p. 8


WE OFFER EXCELLENT PRICES FOR AND Job Printing Book. Binding Rubber Stamps The Workman Printery 72 Sparklets Carlos Mendoza Street CORNER JAVILLO Opposite Guardia Lumber Yard Jamaican Girl British Guiana (Continued from Page 7)
Coutuued Irow page making a Wal OL 00u. lau aquea In word, public sentiment is not that was the sum of sw or onrepresented in the federal council.
Tive allowance, Citri, rent etc. He did not know what toe rentas was, TO REPORT ON SHIPaur what was paiu cor the cerk and PING FACILITIES Giber things, but he was under the impression that the office was kept Mr. Keikwin, Inst. E in the same bunicing as the ConM Struct. E, recently arrived at sulate. There could be 10 British Guians from England to about it, that there was not quite make AB examination of the that satisfaction cor the amount Georgetown harbour and report on that was being expended. There had existing conditions for the general been lots of computats compiants aprovement of shipping facilities.
coming from Cuba, trom men who Mr Keigkin has had 80 years exhappened to have needed protection perience in barbour works. He was tnere. Not so long ago, they bad engaged on the Admiralty harbour curtain deportations there; the matworks, Dover; the construction of ver was taken up with the Governthe North Type pier; the Singapore went and there was some sort of barbour works; and wharf construcdealing so far as he knew. Reports tion work at Hong Kong and Shang.
were got by him and he was in corhai for the Blue Funnel Shipping rapondence with the Government.
Co. He is expected to remain in the He would relate an occurrence which colony for about two months.
he did not know the Government was aware of; it was a matter that zequired very serious consideration and ferretting out. He would refer to it as vaguely as possible. He was (Continued from page 1)
credibly informed and the information was not told, that somewhere in AT for peace, we cannot overlook the fact that the result of a too drastie March 1926, a girl of 14 years of reduction of armaments would proage, named Vera Dussard, arrived at mote another acute condition which Santiago de Cuba from Kingston.
our best men would have to gain She was on her way to her sister tackle: The Malthusian law of the who lived at Cayomambi. The girl arrived at Santiago in March and pressure of population upon subwas detained by the Immigration xistence would be brought into full more play, as there would be no Department as being under age.
He was informed that the girl beperiodicalslaughter of thousands and tens of thousands of human befell the victim of an outrageous assault by an official of that departings, which some look forward to us ment. Three days after, she was reordinary course of nature to help leased although the period of detenkeep the world population at a tig.
ure where it will at all times be tion was fifteen days by law. Certain steps were taken by people guaranteed subsistence, if nothing mon whose names he could give to the Government as he (Mr. Smith) had written instructions. The girl was COLONIAL SOCIETIES IN taken to a doctor who told her CITY OF COLON CIRsomething, and the certificae was CULARIZED tom up. Another doctor pronounced.
That Her Condition was Serious Following the public announceand he (Mr. Smith) understood that ment in the press inviting the Colosomething unfortunate had happen WEEKLY RELIGIOUS SER.
nial Societies in this city to depute ed to her. telegram was dispatch VICES BY KINGSTON DIVIHere and There CHURCH SERVCES three members eacho attend the ed to the Minister at Havana. The meeting which will be convened on SION, official was prosecuted and was put (Continued from Page WESLEYAN METHODIST St. Simon Mission, Gambon the 25th April 1929 at the Silver in prison for fourteen years, eight CHURCH Matins and address, 11 a. Mr. Clubhouse, Cristobal, Canal Zone. By GREELY)
to Bro. Wilson, and pays. months and some days. few McCarthy, Lay Reader. The Central Board representaThe Panama Branch of the King well deserved tribute to Bro. Wilson months later, the girl was taken to ston Division of the A. and choice Church School, 30 British Confeence)
tive on this side, Ma Jos. Innoof language, depth and MULCARE, cont, has circularized the various Santiago and after certain threats as was announced, held its cogency of thought, and courage of THIRD SUNDAY AFTER EASTER Wesley Church, Panama City Priest in Charge. Societies concerned and, it is hoped and inducements of 300 it was weekly religious service in the hall expression. Day by day am being Saturday at 30 that omst of them will be present.
greed that she should marry him in crder that he could be released. The of the Private Academy, Calidonia borne out that Isthmian Echoes Circuit Quarterly Meeting. CHRISTIAN MISSION OF Mr. John Nevenson, Manager of on Sunday last at p. In addi does not have the writings of the matter was taken to the Secretary tion to the wual members quite a real men that it is not representaSunday, 11 and 80. Rev.
PANAMA the Republic Store, has been displayof Immigration: 300 was to be paid sew visitors were present. The Act tive of our best in literature. Au Cousins, ing marked interest in the mqueif the marriage took place under the Trinity Church, Colon Panama 11 a. Brown. ment; it is also to be noted that Mr.
ing Chairman, Dr. Barton, preached these boys seem to be afraid of circumstances; and all that was 30 Springer.
Sunday. 11 and 16. Rev.
Rollox and, Mr. Gittens will be prethe sermon. His theme was The Laborer; but that is not to be wonwith the the knewlodge of the Secre unjust Steward. The members were dered at, there is always a differWade.
