
NEWS FROM THE WEST INDIAN ISLANDS JAMAICA BARBADOS a TRINIDAD State Agricultural Bank In Colony Vestris Hero Comes To Have falking NEW MAGAZINE FOR PUBLIC WORKS home The Trinidad Guardian, of the cords show preponderating pro was decided to appoint a receiver.
Movies Soon 9th inst, says editorially: portion of the business in the past An encouraging feature of the The Jamaica Mail of the 30th ulto.
Lionel Licorish Arrives After a little over four years to have been confined to estates un past year was the realisation of a states that the new Public Works working the Agricultural Bank of der 50 acres in extent which could profit of 1, 198, after payment to Alterations Being Made to Yesterday morning, by the Trinidad and Tobago, established by not furnish security for any con the Treasury of the substantial sum Theatre Building Department magazine for explosives Vandyck Lionel Licorish the hero of which has been in course of erection the ill fated Vestris arrived home in the Government in 1924 for the siderable amount. An important of 7, 326, representing interest at since January 13 at Rockfort, is Barbados.
purpose of fostering and ecouraging purpose of the bank tis true, is to per cent on the amount advanced The Gleaner is in a position to an well on its way to completion, and Since that terrible day last Novagriculture in the colony and of aid assist the agriculturist of small re pending the flotation of a loan tonounce that within a very short is expected to be ready in a few ember when the Vestris went down ing in the development, maintenance sources who finds himself in dif finance the bank. This profit was time the talking pictures will be in days time. The roof and walls are and when the diminutive Barbadian and improvement of agricultural ficulties to carry on and eventually greater by 1389 than that of 1927 troduced in Jamaica at the Movies of reinforced concrete, the roof be Quartermaster saved twenty souls ande, finds itself in a most satis by hard work and thrift to rach a when the interest due to the Trea Theatre, thanks to the enterprise of ing coated with Bermudas asphalt from a watery death Licorish has factory position; and the report for position of security; but it was not sury was somewhat less, and the re the Palace Saenger Company and mixed with sand. Previous to the been feted and acclaimed all over 1928 indicates that not only that the desirable that the functions of the sult is the more notable since, as we those who look after their interests commencement of building opera America as one of the worlds outusefulness of the institution during bank should have been one sided and have already indicated, it enabled here.
tions, 400 cubic yards excavation standing heroes. The highest in the the twelve months ended last Decem it is to be hoped that the tendency the outstanding deficit to be extinFrom what a representative of the had to be carried out. Mr. and turned out to accord Licorisha ber was maintained and in some di noted in 1928 will continue, so that guished and a useful balance to be Gleaner was able to gather yester Gold, Superintendent of the Publie civie welcome by the State of New rections increased, but that a profit not only the owner of small proper brought forward to 1929 on the day, the necessary machinery have works Department is in charge, and York; he received similar marks of was made sufficient to wipe out the ties but the larger landed pro credit side. References are made in aiready arrived in the island and the contract is in hands of Mr. distinction in Boston and Philadelprevious unfavourable balance and prjetor who is financially embarras the report to the exceedingly help the company are only awaiting the McFarlane Murray, phia to say nothing of the innumerleave a small sum to be carried for sed may benefit. The advances made ful part played by officers of the arrival of two electricians who will able private receptions held in his ward on the right side. Of outstand ngainst crops during 1928 fell off, Department of Agriculture in in. do the necessary installation. These honor wherever he travelled.
ing importance in the history of the however, as compared with the pre specting properties for the bank gentlemen ought to be here within It has been suggested that he bank during the past year was the ceeding year, indicating that cur and advising their owners on the the next few days, and as soon as INVITATION EXTEND should receive Congressional raising of the limit of loans which iainment of activity in this direc methods of cultivation. In the major they arrive the work will commence. ED TO CANADIANS medal and one of the members has can be made to a borrower on a sin tion might have been expected to ity of cases the advice given by The alterations to the Movies gle property from 3, 125 to 5, 208 continue but for the reduction of these officers have been adopted, Theatre for the new departure is The Cleaner of the 6th instant brought the matter to the attention and the amendment of the the high incidental charges which but where subsequent reports have progressing, and will develop fur says that the Jamaica Chamber of the American Government, but so far nothing has been done.
Bank Ordinance making it easier ruled up to late in the year. The revealed a failure to carry out their ther as soon as the electricians ar Commerce have sent a cablegram to But if that signal mark of honour and cheaper to obtain temporary ad Act passed last November does away recommendations the owners have rive, as on them depend certain Montreal inviting the officials and has been denied him, he has been vances. It was anticipated that both with the need for executing mort been required to appear before the things which may or may not be re party of the Canadian National of these changes would increase the gage and provides instead that a Board. This work may be regarded quired. Steamships who are making the trip recompensed in the unstinted adulnusefulness of the bank, in the first note shall be sent to the Registrar as an increasingly important means It is also learnt that in view of on the Lady Somers, the first of the tion of all classes and colours of Americans. The Theatres were quick case by making it of service to furnishing particulars of the addi of improving the standard of agri the enormous cost of the machinery new treaty ships which is due here larger estates which hitherto had tional charge on the property which cultural practice in the colony, as and the necessary paraphernalia on the 22nd instant, to luncheon to seize him, and his appearance on not figured prominently in its an the temporary advance represents; steps can be taken to ensure that concerned in the equipment of the ai the Myrtle Bank Hotel. It is unthe stage in the big cities was alnual returns, and in the second by and, when the money is repaid, the the advice given by the Department Movies Theatre, the other two pic derstood that amongst ways the signal for thunderous apthose who attracting a greater number of bank must send the receipt to the is followed; and the facilities offer ture theatres, namely, the Palace will be coming to Jamaica are Sir plause. That nothing should be wantagriculturists desirous of obtaining Registrar whose duty it shall be to ed by the bank combined with the and Gaiety, will not be included, at licnry Thornton, President of the ing the Gramaphone Industry secured his voice on the records.
