
ROBERTSON ACTING AS HIGH SPOTS IN TENNIS SECRETARY This afternoon the Clubhouse tenWhile Secretary Neely of nis lawn will be graced by a fashthe La Boca Clubhouse is spending inable crowd, when Prescott, reprea thirty day vacation, his place is senting the Atlantic side tennis being filed by Ernest Robertson. lelubs will meet Clunes, representing Mr. Robertson has served in this ine Pacific side Clubs, in the finals capacity on several occasions and of the Clubhouse Men Singles has always endeared himself to the Tournamente for the Secretaries numerous patrons of this commun Cup a trophy donated by the Secity center. Not only has he given retaries of the five Silver clubhouses, good service at this Clubhouse, but As a preliminary to this game ther has done similar service at each of will be played the finals of the Wothe other four Siver Cubhouses on men Singles Tournament. manithe Zone, eure set is offered in this connection.
MISS JUMP TALKS ON EVOLUTION VISITING FRIENDS Should be in every office to immediately soothe any neuralgic pain caused by excessive mental work, NEUR LGINA Should be in every school to soothe bad headaches and reduce the fever of children.
NEURALGINA Is complete Inoffensive and nourishes the heart, For sale both Wholesale and Retail The principal item on the program Miss Lucille Welch of Silver City, of the La Boca Athenaeum last Cristobal, has been a pleasant visTuesday evening was an address on itor here for the past wek. She is Evolution by Miss Leanor Jump. spending some time with some relApart from references to animal atives and friends. She is much de and plant life which gives unmistak. lighted with her stay here.
able traces of evolutionary processes, as well as scientific discoveries, Itomer Gibson, piano selection by Miss Jump gave a well connected Biss Unica Simmons and a humorexposition of Darwin theory of us reading by Mrs. McKenzie.
evoution and findings of contem Chaplain Richards announced porary and subsequent writers on this meeting that he is making prethe subject. Miss Jump was accord paration for anather Song Service ed a rising vote of thanks by the and is arranging to get Secretary society. Other items on the program Moore of the Gatun Clubhouse to were: Elocutionary item by Mrs. deliver the principal address.
AT THE at AMERICAN PHARMACY On Saturday night last, Educational Pictures were shown at the Cristobal Clubhouse. The hall wals packed with children. The principal of the silver city school and other members of the faculty were present as was to be expected. There was also a fair number of parents.
The least that can be said of the show is that the pictures were very good Two of them particularly were exceedingly interesting and educative. The Grape, for instance, was shown through all its cultural stages, and the manufacture of wine irom the grinding of the grape to its deposit in large casks, ready for shipment.
It is no exaggeration to say that lif this was the only picture shown, the children and others who attended would have been amply rewarded for their attendance.
No less interesting were the pictures dealing with the culture of rabber and the manufacture of rubLer tires. The collection of the vortex from growing trees its deposit in flat, open containers on shelves provided for the purpose until conRealed its removal to the great mills where the milling process is performed, and the actual manufacture of automobile tires and inner tubes in the factory, were seen to great advantage These educational pictures are much appreciated by all concerned, and the general expressions concerning them indicate that a proper value has been placed upon the efforts made by the Schools Department to disseminate additional knowledge through this medium. little improvement however is necessary, and it is suggested that the pictures be run with less speed so as to give sufficient opportunity for the reading of titles and other writings explaining the pictures.
Sometimes these are passed on before they are read, and our little thereby deprived of a complete explanation of some of the pictures shown.
With this little improvement, these pictures would become a powerful influence for good upon the minds of those they are intendud to benefit.
JAVIER MORAN, Proprietor Panama.
SMOKE LUCKY STRIKE PARAISO PANAMA WESLEYAN CHRIS the refreshments committee (com Sonors, and especially His Britanie TIAN ENDEAVOR prising Mesdames Chandler, ACTIVITIES Swaby and the Misses Doris Rodney Majesty Consul of Colon, the Manand Alice King) distributed the good ugers of the Royal Bank of Canada, The National Quarterly Social things which were prepared for the City Bank of New The quarterly social of the Pan occasion.
