
Noxious Weeds THE WORKMAN The Royal Bank of Canada of (By ELIJAH HUNTER) thing that is noxious is injuriPublished on Saturday by WALROND, at the office No 72 ous, that is to say it damages, does injury to, wrongs, and violates. CARLOS MENDOZA Street No. 72, Panama, INCORPORATED 1869 weed is a useless plant generally of Box 74, Panama Box 1102, Ancon small growth or figuratively, any.
We do not undertake to return rejected correspondence.
Head Office: Montreal, Canada thing which has a purely harmful existence, like weeds among flower The Liberty of the Press is the Palladium of our rights JUNIUS plants in a garden. These, if allowCOLON ed to take root and grow will have PANAMA THE WORKMAN SATURDAY, APRIL 20, 1929.
the effect of sapping the vitality of Santa Ana Plaza Corner Ilth and Bolivar Streets the flower plant, and produce a weakened growth. The yield of roses Vision or the Ability to See will then be diminished, and their abundance lacking.
Vision or the ability to see depends upon two ele Total Assets in Excess of 925. 000. 000. 00 As with the flower plant in the ments werking together, namely, an instrument or orbotanical world, so with persons in gan (the eye) and light. Whenever there is any dethe social and industrial world.
ficiency or derect in either vision is impaired, and the When we come to consider this prototal absence of one constitutes blindness. Blindness With 900 Branches throughout the world, including cess, we are at once confronted with is a condition easily recognizable by au. No one with his senses and faculties working normally would be the following in the British West Indies etc. this Bank the facts as they are presented in a most natural way. In business, the inclined to lead the blind by means of a torch, or by is in a position to render the best possible service.
successful business man will tell us placing even a cluster or arc iignts about him. Anythat his succes was due to the abone seen attempting such a thing might reasonably be sence of noxious weeds such as imregarded as either out of his mind, or is himself Antigua Dominica Montserrat perfect organization of business blind.
Bahamas Grenada St. Kitts units, faulty routine, leakage from Aside from blindness and what may be properly designated as defective vision, vision is frequently imloss due to dishonesty of carelessBarbados Jamaica (2)
St. Lucia ness, Incivility to patrons and the perfect, even when the two elements may be working British Honduras Trinidad (2)
Martinique like. In society, the noxious weeds of harmoniously with the highest efficiency a sound British Guiana (2)
ignorance (lack of knowledge. eneye in clear well adjusted light. All normal eyes do Guadaloupe (2)
mity, spite, virulence, priggery, hy.
not possess the same range. Each has its own horizon poerisy, deception, fraud, swindle. taking that term in its commonly accepted sense as and allied noxious weeds if permitthe point where the earth and sky seem to meet. For ted to exist, will have the same eftechnical observation and scientific purposes man has THE HIGHEST CURRENT RATES OF INTEREST fect as is mentioned before. There is come to rely upon mechanical aids to the best organs no lack of evidence towards this of vision. Here we get the miscroscope for enlarging PAID ON DEPOSITS truth. From time immemorial, 30very small objects to make them visible, and the clety has suffered because of the telescope for bringing distant objects near to view.
growth of these noxious weeds. SoPurely defective vision may due to organic General Banking Business Transacted.
eiely growth has been stultitied disease or mal adjustment of the parts of the organ.
and its atmosphere poluted by the In each case a different kind of treatment is indicatputrefying venom which these weeds ed: the oculist may have to be consulted to treat with produced, and today, our society medicine, or the Optician to help re adjust the parts stands famished and diseased.
and to supply lenses for the better refraction of light.