short term loans against their crops, write the word cancelled on the influence of these methods must any rate for the present. Canadian National Steamships; ColLicorish we understand improved who before had been discouraged by charge appearing in his records play a part of no small value in the The introduction of the talking unel Brown, an official of the Com his shining hour, and it is believed the high charges involved in such which will then be extinguished. Un economic rehabilitation and stabil pictures in Jamaica will certainly be pray, and Mr. Ross, Presithat he is beyond the necessity of transactions. Although these im der the old system it was found that isation.
a step in advance, and for this the dent of the Canadian Chambers of going to sea again. We offer him portant innovations were introduced as much as 82 per cent of the management of the Palace Saenger Commerce.
our most hearty welcome today and near the end of 1928 and it was not amount advanced was paid by the Co. are to be congratulated.
Arrangements are being made to express our most hearty hwddy considered likely that in the short borrower in legal fees, and as a re Move In Trinidad For make the function as large and re express our gratification that yet period of their operation in that year salt comparatively few applications presentative as possible and as soon another Barbadian has added to the any material results would have been for advances were received; but it Self Gɔvt.
ly to be present on this occasion it as a reply has been received from fame of our island home.
secured, the figures given with the may be anticipated that during the will be impossible to send out any Montreal, the Jamaica Chamber of report now published may be inter present year with the simplified The Labour Leader of Trinidad special invitations, but all interested Commerce will issue invitations.
preted as showing a tendency of pro procedure, this class of business will publishes the following. are cordially invited.
Chief Medical Officer prietors to take advantage already greatly increase. It is satisfactory of the new privilege of obtaining that the number of cases in which next Capt. Cipriani will place be mous in the idea that self governOn Saturday the 20th of April The local Labour Party is unanilarger loans on mortgage.
postponement was fought of the fore his constituents at The Barbados Legislature has Although the total number of loan date for repayment of these shorta public ment is the only antidote for the meeting to be held in the Princess Colony ills and feel satisfied that agreed to the appointment (as a applications granted was smaller term advances during 1928 was Joseph Mason than in the preceding year, the sum fewer than before and the repayBuilding the case for Self Govern representation made by means of a Mattresses Parnished temporary measure) of Dr.
authorised to be advanced showed a ment of interest and installments on ment for Trinidad.
monster petition to the Secretary of and Repaired Rice, to act as Chief Medconsiderable increase, being ap mortgage loans was in general afThere will no charge for entrance siate for the Colonies will bring ical Officer of the island at a salary proximately 28, 771 compared with foeted with commendable regularity to the Building and the entire com this great deesideratum. We make Good Service Guaranteed of 1, 000 for one year, and cost of 17, 750 in 1927; and the fact that only one foreclosure as in the pre munity is invited to listen to the in no mistake on the score that the passage from England to Barbados.
heavier sums were provided in in vious year being necessary, although teresting subject which will be dealt move for self government will be Dr. Rice has held the post of Direc21st Street Guachepali dividual cases must be welcomed in two instances where the cultiva with in its different phases. Owing bitterly opposed by the employing tor of Medical Services in Nigeria, Boune No 10.
when it is remembered that the re Ition was not properly maintained it to the large attendance that is like class and official Trinidad; but we as well as those of Principal Medare equally certain that it will have ical Officer in the Gold Coast and the staunch and loyal support of the Sierra Leone, and Senior Sanitary great majority of the inhabitants of Officer in the Gold Coast. He holds he Colony.
BERNARD ANDERSON the diploma of Public Health with This is one of the occasions on honours.
Gramaphone Repairer which weight of numbers will tell HOUSE 980 LA BOCA. Continued on Page 3)
and this is the lever which we feel sure the inhabitants of Trinidad CANAL ZONE The sensible man saves consistently. Though and Tobago will place in our hands Efficient Workmanship Guaranteed Rent Receipt Books in Spanish to enable us to bring peace and conand English for sale at the his deposits may be small, his is the satisfactentment to the thousands who call Workman Printery.
tion of knowing that he has a constantly growthis beautiful island their home.
a Trinidad is every square inch the ing fund to rely on in days to come. Savings most wealthy, prosperous and flourAccount in this Bank works for you. Interest at ishing part of the Empire and it is NOTICE for its people to see to it that they per annum is paid twice a year and added do not allow all its wealth to slip through their own fingers into the DO YOU WANT NEW STUDEBAKER OR FORD?
to the money you already deposit.
sockets of British and foreign speSMOKE LUCKY STRIKE ulators is now the case.
SEE MR. NASH JAVILLO FILL NO. PABLO AROSEMENA We say without fear of contradiction that the Colony is able to run AVENUE FOR PULL PARTICULARS Start saving now. Open an account with this and control ita own business and administer its own governent withBank which, together with its predecessor, The out help from European or other sources. The reign of the European exile has been already all too long fully served its West Indian friends on the and has proved to be of little no value to the Colony and its peoIsthmus for a quarter of a century.
ple, and the time has come to make PHYSICIAN one big effort to shake ourselves free from this form of domination HAS REMOVED HIS OFFICE TO and receive for Trinidad a governNo. K STREET PANAMA ment on similar lines to those preCOLON vailing in Canada, Australia, South PANAMA CITY Africa and New Zealand.
START ON THE ROAD TO INDEPENDENCE have on International Banking Corporation, has faithDr. Fairweather or THE NATIONAL CITY BANK OF NEW YORK


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