
THE WORKMAN CANAL ZONE ADMINISTRATION The Royal Bank of Canada Head Office: Montreal, Canada at CHANGES ATTITUDE Published on Saturday by WALROND, at the office No 72 TOWARDS WEST INDIAN WORKERS CARLOS MENDOZA Street No. 72, Panama, INCORPORATED 1869 Box 74, Panama Box 1102, Ancon By ELIJAH HUNTER)
We do not undertake to return rejected correspondence. have read with a great deal of interest last Saturday leader in The Liberty of the Press is the Palladium of our rights JUNIUS the Workman newspaper. The arguPANAMA COLON ment about truth was convincingTHE WORKMAN SATURDAY, APRIL 6, 1929.
ly placed and one feels particularly Santa Ana Plaza Corner 11th and Bolivar Streets pleased to be able to read such writings from the pen of a West Indian PESTS AND PARASITES In a West Indian newspaper. say Total Assets in Excess of 925. 000. 000. 00 this because of my great interest in Literature, and because it is the This column is dedicated to the consideration of truth. Leaders like these upon worthwhile questions in the interests of the workers, such topics cannot fail to be of and aims at uiscussing them in such a manner as to genuine value to an intelligent combring some bene. it to its readers. Our subject today With 900 Branches throughout the world, including munity, and feel a sense of pride deals with some of the unpleasant things of life, and aims at focussing attention upon some of the enemies the following in the British West Indies etc. this Bank in saying that our community is far 1rom lacking in this intelligence.
of social well being. We do not suppose there will be is in a position to render the best possible service. have at this time a particular any want oi agreement as to the fitness of such discusfeeling of both pride and satisfacsion occasionally.
Antigua Dominica Montserrat tion at what worker the Canal in the vermis pests and parasites we are likely to have been able to do through their encounter a formuable array of enemies. The terms Bahamas Grenada St. Kitts organizations. Despite the misforare familiar especially to those engaged in husbandry, Barbados Jamaica (2)
St. Lucia tune of indifference, and the lack of but in order to lay a good foundation for the benefit of Trinidad (2)
correct attitude towards the thing all in ascussing the subject, we may quote the definiBritish Honduras Martinique that is essential to success and haptions of each term as given by one of the leading dicGuadaloupe (2)
British Guiana (2)
piness, the Panama Canal West Intionaries: PEST: latai epidemic disease; one who, or dian Employees Association have that which, is troublesome, noxious, mischievous, or steadily forged onward, and by perdestructive: a nuisance. Such things as beetles, bugs, sistent and intelligent representalice, fleas, ines, mosquitoes, ticks etc. are pests. PARATHE HIGHEST CURRENT RATES OF INTEREST tion gained successive hearings SITE: Eating beside or at the table of another: one the seat of Government with very who eats at the table of another, repaying him with PAID ON DEPOSITS encouraging and permanent results.
flattery or bulioonery: a hanger on. in Biology The way of this organization, like plant or animal living in, on, or with some other living all other undertakings which have organism (called its host. at whose expense it obtains General Banking Business Transacted.
been of any practical value to huits food, shelter, or some other advantage. Such things manity, has been very hard. It has as fleas, lice, ticks, worms, are parasites. It will be observed that they are small things.
351 been made the target of periodical mischievous attacks by some who Our specific purpose here is to deal with these charconsidered themselves smart and acters in soociety, but in order that we may clearly guage the seriousness of their operations in society at 5:38 HASADISKSKS MHclecer, but who in fact were obse.
will be well for us to look briefly at their operations in quious persons, and persons over come with desire to perpetuate the plant and animal life. Many careers have been ruined, invincible hardness of heart of the and many a man has given up farming, because of these populace in regard to organization.
things. Ticks invade the tender parts of the bodies of animais; poison the blood while sucking; the vitalThese have been tormented with the dream that it was their duty to plot ity and reduce the value of their host; and very often and scheme to blot out and destroy kill it. Ants can destroy acres of plants in one night. In every vestige of inclination towards such ways considerable wealth is sometimes wiped out acceptance of the axiom. Organand made a total loss to the owner and to society. Some ization is the soul of Industry.
