
PAGE FIVE Canal Zone Notes West Indian News (Continued from Page 6)
NEURALGINA DIVIDED INTO COUNTIES WITH COMMISSIONERS LA BOCA Employees Hold Inter. Womens Club Outing esting Meeting Next Saturday Should be in every office to immediately soothe any neuralgic pain caused by excessive mental work, NEURALGINA Should be in every school to soothe bad headaches and reduce the fever of children.
The most interesting meeting of The members of the La Boca Wothe Panama Canal West Indian Em men Life Problem Club are arrangpoyees Association held here for ing for the Club Annual Outing some time was conducted in the which will take place at San FranClubhouse on Thursday night, the cisco, Panama, next Satuday after28th of last month. King, aoon, according to an announcement Corresponding Secretary of the Asraade by the Secretary, Miss Ethiy.
sociation presided as Chairman and the speakers were: Reid, ActThomas, early this week.
ing Treasurer of the Association, Alexander, District Chairman, the Government with regard to su Davis, District Secretary Trea perannuated employees of the Canal surer and President Whyte. and railroad was listened to with The program was interspersed with rapt attention. Every individual premusical items by the Misses and sent was satisfied with the proceedG. Jump and Miss Worrell. While ings. It is believed that one of such all the speakers were interesting in meetings every other month would pointing out the benefits to be gain. help in educating the people up to a ed by holding together in the organ point where they will appreciate the ization, Mr. Whyte gave forth a pa efforts which are being made by th thetic appeal for support of the Association to improve working and movement. circular which he read living conditions among West Ininforming of the latest decisions of dians.
NEURALGINA is complete Inoffensive and nourishes the heart, For sale both Wholesale and Retail GEORGETOWN, Wednes uay The Governor speaking at cort Wellington announced that urom January the colony has been vided into five count. es instead of hree as hitherto, viz, Berbice, East wemerara, West Demerara, South act Essequebo and the North West District, each of which will be placed wader a County Commissioner of acaith, education, etc. The Berbice wommissioner will reside in New amsterdam.
His Excellency conceded that conutions here are different from coni ions in Africa and consequently administration must be devised for the peculiar local needs. The county commissioners will not be rulers but aiders.
The Government planned to erect wind mills for distribution of the artesian well water supply, for distances of two miles on both sides of the well. County commissioners also have to study carefully the drainage system which would have to be made efficient and would work in comprehensive sections in villages er in strings of villages with con necting trenches under official conLrch.
In an address at Mahaicony, Eas!
Demerara, the Governor announced the intention to appoint Laing Low clerk of the Executive Council and Legislative Council, as commis sioner for that dis rict Yesterday Official Gazette nounced the appointment of the fol.
lowing as commissioners to com.
plete and maintain the sewerage scheme and water works under the Georgetown Improvements Ordinance passed recently by the Legis.
lative Council: The Hons.
Wight. Mayor) Chairman; Crane, Mayor; Ctaig, Director of Public Works; Austin and Messrs Seedolf, Craig and Walker AT THE ATLANTIC SIDE AMERICAN PHARMACY Guianese Form Association At Colon Death Of Fred Vickers JAVIER MORAN, Proprietor Panama.
The above Society which was or After a period of eleven months ganised a few weeks ago among na jillness, Fred Vickers, who was tives of British Guiana at Colon is wellknown on this sides of the Isthanother addition to the many other mus, breathed his last at his reColonial Societies here on the Isth idence 24th street Guachapali at mus. The last meeting held at the :30 on Monday Jast.
nors, and especially His Britanic Majesty Consul of Colon, the ManResidence of Mr. Rollocks No.
The deceased was attended by Dr. gers of the Royal Bank of Canada, 0056 Bolivar Street gave evidence of Strunz who did every thing possible De National City Bank of New promising future for this newly. to save his life, but all such efforts formed organization which is now proved futile. He was an employee cork, The Chase National Bank, Mr.
known as the British Guianese Asso of the Panama Railroad and was Cambridge and Dr. Ford.
member of the St. James Lodge The staff also hopes that the time The aims ond objects of the Soko GS. and of Colon. not far distant, when, instead of ciety are similar to those of other The body was taken over to Coiu saving Schools Sports. they will Colonial Societies with few other on the noon train to the St. Jame ave Interschools Sports.
considerations, and the spirit mani Lodge room, whence it was conveyeu fested by members forming the or to the Mount Hope Cemetery for inganizaion augurs well for its future tarment on Tuesday evening attendsuccess.
ed by Kindred Societies.
As coming events cast their shadows before them, their last meeting great events which are to follow thi.
was apparently a shadow of the new Society.
SMOKE LUCKY STRIKE SEE MR. NASH JAVILLO FILL NO. PABLO AROSEMENA AVENUE FOR FULL PARTICULARS ST. LUCIAN SOCIAL CLUB BALL IDOZAN Canal Zone Admin. British Honduras And istration The Conference The mbers of the St. Lucian Social Club will hold a grand ball this evening at No. 14 Chapters Hall Guachapali. first class Orchestra will be in Attendance, and a good time is in store for all who make it convenient to attend.
In the House of Commons on February 4, Mr. Amery replying to This act of the Government has put upon the tongues of West Indian Viscount Sandon said that the Gov.
Canal workers song of praise foi ernor of British Honduras had inthe reason why the present Administration, and inte formed him that their hearts a feeling of thankful that colony was not represented at ness it has written volumes int. the West Indies Conference in BarCivilization history which will go bados was because of the serious down to posterity. It says to the difficulty which persisted in finding wornout, feeble, and aged West In money for essential domestic serdian worker, we will not continue to vices, and the probability that the prepare a cross for you in your de subjecter for discussion at the West elining days after you have cleared Indies Conference would have only relatively minor material bearing our woodlands and drained our on local problems.
swamps. We will not give you to In reply to further question Mr.
drink of the vinegar of mental torAmery said that he did not consider ture and physical pain from pover.
that the question was of such im ty and want after you have given us to drink of the wine of your sub portance that the difficulties should have been overcome at any cost. He slance and vitality. Neither will we considered that the Colony itself prick your side with the spear of was the best judge. West India prejudice and official obdurateness Committee Circular.
have dug the channel through which the waters of Pacific for adequate raising of the standard and Atlantic have rushed into each of living of the silver employees.
other with loving embrace, and Let it be observed that mischievefrom now on, we will not put upon ous prattle and treacherous propayour wrinkled, aged brows the ganda have never been known to dethorny crown of mental perplexity, feat honest purpose, sober reasoning, for you have crowned us with the and intelligent application. am sceptre of Shipping Monopoly and pleased to affirm that these constiCommerce Command at this the tute the guiding principles of the cruss roads of the world, by your Panama Canal West Indian Em. life long devotion and unswerving ployees Association, and the Assoloyalty to the service of our Govern ciation achievements stand boldly ment. With such a change of atti out in proof thereof.
tudo it is reasonable to suppose TRUTH must have the victory that the Government are planning in Time and in Eternity!
OZAN contains iron Does not constipate Does not damage the teeth after you For Sale at Leading Druggists friend said to me the other day. have an old black automobile. bought it in 1927. When get out on the road in it feel like a crow anong a lot of bright colored birds.
Do you think an automobile company could sell me a black automobile today? They could not!
Right there is one reason that slor alarm clocks are going over 50 sig. The world has moved. People Want, demand and get color.
If you need a really dependable alarm clock try one of ours, they re 1oW, different, superior.
Ask your Loctor to give his opinion on IDOZAN. We are sure he will recommend it. ESCOFFERY AGENT FULLER 122 Central Ave.


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