
NEWS FROM THE WEST INDIAN ISLANDS TRINIDAD JAMAICA BARBADOS wad of مان بأن اله دادا WAS to the WAS comer our West Indies Racing wo Dwelling Motor Traffic Preparing for International Fool Canvassing PasAssociation Destroyed The New Ships Additional Safeguards Against Ball sengers Accidents Serious Lack of Water TO REBUILD SPANISH The Weekly Guardian says: Barbados vs. Trinidad Chauffeur Pined At this period when co ordination special Committee of the City TOWN KING HOUSE When party of tourists from the fire which broke out at about Municipality which is considering The Barbados Advocate of March Duchess of Bedford came in trade and many branches of sport The Jamaica Mail states that says that the Barbados Amateur usbore on the 20th ultimo, they veing actually carried out, it is three o clock on Thursday afternoon the question of poviding additiona has been made by Football Association has accepted a were asked by Donald Clarke, that no headway has been one of the thickly populated areas safeguards against accidents through practical move e out this directions to Lara. Terus Barataria Village at San Juan, motor traffic in the city met last. be Committee which was appointed challenge from Trinidad for visit chauffeur, of Nurse Land, if they on the Eastern Main Road, threaten week at the Town Hall. The Inspec. short time ago through the instruA West Indies is concerned.
of a football team from the colony, needed a car. reply in the negative ed to make a clean sweep of the cor General of Constabulary and mentality of Lady Swettenham, isang Association formed the proposed visit. This news will scene who promptly enquired cut three years ago and one of its cuildings of the vicinity, and but for Haynes, Secretary of the Trin. wife of a former Governor of Ja und arrangements are under way for brought Marshall pn the the valiant efforts of the San Juan idad Automobile Association, were maica) to make an effort to rebuild secure uni. Police Assisted by Constables from procent.
the Old King House at Spanish subtleg be heartily received by Clarke his name and address.
On being charged yesterday bein racing practice in James Barracks and Besson The Committee discussed and reTown, which was destroyed by fire local enthusiasts, and the dream of intercolonial football now bids fairfore Mr. Seon, Police Magis. cd and British Guians and street Station and civilians, might commended the marking of certain a few years ago. a working scheme which have worked havoe in the neighbour treets with At a mecating held at Spanish to become a reality. On receipt rate of Distict with plying for broad lines of white. wwviate the clashing of racing hood.
Town a short time ago, to deal with the reply from the local Association fares with motor cur, Clarke wa aint warning motorists to so slow his matter, an Old King House accepting the challenge the Trinidad convicted and fined and coste wres, feature which is obviousThe fire fighters were severely on approaching dangerous corner camental Restoration Committee Association elected a team to visit in days with the alternative of to the interests of apVuual racing clubs. On Easte aandicapped by the absence of a waund to keep to the lett.
pointed to draft programme that this colony, and news has been re eye imprisonment. He gave notice ter supply. The water system proL. Lurday and the following Monday, vided by the Aranjuez Estate, the placed at the approaches to the rangements to obtain the necessary ail under the management of Mr.
For the present, marks will be would be followed in making ar ceived stating that this team will appeal.
the Union Park meeting will be held owners of the land comprising the of Park and Richmond and this fixture clashes with mest village, had been unfortunately out Streets; the approaches to Dun. MePhail, Cuntos for St. Catherine ter playing series of matehen, will number of entrants and the kend and for the purpose. The Hon. Seorge Radix on April 18th, and preparation for the handling of pasog to be held at Bel Air Park and off earlier in the afternoon. The sam at Grenade. It is not publiely known Juan River, which pases within donald Street and Queen Park appointed Chairman of the return to Trinidad on April 26th.
ness of the racing at some of West; and the approaches to Rich Committee, Lady Swettenham being We have to thank Mr. Poster meeings. It will serve to eliminate what colony be responsible for the brandred yards of the fire was prae mond Street and Marine Square patron, while other members in for the following list of the players: unpleasantnow such was caused non functioning of the West Indies tically dry and but for a small pond lude wellknown and influential Achong (Capt. St. Mary by the Bolide III incident, and, with Racing Association, but it must be and an old well which has been for persons in Jamaica. The Committee College; Brown (Vice Capt. the reputation which the Club righ:concluded that it has signally failed many years unused, the policemen Rev. Canon Doorly, Rector of St in its attempt to regulate racing in and civilians would have been powerful s, San Fernando, have sent in the method or methods that should has been giving serious thought to Shamrock; Mathieu (Shamrock. ly holds for cleanness and fairplay, Arrindell (Sporting Club. Lould do much towards reviving these parts less to save a single board of the heir resignation to the Bishop, as be employed in making an effort to Govia (Sporting Club. Agar the drooping interest in local race many buildings all or most of them hey feel they cannot do justice to raise the necessary amount, and it (Sporting Club. McCracken meetings. More and better horses being built of highly inflammabl heir work on account of age.
has been decided that the ball shoule Sporting Club. David (Sporting annot but result in larger and BOY SCOUTS INTERNATION. wood, close together along the It will be remembered that Canon De set a rolling by the public being Club. Halfhide (Sporting Club. brighter meeting and the Club Southern side of the Eastern Main AL JAMBOREE Dooriy who is uncle to our Admasked to subscribe to fund to be. Achong (Maple. Achong may rest assured that they have Road where it runs through Barataria. The policemen and civilians, at Government House last year.
strator, spent a few weeks with him sumed the Old King House Re (Maple. Waterman. Maple. taken a wise step.
