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PRICE CENTS Of Colonial Societies Local Weekly Taken to Task Classical and Musi Centrala Boareti of New Changes in United States By Correspondent Alien Laws BY PANAMA HOLDS ing amende INTERESTING JOTTINGS be RENDERED MEETING IN CONWESLEYAN CHOIR ON NECTION WITH CUNFERENCE EASTER DAY For Unprovoked Attack on Visitors Who May Overstay Time Special Meeting of the Central Employees Association.
Limit will be Deported Board of the Colonial Societies, was In keeping with the Easter Sea held at the St. Paul School Room, the Choir The following is a carbon copy of priate disguise for constitutional in son, of the Panama St, Panama City, on Saturday The following new provisions xcluded class mentioned in par a letter addressed to the Editor of sincerity of its editor proprietor. Wesleyan Church rendered an un. March 30th; when matters in con u the United States Immigragraph the Panama Tribune which has been But for all this believe you mean usually good inusicai program a nection with the proposed West tion Laws were approved by Paragraph Unless the Sec 20 on Sunday last to an exdian Conterence forwarded to us for publication:well.
was further die Act of Congress on March 4, and etary of Labour has consented Editor, the Panama Tribune, am far removed from the spineptionally large audience.
became effective immediately. o their reapplying for admisMr. Martin Dear Sir: Rodney, his sister less whose knees tremble and eyeMr. Joseph Innocent, of the St. Paragraph Aliens are man ion, persons excluded from ad After admitting resurrection of lids tumble downward indicating borus and Mr. Garfield Murray ren Lucian Society, Colon, was appoint datorily excluded from admision nission at ports of entry and deDe Panama Canal West Indian Em weakness or inability to tell the leaguered valuable con ributions to the led the Representative of the Centra, to the United States, who, in sorted are excluded for one year ployees Assuciation in the caption er or any other officer of the rogram, also the Mesdames Olga Board for the Atlantie end, to get pursuance of law have been arrom date of deportation.
of your editorial of Sunday last, you of their faults as see and Doris Reece, Messrs together the various Societies oper. rested and deported, whether Paragraph mit is a felony monstrous them. have done that before, an uavis and Harris were heard ating there, preparatory to the call deportation took place prior to unishable by imprisonment to went off and wrote a vollection of injustices to that de will do it again if it becomes neces. jadvantage in new vocal number. ing of he said West Indian Conter or following the enactment of lot more than two years or by The Choir excelled itself in the ence.
the act. It is immaterial as to the tine of not more tuan w or finite admission. The day being sary; and not only with the present shall be the many anthems which were prepared As the Conference is the Easter you probably had intended leaders my attitudo most grounds upon which the alien my both the auu imprisonment, Lor the occasion, and a word of comto write on deported. For example, the cuse of the eutry or at Christ resurrection same towards any subsequent ones.
popular question at present among was mendation is in Your article Force of Numbers worked to make this effort a sue they will Rally to the call.
order for all who West Indians, it is earnestly hopeu alien temporary from the dead. The editorial is unvisitors now empleu enuy mto we wted fortunate because it is destructive written when you were on the staf cese.
are permanently barred from the sales of aucus exc. uueu uuuer United States eriticism of a situation which now of the Panama American, pointing who have over asayiapu er we expiration The concert was promoted in ormerits constructive help from each out the favorable impression possibauer to raise funus to assist ETUDE CLUB TO MEET played their visits and have been suly ways ab. er tue enactwith and every well thinking colored in trom representation supporved by me building Insurance was exoruered deported.
CML of lac act.
There will be a special meeting o.
dividual here. Might be a wrong had numerical force was, in my opinion, mained by the Supt. Rev. the Etude Club tonight, at 30 Paragrapa Irrespective of ne Suurce trom waren tue ex Faragraph It is hereafter tot been intended; never heless, quite in order perfectly logical.
wade who presided as Chairman for in the regular meeting place when penses of Duue wisucameanor tne Puushtransportation one has been committed. You should had and still has my support. Bude function.
not members are asked to turn out any vere detrayed or the place arom Die by imprisonment for now do the honorab. e thing muster ou will admit that that was not the The evening was greatly enjoyeu take part in the transaction of the wmen ne departed, any auen or nore tuan one year or by a fine courage and prove your sincerity to limit of constructive argument in wy all present.