Chorrillo 11 a. Brewster. sent to lend such aid in the name La Boca, Canal Zone tary of Immigration. 30 Moseley, of Trinidad. This conference to call not a little edified by his animated ence of this kind between a man Now sir, continued Mr. Smith it La Boca 11. Padmore.
Saturday. Quarterly Meeting in all the people to bring about our and a boy. By the way, Night or discourse. 30 Padmore.
Unification as a people, is well ena! that was true, indeed it was a The programme included recitaBlucher was uttered at the battle Panama.
dorsed; Parais 11 a. Taylor, much interest is being Sunday. 11. Mr. Kinnieserious matter. The Government tiens by the juniors, these were well of Waterloo, in which the young 30 Taylor.
shown by many individuals to see must have seen in the newspaper received. Mr. I. Myers, one of our and haughty Napoleon Buonaparte 30 Mr. Frank Reed.
Gatun 11 Elder Burke. this much desired convention of the a letter in which reference was visitors, made some vey encouraging manently get aside from pestering defeated and perwas ultimately New Providence 30 Elder Burke.
West Indians through the various zande to it. That must have been remarks, he strongly impressed upon the older and doughty 11. Mr. Johnson.
Colon 11 a. Miller.
the organizations operating in Arthur read somewhere in March 1928 in the members the support of the Wellesley, Duke of Wellington. Is Paraiso Republic 30 Neblett.
The Central Board has underthe Gleaner newspaper. He had great movement of Garveyism, history about to repat itself?
Saturday. Quarterly Meeting in which embraces, within its ample taken a stupendous task which will Panama.
SALVATION ARMY endeavoured to keep out as much as justify their possible. It all that was true, could the economic and spiritual life of fold, not only the political, but also 223 AND 146 AMERICAN AND existence and, the Sunday. Mr. Headley at 11.
Mr. Theo. Fuller at 80.
community in general must help Sunday Morning: BRITISH SHIPS, RESPECTthey say they have been served pro the people.
the movement to make it a succese.
Knee Drill perly, it the Secretary of ImmigraIVELY, USED PANAMA Sunday School, in connection St. Peter By The Sea, La Boca Directory 10.
tion knew of the fact that the man with the Branch, saw its beginning CANAL IN MARCH IEAVY FINES IMPOSED FOR Holy Communion, am The Holiners Meeting 11 a.
was married in order to be released. last Sunday, quite a few children SELLING MOONSHINE Rector.
Sunday School p.
of five hundred and thirty six (To be continued)
LIQUOR IN THE turned out. It will be continued from Monday, Junior Meeting p.
Holy Baptism, 80 a.
week to week at p.
ships which used the Panama Canal in Tuesday, Band Practice p.
INTERIOR WOMAN, ADOPTED BY Matins, address, 11 a. Mr.
March of this year two hundred and Our weekly religious service will Soldiers Counsels pm APES, SHOT IN TREE te held on Sunday the 21st at p. one hundred and forty six British Church School. 30 twenty three were American and Palmer, Lay Reader.
Wednesday, Corps Codet Class In accordance with an executive BY HUNTER The public is invited.
resolution issued by the Treasury The former carried 1, 228, 760 tons Choral Evensong and sermon, 80 Holiness Meeting p.
department of Panama, three 000 BERLIN, March 27. remarkof cargo and paid 1, 034, 867. 17 in The Rector.
Thursday, Praise Meeting p. lines or imprisonment was imposed ahle story of a native woman, apBUS DRIVERS tolls, while the latter carried 755, 058 last Wednesday on Mateo, CandelaJ. MULCARE, Friday, Band Practice p.
parently raised among apes from tons and paid 710, 838. 11 in tolls.
rio Almanza and Bernardino GonzaSaturday, Open Air at 80 Rector.
childhood, is told in the report of (Continued from Page 1)
Ships of other nationalities were: Adjutant NORBERG.
les (residents of the interior) for the agent of the German firm of tion have been explained, a favorable German 35; Norwegian 33, Japanese manufacturing and selling moonKristeller, which has plantations in 17, Swedish 17, Colombian 12, Dutch St. Bartholomew Church, CHAPTER 14 A. shine liquor during the early part of decision has been arrived at and 12, Greek 7, Italian 7, French 6, the Kameruns.
Las Cascadas the year in the Province of VeraAn elephant hunter saw a group traffic regulations will again be Danish, Danzig Panaman and Peru Matins, Holy Communion and ser The usual mass meeting of the guas.
of apes in some trees and shot one. normal and satisfactory.
vian each, Yugoslav and Chilean mon, 10. 45 a. Rev. Mulcare. Jabove named Chapter will take place An appeal to reduce the fines was the report runs. He found to his total of 2, 748, 768 tons of cargo Church School and Confirmation at their hall on Sunday next at nade, but the offenders being unstonishment that it was a negro wo Rent Receipt Books in Spanish were carried by all the vessels and lass, 30 when a musical program will able to produce sufficient evidence, man completely nude, and without and English for sale at the Work the total tolle paid by them amountJ. MULCARE, be rendered by the Choir and other the court found it necessary to conthe customary tattoo mark.
man Printery.
ed to 2, 843, 865. 56.
Priest in Charge. members.
firm the original sentence.


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