
NEWS FROM THE WEST INDIAN ISLANDS BRITISH GUIANA new Secretary Of Labor Davis Sends Mssage To Labor son issue JAM AICA TRINIDAD Shuts Out All Coffee Delegates to West Three More Steamers May Use Electric Strike In British West Indian Indian Conference For Elders Fyffe Power To Irrigate The Gleaner reports that informaGuiana Governors tion has been received recently from Farm In Vere Trinidad stating that the Trinidad TRANSMIT REPORT TO The Gleaner says, from London it Government has put si embargo on The Now Daily Chronicle of the Says the New Daily Chronicle of GOVERNOR is announced that three Dew Pasfollowing area: The Gleaner learns that the United the importation of coffee into that sth ult, publishes the senger liners of the Carare type are It is understood that His Excel The Jamaica Mail of recent data to be added to Elders and Fyffes Fruit Company have under con colony. No coffee from many source rom Vrood en doop, dated 26: fleet for the West Indies and Consideration a big proposal to obtain whatever is in future to be import There has recently arisen some cney the Governor of Trinidad, Sir says: tral America seryices.
puwer from the Jamaica Public Sered into Trindad.
luissatisfaction among the employees orace Byait will be going on leave The four members of the Legia The announcement was made at vice Company for their newly ac The gentleman who supplied us the Guiana Match Factory. Ltd. ometime at the end of March or lative Council who represented this the launching of the Mopan, simi quired properties in Vere.
with this item of news remarked on Vreed en Hoop, on the West Bank early in April for some six months, island at the recent Scanding Westlar ship to the Matina, Samia, and From what can be gathered, of doing so; Jamaica coffee is shut yesterday (Monday) there was and as his term of five years expires Indian general strike among the factory. November, there seems to be Conference at Barbados, Tilapa, and which is the last vessel ficials of the Jamaica Public Ser cut from Trinidad not that any have transmitted. report to His to be put into the water under the vice Company are at present work Jever went there, but we give to ands who declined to work exceplome foundation for the rumour that Excellency the Governor on the mis building programme decided uponing out details of the scheme to ex Trinidad nearly 20, 000 year as their wages were increased by the the end of his leave he will be retransmission lines to preference on its gasolene. What manager Mr. Herman Andrade. hu ring from the sion. The report, which is signed by by the owners early last year.
tend their Governorship of is stated that some eight or ningunidad.
Huns. Nash, Wint, Speaking after the lunch, Mr. Hallower Clarendon, and it is just like to we get for it?
nen who were responsible for the it is understood that Sir William Sangster, and Barton, Stockley, director of Messrs. Eldly that on the arrival of Mr. Russel.
araming of the match boxes refuseul cobertson of Barbados is not averse covers the many subjects that werelers and Fyffes, Ltd. and who was Bell, the matter will be definitely discussed at the to operate at the machines, they hav to a transfer from that island, Dame very important prior to 1914 in charge of the Bristol decided.
Woman And Son gathering; and the ground that has and district interests of the firm, If the proposal goes through it ng alleged inadequate payment, and sumour says he will be Trinidad be enexplored in the direction of said they were not going to stand will mean great thing for Lower Burned To Death as a result of their action the female ew Governor.
inployees numbering fully hunWest Indian Unity. The delegates still. Within 12 months they would Clarendon, as it will enable irrigaexpress with enthusiasm their con be building three passenger vessels wonn to be carried out on a much PORT OF SPAIN, February 26. irod, were prevented from perform rom the City have however exhibitviction that the Conference was of the Carare type.
larger scale than was otherwise pos a little after four o clock yesterday ng their duty in grossing the match some sympathy with the strikers, distinct success; and that by coming morning fire broke out at No. 18. in boxes. It is said that many of wo of whom are alleged to be the The announcement in of special sible.
together and discussing the common This, together with the proposal Gallus Street, Woodbrook, complete hese young women who are moutlying leader.
wims, the British West Indies have interest to Bristol, because it is al to construet branch Railway line ly destroying the dwelling house most certain that the three entered upon a line of development from May Pen to Vere shows that urnng to deatih two of its inmates ships will be employed on the Bristol he United Fruit Company are out that should have far reaching efnd slightly injuring the owner. The berth. Other vessels of the line, tects upon the future of these Britto develop to the fullest extent ictims of the unfortunato occurence with limited passenger accommodaish outposts. The four dlegates extheir extensive holdings in Claren are: tion, operate on the Garston and press their gratification that they don Continental service Pearl Springer uged 36, domestic were appointed to (Extract from his message)
As already stated in the leaner servant in the employ of the owner represent this justifiable discuntent which this ancient colony at an epoch making the company sugar expert, Mr. and sleeping on the premises, burnt would have aroused, it seemed to Conferene Shyler, is here from Cuba looking to death At the conclusion of eight years me poor business, and am glad and her Gladstone The report will in due course be British Guiana, British Honduras over the different sugar estates re Springer aged, sluo burnt to Lervice. Secretary of Labor and that nearly all our employers have laid on the table of the Legislative and Bermuda, it has unmistakably cently acquired by the Company death.
