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PRICE CENTS LENT SOCIETY Cristobal District WESR TINDIAN AMAIC SO CENEYO United Fruit Company Wants Registers Protest 10, 000 Laborers The RENDER PROGRAM IN LAYS CORNERSTONE OF ITS NATIONAL THEATRE FIRST BUILDING Against Tribune Attack on President On Tuesday night last for the first The Jamaica Provident and For Work on Banana Farms in Santa Liine in their history in the Republic Benevolent Society, founded less Sam White.
of Panama, West Indians were giv than three years ago by LenMarta Colombia en the opportunity of staging a Con non, an employee of the Panama The following letters protesting duet of Mr. Sydney Young, pub cert in the National Theate, the na Canal, recovered after sustaining The Jamaica Gleaner of the an editorial published in the Pan. Lisher of the Panama Tribune, in his cional playhouse of the Republic. 1068 of over one thousand dollara od lent authority that the United BY CUBAN IMMIGRATION 6th inst, says it has it on excel JAMAICAN GIRL ASSAULTED ama Tribune of the 14th April, at, attack upon the Association and its The program was held under the its funds duing the first year, and Fruit Company head office in tacking the President of the Pan President, Mr. Whyte.
auspices of the Panama Baptist on Sunday last laid the cornerstones Boston has approached the Coi ama Canal West Indian Employees RESOLUTION Church, the services of the Theatre of a splendid wooden structure near lombian Government for permisOFFICIAL Association has been sent to this of Whereas we have read with much having been recured by Reverend the Calidonia District of this city. sion to send into Santa Marta fice por publication:disgust the diabolical attacks made. Thorbourne, pastor of the The ceremony was most colorful 10, 000 Jamaican labourers.
Matter Taken up in Council Cristobal, upon Mr. Whyte, founder and Church, through the good offices of one, as Colonel Harry Burgess, GovApril 16, 1929. President of the Panama Canal Weston Tomas Gabriel Duque, one of ernor of the Panama Canal, GaOwing to the recent strike by Hon Smith Mr. Whyte, Indian Employees Association, and he Republic most distinguished briel Duque, Secretary of the Trea and unrest in Santa Marta, laPresident, incidentally upon the whole Associa ons who has already risen to the sury of the Republic of Panama and bour there has become very The. Box G, Balboa, Lion, by Mr. Sydney Young in his sighest office of President of his the Honorable Charles Braithwaite sca ce and more is urgently reied a discussion on the estimated in Panama Tribune of Sunday, April cuntry and is now its Secretary of Wallis, His Britannic Majesty Enquired for the carrying on of the legislative Council yesterday in Sir: have the honor to forward here 14th, 1929, and the issue of the prevoy Extraordinary and Minister banana production and handling.
The Colombian Government is West Indians in Cuba. more esperespect to the representation of with copies of resolution duly mov ceeding Sunday, April 6th 1929. And Finance and Treasury.
There was a fairly good response Plenipotentiary to the Republic of Whereas, the members feel stronged, seconded, and unanimously car.
Panama, took active part in the lay considering the proposition. It is cially Jamaicans) by the Immigraried at our meeting of April 15th, ly for the indignity cast upon their rom the West Indian community!
probable that some of the Jaing of the cornerstones.
esteemed President, tien Secretary Mr. Ewen, instant, for your information.
while several Americans and Panmaican labour required will be Members and representatives of BE IT RESOLVED, whose representation he described It is the expressed desire of the amanians attended.
That the Cristobal branch of the all the other colonial organizations taken from Cuba and some of it as being unsatisfactory.
entire membership that this resoluThe program composed of vocal, on the Isthmus, well many from Jamaica.
