbs, Chapman, Jar ministration Building at Balboa cordance with supporting witnesses see that Mr. Sparklets has up in other peoples clothes, with recent announcement of school dine, Larwood, etc. Most of this suc Heights. Another, who dissented and documentary evidences, the caught the spirit of being in his ocher peoples money in his pocket, sports at the Silve City School has cese is due to intelligent organiza vigorously from the stand taken by question of right and wrong being salts. suppose you will observe and so forth. He ran foul of the brought back to my mind some tion.
he Panama American, went far out of secondary moment right and that too, after call your attention heriff in a former announcements of activities certain town. This at that school. remember, for instof his way to refer disparagingly to wrong getting a hearing only when to it. Now, what do you think of a sheriff had the same dislike for COLONIAL SOCIETIES ance, to have read of their gradusthe West Indian federal employee it becomes quite obvious that wit man who invites you to study other bumbs as have, so he handled him BOARD MEETS and his rice and codfish ration. nesses are deliberately lying or do peoples language at a time when rery roughly, and put him in jail.
tinn (first) exercises last June.
TONIGHT The American lawmakers have been cumentary support is notoriously you are not through studying your When this bum regained his freeWhen there were some Very well pretty decent to their fellow citizens inconsistent with the case at law, own? Personally, am not taking som, he met some others like himwritten compositions by the pupils. special meeting of the Central aboring at this important outpost, Citizenship rights, strongly sup bis advice. have enough ambitionelt who Taking the general tone of our col Board of the Colonial Societies will and we are of the opinion tha it is norted by rank ingratitude, and at to try and master my own tongue int seen him for some time. Why. remarked that they had ored schools into account, the hostil. be held this evening at the St. Paul but right for those employees to times backed by the powerful Amer before interfere with other peo aid he, you re lucky to see me ity of the children to discipline, and schoolroom, beginning at p. to have reciprocated by showing them ican Federation of Labor have not ries. He tells us that he nearly got dive. had some trouble with the the menacing attitude of the mass of discuse plans relative to the propor as good a time as they possibly, been dispensing for the most part, into trouble for using wrong words heriff because told him that alparents toward the teachers, it ed West Indian Conferenca could (Continued on Page 8)
in Spanish to a Spanish speaking though was a bum, was not a (Continued on Page 8)
me a


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