
PAGE SEVEN STUDEBAKER SEE THE Studebaker VNENIE LO Lucky Strike Display at the au FREDRICKS GARAGE Colon BEVERHOUDTS Colon LUCKY STRIKE FORD AGENCIES Panama City ALBERT LINDO Panama City IT TOASTED NEW RACE Black, White and Brown in The West Indies Wiring, Supplies and Repairs WELL WELL, WELL Will Of The Late Lord Tennyson The village minister was calling Wire for us We ll Wire for You upon old Mrs. Wylie. hope you LONDON, Feb. 19. Lord TennyE. NIMBLEY Co.
read the Bible everyday he remarked gravely. Oh, yes, she respond December last, aged 76, left 146, son, the son of the poet, who died on Electricians and Dealers ad eagerly, ll just show you the 238 4s. 4d.
with net personality chapter read today.
2128, 698 8s. 6d. He gives: She produced the book, and openThe beautiful portrait of his Telephone 1059 ed the pages. Between them lay aliather by Samuel Lawrence to the Box 747 Ancon pair of spectacles. Well, declare. National Gallery.
No Street Panama she cried. There are my spectacles The diary of his mother, condensthat have been lost for the last forted by her on foolscap paper, to his night!
nephew, Chales Bruce Locker Tennyson, desiring that it should not be published.
Lord Nelson letter tó Admiral Sir Courtenay Boyle, just before the Battle of Trafalgar, to his grandson, Harold Christopher Tennyson, on attaining 21 years of age.
The MSS. of his father Queen Mary. Harold. and Becket upon.
trugt for his nephew, Alfred Browning Stanley Tennyson, for life, and toen for his eldest son.
The MSS. of published and unpublished poems of his father to his nephew, Charles Bruce Locker TenPyson, for life and then for his eldest Corner Building Opposite CHASE NATIONAL BANK FOR tated ho had already given Where our customers will receive the usual the MSS. of his father chief poems 10 Trinity College Library, Camcourtesies bridge, and he desired that these should be kept under glass in the library along with the other MSS.
of his father already given to them.
He left for the Farringford Estate and most of his personal property upon trust for his son Lionel for life, with remainder to his first and.
LOOK FOR THE SIGN other sons in tail male.
The British Pharmacy Among all white people the in various shades general, with littrinsic superiority of the white race tle of any prejudice to check it, is an article of faith. The more in and the result according to, Mr.
timately they are brought into con Beresford, is that the land are tact with coloured people, the more rapidly becoming brownman firmly they hold it, as generally country.
speaking they have every reason to Of the fullblooded West Indian do. Along with that belief goes an negro, the descendant of West Alother, that very blend of white and rican slaves, Mr. Beresford has a coloured races brings out the worse very low opinion indeed, regarding qualities of both, and none of the his future, in the presence of a Eugood of either, in the offspring. So ropean culture entirely alien and widespread a popular belief might unsuited to him. without hope.
be supposed to have its basis in long The West Indian black is no better experience, It is usually accepted than other negroen, and not as without question as true, and yet it good as some. Yet from the unwould be very difficult to reconcile promising toek is being evolved it with the ordinary biological laws new and far from hopeless race.
of heredity, The white population is already beA shock to those who regard this ing crowded out. The blacko, too, it as not only a truth but a necesis predicted, will disappear. There sary truth, is administered by Mr. will be only brown people, and George Beresford, who writes in these, says the writer, With their the Empire Review on Colour proved intelligence and vigour, wil.
In the British West Indies. In be free to develop their own West these islands saye, Mr. Beresford, Indian culture, and now day will there is no colour bar. Colgured have dawned for the West Indian men of African Indian and nese descent occupy all bu the very This teftimonial to the proved bighest posts under the Govern vigour and intelligence of a muce ment, and are found in the profes sprung from the blend of black and sions and among the landowner in white accordem with the popular increasing numbers. There is a preconceptions on the subject. But mixture of race between the Euit te evidence, and may portend that r»pean and African blood in form some of our dearest prejudices will to be found nowhere else in the have to be revised. Our ethomoloworld. The mass of the population gists and augonists at least ghould is of an infinito variety of shades not be satisfied until they have of colour ranging trom white to covered this remarkable now told black. Intermarriage between these for Inquiry COLON 11. 1154 11th STREET Chi islanda Fine Selection Of Toilet Articles BRITISH PHARMACY The present peer, who succeeds to the settled estates, is the wellknown cricketer now in Jamaica member of Mr. Cahn team.


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