tion be given wide publicity, that Panama Canal West. Indian Eminstrumental and elocutionary num from other Mr. Smith said that though there friendly and fraternal is to say, that the esolution should ployees Association in meeting asAN APOLOGY might be auch embarrassment over be sent to the Star Herald, Work sembled this 16th day of April 1929, bers by some leading West Indian organizations, also prominent indithe matter, he could not lose sight this city and nearby man and Panamed American for pub so on record in public protest against artists including Mrs. Olga King. viduals of of the fact that this office had been lication. It is requested that you take said attacks by the party herein be leading soprano soloist; Alfonso town attended. The religious part We beg to make an apology to our started at a small figure, but now buchi antepo. e will accomplish this fore named. We repudiate the atverreira, foremost othmian terbaru. To the ceremony was performed by readers and supporters for the nom eney had a Secretary who got 2800 they are malicious cionist. Miss Lydia Holder, outstand. Rev. Wade, Superintendent appearance of the WORKMAN last per annum as falary, 300 for house We desire to vindicate you at this tacks because libelous, and being pianist; little Miss Elvina Lansi of the Wesleyan circuit in Panama.
time as a sincere mark of our appre scandalous, and The building when completed will week owing to mechanical troubles allowance, and 2400 for travelling ciation of yourself and work, and cause our President is not deserving suot, elocutionist; Mrs. Parker. Continued on Page 8)
we desire to take public stand of the false and injurious state soprano soloist; Mr. Collymore, en lo letgntw, wkwkwkwkkkk which occurred in our Linotype.
Orchestral numbers fill a long felt want as far as West against your libel and our enemy. ments made against him, nor of the enor soloist.
Respectfully, opprobrium it is sought to attach to were furnished by the famous Pan Indians are concerned. It will conama Symphony Orchestra.
hie good name. And, tain a large auditorium which it is HERE AND THERE REYNOLD HALL, BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, Fitting introductory remarks were understood will be available for District Secretary made by Mr. Clan McKenzie, a meetings, lectures, high class enterThat this district approves of the (By JUNIUS)
West Indian elocutionist of note. tainments, etc. manner in which the affairs of the Cristobal, In the days of long ago it was the tell a tale with a moral (fable. The proceeds of the concert are to Jamaica Provident and custom of men who give themselves That was not my intention, but realApril 16 1929. Association have been directed by go towards the renovation of the Benevolent Society has member to serious thinking, and who werey can Following is a resolution duly Mr. Whyte, and pledges its conti Panama Baptist Church, it was anship of approximately two thousand regarded as wise in their day and These fables frequently begin with see no harm in trying.
moved, seconded, and uqanimously nued support to the end that he nounced.
five hundred.
ganeration, to tell tales known once upon a time or there was carried at a meeting of the Cristo may be perpetuated in the office of ma www tables. These fables did not recount certain man, or prince, or king bal District of the Panama Canal President as long as he lives.
Moved by: SPARKLETS things that really did happen, but or so such. Well, think shall tell West Indian Employees Association, GEO. PARKER.
they were always so nearly true to about a little mongrel dog. No, beld in the Court Atlantic Lodge (By the general run of human affairs just remember that some years ago Rooms, April 15th, 1929, as a public Seconded by: Much CHARLES SKINNER.
protest against the unseemly conwater passed under the know the correct interpretation of that they served to help man in his tale was told about him how he ananas since we last met, gentle that dependent phrase, call a spade dealings with his brother. They were had got into the habit of barking NEW INDUSTRY BUS DRIVERS RETURNED reader. In the sirst place one ap spade. you will not be longinuot of the fairy tales class, as Jack at a bull dog, until one day he got TO WORK ON THURSDAY parently insignificant part of the appreciating the correctness of our the Giant killer. and such stutt inbit too near the bull, when the LAST several hundred which go to make statement that the few who boast tended merely to amuse children and bull grabbed him over the neck, marked feature in the industrial life of Panama was the opening of up linotype machine went on the that they always cal upade by arouse their enthusiasm for reading: gave him couple of shakee, then its correct name so IN FACT only but were such well pointed ories wat down to watch him do one or rudoly After a short periods of idleness, Dink and so the new Orange Crush Factory on interrupted when their own interest are NOT atas Mercury and the Woodman. two little things around the spot, Thursday afternoon last. This new the bus drivers of this city returned hings that this classic column was plant located on Avenue Peru in the to work on Thursday last 18th inst. unable to emit its sparks last Satur atake. You are at perfect liberty to which pictured the danger in lieing before allowing him to go. And at challenge this statement.