Jusiness of the evening.
the cause of the employees by mak the premise. To do full justice to aered deported (waecaer betore not more than 1, dollars, or after the enactment of the or by both tune and imprisonthe subject that decision must be Act) who has left the Uniteu dient, in the case of illegal entry Now, Mr. Editor, for a little sober, amplified to include that force of plates shall be considered to eutry Oulamaule by wirtuliy, dispassionate discussion of the sun numbers is not necessarily symbolhave been deported in pursuance wise or misicaumg statement, or ject: Your editorial did not reveal a cal of strength that intelligence is (By ELIJAH HUNTER)
ut law. Auens wuo have been or Me Wului concament of a maruiniciency of preparacion for the 4s example: Look back into history Crreu ueported purpose of an intelligent, disinterestFriends and Countrymen: do no don you wish that you were that and have been erial tact.
the ignoble defeat of the Spanisi.
handful of dwarfeu snow if can make these jottings animal you are wil off as you are meu ut deportation, are taus we act reating to exclusion are permitieu to depart voluutarily raragraph Provisions of ed discussion or cri. icism of the As armada by a sociation. If, however, it is a fact British ships. Review briefly thinteresting this week. You know, At one of these beautiful moments, Lrougat witnu tue manuatoru) once eltecuve.
that your attitude towards the move numerous anologies and then come his job of being interesting is ex the captain suddenly appeared and ten is genuinely reflected in the o one of a few years old at our own remely difficult in our village. This caw the kussing. See here, spirit of the editorial, you are either ront door: the Silver Employees a cosmopolitan area, and one is shouted, you are not hired to do not yet able to handle this big ques Azeociation force of numbers led ortunate indeed if he succeeds to that kind of a work. Thaus all tion or you are bold enemy of the intelligence gaining more money make anything interesting for long right. said the animal, am doing (By a. Canal and railroad employees who und better working conditions for Lrying to interpst or to be interest for nothing don mind working it is not keeping in line with ahama: We were ever confident form the spinal column from which he silver force in general. Follow ng here seems to be just like a jour cvertime.
u of jourusis, feu reduAt the traie cops would never cet flows the basic support of the his force of numbers in its detourney through a forest infested someSome chance to take in bluff! Isn it? and this, wat contemporary WULA Tribune; and, further, the Tribune ato the infamous Brotherhood of what with a great variety of ani unakes me remember the lines of an he same sheet whenever be mirenu, wmam Jump the Aparat, published sun lit policy to give the luintenance of Ways Employees anals, some wild, ferocious and dan other bluffer: us fuurd. u the wriver of inter lor speeding. We were always acar.
people light and they shall find nd there watch this force wreck it gerous, others docile, peaceful, and Bluff little, bluft a little, Latig Jotungs. which you some this luy would one day get him their way would only be an appro(Continued on Page 8) tolerant. In our local forest, some of As you go your way; these wild animals can very proper Le sue pupushed in Jux aposition of Dickmg trattic, Iur Wam has be named, fricklenens incon Bluffing may not always help you ch thus Cassic column, hau been a repucation for throttling down to Bunuing out stutt for another shey. Suve aud nine ventas muies an hour Many times, it may.
HERE AND THERE sancy. capriciousness. Wavery he wound have long ago Jeast thu thin cry buits and atter leaving, Herraticism variableness. Now, how mediocre bow, then catca wy, the vicinity of Kennelworth on could any of you attempt to tell We are still under the heading. By JUNIUS)
jauruaustic lauwe road leuung to ranama or me that these are not animals, animals. This surely must be au should like someone to tell me long story short, we left him there Je he is on his way to recuperando. s, laut boy would open up will cuss you, and cuss you loudly inlere ting heading, there is so oppe bm head over heel mo awout when eis an bour!
