
WO ON THE SUBJECT OF UNIVERSITY FOR THE BRITISH WEST INDIAN COLONIES should be one and the same body, Extracts From a Commissioner The British Pharmacy retary of Wherever there is a board of edu. an ancient language, science, etc. versity Hall of the colony. Pupils satisfactory examination in the precation the deputy council and it The Arts section would consist of from schools Catholic liminary Arta course, the school to courses. a) the preliminary and Protestant teachers would, of which he belonged should be awarded from the funds of the State. The University functions of the arts course, and (b) the University such an occasion, assemble side by For the first year, 410; second year, deputy council would be to superin Arts course. Each course would ex eide in gentlemanly rivalry, to en 12; third year, 16.
Report;cond and manage the examinations cond over three years. gage in an encounter in which meri.
The University Arts course should View That Were Expressed In 1869 of the students, and to confer the The preliminary Arts course should would be the triumph. Possibly, a correspond in classics, mathematics, degrees authorized by the Senate include elementary, arithmetic, al concursus of this only weapon, fair modern languages, history, logie, BY Mr. PATRICK ĶEENAN But to the deputy council, would gebra, geometry, Latin, Greek, and play, the only battle cry and legi egal philosophy, political economy, give the patronage of seminarial modern languages. The third year timate success the only kind woul natural philosophy, natural science, should refer to the ideal many wound, and create in Whose Investigation Were Confined to Tri. and collegiate functions. If the Uni examination etc. with the most liberal curriversity is to flourish, seminaries and business preparatory to the matri fluences not unlikely to promote cor rulum of any of the European Uninidad; Quoted at West Indian Conference colleges, to serve as feeders to it, culation examination diality and friendship between Ca (versities. Law, medicine and engimust be encouraged and aided by At the end of each year of the tholic and Protestants without detri neering, for professional students. Coninued from last issue)
liberal grants of public money. preliminary Arts course, the pupil ment, even in a theorical degree, to should, of course, be included in the The University should consist of ticularly requested to co operate in The examination in the Arts sec of the affiliated or colleges should to their religious convictions.
For each student who passed a a Visitor, a Chancellor a Vice Chan the foundation of the University. tion should relate to pupils loarning assemble for examination in the Unicellor, and 60 Fellows, who would The attention of other colonies might TURKS MUST ADD FAMILY constitute the Senate, with power, be specially drawn to its object and NAMES TO OLD ONES FOR after examination, to confer degrees. pdvantages, and their co operation 1930 CENSUS desirous Her Majesty might be humbly pray solicited. Each colony CONSTANTINOPLE, Feb. 20ed to become the Visitor. The Sec availing itself of a connection with Dissatisfied with results of the first State for the Coonies the University should pass an orcensus in 1927, regarded as an ex might be requested to become dinanec declaratory of its purpose, periment, the Turkish government is the first Chancellor. The Gov and at the same time providing for preparing another and more definite ernor of the colony which migat be its quota of the expenses.
COLON census in 1930. By next June all the seat of the University should be The expense of the University Turks must find family names inex Officio the Vice Chancellor. Each would be about 5, 000 per annumstead of the single patronymic MahGovernor or Lieut. Governor of Jan amount which, when distributed moud or Ali, after their father or West Indian colony should be ex of over a number of colonies, would fall grandfather.
11. 1154 11th STREET Taking single names ficio a fellow, and member of the lightly upon each.
from the Prophet of the caliphs or, University. Two of the leading per The University should possess an Corner Building Opposite CHASE NATIONAL BANK for women from the Prophet wife sonages of each colony one a Ca examining function solely. The exAyesha is common today These retholie and the other a Protestantaminations for matriculation and de ligious names hereafter will become Where our customers will receive the usual (whenever practicable. should also grees should be carried on simulfirst names, but family names must nominated to fellowship and plac taneously throughout several coi now be adopted, and following the ed on the Senate. The colony which onies, and be conducted by means o courtesies mediaeval European tradition, when might be dtermined upon for the printed papers prepared by the Uninames reflected trades, handicrafts seat of the University should fur versity examiners, to whom the anA Fine Selection Of Toilet Articles and professions, a large crop of nish eight fellows four Catholica swers of the candidates should be Smiths, Bakers, Butchers, Carpenand four Protestante. The fellows subsequently returned for revision.
ters, Fishers and Farmers is expect should in all cases be nominated The Senate should meet at stated ed in Turkish telephone directories four Catholics and four Protestants. times to confer degrees, or to au after the 1930 census.
The fellows should in all cases be thorize the conferring of them LOOK FOR THE SIGN nominated, and vacancies all filled deputy councils in the different colaf you have a Prescription to onies.
up, by the Crown.
be made up take it to the The staff of the University should When a colony becomes connected National Pharmacy, Santa Ana consist of. Secretary and a body with the University, the first step Plaza, where you will get cour.
should be to establish a local deputy Examiners.
teous and obliging service.
The Crown colonies should be par council.


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