p. 8


Here And There Local Weekly Taken Important Notice THE WORKMAN PRINTERY them.
Is Now Located in more spacious quarters at No. 72 Carlos Mendoza Street DO (Continued from Page (Continued from Page The rear of that compact are dara, and was trying practica: dogging goblins haunting joke on himself, he might have bunureds of our colored been unsuccessful in getting one ca caployees. Given time, intelligence somebody else. In the future Mr.
a. ways wins over force of numbers.
Whittaker should pay that bozom Pue combinacon, however, neces something heavier than paper.
sury for progres.
It is unfair to compare West LoSpeaking of the Pay Office and dian organized efforts with those of the money they hand out, rememour friends from the north Centuber the days of that well groomed rus bave rolled by since the water and dressy Paymaster Metcalfe Jeruerged from slavery and other meen away back in 1907 and them form of oppression; during the inwet days when they had just starturval between them and now they ed in to pay the colored employees bud bitter Lights among themselves in heavy money (Balboas. Well, he lake of which we have but Iuut was always a trouble for a fellow idea, but hope we wiu never expetoto around their equivalent in say rience struggles of such dimensions 50. 00 Cy. 30 they always before we learn to act toge ber for asked the paymaster for a little the common goud. It has been a utgold. Well, one day down at the e over ten years that lew of us pay shack at the Balboa Ship ways came into close contact with organof the Dredging Division, Metcalie ixoa labor. With the limited tune at had been getting a stretch of recur disposal, it is my opinion that questa for a little gold and was we have made appreciable progress.
just about getting red over it. Rome was not built in a day. and when friend John Letman of An high hills grow less as we ascend con Hospital arrived at the pay window. Now Mr. Lettman, be it known The belaborud house cleaning to those who do not know him, is a and change of policy on the part man with a pair of mustaches about for the E. have long even with his shoulders (as we been negative by the evolution of would say in student language, latus he need for a change of attitude on humorus. His presence cured the the part of the intelligent West Inpaymaster of the redness. for bedian employees of the Canal and Lore John could say a word, MetRailroad towards the Association calfe said, Here comes John LettYou are well positioned to condemn man, see his moustache sticking that long indifference and counsel through the window. and John got the desired change of attitude.
his little gold and the rest of the As to the proposed benevolent detellows coming behind him also got, partment of the Association: The without protest.
tact that there are existing numerous similar efforts constitutes Recently there is a nom de plume logical grounds for your determinatriplet in our local press that are tion to kill in embryo this well concausing us quite a little concern. sidered plan. Labor generates the call them a triplet because they Lecessary support for all benevolent seem to belong to the same family.
societies, Mr. Editor; for that part They are Laborer. Travais. and Labor furnishes the basic upkeep of Ouvrier. If am not mistaken uciety in general. Hence, in labor is they have reference to work. They the nectar of our existence. Bees come to me like the names given to will find the nectar of their existence certain race horses triplets know Jand flock there. Given a chance the of: Morning Glory. Riding Bloom BARBADOS SOCIETY OF mployees will find the base which and Sunflower. and Escape. CHURH SERVCES Interesting Jottings Runaway. and Elopement. Well OLON MAKES PRACTICAL protects their labor which is seeking PROGRESS higher valuation for it and they this our local triplet are a very int. Peter By The Sea, La Boca 30 Williams. Continued from Page will eventually flock to it and SUPteresting group. should like to see Holy Communion, am The Gatun 11 a. Williams. met a young man the other day, it is good news to repot the pro PORT it.
them keep up the good work of se Rector, Colon 11 a. Elder Burke.
whose hand held when he was an gress of the Barbadian Society You suggest a change of leaderrious and deep thinking. Who cau Matins, Holy Eucharist, sermon, 30 Elder Burke.
nfant at school so he could make colon as was noted a few days ago hip to correct the present paucity help sympathizing with Ouvrier 10. 45 a. The Rector.
he strokes. He had grown out of by one of our local Journalists Mr. membrship of the Associationcertain of our West Indian friends THE SALVATION ARMY Church School, p. The Recny recollection, and had to remind. Pilgrim Wilkins.
o convert the Association into a at funerals pulling off fighte? tor.
Saturday night Open Air. p.
ne who he was by citing the names The recent increase of the mem powerful labor organization distincis simply rotten and a disgrace to Sunday Knee Drill at a.
Choral Evensong and sermon, 30 his parents, and the school where pership necessitated the manage ſtive, commanding and all embracing.
the whole West Indian community Holiness Meeting, 11 a. The Rector, had taught him. He told me that ment to seek larger hall in which Those are flowery words an exIf more of the people with decent Monday Feast of the Annuncia Sunday School at p. he was about to get married, so that ineir meetings might be held they ression of opinion setting forth amupbringing and a due sense of decion Mary.
Salvation Meeting at p.
he could become happy. told him, were however exceedingly fortunate itious thought. Nevertheless, it can cency would denounce these things, Monday at p. Young Peoples son, as a matter of fact, a man(through the instrumentality of air.