what this fellow was thinking about, rying to find his 10 dollar under for not knowing animals, and then, wuch variety in it. Two old fellowafter have told about him. There ne or two match sticks that were te prideless enough to make public were discussing as to what period audience. Ha, hu; sue nel result of the dras. ic enthe law up to were six or seven of us at the col ying about. By this time his smile confession that your storehouse is of the moon was most productive that would be a great display, lament ored employees window at the Pay ad left him completely, and he was ceficient. will call you goat head, for the planting of yams. One said would have made it hot for hun. As been a blessing; if not for telOffice at Balboa Heights on the weating a good deal and wearing a ww week here is not for the fac. uws like bivah the Prophet of and things like that. Then you wil. the new moon, the o. her said rin that was morning of the 2nd instant to get something between 1ull moon. The first admitted say this is one of our oul week Gou Coas, where they have but rying and laughing. On our way to not like it, nor will you like me; but uw automobiles among the antedeald we have not had a chance to see 6, two heads are be. cer than one.
the regular little pay. This pathe main entrance of the building should worry about that. fee. ticular chap was at the head of the copy of the Pathfinder. that van hor. drawn buggies, for the we saw a bright yellow backed 10 just like uncle Sammy, and say To be sure. said the other, thi edestrians who must uminous wwek. y which the La Boca line. There was a high wind blow dollar bill jumping in front of the like him, who like me can buy other day it was tomar. nd season is th. thenaeum gets direct from Wash apital city for business or pleasure.
ing. Just as his money was pushed vind, going in the direction of Quar me, and who don like me can sell my house. My wife searched out to him, the wind blew away two y Heights, and it was run down. So, there you are.
salt cask and found two goat heads. ers to read and pay for reading ngton, and compels its mem Even the Gold Coast folk will find con for business or pleasure. Even tho 10 dollar bills up into the near nd picked up by one of our numShe cooked one in soup the first day, the writer of those jottings got Gold Coast folk will find it concorner of the porch. There were der. We could not identify this bill couple of dollar bills and few the runaway bill from the queer What do you think of this one. Cap. cond day. So, if you We are talking about animals, and rice and peas with the other th.
ornered; nay, the fellow got em venient when they come our way on mean goat arrased when we reminded him special trans they will not now be cents in silver left on the ledge. ellow, but we decided to make him tain and Crew were sailing a ship hend, agree, but if you mean yours, ublicly of his unfortunate position compelled to use automobiles for These our strange friend concerned don present of it; so Teachers Reed across the waters from Italy. The himself with collecting, at the same nd Lewis of La Boca School (fo: Kaptain had a nice daughter on living in a Spanish country for fear of crossing the streets there by Between you and me, friends and time just glancing with a pleasanthey were the sprinters who had run board. Among the crew there was counirymen, too am sincere in my eing able to intelligently explain, visit to this end.
more than a score of years without getting busted in pocket afer every smile in the general direction of his down) went back to present it. one animal, and he was a sailor, jreference for the goat head, ben Spanish, to the Alcalde of Colon flying bills he was apparently sure Now, can anyone tell me what This animal became infatuated with ause can use them. have used hould at any time he be picked up MAGNOLIA CLUB TO HOLD about them. But when he went to his bird was thinking about when the beauty of this Italian girl. taem. have used them before, and or a Vagabundo while on a litMEETING the corner he could find only one was so indifferent to his money. don blame him altogether, some latieve me, they are infinitely su tle innocent walk in parts conticuMembers of the Magnolia Dancing He picked it up, and walked con it were on the day before (April nimals are not strong) 60, he wrior in all respec to some other us to the city restricted areas an Club are hereby reminded of a spefidently to the other side of the of st) would not have asked. And worked his way into getting a couple Heads have had the misfortune to odged in the calaboose.
five (outside of course) to get the ot he may have been mistaking the of kisses now and then when the encounter.
cial meeting to take place on MonSpeaking about the drastic en evening 8th inst, when business sther; but it was not there. To make (Continued on Page 3) Japtain was out of sight. Now. Continued on Page 8) orcement of the traffie laws of (Continued on Page 8)
SPARKLETS our muuuni uu WALA swt AG OLU 01 now th wat enter the


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