pests are not quite so dangerous, although some varieties of them may be. Take the common house fly, They have made it their business for instance. Watch him buzzing around and up to the to go out of their way to disrupt, ear of a draftsman, or painter, or some one engaged in confuse and mislead the people into some technical kind of work requiring skill, concentrathoughts and acts foreign to the tion of mind, and steadiness of nerve and muscle; watch question upon which they are al it fly around the room and every little while back to ready dubious.
the man at nis work. And then, perhaps, losing patiBut while these were, and are still ence at this annoyance, the worker lashes out at this 30 engaged, the Panama Canal West intruder with something, but misses his mark and inIndian Employees Association sheltjures his work. Then there is another pest that has the ered itself under the canopy of reahabit of making people appear funny. The bed bug is son, integrity, and perseverance, such. It is a mark of uncleanness, but it does not conand kept before their minds the fine itself to filthy persons: it is always conspicuous in thought which found expression in good company the words of Franklin Roosevelt Now, it should not be difficult to gauge the operathat. NO GREATER TRAGEDY tions of the social pests and parasites. They are in a EXISTS IN MODERN CIVILIZAwide variety of characters. There are the meddlesome, TION THAN THE AGED, WORNbusybody, mischief makers real blood suckers. This is OUT WORKER, WHO AFTER the sort that is always Johnnie on the spot to pass upon LIFE OF CEASELESS EFFORT the merits of other efforts: the sort that knows how AND USEFUL PRODUCTIVITY everything is to be done, and uses a magaphone to tell MUST LOOK FORWARD FOR HIS it, but never does anything worthwhile itself, that DECLINING YEARS IN POOR counsels husband what to do with wife, and wife what HOUSE. So, they prepared and to do with husband, and father and mother what to do Presented briefs supported by arguwith the children, and the children what to do with ment, to the Government of the parents; that hates peace more than everything else, Canal Zone upon the question. And although it is always preaching peace. How many 72 Carlos Mendoza Street how comes this Government and families have been ruined by this sort, how many young Bays In view of the long and lives wrecked, how many friendships been broken! The and corner Javillo faithful service of these employees decent and dignified wife is allowing husband to put and the fact that they always have one over her; the husband that acts with due considerabeen in the past and still are, emtion for the welfare of his wife is hen pecked; the boy OPPOSITE GUARDIA LUMBER YARD ployed at the scale of wages that or girl that submits to the discipline of home is spending his or her young days in slavery, and missing the PANAMA CITY has militated against their providing for heir old age. etc. etc.
pleasures of the best part of lilfe. Society suffers very largely from this character.
9920539s eros e. In other words, the Government has completely changed its attitude And the parasites, the tricksters, flattering and towards this class of its West Indian deceiving the community, in order to get their bread.
NOW YOU ASK ONE workers, and incidentally towards They seem to be cursed by nature in that they cannot 14 82 is freezing point, what is all of them. They have plainly said maintain the existence of an independent organism, and they are always injurious to their host. It is time FRANK WILLIAMS aqueezing point? Two in the shade so. They have been moved to an What is that which Adam never honorable, equitable and humane that society begin to take drastic action against these characters. They have been getting scientific treatment BUILDER DESIGNER new, never possessed, and yet he sonsideration of the circumstances, gave to two of his children. Par and they have found the facts For in the other spheres of their operations. They can be 22 Straet, Guachapali, House No. 18 ents.
this, am moved to say, AMEN and improved: killing is the only cure. Spraying with and Furniture of Varied Quality and Up to date What is the smallest place per AMEN, for they have been ablution in some strong acids are among the cures with 80 son can move in His shoes.
moved through efforts of the Panplants and animals; maybe we can do the same for soDesigns ciety with a high percentage of a solution of honesty Why is the root of the tongue like ama Canal West Indian Employees PRICES DEFY COMPETITION dejected man. Because it down Association.
in the mouth Port of Spain Gezel (Continued on page 5)
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