The Boy Scout Movement comes of storation Fund.
and another to be selected later It was also decided yesterday to who worked strenuously, had to use age this year and in order that some It has been suggested that percessary, while the existence of the old the next race meeting on the of the boyı attached to troops hero calabashes, large sausage tins and The Trinidad Guardian states that ons abroad to take an interest inrile was not without effect upon the oth and 11th July next.
nay so to England in August and mall buckets to carry the water Lev. Boodle, of Grace Church, Jamaica, a well as others who join with Seouts from all pate of from the river and the well to the been appointed buildings adjoining those which the successor to might become interested, should be the world to celebrate the event, a anon Doorly who has resign asked to support the movement In THE BARBADOS TURF fire destroyed, to save them. Early from the Rectorship of St Paul his connection well known gentle WORRELL special Committee has been appointin the fight the river gave upite CLUB ed to collect funds in the South. The THE TAILOR Church, San Fernando, as from lat man has consented to visit the Momembers of that Committee are Mr. last drop and apart from the old April.
well supplies had to be got from re her Country and probably the Price Limit on Imported Corner 16th. Street Torrance, Hon. Kelthall sidents around who willingly gave up Dominion of Canada and the United Thoroughbreds Removed West Colonel Hickling, Capt. Good their last goblet to the firefighters, States of America, some time this Panama, win, Major Simpson, Mr. Van Jond thus helped to confine the out Small year with a view to convincing in Meeting Fixed For July and 11 weburgh and Hon Timothy Roodal. break to two buildings, saving many terested parties of the traditional are glad to be able to an Rent Receipt Books in Spanish DENTIST andmark that the Old King Housebounce that at a meeting yesterday and English for sale This is the second Occasion or others and more valuable ones in the at the represented and the fervent desire of the Barbados Turf Club, it was Workman Printery.
which Trinidad Scouts an going to hear vicinity.
MASONIC TEMPLE of Jamaicans a whole to have a decided to eliminate the rule debarEngland. It is of far more historie building erected on the same spot ring from participation at race meetmportance than the former one beOffice Hours: 8, and to 12 pm that will serve to perpetuate the inings promoted by the Club, importause it is to mark the twenty first Says the Port of Spain Gazette:. 30 pm to 30 pm Joseph Mason terest in the former sructure.
ed thoroughbreds which cost, at the birthday of scouting. Boys the world It is mentioned in the current Mattress few days ago a survey of he site place of shipment, price in excess Humlahed Ver are planning to be in England number of the Trinidad Diocesan Sundays, by Special Appointmen was made by representatives of the of 250 guineat. This is a wise deciRaped or the Jamboree in August, and, Magazine, that two of the oldest and Masonic Templo Ilth St, Kingston Industrial Works who will ion, insasmuch as the Classification with a view to assisting local Scoute most respected clergymen of the Prepare an estimate for the building practice renders such a rule unne Good Service Guaranteed to be among them, this appeal for Anglican diocese in the persons of O, Box 787. CRISTOBAL and submit same to the Committee.
funds is being made. Subscription Rev. Canon Melville, Recto Considering how laudable is the 31st Street Gunchapad PHONE: OFFICE 1664 lista to this end are in circulation. St. Margaret s, Belmont, and At Port Antonio some alterations idea the Committee has in mind, it are in course of being made in preHome No 10 is certain that every loyal and broad peration for the operation of the minded Jamaican and other persons now services.
interested in the welatare of the At Montego Bay Mossrs Fletcher colony, will support the fund in the and Co. have recently extended BERNARD ANDERSON best way they can their premises. Alterations and exGramaphone Repairer tensions are also being made Oracabessa.
HOUSE 980 LA BOCA, Extensive Alterations and ImAt Grace Wharf CALAL ZONE provements Being Made At Graces wharf extensive imEfficient Workmanship Guranted At Various Ports provements are being carried out in The Gleaner states that extensivo alterations and improvements are ing fund to rely on in days to come. Savings being carried out in various ports of the island is prospect of the NOTICE Account in this Bank works for you. Interest at operations of the new Direct Line per annum is paid twice a year and added Rad the Canadian Treaty ships.
Gray (late of the Atlantic Fruit SMOKE LUCKY STRIKE Co. is making preparations for the SEE MR. NASH JAVILLO FIIL NO. PABLO AROSEMENA handling of producers contractors fruit delivered at Manchioneal, and AVENUE FOR PULL PARTICULARS also for open market fruit. Extensions are being made to the present KOKKOKKOKKOKK wharf shed, while the wharf is being repaired and extended to enablo him to load borte.
Pt. Morant and Pt. Antonio fully served its West Indian friends on the At Port Morant improvements are being made to the whart sheds to PHYSICIAN facilitate handling of large quanlities of fruit. The whart itaele is HAS REMOVED HIS OFFICE TO being repaired and put in condition to facilitate loading of lighters to No. K STREET PANAMA COLON earty trait to tamen hored in PANAMA CITY the harbe.
START ON THE ROAD TO INDEPENDENCE at The sensible man saves consistently. Though his deposits may be small, his is the satisfaction of knowing that he has a constantly growto the money you already have on deposit, Start saving now. Open an account with this Bank which, together with its predecessor, The International Banking Corporation, has faithDr. Fairweather Isthmus for a quarter of a century.


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