and deception, The stone that Re ter that the mongrel went like a bat Exposition Grounds, is a most im being tired of the complex situation day. volume of great velocity To go back to Russia: We find bounded and the Echo. which out of 2, crying, hie hiel bio biel posing structure neat clean, end up in which they found themselves.
which started and is still continuing lost that country representatives point the moral that three is danger nie bie! That story is ok too. Then The new conditions which the to date in its sanitary equipment.
to ebb and flow abnormally was the have been telling the arms redue in throwing out bad things at others, there is another about a fellow who Advantage taken of Government had laid down for them editor of the Panama Tribune tich conference that the best way to as these bad things generally come had built a house for the protection numerous invitations extended to in to follow seemed hard and imposshot at the President of the Panguarnetee Peace is to the back to the thrower. One of these of himself and friends, and a cerdividuals and firms as well as the sible, but they eventually arrived at ama Canal West Indian Employees pcrful and deadly instruments of tellers of tables known as tain other fellow tried to advice the open invitation to the general pub the conclusion that they would not Association, This was local mat war. or, if the rutentica of some is Aesop. It is said he was an African. cnds that were being protected in but continue to ply lie. From o clock in the afternoon remain idle, ter. As foreign, among other things, insisted upon, eut down drastically of this have no doubt, because this house from the sheer foreuntil neven at night large crowds play their vocation until a more Although am an African myself and am proud thought of the builder of the house, were seen wending their way to the reasonable understanding is arrived representatives of Russia were makes their present power.
ing embarrassing suggestions to the the Russians agat to have konwn of noted a forebear, and because it that they should take over the at.
new factory and all seemed to have dignified arms limitation conference that the only way to rob man of his is characteistic of the African to be management of the house from him enjoyed the hospitality of the genial Aa a meeting recently held at the over in Geneva. With regard to the inherent fighting propensities is to very witty when blessed with wit. tor he is preventing other friends manager, Mr. Nick Polychrome hall of the Chauffeurs local question, we could knock the kill him putright, nevertheless, we be Aesop, through his fables. has come from coming under the roof. Well and his able staff of assistants who Union on Wednesday night last, the Tribune little attack for a row of lieve that up to now Russian dele down to our own times with increas but must not continue, for were the essence of accommodation men were one hundred per cent for pins and take possession of the gates to the arms reduction confered regard as wise man, and it seem to hear you saying, That ain to their many guests.
the continuation of stoppage, even situation in the name of the Asso ences have displayed the mi pet sinwould appear it would do the aver. no tale brother, that is a real somethat the new rejecting the concessions which the ciation with effort on our part in care inclination to help minimize age Negro world of good if he thing going on. Well, then, give plant and equipment has been erect Government Representatives of proportion to that exerted by Gul the chances of war. Rubia has con would possess himselt of copy of up: old Aesop has got it on me, ed at a cost of 100, 000 and has a fered at a meeting held at the Pre liver in penetrating the miniature sistently held that the world streat Aesop Fablen. read, digest, and aess he has covered the whole field afternoon, daily capacity of 18. 000 dozen bot sident office the same bows and arrows of the natives of est powers should not any longa en put them into practice. They are as of worthwhile fables, and we need sles of Orange Crush.
but, a second consideration compelled liput. But as we are not yet gra courage suicidal tendencies as the good as The Proverbs of Solomon no new oned, them to make another decision.
We hndertsand that this duates of the class that like to ad time has come when swords should and the parables of Christ, that are beverage which Wesampled with conference which comprised of vance the bunk that as a rule they be converted into ploughshare. ut to be found in the Christian Holy Night or Blucher he says satisfaction will be put on the mar. the strikers representatives was held call spade a spado. we fear we while some of would view the Bible (our biblo. mean Mr. LABORER in his last ket at a price unheard of before in last night and it is hoped that after all would most likely be misconstrued Russian suggestion to be the nea: poke at the Editor of a sort. Here Panama for soft drinks of the qual matters in connection with the situa at this time; hence we are awaiting est approach to sincerity in stelvide By this time suppose someone Laborer extends hearty welcome ity (Continued on Page 8) a more convenient occasion. If you (Continopd o Page is thinking that also am about to (Continued on Page 8)
bridge WAS the serer WAS new


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