Le done if you will do the right at Ouvrier has done, in the press, Holy Communion, mm. The Meeting.
doesn really know what happiness Hector Conner, President of the bd proper thing, by recommending and in clear and emphatic terms, it Open Air p.
is until he marries and then, when United Negroe Improvement Asseny suggestion of change of attiwould help considerably in checking MULCARE, Rector.
Tuesday, Band Practice at p. he is married, it is too late. do ciation) in securing the latters haluude on the part of the employees some of these uncivilizezd practices.
Soldiers Council at p. not know if he took this as rood or use.
owards he Association. That done, shall return to Laborer and there should not be long before a Wednesday Corps Cadet Class advice, but that it what gave it as. Bartholomew s, Las Cascadas Travais at another time.
This attitude of Mr. Conner was decision is arrived at as to who St. Simon s, Gamboa cooked upon by the members of the hall be given the lead to successHome League at 30 It is very Matins and address, 11 Lay Speaking of heads goat heads, Barbadian Society as being an exully carry on the important work.
pleasant to observe Thursday Holiness Meeting, 30.
that the West Indian community is ind other heads the following is ceedingly kind one which will tend Friday Songsters Practice at 30. old by boy; Thanking you for the space, Mr.
making up itt mind not to continue Church School and Confirmation to strengthen the relations beween NORBERG, Editor, My dad, my teacher, and metbe members of the two Societies.
to be fooled into the net of domestic Class, 2, 80 Lay Reader. remain, very respectfully, Adjutant. hree, the smartest of them is me. and also promote friendlier spirit MULCARE, antagonism. Whether o not we know KING how best to get together, we are Priest in Charge.
ne day last week, my teacher ex among them.
Balbon, April 6, 1929.
lained to me that a desert is a place evidently endeavoring to find a way.
The spacious Hall of the BOYS SCOUT TO MEET waere nothing will grow After he will easily meet the requirements TOE WALCOTT TO RETURN We are perhaps like an amateur Wesleyan Methodist Church chauffeur who xplained it all to me, he said, now of this growing organisation which knows British Conference very little TO PANAMA about There will be a special meeting of Willie, do you know what a desert is taking ita place among other Comechanics, having engine 1ST CUNDAY AFTER EASTER trouble on the road Panama 11 a. Rev. the Boys Scouts Local Association. Of course said I, a desert is conial Societies many miles Nows has reached the Isthmus place where nothing will grow.
from home and help. We are looking on Monday next 8th inst. at the reWade.
that Joe Walcott (one of the popand figuring what is wrong with our 30 Rev. Wade.
sidence of Scout Master Butcher, That correct. said my teacher, ular local fighters) left New York vehicle why it won go, and like KINGSTON La Boca 11 am, Mr. Wal No. 50 Colon Stree. An early at and now, give me an instance of one on the 4th inst. and will probably DIVISION of the world deserts. Oh, said I, the chauffeur, if some fool passer lers.
tendance is urged. Meeting begins at arrive in time to see the Will Manffe by, who knows nothing about auto hat easy, dad head is one. 30 sharp 30 Mr. Percy Hinds.
fight which is scheduled to take Here comes another kind of those Members of the Kingąton Division engines, should come along and be Paraiso 11 a. Mr. Martin.
of the A. and replace on the 14th inst.
gin to make unkind remarks about heads! have now given you deThe famous 30 Mr. Payne.
siding in Panama take this opportuJoe has made not getting the car off, no one Colon 11. Rev. Cou PANAMA BRANCH OF BAR. scription of two kind of heada, the good record in the United States, would be surprised to see a monkey sins.
BADOS SOCIETY TO MEET goat head, and the desert head Pernity of cordially inviting the public, and his return to the Isthmus is bewrench connecting with some part haps, you have commenced to ask to their meeting at the Private 30 Rev. Cousins ing looked forward to with much Academy 25th St. Calidonis on Garof his anatomy. That is how the special meeting of the Barbe yourself which kind have you. If you veys day, Sunday the 7th of April interest.
community is feeling now about the Christian Mission of Panama dos Society will take place on Tues find that you have either, don b 1929. It is felt that the day should tellows who are trickily working to CHAPTER 14 Panama 11 a. Jarvis day next 9th inst. at the Elks Hall ashamed to say so. You are no aione. Some of keep us apart, be fittingly obseved by all true Garwhat you read in Tomorrow being Garvey day, 30 MeCollin.
23rd street Guachapali. Many matveyites.
the press and elsewhere tell the stothere will be a special program in Chorrillo 11 a. Herbert. ters of vital importance will be disFirst of all, there will be re the hall, commencing at 30 MOGNOLIA CLUB 30 Taylor, cussed among which will be the byery, so, you must bear your afflicligious sevice, and after that, when many artists will make valuof vital importance will be transactjon cheerfully!
La Boca 11 a. Taylor. laws of the organization.
several well known speakers will ad able contributions to the evenings ed at the regular meeting place. 30 Herbert. large attendance of members Rent Receipt Books in Spanish dress the meeting.
The future well tare of the Asso Paraiso 11 Moseley. is requested. Meeting begins at and English for sale at the Work The meeting commence at Friends are cordially welcomed.
ciation will also be discussed. 80 pm. Padmore. sharp.
man Printers sharp come.
at p.


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