
The Standard of Living THE WORKMAN The Royal Bank of Canada Total Assets in Excess of 925. 000. 000. 00 Extracts from an address on Progress delivered by Mr.
Nichols, Manager of the Jamaica Published on Saturday by WALROND, at the office No 72 Public Service Co. at the King.
CARLOS MENDOZA Street No. 72, Panama, INCORPORATED 1869 stom recently: Box 74, Panama Box 1102, Ancon We do not undertake to return rejected correspondence. Copied from the Gleaner of Alarch Head Office: Montreal, Canada 11, 1929)
The Liberty of the Press is the Palladium of our rights JUNIUS STANDARDS OF LIVING, If we THE WORKMANSATURDAY, MARCP 30, 1929.
PANAMA COLON measure the standards of living in terms of the amount of goods posSanta Ana Plaza Corner 11th and Bolivar Streets sessed it seems to be rising in our civilization largely because of the TRUTH WINS AGAIN greater increase in poduction. But It should be understood that wealth Excepting the comparatively few unfortunates who or the possession of goods is not are born feeble minded, every person is endowed by Nanecessarily an idex of gentility or ture with the ability to divide between right and wrong.
criterion of the standard of liv.
This is what one has in mind when one speaks of truth, ing. poorer community than ours With 900 Branches throughout the world, including right or justice. The manner in which this ability is used aight have a much higher standard arnirmatively varies in individuals and depends largely the following in the British West Indies etc. this Bank of living. Many of the gentry in on such considerations as age, training and belief. There the old social system which is passis in a position to render the best possible service.
are certain things that persons know instinctively to be ing, even in England, were comright or wrong: Nature equips them with the sense or paratively poor. They possessed and feeling, and they do not need to be told; and there are Antigua Dominica Montserrat insisted upon a certain degree of other things about which decision can only be arrived culture and education, good taste Bahamas Grenada St. Kitts at by means of mental exercise.
and genteel manners. Those who Barbados Jamaica (2)
St. Lucia did not possess these things were Age is a consideration because up to a. certain time looked upon with contempt were no one is able to think and resolve, and it involves exBritish Honduras Trinidad (2)
Martinique they were the essentials of gentilperience or contact with happenings. Training bears Guadaloup. British Guiana (2)
ily, reference to classified knowledge, or education and reason. Belief is very important because of its tendency Wealth for the upper classes was nct the to help or to hinder. Thus it very difficult somegoal of life but rather a medium through which leisure times to discover how a certain set of facts are decided by persons of a high degree of training. On examinaTHE HIGHEST CURRENT RATES OF INTEREST might be acquired, and a high detion it will be found that their belief has interfered, and gree of culture sustained.
that the facts have not been decided as they are, but PAID ON DEPOSITS In olden days the business class as they are in relation to some pre conceived ideas, as initated the gentry and in a manlaid down by their standard of ethics or their moral Der put on their culture, as one code. General Banking Business Transacted.
would a coat. Today the masses, particularly in the new countries, There are many more negative influences in the endeavor to imitate the successful proper use of this faculty to divide between right and businessman. They copy his dress, wrong. Friendship, patriotism, selfishness, prejudice, his spectacles, his plus fours and are some of them. But in spite of all the obstacles it lay emphasis on what he has. If he seems that sooner or later truth, right or justice, genhas a Rolls Royce they want a Morerally wins. In principle, we believe in the statement: ris. If his wife has a sealskin cont. Truth crushed to earth shall rise again, the woman down the street whose The eternal years of God are hers.
income is not so great, must have one of dyed rabbitskin.
There seems to be some unknown force that is always Neither, in tese days of jazz working in the path of right. As the metal in the and popular movies insists upon a mariner compass is continually pointing north, so do very high standard of entertainwe believe there is some part of the human mind that is ment. Both as an eminent psychol.
always pointing toward the truth. Thus have many ogist remarks in a recently pubcrimes been uncovered and righteous causes accepted.
lished book, can get along without What we regard as a victory for the truth at this even a bowing acquaintance with moment is a statement contained in a recent circular isthe cultural values of civilization. sued by the Executive Department of the Panama Cageneral increase in per capita nal with reference to their Alien Silver (colored) Emwealth does not necessarily reflect ployees. It says, a high standard of living. Indeed the real standard of living in Athens. in view of the long and faithful service of these in its golden age may conceivably employees and the fact that they always have been in have been much higher than that the past, and still are, employed at a scale of wages of the communities of New York, that has militated against their providing for their old London, or Paris of our time. Notage.
withstanding superficialities there This is an admission of a fact; but it is also, happiare social psychologists who doubt ly, the repudiation of a conclusion that had been perthat the standard of living is on sisted in by the government for all the years past. It the upward grade.
was always contended by them that the colored West Indian aliens in the service were getting good and reasonable wages. The Panama Canal West Indian EmST. LUCIAN PROGRESSIVE ployees Association set itself to the task of convincing SOCIETY TO MEET the government that that attitude was wrong that the employees were living a hand to mouth life from the Members of the above named Sowages they were receiving, and that they were facing ciety are hereby reminded of the old age and other forms of disability to earn, with next special meeting which will take aching hearts. Now that this admission has been made place in their Hall on Monday April and published, that Association can look upon it with a 16t.
considerable degree of satisfaction. The officials of this Business of vital importance will administration of the Panama Canal are to be conbe transacted, and a large attend72 Carlos Mendoza Street gratulated on the courage they have shown in making ance is urged to be present.
this admission; and it is being hoped that early steps will be taken to have the standard of wages of these and corner Javillo If you have a Prescription to people so raised, as to remove all concerned from this be made up take it to the rather embarrassing position.
OPPOSITE GUARDIA LUMBER YARD National Pharmacy, Santa Ana Plaza, where you will get courPANAMA CITY If you have a Prescription to be made up take it to the teous and obliging service.
National Pharmacy, Santa Ana Plaza, where you will got cour tion of the Panama Baptist Church teous and obliging service of which the Rev. Gentleman is Pastor. Thorbourne on Thursday last, way and are taking a definite shape FRANK WILLIAMS Intercolonial Repertoire tributors to the This is a philanthropic idea, and Programme and en behalf of the proposed Repertoire should interest every West Indian in many others who may find it con to be staged at the National Theatre the community. The Panama GovBUILDER DESIGNER INTERCOLONIAL REPERTOIRE venient to attend from that end; on Thursday April 18th under the ernment comes in for a worthy share 22 Stroot, Guaohapall, House No. 18 To be Featured by Leading Colored sneanwhile, the musicians from this auspices of the Panama Baptist of commendation in the accomplishArtists of the Republic at the end (Panama) will do everything Church.
ment of this undertaking, their aim Furniture of Varied Quality and Up to date National Theatre to demonstrate to the Panamanian From the information gathered, being to assist in the cause of CharDesigns Public their worthiness to enter the large and popular playhouse willity. Many artists will come over from PRICES DEFY COMPETITION Colon for the (By Correspondent)
tain in Panama greatest theatre. be loaned by the Government to as most likely that an excursion train purpose, and it is During an interview with the Rev. was informed that plans are under alt in raising funds for the renova will be run to facilitate the conFOR SALE CHEAP Good Assortment of Photo Albums Scrap Albums Writing Pads Hymn Prayer Books Souvenirs, etc. etc.


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