SC SESSO 20 LOS The attitude, however, should not Defective vision is varied. Some eyes can see better be taken that this disease is incur far than near; others better near than far. Some beJable. It is very true that these come feeble in strong light (all are enfeebled by poor noxious weeds have taken such hold light. Whatever the defect, however, modern science on some members of society that it been insistent upon finding a corrective.
is well nigh futile to try to uproot We have gone to the trouble to discuss physical them. These persons have to be givvision as we have, in order to better direct attention en over as hopeless cases in the to intellectual vision, which is more subtle. It is adsame manner as the physician gives mittedly more difficult to see with the mind than with over those unfortunates who are af the body, and this naturally raises the degree of imflicted with cancer. In both cases, portance of mental vision. Again, if it is true that the Nature alone can suffice to do the best physical vision is imperfect; that all physical vipurging. Nevertheless, society must sion are not alike in range or capacity, and so forth; be purged of all that is noxious. The and that it is necessary for technical observation and weeds that prevent its vigorous scientific purposes, that even the best physical vision growth must be uprooted. Men must should be helped, and that there are aids and corbe men, not merely males, and worectives to the various forms of defective physical vimen must climb to the heights of sion; it goes without question that all of these truths the dignity there is in womanhood.
are alike (if not even moreso) applicable to mental Ignorance, the arch enemy of man.
Now, the point that we are leading up to is that of kind must be rooted out of the popvision.
ulation, and in its place must be Sociology, and particularly that section of it dealing sown the seeds of knowledge. So, and with the division of labor, distribution of wealth, and so only will the people have light the education of the masses, and we shall now be without which they must stumble satisfied to make certain quotations which we hope about with eyes that see not, and will assist materially the vision of some of our readers.
ears from which they do not hear. Skill is acquired only by persistent and painful As in the garden the gardener application; the habits fitting men for productive enmust root up the noxious weeds, and terprises are the slow product of years; but when a in industry the business man and race has become industrial, these aptitudes, qualities, hia associates must organise to and inclinations are transmitted from generation to make a success of the business, so generation, as a permanent possesion of the race.
in society must the enlightened memWhat the fathers did with effort the sons do naturalbers thereof destroy those weeds ly, and their capacity is transmitted in a more perfect wherever they show up.
This is a form to their successors. The skill and knowledge diftieult task. It is fraught with earned by ancestors come to children in pleasing many dangers, but especially the forms. Theory of Prosperity, page 19 20, Patten. new labor level raises all workmen, just as a new 72 Carlos Mendoza Street danger of becoming unpopular with the very persons it is sought to en kind of agriculture leads to the improvement of all lighten. For all this notwithstandland. The best workmen and the best land set the pace and corner Javillo ing, one should not be afraid, for for all men and land. It is not the man most easily says the wise man, where ignordispensed with, but he who is least easily dispensed OPPOSITE GUARDIA LUMBER YARD ance is bliss, tis folly to be wise.
with, that fixes the rate of wages. page 146 147, Also, tis better to be alone than supra. PANAMA CITY in bad company. therefore, it is Group activity, a feeling of unity, and a communour duty to contribute to the makity of interests add quite as much to efficiency of 30 Jing of our society.
labor as do favorable conditions. Cooperation is not an garden bright with sinuous rills, objective relation, but a cohesive instinct which will Where blossoms many insense bearnot be formed without some flow of income raising the ing tree; condition of the group above the bare minimum of ed the way in the early years of the century. All PANAMA WESLEYAN E Where forests ancient as the hills, ACTIVITIES existence. group with steadily lowering wages will of these failed. page 214, Labor Copartnership, Infolds great funny spots of greennot hold together. page 218, supra. Lloyd. and they failed. page 215, supra. ery. It is not a mushroom growth. but a long, his The experiments in self governing workshops, too, toric evolution, whfch has brought England to the failed all of them. page 216, supra. Each of these The weekly Christian Endeavour COLERIDGE.
point where it can offer the inspiring spectacles of three waves of failure brought its gift of needed les Program of the Society which took labor copartnership. The oldest of the living co opera duction has sprung labor copartnership, which has night last consisted of two papers, by the Misses and McMillan.
sons. so out of these failures of cooperative pro place in Geddes Hall on Wednesday tive societies that of Govan Old Victualling in Scot achieved the successes chronicled in these pages. one on George Whitfield by Miss land was started in 1777. For nearly a hundred years The Rev. Wade presided the working people of Great Britain have been strug. page 217, supra. Anita Swaby and the other on John as Chairman and carried through in gling towards this goal of self employment and self When a great thing is done, there are always to Wesley by Mr. Dottin, a recite his usual style bringing the meeting government in industry, to which Robert Owen open be found behind it great men. page 217, supra. tion by Miss Alice King, and a duet to a close at an early hour.
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