as. new administration enters on wung to this view. It has become a Cound prepared a considerable and not un with view to advising them as to Francis Gibeonowner and ocits duties, deem it fitting time to tixed principle in American business Ualty of Purpose inportant part of the design for the their futuro.
cupier cut on the forehead and bumt word of greeting to the that Ibera!
wages help to create The following which refers to the super structure which later on in to about the hands and face.
hosts of labor.
prosperity by increasing buying Conference, is taken from the latest be erected. It has pointed the way The story given by Mr. Largen, am all the more jind to do this power, while low wages mean issue of the Jamaica Critio.
which must be trod in the future, Small who supplies the Queen Park Ho because the future of labor is so duced prosperity.
The West Indies Conference has and taken several steps along that DENTIST tel with fish and greens was to the bright and because its progress in aow gone down to history and only way, the treading of which lead to effect that she left her home at 18 the past eight years has been one of At all times, can honestly say, time will tell the exact amount that the fulfilment of all at which coMASONIC TEMPLE Gallus Street at about 15. the remarkable facts of history. have sought to hold the scales at has to be written dpwn as to its value operation aims. It has not only indifor the market and on reaching opan even balance between the emI especially congratulate the railin the way of its accomplishments. ated, but fostered the growth in the Office Hours: 8, am to 12 porite the Gibson house heard al ploye and his employer, with scrupOne thing has, however, been clearly West Indies of the spirit of unity, road workers and their leaders on. 30 pm to 30 pm luud tumbling inside. She stood list the harmony demonstrated and that is that the the value of which many will fail to and good will they ulus regard for the best interests ening and whilst there saw Kr.
of both.
have prophets of evil were doubting Thomasses, Sundays. by Special Appointmen observed throughout these wrong; the assess. The Carter, who lives in the vicinity, on years. One expression of this has Must All Pull Together pessimiste, or worse, who predicted the fools and slow of heart who Masonic Temple ilth St, the spot doing the same thing. Be been their hearty support of legisla While the the utter uselessness of such a Con must have received a shock at the fore they could say much, they notion creating the duties of my office ference. Those were manifestation of harmony United States placed the welfare of labor in my Box 787. CRISTOBAL ticed fire breaking out from the Board of Mediation as a means of hands, it has ever been my belief Light and partly wrong who and the desire for co operation, for antry of the house where Pearl handling their many said that PHONE: OFFICE 1664 they difficult and that neither the worker nor his emthe way was it must now be clear to them that Springer and her son slept. They delicate problems in the way that ployer morely being prepared and the this spirit was not born at the West can prosper without the field surveyed for unity of action in Indies Intercolonial Congress but mutual aid, the golden street where nised an alarm and the Brigade all good Americans prefer that isother, and that both prosper only as the future, and that little was to be had been growing for years, fan great deeds are done and great dis was sent for, but when they reach through mediation and conciliation they pull together. That realization dtne house it was completely en about the council table.
expected as the immediate result of ned by the wind of public opinion, coveries made. The representatives believe to be nearly universal now.
this first Intercolonial Congress; for which, having awakened to a con participating colonies haveveloped in flames and there was no The same is true of Tabor in ren It has been profound satisfaction hope of saving the building. They eral. When entered office Sec to me to see it bring us so many while the Conference was largely a eption of the disastrous effects of hown themselves possessed of bank of laying the foundations of a reparateness, urged find of the unity of purpose which is a happy he adjoining buildings whieh were he air was full of demands for wage contentment and liberal wages.
uncentrated their efforts to saving retary of Labor, eight years ago, blessings in the form of harmony, permanent institution for furthering way which is paved by the Mas augury for future progress and secon immediate danger of being burnt. ductions to the pre war level the interests of the West Indies, phalt of mutual confidence and cess.
Bibson, who is partially deal, was (From Labor, Washington, New Spirit in Industry croused by the shouting of the crowd March 9, 1929. In addition to the serious and utside and barely escaped with his life.
Charred Remains Recovered It is not definitely knows what WORRELL BERNARD ANDERSON aused the fire but the theory seGramaphone Repairer cepted by the Police is that the THE TAILOR boltle lamp which Pearl Springer HOUSE 980 LA BOCA, Corner 16th, Street was in the habit of using, though CANAL ZONE West he house was supplied with elec Panama, Efficlont Workmanship Guaranteed ricity, fell and caught the house on!
a The charred remains of the in: mates who perished in the flames were discovered in the debris and removed the same morning to the nortuary at the Colonial Hospital.
Gibson was treated at the hospital DO YOU WANT NEW STUDEBAKER OR FORD?
nd discharged.
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