York, The Chase National Bank, Mr.
ama Wesleyar Christian Endeavor Many of the Endeavorers also took Cambridge and Dr. Ford.
took place on Wednesday night, 20th this opportunity of visiting the Club The staff also hopes that the time inst. at the Paraiso Wesleyan house at Paraiso where they spent not far distant, when, instead of Church Grounds and was greatly en. much of their time. This is one of having Schools Sports. they will joyed by all those who availed tnem the evenings of the Society which is trave Interschools Sports.
selves of the opportunity to be pre always looked forward to with muel interest, and in chosing such a disTransportation from Panama totrict as Paraiso the time was well Paraiso was undertaken by. Messrs spent. Palmer and Austin who (with Accompanying the party was the their chivas) arrived at the Panama Rev. Vade President of Wesleyan Church at 30 from the Society, whose presence assisted where the members of the Endeavor in enlivening the occasion, started their trip to Paraiso.
The return trip to Panama was After a few games were played, made at 11 SEE MR. NASH JAVILLO FILL NO. PABLO AROSEMENA AVENUE FOR FULL PARTICULARS 909009 BROKKKKKKK KKKKKK sent.
friends are IDOZAN CRISTOBAL BEST CURE FOR ANEMIA GENERAL DEBILITY LACK OF APPETITE NEURASTHENIA INSOMNIA PLEASANT TO TAKE SCHOOL SPORTS others to enter the field of sports, SUCCESS hereby keeping their bodies healthy, is well as their minds.
The annual Athletic Sports of the Officers of the day were: Dr.
Silver City School, which took place Ford, Messrs Cambridge, at the Mt. Hope Baseball Park on Copeland and, Waterman, the 25th inst. was a brilliant suc indges; Messrs Smith, Welch, cess. The gates were opened at p. and Brown, starters; Mr. and the first event commenced Brown, announcer; Mr. Daat 30 precisely. The stands ley, scorer, and Mrs. Waller, diswere crowded with people who re tributor of prizes.
presented the communities of Colon, The Sports Committee consisted Gatun and Silver City.
of teachers Smith, ElThe boys and girls gave a good s, Batchelor, Rodriaccount of themselves, and the spec. guez, Bennett, Mortators witnessed some very keen gan, and Principal Johnston.
contests. Special mention must be! Among those present were: Prin. made of Cheltenham, the winner cipal Webster, Messrs Jones, of most events, and who was pre Beckford, Clarke, and Miss sented with the championship cup Webster, teachers of the Gatun donated by Mr. Copeland Colored School; Messrs Moore the donor made the presentation and Waller, secretaries of the Gatun and Cristobal Silver ClubThe day events reflected great houses respectively.
credit on the teachers, who toiled! Mr. Jameson, reporter of the hard to make it a success. It is a Panama Tribune, who brought a jroof that they are not only develop prize from the Editor of that paper ing the child mentally, but physical for a winner of one of the events, 13, as well. Indeed the teachers of Mr. Hunter, popular commune the Siver City School have set up a ity leader, and Mr. Whittingstandard worthy of imitation.
ham, one of the substitute teachers Some very nice and valuable of he Silver City School.
prizes were given to the winners of the various events, and it is hoped The Principal and staff of the that these prizes will encourage the Silver City School take this opporrecipients to keep themselves phys uunity of thanking all those who ically fit, and be an incentive to were present, as well as the liberal OZAN contains iron Does not constipate Does not damage the teeth himself.
For Sale at Leading Druggists sk your Loctor to give his opinion on IDOZAN. We are sure he will recommend it. ESCOFFERY AGENT friend said to me the other day. have an old black automobile. bought it in 1927. When get out on the road in it feel like a crow among a lot of bright colored birds.
Do you think an automobile company could sell me a black automobile today? They could not!
Right there is one reason that color alarm clocks are going over so big. The world has moved. People want, demand and get color.
If you need a really dependable alarm clock try one of ours, they re Auw, different, superior.
FULLER 122 Central Ave.


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